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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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What baffles me is that you claim to have any business sense what so-ever, and are complaining about a feature that was completely optional on their part. They didn't have to let any of us in early, and they could have just kept the pre-order bonus to the color crystal. This is NOT a "Launch", I haven't even been charged for the "Game" yet. They just levied a 5 Dollar Pre-Order. No one is entitled to a damn thing, and it's butt hurting a lot of people on this forum that they have to be patient. But! That's your generation. All you ever want is instant gratification. Up to means that they aren't legally obligated to let you in earlier than the 19th. You are guaranteed at least one day of Early Access, and you'll like it damnit.


yeah because you didnt have to sign up and pre order to get it


oh wait you did.


So (now maybe im as slow as you claim so work with me here Trixs-are-for-kids)


You buy a product

You get the same access to product


hmmmm, something worng here, that doesnt sound exactly right


You buy a product

otehrs get more access to product


nope, nope, thats not working either


Nope Im pretty sure (even though im called out by a internet anon tuffy) that the way it works is


you buy a product, you get same access as others that bought product!


yup yup yup, Im fairly sure thats the normal marketting standard!


But hey, how about we take your access away until the 21st but still charge you, you ok with that? Yeah didnt think so

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I see this as a good thing due to the fact the game is not even suppose to be out yet, and yes I ordered back in July and No I did not get the magical email. But Iam not mad seeing how if they did in fact let an ungoddly ammount of people in on the first day then everyone would be crying that the zones had to many to complete their quest. Just goes to show you cannt please everyone but atleast they are sticking to their guns and releasing on time with a ploished product, how many new MMOs can say that.
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That this is the new super-fast growing thread.


I imagine this is because the Previous 750 page thread ran out of Vespene Gas.


Honestly, this is why we can't have nice things, people. No matter what method that a company tries to roll out a game, there are always people who are sucking on lemons about the whole sitch.


Bioware moves the early access roll-out back two days, and what happens? A veritable storm of fecal matter bombards their web forums from all the sheltered neo-fants who can't seem to grok that they are entitled to nothing in life, and life isn't specifically designed to cater to them.


So most companies don't do nice things for the customers. Most companies ignore customers, don't respond to their questions or needs and try their best to ignore criticisms... why? Because there is always someone criticizing something about anything you do, every time... and if they listened to such people, nothing would ever get done.


And people wonder why the game world is the way it is nowadays.

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I myself am a pre-order (CE Box) from atleast early august (put in code immediately)..don't remember the exact date, don't really care. Would I have liked to play today? Hell yeah. Could it have been handled better? Maybe, I don't know..I don't know whats going on behind closed doors. What I do know is I'm seeing nothing disparaging concerning game play, queues (I saw quite a few full to heavy populated servers on the list), crashing, or anything that will effect my playing the game.


Did I plan on playing today? Nope. I figured my earliest play time to be on the 15th or 16th...like they originally said it would be. It was only announced what..a week ago?, that they would open up 2 days earlier.


Most of you are pissing and moaning that you didn't get to play 2 days before the scheduled 5 day head start.


Again, 2 days BEFORE the 5 day head start. (7 FREE days of play time)


Who the hell are you to feel entitled to anything? Your not a special little snowflake, in any way. Mommy's poopsikins is gonna just have to suck it up.


Quit, cancel your order, do whatever, so I won't have to deal with your whining in chat.


The only thing I'm worried about with this game is the amount of crying, whining little maggots I've seen post all over these boards for the last few months. No matter what they do or how they do it your ************ about something or other.


If it's so earth shattering horrible for you, cancel your order, and go spam chat with your whining along side of susanexpress, wait to play your panda, and spare me having to deal with you in this game.

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I myself am a pre-order (CE Box) from atleast early august (put in code immediately)..don't remember the exact date, don't really care. Would I have liked to play today? Hell yeah. Could it have been handled better? Maybe, I don't know..I don't know whats going on behind closed doors. What I do know is I'm seeing nothing disparaging concerning game play, queues (I saw quite a few full to heavy populated servers on the list), crashing, or anything that will effect my playing the game.


Did I plan on playing today? Nope. I figured my earliest play time to be on the 15th or 16th...like they originally said it would be. It was only announced what..a week ago?, that they would open up 2 days earlier.


Most of you are pissing and moaning that you didn't get to play 2 days before the scheduled 5 day head start.


Again, 2 days BEFORE the 5 day head start. (7 FREE days of play time)


Who the hell are you to feel entitled to anything? Your not a special little snowflake, in any way. Mommy's poopsikins is gonna just have to suck it up.


Quit, cancel your order, do whatever, so I won't have to deal with your whining in chat.


The only thing I'm worried about with this game is the amount of crying, whining little maggots I've seen post all over these boards for the last few months. No matter what they do or how they do it your ************ about something or other.


If it's so earth shattering horrible for you, cancel your order, and go spam chat with your whining along side of susanexpress, wait to play your panda, and spare me having to deal with you in this game.


You sir, are my hero.

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It has nothing to do with white knighting around. It's just that some of us peeps out here have some technical know how, and despite what is said, people continue to rage and be mad while simultaneously making themselves look dumb about how a process like this should be carried out.


The above post not only plays into that but has a attitude of thinking they should communicate all of their info to us. As if that affects anything whatsoever, or that we need to know. Get off your entitlement horse. People made plans with no knowledge of the details and now you're mad. And it quite frankly is that simple. You need to chill. And also learn to plan better. And no, it isn't BW or EA failure to let you in on plans, it was yours for assuming in the first place.


+1 tbh

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well... There's a "lot of" valid reason why people are upset.. and it's was frankly predictable


You let 10% enter et let the other 90% with nothing to do other then wait and watch

maybe not mature of them to be "angry"

but clearly not a clever idea to begin with especially if you hope to create a good atmosphere for the first days of the game

you think you read QQ now ? Wait for those inside those 90% still waiting friday :D


not mature... but when the "watching" part is learning some player already found an exploit

and we will probably see some lvl 50 roaming and maybe even gold seller several day before the official release date...

i begin to understand the "rage"

letting those 10% in a space made for 100% and much more

and "surprise" some of them already find a "bug / bad design" to exploit in that particular circunstance :rolleyes:


the irony he's that swtor is probably one of the most polished mmo ever released

but the way they manage those first day of weird "elite" inside the "elite" is almost

self sabotage


ONE date for pre-order and ONE date for regular release would have been so much simple and so much better for the global mood even if it's mean more techinal trouble, some server crash etc...

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100% correct


If you've been expecting a personal email to let you know what business decisions are going on behind closed doors... Keep on dreaming. Where I work I'm not EVEN permitted to admit when the computers are down (a rarity, but it does happen). You try keeping some annoyed customer calm when you're not permitted to answer them honestly and keep your job.


Now. When I went to login after work today, many of the servers were polling HEAVY or FULL. I only cared about the one I was playing on (which was FULL, I might add). Sure... They stopped sending invites at 2pm, but NOOOOO we can't give them ANY time to look at the results come end of business when working folks get home and start playing.


Maybe you'd prefer that your early access was removed if you didn't log in within an hour or so of the email. I guess that would keep things rolling, but the forums would be oozing butthurt for a different reason. This is a no win. Should they keep allowing access until the servers are full...and people complain... Should they let them in based on the order they entered their preorder code?...and people complain because they don't know their order in line... Or ...insert your chosen early access scenario. No matter what they do, people are going to complain because they can't shove everyone onto a medium server that's ready to go right now. Welcome to reality.

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I'm just getting irritated at the possibility that people will be level 50 and have enough money to control the markets before I even get in the game.


Talk about 1% of the population controlling 99% of the money...




Sound like a real world economy simulator than an mmo to me...lol

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Why are ppl upset in my opinon is lack of communication, to start with if you know you are going to do waves and are only going to do 5 why not notify those who are going to be in the first 5 waves, and send an email to those after this along the lines of " sorry we have reached the cut off point for day 1 early access but we plan for you to be in day 2, if for any unforseen reason we can't give you access day 2 then you will definatley be in by day 3" this then gives the player base an idea of when they will be in not this it's anyones guess.


Along with this you have servers not full/ a message from stephen reid saying about a sure fire way of helping a mmo death is closing servers and merging. so no faith that your product is going to hold onto it's playerbase then. also It was first day and your're only filling servers before adding others, why not look at numbers of pre-orders match servers to that then add more if you need on the 20th, or are we expecting not enough servers at the 20th and then going to have massive que's?


7 days early access and day 1 not able to get through all the july pre-orders only 5 months of orders then to fit in the next 6 days, this dosn't fill your new players full off confidence.


Unfortunatley the mmo crowd is one of the hardest to please, but by the lack of info given out or even confusing info in some cases, dosn't make a good first impression, it only manages to allow players into your world that will be annoyed and will then pick up on any other flaw that they might have passed off as oh it's new.

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This is why I took the 19th 20th & 21 off from work. I also get a half day the 16th for our annual Christmas party which I will be bailing from if I get early access by then. I never take the first day off from work for a game launch. It has never worked out in my favor whether I get in or not for various reason relating to early game launches. When I do get in I will pick a new server to start on a level playing field with people on my server. If there arent any I will start a char on any server until a new one opens then I am switching. Some of the posts here borderline on being OCD. You are focusing way to much on what you dont have rather then what you are about to get. I understand you are frustraited but better planning on your part would go a long way. Its a game and if you want to play then you will when the time is right. That means when BW says you can. Sorry but this is a fact you must deal with. Hope for the best but expect the worse. See you all in game when BW says I can. Have a good night. Edited by Edgarallanpwn
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Who the hell are you to feel entitled to anything? Your not a special little snowflake, in any way. Mommy's poopsikins is gonna just have to suck it up.


Quit, cancel your order, do whatever, so I won't have to deal with your whining in chat.


The only thing I'm worried about with this game is the amount of crying, whining little maggots I've seen post all over these boards for the last few months. No matter what they do or how they do it your ************ about something or other.


If it's so earth shattering horrible for you, cancel your order, and go spam chat with your whining along side of susanexpress, wait to play your panda, and spare me having to deal with you in this game.


Oh, how I wish that none of us had to endure such self-important tossery. Sadly, that seems an inevitability with the number of such sorts.


Aside which, TOS needs success, so they of course are important subscribers. As such, they'll play a significant role in the games development.


Gnaw on that a moment, mmm?



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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Oh, how I wish that none of us had to endure such self-important tossery. Sadly, that seems an inevitability with the number of such sorts.


Aside which, TOS needs success, so they of course are important subscribers. As such, they'll play a significant role in the games development.


Gnaw on that a moment, mmm?



Gnaw on what?


If I was "self-important" I'd be right right in with the rest of the whiners yeah?


Oh, and TOR (fixed that for you) HAS it's success, as proved through beta's, lack of complaints due to game play and technical issues, and the sheer number of us who are just pleased that we have a chance to play early, regardless of how many days.

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This as well, why couldnt they send emails like for beta telling u which day ur in


I wish they'd give us an idea but it could be a bit hard to do so. If they told us what day and then something happens and your invite gets pushed back.... yeah people won't be happy at all then.


Believe me I want in but I just don't see how they'd be able to tell us hours to days a head of time when it'll be. If anything they could give us an idea when it'll be tho. Wish they'd just let the rest of us all in later today.

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You guys fail to even read what they tell you and think about it . They said you will have up to 5 days which means you might get up to 5 days or less if you use your brain . They never once said you will get 5 days of play time just that you might get up to 5 days . I got the CE and i don't care if i get in today tommorow or untill the 20th i don't care cause it's not going anywhere and it will be there when i finally get in.


So cool down and relax go watch a movie or read a book or something jeez if the internet crashed for 1 week there would be a rash of suicides due to the lack of imagination you guys have and the lack of social ability to just complain instead of thinking about the situation first.


You can cry all you want you will get in when you get in , crying won't make you get to the front of the line first and goahead and cancle the game don't need players wrecking the mood with your cry baby attitude of not getting what you want like a spolied child.

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


I'm certain you have no idea what the word valid means.

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Oh, an as a bit of an addendum, hopefully, they will NOT play an important role to the game's development, (unless bioware feels the need to flip off the adult fan base like some other "frigid" company), else we end up with the previously mentioned pandas.
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Gnaw on what?


If I was "self-important" I'd be right right in with the rest of the whiners yeah?


Oh, and TOR (fixed that for you) HAS it's success, as proved through beta's, lack of complaints due to game play and technical issues, and the sheer number of us who are just pleased that we have a chance to play early, regardless of how many days.


You mistake me. I was not indicating that you were self-important, I was stating that the self-important types will be influential in the development of the game over the coming years.


Asking you to gnaw on it is a request to have it as food for thought. Nothing overtly insulting.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


Agreed with you fully, first they lies on the grace period now they give us this, I swear to god this is the last game I will purchase from EA/Bioware, I used to support them because I believe in them, now I will be like everyone else and just go ahead and "acquire" what I want.


For all your 5 year of hard work on this game I give you a F- for how you decide to show it off.

Edited by jackliuu
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Glad I was able to save this post because the thread was deleted. Stating that this topic is already being discussed here.


Originally Posted by Lieam

I thought I would offer yet another viewpoint.


You may also want to look at it this way. In a sense, people are being rewarded early access by pre-ordering a game that was still in development. What's the opposite of rewarding someone? Punishing someone. While not a shrink, I promise you that many people feel they are being punished for being cautious to pre-order. In this economy and with so many failed MMOs, you can't blame people for not wanting to pre-order ASAP.

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