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"All the kids roll Empire"


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as if kids will post and say they are kids lol... by kids i mean everyone who is 18 years or younger.


there is a ton more kids on the empire because being dark and evil is cool..... i migrated from empire to republic.


there is one problem however is that unless one is experianced at gaming meaning growing up with it. Most adults really really suck at any kind of gaming and in general learn slower than teenagers so teenagers usually pawn adults who doesnt have a gaming background more often. also its easier for a teenager to become a hardcore than someone who has real life obligations....


this is coming from someone who is 24 and grow up with gaming... i met a lot of hardcore peers in my teenage years, but way less now because people have obligations...


tldr ver: Adults with no gaming background are noobs who typically keyboard turn and have trouble with RTS games and/or Fps because of the lack of time to practice in the field due to irl obligations.


kids: immature, unreasonable and do what ever feels like without consideration, ESPECIALLY ON INTERNET.....but has a lot of time to perfect and refine the skills needed in gaming...... tends to be better than majority of adults without gaming backgrounds


You can be a jerk and be republic side.


pawn? But in any case, this is mostly right.


Your writing conventions suggest otherwise.


I'm pretty sure people playing an MMO such as this have a gaming background... MMO's typically aren't good to learn the basics of video-gaming... I learned that myself a long time ago.


13 here and IA simply because the republic doesn't have a sniper rifle high-tech thing. But I still chose an LS IA because Bioware's amazing story acting and what not makes me care about people. That's right, I don't want to walk up to someone and kill him. And I'm under the age of 15. OP, your statistics are invalid... again.

Edited by Zunayson
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I think more teenagers went to the Empire, your not going to get a concrete age because any teenager is going to lie about his age. But really, it's hard to tell. I'm going to say empire just because it seems to have more people, but I don't have evidence to point me either way.
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If youre older than 31 it means you were born in the 70s so probably suck at video games anyways.


Empire are definitely the noob faction. Simply because they outnumber republic 5:1 and noobs outnumber non-noobs by like 10:1.


Cute. Did you come up with that all by yourself?


Now why don't you put on your big boy pants and try having an adult discussion with the rest of us without resorting to regurgitating ridiculous stereotypes and throwing around baseless metrics.


On second thought, never mind. I doubt your capable.

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Im 25 and i rolled Empire.


On a side note, I dont care if your mommy is still feeding you or if you are an old fart, but for godsakes.....LEARN TO PVP.


Server is Infinite Empire. Republic usually destroys us in all battle zones.


Im not saying im the best PVP'er nor have i ever played in pro lvl, but at least i know what im doing! (And still learning!)


Only one time did i ever get 4 medals which was a game where the Republic destroyed our team because most our team couldnt kill a rat alone. Most of the time i get 5-7 medals in a game.


AND this is coming from a lvl 21 Sniper class which is broken beyond believe in PVP. (Extremely unresponsive controls and buggy cover system)



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If youre older than 31 it means you were born in the 70s so probably suck at video games anyways.


Empire are definitely the noob faction. Simply because they outnumber republic 5:1 and noobs outnumber non-noobs by like 10:1.


The difficulty level of games past exceeds that of many games at present. Therefore I would say your statement is profoundly wrong.

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27 empire for the win no sensitive ******** thanks.


You realize Empire is the 'sensitive' faction, right? They're overly emotional about everything and take shiz way too seriously (exploding planets for revenge purposes. Cry me a river, Sith )

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Being at peak fluid intelligence, maybe this is why they always win in PvP matches.


Not really, they win pvp because empire is flooded with kids who play video games all day and get good at them, so it's expected for them to know a thing or two more than the grown ups who have jobs and can't train at video games all day after school.

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