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Star Wars the old Republic is simply not ready for prime time.


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Yes, Skyrim has a lot of bugs (all Bethesda games have a lot of bugs), but it's just a one time fee of 60 dollars, and that's worth it to a lot of people


An MMO is held to a higher standard, since we pay 15 dollars a month for it


And what standard is that excactly?? All i see on these boards are people(not a lot thankfully) whining and moaning while they compare this product to a game that has been out for like 10 freaking years or so....

And yeah all freaking Betheda games are a bugged out pieces of ****, who only have good graphic going for them at launch... Not sure when excactly it got acceptable to release alphas/betas at best, just because u could put morrowind in the game title, and well to compare Kor to that piece of bugged garbage is beyond laughable...


I mean comeon name me ONE mmorpg who was even close to be half as polished as the Old republic have been when it launched?? Come on just one?

Fact fo the matter is, that this game have had the most smooth and well polished launch ever for a mmorpg, personaly i have played this game for like 3 days(3*24 hours) and with 3 different toons, and only expirenced one major bug so fare, and that was easy solved by simply resetting the quest i was on...


@To the BH dude

If there is indeed a game breaking bug, in the BH class quest, thats a shame but yeah fixing slicing was and should be a much higher prioty than that... That skill was stupidly OP and if they hadnt fixed it know the game would have suffered from it in the years to come..

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Everyone who whines incessantly for weeks at a time? Yes.


Don't like something? Don't do it. You are not being forced to play this game. This game is not vital to your existence. Not playing it is a much more reasonable and adult solution than whining about it incessantly or being nothing but a sarcastic child to the people who enjoy the game.


Wouldn't "whining" be the samething you are doing except you are doing it in hopes someone cares what you have to say?

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If you think the game has any problems, and agree that it has, then write down a list now so we can see you actually know what you are talking about or just spewing words to make your self look "good".


First of all, the galaxy map bug when you're in a party.(This is being fixed. Read the test realm patch notes.)

Abilities sometimes not working when I go under cover on my sniper, so I have to break cover and use it again.

Ability activation and animation lag.

Sith corruption toggling back on every time I zone. (Also being fixed)

Sometimes when I send my companion out to do a job, they get stuck and I cannot dismiss them which means I can't use another companion to go level. (Also being fixed)


Spewing words? If you seriously think I think this game is perfect... Then. Well. I can't say what I want to say because the post will be removed and I'll get another infraction.

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Wouldn't "whining" be the samething you are doing except you are doing it in hopes someone cares what you have to say?


Uh. No? I don't give a single iota if people care what I have to say or not. Especially strangers over the internet.


Whining is different than trying to be a reasonable, patient human being.

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Well, it is improbable to create a bug free game because of the complexity of said software, and SWTOR had the smoothest MMO launch ever(few bugs, no or few crashes). Bugs? yea I saw a few, most of them are harmless graphical bugs, the only anoying bug I had is a phantom crewskill.



People that are complaining for no reason imo.


Hell the only thing I could complain about is the fact that this game requires to be run in administrator mode...

Edited by Ceridan
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Uh. No? I don't give a single iota if people care what I have to say or not. Especially strangers over the internet.


Whining is different than trying to be a reasonable, patient human being.


Judging by your constant argumentive post responding to other users...


...you don't seem much like a reasonable, patient human being.


More like one of those other users who can't stand anyones opinion but call everyone else a ...


Oh.. ok.

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Judging by your constant argumentive post responding to other users...


...you don't seem much like a reasonable, patient human being.


More like one of those other users who can't stand anyones opinion but call everyone else a ...


Oh.. ok.


And you have been doing something other than being sarcastic and not really stating any form of opinion OTHER than sarcasm?


You really have zero room to comment on what I've been saying here.


I take their opinions with a grain of salt. Because really? When it comes to video games? The only opinion that matters is mine.


Now I imagine someone will take that out of context and someone will be sarcastic about it. Have at 'er!

Edited by Vaegaknight
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I mean comeon name me ONE mmorpg who was even close to be half as polished as the Old republic have been when it launched?? Come on just one?

Fact fo the matter is, that this game have had the most smooth and well polished launch ever for a mmorpg, personaly i have played this game for like 3 days(3*24 hours) and with 3 different toons, and only expirenced one major bug so fare, and that was easy solved by simply resetting the quest i was on...


@To the BH dude

If there is indeed a game breaking bug, in the BH class quest, thats a shame but yeah fixing slicing was and should be a much higher prioty than that... That skill was stupidly OP and if they hadnt fixed it know the game would have suffered from it in the years to come..


Man, you should really take a look at the other MMO's out there. SWToR is not the one with most polished and smothiest relese. Rift had a way smoother launch with less bugs etc etc.

Just take a look around and ask around. It is a small MMO compered yes, but it was WAY better on the release. Had way better UI, graphics without glitches or problems.

Rift did two thing nice, they made the graphics so good that the ones with end game machines could pump it up and be happy, and people with really bad machines could do so too. I could play Rift on my notebook that had 3 gig of memory running the game on minimum with good enough fps to play. And the UI was fantastic.

But to bad no one learns from a small MMO.

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I am glad they released this game. I havent experienced any game breaking issues and I am having a blast. got the game a few days before official launch and I have enjoyed every minute of it. This being an MMO, it will be constantly updated and fixed. Bioware themselves said this game will never be complete. Its a constant work in progress. And considering how great it is already, that can only mean good things.
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And you have been doing something other than being sarcastic and not really stating any form of opinion OTHER than sarcasm?


You really have zero room to comment on what I've been saying here.


I take their opinions with a grain of salt. Because really? When it comes to video games? The only opinion that matters is mine.




Myself being able to be sarcastic and not take you seriously is taking opinions "with a grain of salt"...


You are offended by my sarcasm.


Seems like you take opinions with a ton of salt.

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Myself being able to be sarcastic and not take you seriously is taking opinions "with a grain of salt"...


You are offended by my sarcasm.


Seems like you take opinions with a ton of salt.


I'm not offended by your sarcasm in the least. I just think constant sarcasm is poor form.


You're trying to pull me into something I'm just not going to get into. Because you are only here to argue and not add any substance.

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I agree.


We should wait for the expansion before we get any fixes or content.


I wish this was Reddit so I can plus this!


But what Vega ignores, or just plain doesn't comprehend is that people will take this attitude. This will mean less money coming into the EA/Bioware coffers, which in turn means less money going to development of an expansion.


Sure, I'm having fun ATM with SW, but, I can promise you I'm done on the 20th. I will come back when Bioware offers me a free X amount of day to come back and try the game again. I spent $80 and I feel I did get my moneys worth for a single player game. I figure I'll be at around 150 hours /played when I hit 50. Not a bad value. But asking me to pay $15/month for a MMO that is miss so many feature and still has the amount of bugs that this game has isn't going to happen.


As has been said before on this board again and again. The launch doesn't mean crap when it comes to subscription numbers. What will matter is 3 months (the people that bought pre-paid time cards to even get their 30 days) and 6 months. Until no one knows whether this game will be a success. Don't forget, Bioware/EA has a 150-300 million dollar hole to climb out of before they can make a cent on this game. Also, don't forget that Lucas has his hooks in this game and I believe he gets his cut before anyone else. Sorta reminds me of that line in Goodfellas.


Lightning struck? F*** you, pay me. Slow business? F*** you, pay me." -Ray Liotta

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I'm not offended by your sarcasm in the least. I just think constant sarcasm is poor form.


You're trying to pull me into something I'm just not going to get into. Because you are only here to argue and not add any substance.


I agree.


Because responding to a post that adds no substance adds substance.

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Since no one answered me.


Can someone tell me what makes the game worth my 60 dollars? (other than the cut scenes and it being Star Wars and all.)


No one can “tell” you that nor justify if its "worthy" for you. It is a decision that you have to make yourself. Why pretend as if you don't understand such a fundamental thing?

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That sir, is your opinion.


I am enjoying SWTOR more than I ever did WoW. Even during my hardcore, elitist raiding and PvP days during vanilla WoW.


What is your POINT other than to cry and moan? Stop trolling. Just stop. Trolling does not make you cool. That's a 2008 attitude.


Looks like you're a bit outdated yourself. You're missing key features like the ability to shut the hell up and move on.


I love how everyone says the game JUST came out. Guess what? The game has been in development for 6 years.


Don't get me wrong. I am loving the game. But people need to stop saying how the game just came out. As if development starts when the game is released.

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I love how everyone says the game JUST came out. Guess what? The game has been in development for 6 years.


Don't get me wrong. I am loving the game. But people need to stop saying how the game just came out. As if development starts when the game is released.


A lot of the issues a game has can only been seen to be worked on as more people play it.

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