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Players BANNED for going to Ilum? Suggestions to Customer Service


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you can't put that in a thread here. I posted a video of ppl exploiting Illum and it was deleted in less than 5 minutes. http://swtormovies.com/movieview.php?id=663 here's the link again. OP is correct, warn ppl not to do it. post it for all to read, then you ban.


great video man, keep up the great work! maybe this is what they intended all along...certain amount of the population doing the flip, a certain amount of the population NOT COOL with that, and so all out war ensues, choose your side.

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Yeah OP, it makes no sense and is hard to believe. If they're banning people for looting high level containers, why don't they just make the containers "can only loot @ 50" and "bind on pickup" or just level resstrict planets.

Because they are soo damn lazy. Glad that I decided stop playing after 30 days runs out. Now I see where this game goes, BW will dictate when you can sit or breathe. Buy making rules to cover their own laziness.

I thought Texas is in USA not in Soviet Union.

It will be outstanding reputation what BW will gain after that.

Edited by Chaffery
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First I was like :eek:, then I was like BW :cool::cool::cool:


I am beginning to wonder if they have any MMO people in the team. :D


Maybe they should fire a few people and hire someone with an idea. :D


Just a thought. Good luck. :D



By the way, I went to Alderaan as level 27 and the area is for level 28+

Do I get banned for killing 28 level mobs which drop level 28 items ?????????





I'm going to drink this bottle of Jameson and then be able to understand your post.

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Because they are soo damn lazy. Glad that I decided stop playing after 30 days runs out. Now I see where this game goes, BW will dictate when you can sit or breathe. Buy making rules to cover their own laziness.

I thought Texas is in USA not in Soviet Union.

It will be outstanding reputation what BW will gain after that.


You must be new to MMOs.

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wow. so what if i want to explore the world at lvl 20? how on earth is that a banable offense. get over it. the game is for the players, and not vice-versa: if i have a problem with a lvl 20 running around ilum, i can go kill him myself.
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Edits: Things learned through the posts:


1) These players received a temporary ban, but no verbal warning.

Sounds like gold seller preventative measures. I am not opposed to it.


Also I dont understand the need for people not 40+ to go farm lock boxes. If your not gonna level to 50 and just farm boxes with a low level character, then why do you need to do it? Can you not level it via slicing missions? Is there something magical for hitting 400 slicing that it needs to be done asap?

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If you're a Sith Inquisitor you are blessed with the lovely Ashara (companion gained at roughly lvl 35).


She has a problem though. Only one place on any planet sells her companion customisation kits...yup you guessed it...Ilum.


At lvl 36 I went to Ilum to buy the two Ashara kits they sell on the vendor there. I was lvl 36. I had just received my companion character and nowhere else sold her appearance kits.


I was not banned!


You do not get banned for simply turning up on Ilum under lvl 40. You get banned for something you do while there :p

Allow me to duplicate your logic.


I once drove at over 60 miles per hour in an area where is was clearly marked with a speed limit of 45 miles per hour.


I was not penalized in any way.


Therefore, I can conclude that there is no penalty for simply driving above the speed limit and all the people who get tickets must be doing something else.


See what happens if you don't use logic properly.

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To all those that are confused as to why this player got banned.


1. He did not get banned for going to illum. Ask yourselves this: why would a company interested in retaining customers do something like this, if they intended us not to go to illum until level 40 they would have put a requirement to travel there.


2. Illum itself is flawed and the mechanics of this planet can be exploited to allow the player to obtain large amounts of credits.

Now just because such a flawed mechanic is in the game does not mean we should be doing it as stipulated in the EULA.


You should all be thanking BW for banning this person as it will discourage other people from completely ruining your experience by destabilising the games economy through these exploits.


Please ask yourself what the OP's motivation is and understand he can be ignorant of the full story or at worse just lying.

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I obviously haven't read the fifty odd pages of replies but OMG how unreasonable is it of BW to ban a player for this. It is not reasonable by any stretch of the imagination. If they dont' want people to go to levels/areas early then the onus should be on them to make it impossible for them to travel there.


If all those links etc are legit it is outrageous to ban a player for doing this.

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To all those that are confused as to why this player got banned.


1. He did not get banned for going to illum. Ask yourselves this: why would a company interested in retaining customers do something like this, if they intended us not to go to illum until level 40 they would have put a requirement to travel there.


2. Illum itself is flawed and the mechanics of this planet can be exploited to allow the player to obtain large amounts of credits.

Now just because such a flawed mechanic is in the game does not mean we should be doing it as stipulated in the EULA.


You should all be thanking BW for banning this person as it will discourage other people from completely ruining your experience by destabilising the games economy through these exploits.


Please ask yourself what the OP's motivation is and understand he can be ignorant of the full story or at worse just lying.


What's the difference between low level players and high level players doing this when there is a large amount of risk going to this area, considering that in a short while it will be populated by level 50s?

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Because they are soo damn lazy. Glad that I decided stop playing after 30 days runs out. Now I see where this game goes, BW will dictate when you can sit or breathe. Buy making rules to cover their own laziness.

I thought Texas is in USA not in Soviet Union.

It will be outstanding reputation what BW will gain after that.


Stop your baseless assumptions, this statement is pure slander, you are taking the word of a unknown individual and treating it as law without even listening or looking at the other side. Analyse all the facts before you pass judgement.

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What's the difference between low level players and high level players doing this when there is a large amount of risk going to this area, considering that in a short while it will be populated by level 50s?[/quote


Who is to say level 50 players have not been banned for doing this but instead of trying to make bioware out to be some kind of evil dictatorship they instead took ownership of their disregard for the rules and sucked it up.


I would also point out that just because one person does something does not mean you have to or are entitled to do the same without consequence.


It is high time people stopped defending those that have done wrong and stopped justifying actions that threaten to undermine everyone's enjoyment of this game and instead condemn these exploiters and report anyone else that do the same thing.


Report them and bioware will investigate, the fact they have done this proves that they do wish to take exploiting seriously.

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Two things here.


1. I 100% promise we aren't getting the whole set of details on this. More often than not the TOS contains all sorts of technicalities in which you can be banned for literally any reason (or none at all). This isn't news guys. Every TOS on the planet is absurd sounding and is written out in such a way to essentially spell out that it's their game and their rules with no exceptions. It is more likely that all of this is just a case of someone getting caught doing something stupid and bending the story to their favor to make things look worse than they actually are.


2. The section of the TOS quoted earlier is still completely stupid.

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Stop your baseless assumptions, this statement is pure slander, you are taking the word of a unknown individual and treating it as law without even listening or looking at the other side. Analyse all the facts before you pass judgement.

I looked at e-mail (unless it is fake then I was wrong). What hell is "suggested area", isn't 1 part of MMO exploring? Who cares if someone goes to area above level? Do you care?

What about bit of exploring adrenaline, do I get killed or not?

Just yet another reason for jelly peoples moan about exploiting, buy mixing 2 terms, exploitation and exploration.

I have been doing same thing in many MMO's, what is the freaking big deal?

And if it so bad then level lock but then this game is sort of prison camp, not an MMO.

Edited by Chaffery
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This isn't about the planet guys.


I bet if the character was level 50 it would have been the same result. This isn't about being on Illum at a low level, this is about being on Illum at a low level and engaging in an infinite credit exploit.


Basically they found a lock box, then consorted with a player on the opposing faction, and kept flipping the zone to reset the lock box, so they could instantly loot it, and gain more credits, then flip the zone and lather, rinse, repeat.

There are two ways to look at this.


1. The email is real.

2. The email is a lie.


If 2 is true, then there's no reason to believe a ban ever even happened. There's no reason to even believe there is a "friend" at all that it supposedly happened to. The entire things may as well be a fabrication.


On the other hand, if 1 is true, then the email says absolutely nothing about conspiring with the other side. It says nothing about flipping the zone. All it mentions is going to a higher level zone.


It is infinitely bizarre that people ignore the two actual possibilities and rant about some third option completely unrelated options that has exactly nothing to do with the thread.


I'm going to do that too.


You know, the worst part is when someone is in front of you in the bank line and they haven't even filled out the forms yet! And hotdogs come 10 to a pack when buns come in packs of 8! And that is why the Japanese can make all these cheap cars - it's all Bioware's fault!

Edited by ApesAmongUs
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