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Star Wars the old Republic is simply not ready for prime time.


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I was going to write a laundry list of issue's and bugs, but there are more than enough already stated here.


I will add that we're still dealing with the very same bugs and issues we were in beta 3 months ago.

From raid frame health bars not updating(game breaking)correctly to guild/group chat issues to companion's disappearing to flashpoint's chest's lock bug(not dropping loot after boss kills)still present in the release candidate.


These and MANY more issues that we reported 3-4 months ago and 3 different clients earlier.


Then we get our first post patch and they address TOP Priority bugs like Slicing?

What are these folks doing over there at Bioware?

Love the game, it has potential, but from my chair it seems as if Bioware are asleep at the wheel.


Here's hoping Doctor and Doctor & their team leads actually figure their own client out and wrap up the plethora of issues plaguing this game before the 30 days is up.


GL & Thx.:cool:

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I do agree, but i would say that this is not Bioware fault, i would say EA forced them to release this not-so-made version of the game early.


We can blame EA all we want to, but I still do not see much of anything addressed from Bioware since beta.

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You guys must have never. EVER. Play an MMO title at launch.


WoW? WoW was a worthless, buggy, laggy, crashy, unfinished piece of crap with less functionality than SWTOR has at this stage in it's development.


It's been 17 freaking or so days since early access.


I could see all of these threads popping up eight months or a year from now. But 17 days?! Come on.

Edited by Vaegaknight
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You guys must have never. EVER. Play an MMO title at launch.


WoW? WoW was a worthless, buggy, laggy, crashy, unfinished piece of crap with less functionality than SWTOR has at this stage in it's development.


It's been 17 freaking DAYS since this came out.


I could see all of these threads popping up eight months or a year from now. But 17 days?! Come on.


This isn't 2004

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World of Warcraft came out in a completely different market, and didn't have itself to compete with


SWTOR, coming out in 2011, does not have the same luxury; it needed to be good enough for the current market, not the 2004 market


That sir, is your opinion.


I am enjoying SWTOR more than I ever did WoW. Even during my hardcore, elitist raiding and PvP days during vanilla WoW.


What is your POINT other than to cry and moan? Stop trolling. Just stop. Trolling does not make you cool. That's a 2008 attitude.


Looks like you're a bit outdated yourself. You're missing key features like the ability to shut the hell up and move on.

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You guys must have never. EVER. Play an MMO title at launch.


WoW? WoW was a worthless, buggy, laggy, crashy, unfinished piece of crap with less functionality than SWTOR has at this stage in it's development.


It's been 17 freaking or so days since early access.


I could see all of these threads popping up eight months or a year from now. But 17 days?! Come on.


Fanboyz will be fanboyz. They will be happy even if the game was released in an Alpha state.


This statement comes to mind when a fanboy comes around:

Never Argue With A Fool – They Will Drag You Down To Their Level, Then Beat You With Experience!

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That sir, is your opinion.


I am enjoying SWTOR more than I ever did WoW. Even during my hardcore, elitist raiding and PvP days during vanilla WoW.


What is your POINT other than to cry and moan? Stop trolling. Just stop. Trolling does not make you cool. That's a 2008 attitude.


Looks like you're a bit outdated yourself. You're missing key features like the ability to shut the hell up and move on.


Stop accusing people of trolling because they dont agree with you, makes you look like a 11 year old.

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Fanboyz will be fanboyz. They will be happy even if the game was released in an Alpha state.


This statement comes to mind when a fanboy comes around:

Never Argue With A Fool – They Will Drag You Down To Their Level, Then Beat You With Experience!


iczVUOa[bhdOPJIUEIw ALL. ALL. ALL. ALL. ALL. MMO'S are released in beta phase - and if you consider the standard the game is at now ALPHA?


Then I shall follow your own advice and not argue with a fool.

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That sir, is your opinion.


I am enjoying SWTOR more than I ever did WoW. Even during my hardcore, elitist raiding and PvP days during vanilla WoW.


What is your POINT other than to cry and moan? Stop trolling. Just stop. Trolling does not make you cool. That's a 2008 attitude.


Looks like you're a bit outdated yourself. You're missing key features like the ability to shut the hell up and move on.


"hardcrore, elitist raiding"


What's the highest US Rank Guild you've had a core spot in?


Anywy, no; I'm not outdated, I'm just thinking rationally, and acknowledging the flaws of this product

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"hardcrore, elitist raiding"


What's the highest US Rank Guild you've had a core spot in?


Anywy, no; I'm not outdated, I'm just thinking rationally, and acknowledging the flaws of this product


Thinking rationally?! THINKING RATIONALLY!? You have to be kidding me.


A rational person would not stay on these forums for as long as you have *whining* as long as you have.


Also, ranked in the quadruple digits. Does it really matter? I don't give one single crap about WoW or online gaming "achievements". I was just saying, raiding was the most enjoyable part of the game for me and I like what I'm doing now more.


Is that simple enough for you or do I need to boil it down a bit further?

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You have really bad bugs in this game that has been reported over and over again sins Beta.

The one I hate the most right now is the Bounty Hunter bug. The last mission of your class missions are bugged and cant go on :s

Do they know about the bug? yes.

ETA: non.

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Thinking rationally?! THINKING RATIONALLY!? You have to be kidding me.


A rational person would not stay on these forums for as long as you have *whining* as long as you have.


Also, ranked in the quadruple digits. Does it really matter? I don't give one single crap about WoW or online gaming "achievements". I was just saying, raiding was the most enjoyable part of the game for me and I like what I'm doing now more.


Is that simple enough for you or do I need to boil it down a bit further?


I think you do need to boil it down a bit further


I don't understand how you can claim you used to be a "hardcore elitist", when you weren't part of a top 500 Guild

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You have really bad bugs in this game that has been reported over and over again sins Beta.

The one I hate the most right now is the Bounty Hunter bug. The last mission of your class missions are bugged and cant go on :s

Do they know about the bug? yes.

ETA: non.


Do you know how long the "loot" bug lasted on WoW? Years. Years and years and years. Carried on from launch to the end of TBC. I saw that same bug some months ago when I was playing Cataclysm.


What is your point here? MMOs have bugs. Most games have bugs. You ever play Skyrim? -_-


I think you do need to boil it down a bit further


I don't understand how you can claim you used to be a "hardcore elitist", when you weren't part of a top 500 Guild


And this, folks, is why I call this man a troll.

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