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DataCrons, Jumping and Platforming...why its terrible...


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@OP: Its fine. You either have a bad machine or bad latency. Yes, some datacrons require TEAMS of people or a lot of TIME. Deal with it. Its an MMORPG



Edited by Vashy
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Also: I think what they should do is add random spawn datacrons.


Yes, I am actually a person who is proud when he finds a datacron himself.


And yes, I will try to figure out how to get there without looking at guides. (I wasted 2 days trying to get to the crash site datacron on Tatooine AFTER already having been there but couldn't take it due to the 'you must complete missions first' message and only after leaving the place figured out that I might be running too many old missions... royal pain to try and figure out where I had gone to so easily the day before *argh*)


So, finding random datacrons by chance, yeah, that would be nice, no: camping of PvPers, no 'already done because I followed the guide', just find/solve/happy... :)

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@OP: Its fine. You either have a bad machine or bad latency. Yes, some datacrons require TEAMS of people or a lot of TIME. Deal with it. Its an MMORPG




I guess it's only fair, to use an equally stupid fallacy like this:


It's an mmoRPG, not a platforming game.

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When I hit space-bar my character jumps - there is little to no delay.


Also, there are soft caps on all the stats anyways - and the highest bonus is +10 I believe

for the Datacrons. You will not be missing that much if you can't handle Datacron hunting.

You are honestly complaining about these unnecessary little Easter eggs?


Oh and opening your ports is not the end all solution for lag in any way. It could be so many

different things. Hell, even an antivirus program could be causing lag. There are SO many

different possibilities, sometimes it's not just "Oh, my FPS and latency are fine, it's their fault".

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A lot of butt hurt in this thread.


Really, if you just practice the space+forward move out in an open, flat space for a while, you can get the hang of it and then be able to do some very accurate jumping with it since it will always jump exactly the same distance.


Whether it is from box to box, or pipe to pipe, or any combo, I have yet to find a datacron that requires jumping around that things were not placed precisely as needed for the space+forward to jump it perfectly.


Practice makes perfect - and in this case, trivial.

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Might as well scratch swoop bike racing, we do not want to have variety in an MMO now and have racing events. Oh let us wipe out all the ideas for Pazaak as well cause you know its an MMO and having some gambling game in it would create something more to do.


Stupid idea to take things away from the game.

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Datacrons are all optional. The stats are low enough that they won't effect your character that greatly if you do not collect all of them. As for the jumping... it must be client side. My characters jump perfectly fine with no lagging at all. I doubt it if I had a different client from everyone else too... so I'm going with an issue on your end. Sorry for the luck.


I personally like the "mini-puzzles" that you must do to get some of the Datacrons. I had an exciting moment on Hoth with one where I had to get one that was in Rebel territory (PVP server). I got to where I could see it with no enemies, but when I was waiting for the first 'ride' from the crane, a Rebel player showed up. I killed them and made it across the first crane and then I saw about 5 Rebels coming up the elevator. It was exciting... they were all waiting to come across the same crane ride (for some reason... there was a walkway across the other side of the mezanine, lol) and I managed to just get to the Datacron before they got to me.


Keep up the good work Bioware.

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Might as well scratch swoop bike racing, we do not want to have variety in an MMO now and have racing events. Oh let us wipe out all the ideas for Pazaak as well cause you know its an MMO and having some gambling game in it would create something more to do.


Stupid idea to take things away from the game.


Or maybe, you know, include them, but don't make it suck. Like play to the engine's strengths rather than shoehorning awkward mechanics into the game.


A card game would be easy to implement. Racing wouldn't be, unless you created a system that allowed collision, speed differences, etc.


Trying to wrangle the camera, and figure out the awkward angles of many of the humps in this game is annoying and seems slapped together.


I've gotten many of the hard datacrons, and hunting them is fun, but some of the mechanics are just awful. Maybe if the physics were made for things like quality jumping and platforming, but the hero engine, isn't.


I'm all for including varied systems and content, but shoehorning stuff in without much thought besides "It's possible", is a lame way of doing it.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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i like my litlte cube friends, i'ma completist whore thought, always looking fo fill the old codex to the max, killing world bosses, find lores, looing for a critter i not add to my list, etc. my jumping been pretty fast and no issue to date with getting them. althought i am suffering form a large 3 type body, mkaing it semi hard to get 2-3 cubes. ah well i figuring it out slowly.
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I'm not a huge fan of platforming in an MMO, but with that said, I have ALL of the datacrons (aside from the +10 to all stats one on the fleet) and I didn't experience any lag in jumping.


The only frustration I had whilst collecting the datacrons was the typical mechanics involved in jumping in MMO's (bad clipping etc).


Tips for jumping when finding datacrons:


  • Make sure you have decent fps (30+). Use Ctrl+Shift+F to see your current Fps. Performance issues when trying to time a jump can be a killer (quite literally).
  • Disabling Sprint can give you more control when timing your jump.
  • Not everywhere is a good place to use your speeder to do the jumping.
  • Set your zoom out distance to max, so you can look at the jump from different angles and perfect your positioning (sometimes looking vertically over your char helps).


Edited by Tarka
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Stop blaming the devs that YOU have a garbage computer and internet connection.


This aspect of the game is absolutely fine, alot of fun, and a break from the norm of MMOs


Stop pulling bull **** out of your ***, every time someone criticizes something you enjoy. Arbitrary climbable textures, and clipping due to an inappropriate engine aren't a problem with a PC.


Just because you enjoy a flawed system doesn't mean everything is fine. I get a solid 40-60 FPS and minimal lag, and despite finding the concept enjoyable, it's poorly thought out.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Stop pulling bull **** out of your ***, every time someone criticisms something you enjoy. Arbitrary climbable textures, and clipping due to an inappropriate engine aren't a problem with a PC.


Just because you enjoy a flawed system doesn't mean everything is fine. I get a solid 40-60 FPS and minimal lag, and despite finding the concept enjoyable, it's poorly thought out.


To my knowledge (and speaking from an Imperial perspective), there are no datacrons in the game that require the player to exploit "Climbable textures" and clipping errors. There is always a more "logical" way to get to the datacron than trying to contstantly spam jumping up the side of a rock face.


With the exception of one datacron on Belsavis. BUT, that's purely because the bridge that is supposed to be used is not functioning as it should.


Like I said, that's to my knowledge. I have all the datacrons myself, but I can't remember one (aside from the one mentioned above) where you had to make use of "climeable textures" and bad clipping.

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OK I didn't read the entire thread so sorry if someone already mentioned this. For the tougher jumps I don't do a running leap; I carefully find my jump start location, stop and then hit space bar and forward keys at the same time. It appears to jump just as far forward as a running jump and doesn't require super precise timing like a running jump does.
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I just canceled my subscription yesterday and deleted my 32 Agent, 31 Trooper, and 15 sorcerer because of the frustrations I have with getting datacrons. I love this game other then datacron gathering however getting datacrons seems to be a big part of the game as it will boost your stats and that is a good thing. I understand making it a challenge but this is ridicules to me and for someone who never beet Super Mario bros I find platform jumping to be difficult and no my Internet is not lagging and I get good MS to the server. I typically will finish a planet of its quest then go hunt for datacrons before moving on and it took me about or over two hours trying to get just one from Nar Shaddaa, and almost three hours on one in Tatooine. The Tatooine balloon ride really frustrated me because after waiting so long I finally got to the datacron, picked it up and jumped down not knowing one level below was another datacron and I had to take the balloon ride all over again. Once almost there the balloon de-spawned and had to do it all over again, not very fun and that was on my Agent. I did this on my Trooper the other day and this character is on a PvP server so I had to fight a group of Empire to get on the balloon to have it de-spawn almost to the datacron, speeder myself back to the start, had to fight more Empire to get back on. I then was positioning myself for the jump down and my finger twitched and I fell off but that is my own fault however I still have to do it again and I won’t at this point in time. I also have a good computer and its basic specs is 3.0 quad core, 8GB of memory, SSD HDD with a 10k slave drive, PNY GTX 460, and broadband Internet and now a new keyboard because I broke my old one a few weeks ago trying to get datacrons on my Agent. I really don’t like datacrons anymore lol. Edited by Darkun_
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I just canceled my subscription yesterday and deleted my 32 Agent, 31 Trooper, and 15 sorcerer because of the frustrations I have with getting datacrons. I love this game other then datacron gathering however getting datacrons seems to be a big part of the game as it will boost your stats and that is a good thing. I understand making it a challenge but this is ridicules to me and for someone who never beet Super Mario bros I find platform jumping to be difficult and no my Internet is not lagging and I get good MS to the server. I typically will finish a planet of its quest then go hunt for datacrons before moving on and it took me about or over two hours trying to get just one from Nar Shaddaa, and almost three hours on one in Tatooine. The Tatooine balloon ride really frustrated me because after waiting so long I finally got to the datacron, picked it up and jumped down not knowing one level below was another datacron and I had to take the balloon ride all over again. Once almost there the balloon de-spawned and had to do it all over again, not very fun and that was on my Agent. I did this on my Trooper the other day and this character is on a PvP server so I had to fight a group of Empire to get on the balloon to have it de-spawn almost to the datacron, speeder myself back to the start, had to fight more Empire to get back on. I then was positioning myself for the jump down and my finger twitched and I feel off but that is my own fault however I still have to do it again and I won’t at this point in time. I also have a good computer and its basic specs is 3.0 quad core, 8GB of memory, SSD HDD with a 10k slave drive, PNY GTX 460, and broadband Internet and now a new keyboard because I broke my old one a few weeks ago trying to get datacrons on my Agent. I really don’t like datacrons anymore lol.


I hope you are kidding?! :eek:


If SWTOR for you is reduced to just collecting datacrons... man, I don't know... I mean of course datacrons up your attributes... but it is not essential that a) you get all of them, or b) even get any of them.


It's not like [cue *Mighty Voice of Game*] 'Sorry, you can't progress any further if you didn't get X datacrons!' [/cue]


Have you looked at your stats? A datacron will usually give you a +2 to a stat. Even on your off attributes that's not a 2% boost. On your primary/secondary attribute it's what? A 0.5% boost? You'd get more from just changing a mod or enhancement in your equipment...

Edited by Goreson
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I've noticed that I - ever so often - run into problems when trying to get my guy (body type 3 human) up a ramp, and yes, sometimes also with jumping, but mostly with running up a ramp, like into your spaceship for example.


He just gets stuck without any chance of normal 'follow the path upward' movement, instead I actually have to have him jump up the ramp... would probably look cool if I had him flap his arms while jumping

Happens to me with male sith body type 3.


Been happening since Korriban, actually. *** is with those stairs.


Anyway, some of the jump sequences can be frustrating if you miss a jump. My two biggest issues have been fail-jumping, which has been brought up in this thread but can be worked around with better timing, and some sort of clipping that'll keep me from getting over the edge of an object I'm trying to jump onto.

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No. Leave it as it is. I'm scared to see them "Fix" the datacrons by making them all like the Belsavis green matrix shard.


Find x number of randomly spawned in fixed locations on random timers and everyone's looking for them. Then bring said x number to the datacron machine to open it. Cept ya know...everyone's already looking for them so it takes literally 5 in game days to do it. Or you shell out money to some scalper who got lucky and wants his 100k credits.


There are guides. Every location is handed to you, with directions, on a silver platter. The only work you have to do is learn to jump.

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I just canceled my subscription yesterday and deleted my 32 Agent, 31 Trooper, and 15 sorcerer because of the frustrations I have with getting datacrons. I love this game other then datacron gathering however getting datacrons seems to be a big part of the game as it will boost your stats and that is a good thing. I understand making it a challenge but this is ridicules to me and for someone who never beet Super Mario bros I find platform jumping to be difficult and no my Internet is not lagging and I get good MS to the server. I typically will finish a planet of its quest then go hunt for datacrons before moving on and it took me about or over two hours trying to get just one from Nar Shaddaa, and almost three hours on one in Tatooine. The Tatooine balloon ride really frustrated me because after waiting so long I finally got to the datacron, picked it up and jumped down not knowing one level below was another datacron and I had to take the balloon ride all over again. Once almost there the balloon de-spawned and had to do it all over again, not very fun and that was on my Agent. I did this on my Trooper the other day and this character is on a PvP server so I had to fight a group of Empire to get on the balloon to have it de-spawn almost to the datacron, speeder myself back to the start, had to fight more Empire to get back on. I then was positioning myself for the jump down and my finger twitched and I feel off but that is my own fault however I still have to do it again and I won’t at this point in time. I also have a good computer and its basic specs is 3.0 quad core, 8GB of memory, SSD HDD with a 10k slave drive, PNY GTX 460, and broadband Internet and now a new keyboard because I broke my old one a few weeks ago trying to get datacrons on my Agent. I really don’t like datacrons anymore lol.



Good for you!!!

I killed two nuns, beat up four icecream lorry drivers and framed Roger Rabbit because of my RAGE trying to get to the datacrons... :p:p:p



Seriously, I can not believe what I'm reading in half of these posts...

Datacrons are not meant to be SO easy, otherwise they would just be included in the stats of the starting chars!!! Also, they are not meant for everyone to get, same as super-duper-elite pvp gear etc etc!!! The game has to reward people for spending time over something and this is one such case!!! Some people put time and effort and get the reward, some don't!!! IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD.

my god....

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I kindof agree with the OP.


I like the whole idea with datacrons, although I think its been badly implemented. I wouldnt mind having some of the datacrons require a bit of platforming, but it would be good to of had / have in future updates a bit more variety.


Something like a treasure hunt, puzzle. Maybe even give each crew skill a recipie to make a key to unlock a vault which contains a datacron. Heck, even as a mission reward after grinding killing X NPC's, or completing X number of quests on a certain planet. Maybe even more social based to encourage grouping.


Seriously, just a bit of variety.

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If the OP is really having a 5 second delay when hitting spacebar then the fault is not with the game. People are bringing up latency which will certainly make a difference but what I did not see mentioned in the first 7 pages (as far as I got before the thread started degenerating) was anyone asking the OP what style of keyboard he is using.


I had no end of trouble with timing the jumps when I first came across them until I remembered a problem I had when playing GTA:SA, I could not manage any of the car dancing challenges using the standard WASD/spacebar setup but when I used the cursor keys and 0 on the numeric pad the controls were far more responsive.


This is a different pc that I had then but one thing remains the same, I am using a bog standard USB 102 key keyboard not a "proper" gaming keyboard. Perhaps the letters and spacebar are not designed to be used together and do not respond as well as using the cursor keys and numeric 0.


Since swapping to cursors/0 from wasd/space I have had no problems with the jumps as far as input lag has been concerned.

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