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MOVIE: Winning Warzones and Line of Sight Tips and Tricks


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This is my third movie in the Oozo Strikes Back series. It will feature 31-39 Vanguard Assault PvP. However, you might notice that I have picked up Gut so, technically, I will have to start referring to my movies as an Assault/Tactics hybrid movie. I'm working towards a build that utilizes the synergy of the High Impact Bolt skills in the Assault and Tactics trees. I'll let you know how that works out in the long run.


I've decided to split this movie into two parts. The first part of this movie will be focusing on winning warzones and using line of sight. There should be some tips and tricks in here that will be helpful for any class of any level.


I've added commentary to this movie, so I'll keep this introduction short. Here are some of the topics covered in this movie.



  • Being sneaky without having stealth



  • teh top sekrit path 2 teh middel



  • Avoiding fights to win



  • Using DoTs to keep enemies from capping (nerf it?)



  • Using line of sight to wall-hack without wall-hacking



  • Using line of sight to waste enemy cooldowns



  • Having some fun with Harpoon



  • Winning with mobility in Voidstar



Experienced PvPers should already know much of the above, but hopefully there is a thing or two that some people haven't thought of before.



Blog Link

My Other Vanguard Movies


Rock on, Troopers.

Edited by Raggok
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Bump for some great footage - thanks for sharing.


Do you intend to go hybrid at 50 (22/19?)? ty


I'll be going for something close to this:




The emphasis will be on High Impact Bolt. I want to see if the chance to reset cooldown from the assault tree synergizes well with the chance to crit from the Tactics tree.


Also, I like the sound of Hold the Line for survivability and utility in Huttball.

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You should really try out a commando sometime. Your ability to skirmish and your durability can really go through the roof when in the hands of anyone that knows how to be sneaky with LOS ^_^ I'm a nightmare defending mid on alderan as assault spec commando.


That's why I <3 my commando.

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You should really try out a commando sometime. Your ability to skirmish and your durability can really go through the roof when in the hands of anyone that knows how to be sneaky with LOS ^_^ I'm a nightmare defending mid on alderan as assault spec commando.


That's why I <3 my commando.


Oh man, I can imagine. I wanted to avoid anything with healing as my first class, but I might do it later on.

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I'll be going for something close to this:




The emphasis will be on High Impact Bolt. I want to see if the chance to reset cooldown from the assault tree synergizes well with the chance to crit from the Tactics tree.


Also, I like the sound of Hold the Line for survivability and utility in Huttball.



This Is the sickest build I've seen yet. Mark my words this will become the standard for Vanguard PVP till they nerf Ion Pulse.


The Ion Pulse / High Impact Bolt mechanic of the Assault tree is powerful enough, this build takes it to the next level.


Triple stun breakers, an in-combat heal and a severely reduced cooldown on our silence spell, looks very good :)


Your actually not using Gut that often I assume though right?

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Your actually not using Gut that often I assume though right?


I'll always use it in conjunction with Stockstrike for the increased chance to guarantee a High Impact Bolt crit (when I'm high enough level to pick up that skill). I don't think I picked up Gut until level 37 or 38, that is why you don't see me using it a lot in this movie.


Stockstrike is bound to 2 and Gut is bound to SHIFT+2, so I can easily chain them when in melee range.

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Just watched the commentary video. Very nice. I didn't know about the walkway around the lip to mid though. I'll have to use that one!


One other tip I would have included for LOS sneaky-ness is to try and los hide yourself while solo defending a node, especially from the direction attackers are coming. This gets them to commit 1-2 token forces to take over what seems like an empty node. It also denies leapers the opening and allows you to freely dot them up while kiting around the edge of the side turret nodes and such.


Another trick I use is on the west side I believe, there's some framework that sticks high up. If you position yourself on it I can hit all of the node with aoe and I have half coverage with my full rotational abilities/free casting my long cc (concussive round). If any leapers leap at me, they land behind me on the lip, I can blow them down and cryo+pulse cannon down half their health if they don't trinket immediately (the spot they land from leaping is always the same and using the knockback always puts them at perfect distance for pulse cannon). If they do, I can just concussive round them and kill someone else.


Just gotta remember to hop down when a bounty hunter comes along.

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Great work, thank you for taking the time to put this together. You have some beautiful moves, I love the harpoon of the ball carrier as you jump into the pit in Huttball, that guy must have really been cursing. Love the voidstart harpoon pulls as well and the sprint move was text book.


Good tips on mechanics of the battlefield, I look forward to trying some of these out.


Thanks again and keep the videos coming!

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Great work, thank you for taking the time to put this together. You have some beautiful moves, I love the harpoon of the ball carrier as you jump into the pit in Huttball, that guy must have really been cursing. Love the voidstart harpoon pulls as well and the sprint move was text book.


Good tips on mechanics of the battlefield, I look forward to trying some of these out.


Thanks again and keep the videos coming!


And thanks to you for the kind comments.

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This is my third movie in the Oozo Strikes Back series. It will feature 31-39 Vanguard Assault PvP. However, you might notice that I have picked up Gut so, technically, I will have to start referring to my movies as an Assault/Tactics hybrid movie. I'm working towards a build that utilizes the synergy of the High Impact Bolt skills in the Assault and Tactics trees. I'll let you know how that works out in the long run.


I've decided to split this movie into two parts. The first part of this movie will be focusing on winning warzones and using line of sight. There should be some tips and tricks in here that will be helpful for any class of any level.


I've added commentary to this movie, so I'll keep this introduction short. Here are some of the topics covered in this movie.


  • Being sneaky without having stealth

  • teh top sekrit path 2 teh middel

  • Avoiding fights to win

  • Using DoTs to keep enemies from capping (nerf it?)

  • Using line of sight to wall-hack without wall-hacking

  • Using line of sight to waste enemy cooldowns

  • Having some fun with Harpoon

  • Winning with mobility in Voidstar


Experienced PvPers should already know much of the above, but hopefully there is a thing or two that some people haven't thought of before.


Blog Link

My Other Vanguard Movies


Rock on, Troopers.


Hey dude,


Just watched your video and you asked at the end to say whether or not to keep making commentary videos and I 100% would love to see more commentary videos.


Thanks for taking the time to make a video for us to enjoy.

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Hey dude,


Just watched your video and you asked at the end to say whether or not to keep making commentary videos and I 100% would love to see more commentary videos.


Thanks for taking the time to make a video for us to enjoy.


Thanks for watching. It does slow the levelling process down, should be 50 by now. :p

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Good tips, thankfully I knew about all but the alternate way to mid in Alderaan. I shared it with my guild... but only my guild. This information is dangerous in the wrong hands... seriously though keep up the good work and do continue the commentary videos.


Amazing how quick this thread gets buried amongst the garbage threads people start over and over. Not sure what professions you picked up, but Biochem will give you the biggest advantages in pvp and pve (flask like stims, re-usable DMG/crit stims, health stims etc..)

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Was gonna ask if you were the same guy from WAR but the video answered that question :p


Nice to see videos from you again, you were always my favorite.


I enjoyed how you calmly present solid tips and information. I knew about the path to mid after watching a friendly sniper get up there once and wreak all sorts of havoc.


I can attest to the capabilities of the High Impact Bolt build. A BH I PvP with runs the same build and his railshot routinely crits in the 4-6k range.


I don't really like calling people "bads" because some of them simply don't know any better. Ignorance is the enemy and this is a helpful video so I'll be showing it to all my friends.

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This information is dangerous in the wrong hands...


LOL. Yeah, now quite a few of the enemy on my server know how I do things and they send people to shut me down. Ah, well. :p


Amazing how quick this thread gets buried amongst the garbage threads people start over and over. Not sure what professions you picked up, but Biochem will give you the biggest advantages in pvp and pve (flask like stims, re-usable DMG/crit stims, health stims etc..)


Yeah, this forum is frustrating. People seems to like to whine and respond to whining.


The Vanguard is Cybertech for the grenades (and also helping friends out with mods). I'll be doing Bio for my second character. It will be something with a more tank-like build, possibly a Kinetic Shadow. The healing should synergize well with the survivability.

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Was gonna ask if you were the same guy from WAR but the video answered that question :p


Nice to see videos from you again, you were always my favorite.


Thanks. :)


Hearing that kind of feedback makes the effort worthwhile.


I can attest to the capabilities of the High Impact Bolt build. A BH I PvP with runs the same build and his railshot routinely crits in the 4-6k range.


Cool, thanks for the info. It's nice to know I'm not following a blind path to failure. ;)

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