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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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Here's a good reason: we're not interested in broadcasting those figures to the world. That kind of information is usually kept internal, and there are good reasons for that.


Here's another reason: even if I gave you exact numbers, it actually wouldn't help you understand when you'll get in. (Which is why the charts circulating showing 'pre-order numbers' aren't actually helpful. Those numbers are based in the most part on guesswork.)


Here's a third reason: it'll cause more problems than it solves, right now.


I'll have an update later on today's invites.


I think the first reason is fair enough for anyone to comprehend.

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


Agree with you. But I think it's not an eccess of "safety", this is happening just because Bioware is totally new to MMORPG world and is doing everything as it was a "single player".

This could be a big big problem, but I hope they will learn the BIG difference.

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I don't know what to tell you man, it was extremely clear to me when I went to the website during summer and saw the preorder info. I didn't even have to enter the actual forums to find out. Was right on the front page.


One of my friends who does not even have an account on this website and rarely visits knew the exact details before I did.




A "ton of people" are not going to quit over this. By launch no one will care, it's the way it always is with MMO launches.


I DIDN'T go to the website. That's my point. I've vaguely followed this MMO since it's induction with a rather lukewarm enthusiasm. Knowing EA to be the money grubbing ****** they are and knowing and loving Star Wars to be absolutely epic lore, I was torn. Sooo, since I don't follow this website, and shouldn't have to, when I bought from a 3rd party retailer, I expect the friggin' details of launch to be laid out in bold face font. Now, maybme that's a problem with the retailer, but, I expect, when I redeem a code, the website to SCREAM at me the gorey details of the launch....which it doesn't.

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I DIDN'T go to the website. That's my point. I've vaguely followed this MMO since it's induction with a rather lukewarm enthusiasm. Knowing EA to be the money grubbing ****** they are and knowing and loving Star Wars to be absolutely epic lore, I was torn. Sooo, since I don't follow this website, and shouldn't have to, when I bought from a 3rd party retailer, I expect the friggin' details of launch to be laid out in bold face font. Now, maybme that's a problem with the retailer, but, I expect, when I redeem a code, the website to SCREAM at me the gorey details of the launch....which it doesn't.


So you didn't go to the website, but you also went to the website?


When you went to the website (to obviously create an account and redeem the code), you didn't see on the front page: "THE SOONER YOU PREORDER THE MORE EARLY ACCESS TIME YOU WILL GET"?


Because I did.

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So you didn't go to the website, but you also went to the website?


When you went to the website (to obviously create an account and redeem the code), you didn't see on the front page: "THE SOONER YOU PREORDER THE MORE EARLY ACCESS TIME YOU WILL GET"?


Because I did.


you pretty much just FUS RO DAH'd him off a mountain

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I seriously don't get any of this rage on the forums, it was quite clearly pointed out day one of pre-orders that it was first come first serve for early access.

How any one can now come on here crying that they didn't redeem code until August-november is beyond me.

If you wanted early access from day one you should have pre-ordered early, simple. You can't go blaming BW for your decision. If you couldn't order then deal with it thats life, again not BW fault.

Just to be absolutly clear thats the only fact thats needed any other reason that any one gives for this being fail or unfair is null and void.

see you in game if you can stop crying long enough!

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I recall a quote from somewhere, can't recall the place but it goes something like this.


"The quickest way to put a man at ease is to inform him. Even if that information is the grim truth."


End tale!


good post, the lack of info is driving more ppl nut's than anything else

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I can see the point the OP is making. Personally I think every 2 to 3 hours around the clock waves of invites should be sent out. When you have servers sitting at Light capacities like this then yea more waves should have gone out. These servers should all be heavy or full.
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I am really a little confused about the upset I have to admit. For a long time we thought we were getting up to 5 days of early access, which is a fair amount. They have now got hundreds of thosands of people online 2days before that. Before anyone thought they were going to get access and still this is not trying their best?


For the record I preordered 04/12, well I suppose it is almost just ordering when you do it that late! So I was hoping for one day, I might now even get more as things seem to be going so smoothly.

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they finished at 2pm to go get wasted with all there money and laugh at all you suckers who aint playing like i am, haha sucks to be you!


No no no. They finished at 2 to get ready for a half baked dev chat and THEN went to get wasted.

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they finished at 2pm to go get wasted with all there money and laugh at all you suckers who aint playing like i am, haha sucks to be you!


tbh i personally would start to rage on 15th when the original Early access was ment to start and it has nothing to do with the server status at thats just an excuse cos u cant get in jeez anyone would think its the end of the world

Edited by Ezstar
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I don't know what to tell you man, it was extremely clear to me when I went to the website during summer and saw the preorder info. I didn't even have to enter the actual forums to find out. Was right on the front page.


One of my friends who does not even have an account on this website and rarely visits knew the exact details before I did.




A "ton of people" are not going to quit over this. By launch no one will care, it's the way it always is with MMO launches.


actually its NOT always like this


The level of sheer anger and hatred yesterday is rarely reached in a MMORPG launch (expecially not day 1). Usually its just tangible server side complaints about lag and crashs and occational exploits/cheaters.


Yesterday was FAR FROM NORMAL and any player thats played multiple launchs pre dating WOW knows this.


Yesterday was far from normal and waving the magic internet wand claiming no one will remember this is also wrong and very very very foolish.


Look around, people still remember THEIR PERSON SPECIFIC COMPLAINTS from UO, EQ, AC, DAoC, SWG. If you truely dont think players will remember this in 6 months your fooling yourself!


And while Bioware wont release the numbers, we will be able to tell how much the financial hit them but how many players get in Weds.


Honestly im half expecting everyone else to get in Weds and the waves to suddenly run to 9-10 11 pm est (and this will all be claimed as pre planned and some of you will even beleive it). Tuesday cancellation will have a immediate impact on the pre launch direction of this game!

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Does anyone think they finished at 2pm due to the large number of invites they sent out and the worry that sending more while most of the people who had already recieved one had not get long into the servers due to work?


It seems logical to let most people who recieved invites login before deciding to send out more.

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People are upset cause we got no informations.


If I knew i will have access to the game on the 16th i will be doing other stuff until the 16th.


Now im sitting like a jerk on my pc from 14pm to 00:00 to see if i got access to the game.

Edited by Lickmyballz
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Does anyone think they finished at 2pm due to the large number of invites they sent out and the worry that sending more while most of the people who had already recieved one had not get long into the servers due to work?


It seems logical to let most people who recieved invites login before deciding to send out more.


Wait a second. See a few numbers. They didn't send a large number of invites, servers are actually a Gobi desert. :)

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im thinking theres a reason theyre not letting more people in...there has to be, all these people on the forums and all that space on the servers


since the original "shoot for" date was the 15th, maybe they dont have "access" to more servers, like rights or since its a commercial business, maybe they need a license that wont come any faster and they dont want to risk overloading, with nowhere to put people


maybe im just naive, but i would think it would have to be something logistical or corporate "hierarchy" that has to do with this "great injustice"

Edited by azrakos
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