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Everything posted by dawtree

  1. There was a time on Shadowlands while it was glitching that my /who came up and said there were 40k people & change online. So if servers are like that, then there are a lot.
  2. There is a vendor next to the JK skill trainer, but it is not clickable. I don't know why they said they'd add a vendor for us and then not
  3. So I was thinking/wondering today - do the heals from Watchman increase its kill count like the heals from actual healers? I know there was an update recently where healers could get kill counts by healing, so I'm just curious - it is the actual healer AC or just healing in general?
  4. I just wanted to point out that Force Stasis is amazing as Watchman as it allows me to stack all my burns and then hold my target while they tick away, and damage them with the stasis. A 20 second cooldown of this ability would be ridiculously useful for watchman.
  5. Try this for level 41 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMcZhMZM.1 You should focus on the Watchman tree until you can get merciless slash, then begin to fill in the others. My typical rotation is: leap -> overload -> zealous strike -> cauterize -> merciless slash Then fill in the gaps with slashes/strike or another cauterize if it was reset. Typically want to pop Zen before you use up your overload sabers so they will get the auto crit burns.
  6. Here is my current build for 50. I use it for both PvP and PVE, it's Watchman based. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMfhzZhRr.1 It's nice not to need to respec when I decide to switch what I'm doing.
  7. I saw this in the patch notes, anyone know what is being sold by this vendor?
  8. http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1219843p1.html
  9. Not entirely true. In order to unlock a race, a person has to spend the time to level that character to 50. Alternatively, you can buy the race through legacy. Both involve some sort of time investment, so those who only have human characters can use all those credits to buy the new races, as opposed to the time sink of making alts.
  10. Quoted from link below "A Bounty Hunter won't suddenly turn into a Force-wielding super user. Every class has a heroic moment ability which requires the presence of a companion to activate. Only by using these heroic moment abilities will you be able to access the cross-class Legacy abilities. That essentially means you can only use the abilities out in the questing world; they're locked out when you're in a full group or in a PvP Warzone. " http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1219843p1.html
  11. Just to point this out "We know that not many people are going to do that because it's kind of crazy, so we also gave the option for players to purchase some of the unlocks." Ohlen said the race purchases will be made only with in-game currency. "
  12. I literally think about this everytime I see people complaining about these things.
  13. Last patch was 1.1.2, so to be fair, SWTOR has until 1.3 as well
  14. I think you're looking for this site http://forums.riftgame.com/
  15. "Master, I will now begin reading the dictionary for your enjoyment" -C2N2
  16. That is called Aspiring Knight's vest. It is made by Synthweavers. I managed to find one on GTN for 2k creds.
  17. I just wanna bump this to see if anyone has seen it
  18. "If we die, you're fired" Master Orgus during a Jedi Knight mission
  19. Here is a hood down, jedi knight vest. It is similar to the one you can find on Tython commendation vendor. It's called Aspiring Knight's Vest and it can be made by level 15 schematic of synthweaving. I managed to find this on the GTN however, so I don't know where to get the schematic. Front View Back View Side View
  20. I play on Dresdae Cantina I'm 21, U.S. Norms My Simba and me I love the variety of people playing the game. Take that stereotypes!
  21. I think the class is curved towards the beginning, but as you level it's much better. I'm currently lvl 39 on Balmorra and I'm able to take down the mobs and champions no problem (as long as I use T-7 as my companion) I use a watchman spec and have T-7 fully geared, using him as a tank. However, I'm not sure how well I'd fare against enemies my exact level, but I couldnt imagine it'd be that much more difficult.
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