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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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Do you want to be able to play your starter planet? Could you imagine a 'heavy' server population in ONE AREA. Not to mention the starting areas are the smallest planets to start with.


game has instances where one area could have 100 intances running of same area so your worry not really a concern unless your trying to meet up with someone specific

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Wait a second. See a few numbers. They didn't send a large number of invites, servers are actually a Gobi desert. :)


I thought I had seen some numbers, and then when looking at the server list I got my head confused by time zones but isn't it logical the servers will be quiet at this time?


Morning over here in the EU with people going off to work and very early morning in America (possibly me trying to work out time zones sucks) with people logging off for the night?

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The rage is delicious, I'd love to be so passionate about logging into a virtual world but I simply don't care enough. The proper pre-release isnt till tomorrow anyway this is just a bonus couple of days.


Internet forum warriors are growing by the dozen, go be argumentative about something that really matters.

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I seriously don't get any of this rage on the forums, it was quite clearly pointed out day one of pre-orders that it was first come first serve for early access.

How any one can now come on here crying that they didn't redeem code until August-november is beyond me.

If you wanted early access from day one you should have pre-ordered early, simple. You can't go blaming BW for your decision. If you couldn't order then deal with it thats life, again not BW fault.

Just to be absolutly clear thats the only fact thats needed any other reason that any one gives for this being fail or unfair is null and void.

see you in game if you can stop crying long enough!


It's really quite simple.


It seems a lot of people's parents drop kicked them like footballs as infants.


It's not really their fault. I mean, it couldn't be... right?



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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actually its NOT always like this


The level of sheer anger and hatred yesterday is rarely reached in a MMORPG launch (expecially not day 1). Usually its just tangible server side complaints about lag and crashs and occational exploits/cheaters.


Yesterday was FAR FROM NORMAL and any player thats played multiple launchs pre dating WOW knows this.


Problem is, I've pretty much been through every single MMO launch, and I've seen more rage than this.


Games do not "die" or "fail" because of things like this. Once people have the game in their hands they are not going to care, mark my words. They will lose customers if the game is bad, it's as simple as that.


The same amount of people who canceled their preorders because of this, would probably be the same amount if they let everyone in at once and the servers were too packed to enter.

Edited by Jaku
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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


Yes they play it safe but not overly safe.


They also said you will get in depending on when you guys enter the pre order code.


But i guess you guys knew that but kept crying to make things faster when they made early access 2 days before schedule already.


Also these people that are upset are just like spoiled children wanting something they are not getting or getting late because they did not pre order soon enough and now they cry about how others should speed it up because they where too slow to pre order?


Get in line and wait. Simple


Early access will depend on when you entered the pre order code ... all there black and white.

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The rage is delicious, I'd love to be so passionate about logging into a virtual world but I simply don't care enough. The proper pre-release isnt till tomorrow anyway this is just a bonus couple of days.


Internet forum warriors are growing by the dozen, go be argumentative about something that really matters.


that's right, a bonus couple of days, where many people exploited and are all happy after reaching level 50 in a few hours.

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should

Clearly you have not been following the forums today or this lol thread would not have been created.

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that's right, a bonus couple of days, where many people exploited and are all happy after reaching level 50 in a few hours.


I don't believe anyone reached level 50 in a few hours, the warzone exploit isn't that amazing. Maybe level 20-25.

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The game is not officially out till the 20th, anything before is a bonus and looking how they have done the early access I probably won't be in till Friday and I'm fine with it :) I think some people might be better off having a life while they wait and not living on their PC's.
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so people who preordered after november 1st with a digital copy and were charged a 5$ preorder fee:


Product SKU: 71074
Product Name: STAR WARS(TM): The Old Republic(TM) Digital Standard Edition (Pre-Ordered)
Anticipated Released Date: Targeting Holiday 2011
Qty Ordered: 1
Amount: $54.99

Product SKU: 71065
Product Name: Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Standard Edition Pre-Order Fee
Qty Ordered: 1
Amount: $5.00

(this is directly from my Origin receipt)


...may only get one day of access when the entire premise of preordering was to get into the game 5 days earlier.


just being a devil's advocate here, but if I don't get in on the 15th, I want my 5$ back.


edit: and for the record, I didn't preorder ages ago because I kept my head in the sand about TOR so that i could focus on university. people have reasons for not preordering other than being loser-non-fans who cant get their poop in a groove.

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


Totally agree. Very disapointed.

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actually its NOT always like this


The level of sheer anger and hatred yesterday is rarely reached in a MMORPG launch (expecially not day 1). Usually its just tangible server side complaints about lag and crashs and occational exploits/cheaters.


Yesterday was FAR FROM NORMAL and any player thats played multiple launchs pre dating WOW knows this.


Yesterday was far from normal and waving the magic internet wand claiming no one will remember this is also wrong and very very very foolish.


Look around, people still remember THEIR PERSON SPECIFIC COMPLAINTS from UO, EQ, AC, DAoC, SWG. If you truely dont think players will remember this in 6 months your fooling yourself!


And while Bioware wont release the numbers, we will be able to tell how much the financial hit them but how many players get in Weds.


Honestly im half expecting everyone else to get in Weds and the waves to suddenly run to 9-10 11 pm est (and this will all be claimed as pre planned and some of you will even beleive it). Tuesday cancellation will have a immediate impact on the pre launch direction of this game!


Well i dont know if this is going to make Bioware lose players. If the game is good enough and they give 99% of the player access before Friday. And in fact this way of doing may help, because it will make the diferent regions of each server more evenly distributed. So not every1 is doing the same quests at the same time. Also if they thought this carefully it may be a great success because if they opened a lot of servers with low population today tomorrow they can invite more people in into those servers in addition to the new ones. And by Thursday they may have all capacity running and maybe almost all players in.


Dont get me wrong I am very pissed because the grace period lie ( since i live in México i have to wait to 01-03-12 for the package to arrive). And also i think they didnt handle this early game access in a good way. Making people wait for an email every 2 hrs just for the hope to get in. This is not not a wise way to treat the costumers. But at the end it may turn inf favor of Bioware if thinghs get smooth from this point on.

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It's about what the OP pointed out but also the lack of communication.

They hyped up the game bragged about their server capacity and than this.

What annoys me is the EU treatment, yes I've seen the MC Donalds argument with lines (typical American I kid I kid) but it doesn't work like that.


Wave times: Why can't they have two waves for EU and US players, the wave times are not EU friendly.

They got Bioware in the EU let them fix it.


The queue: Why am I in the same queue as an American, actually why am I in the same line as the French or Germans.


No seriously the amount of French/Germans that want to play on an English speaking server EU or US is very small.

Again why are we in the same queue.



The whole idea about waves and the lack of communication along with the US/EU being together in a queue is just to silly for words.

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Well i dont know if this is going to make Bioware lose players. If the game is good enough and they give 99% of the player access before Friday.
That I hope for their own good. Because if some people are still not in before the week end, the actual ambiance of the forums will look like a very polite tea party with the queen of England compared to what will happen then.
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im tired of of hearing the crying on the forums and twitter my guild all got in but me and i preordered the day the preorders came out but dont care have other **** to do while i wait. the way i look at is the 20th is the launch if i get in before that cool. also on a side note i heard ever day before the 20 is FREE!! so basicly you getting free time and not paying so be greatfull BW is doing this. and if you did not get in learn a little thing call "patience"
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Bioware: "gratz guys, heres +2 extra ea days"


Crybabies: "wuah wuah, server pop is low!"



Its like buying a car and getting free tires in the deal and crying about it because the tires arent inflated.


It's a situation similar to a few fellows in my country. They say something like "if you buy this 40" tv we'll give you an android phone (till we got on store)".

You go there, you buy it and from the first second of promotion they say "Ops, sorry our store is already empty we can't give you your bonus".

See the fact from this point, imho can make your vision really different.

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What people are forgetting is that even if a server has light population. Its full in starter zones. Its not spread out in alll levels like it will be later on.


This is very different from what you might think, a server WILL crash on light pop if everyone would gather at one place. If 5k people would gather in Tython server would go down i can 99% guarentee it.

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What people are forgetting is that even if a server has light population. Its full in starter zones. Its not spread out in alll levels like it will be later on.


This is very different from what you might think, a server WILL crash on light pop if everyone would gather at one place. If 5k people would gather in Tython server would go down i can 99% guarentee it.


So I have to imagine that on 20 December servers will explode. :rolleyes:

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What people are forgetting is that even if a server has light population. Its full in starter zones. Its not spread out in alll levels like it will be later on.


This is very different from what you might think, a server WILL crash on light pop if everyone would gather at one place. If 5k people would gather in Tython server would go down i can 99% guarentee it.


what is the server cap, isnt the server cap like other games? ~3k per server

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