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Nar Nightlife Event Updates 2024

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Spent 50 KP tokens, received 3 Golden certs and one Cartel cert.  At one point I thought I was stuck in loop as kept receiving my KP coin back. Had the 'luck' buff from the Cantina bar - didn't seem very lucky to me.  

Had one Emperor token from last year, bloody Golden Cert from it.

At least I know to not waste any more time on it.  My luck sucked last year, this year it's non existent.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks!

Just wanted to let y’all know we’re reading the feedback. I wanted to go into a little bit into why the previously mentioned adjustments were made and add clarification to a couple of prominent points we’re seeing in the thread.

Legacy Currency instead of Character

This is something we talk about internally quite a bit. We want to make changes to the way these currencies work and making them legacy based instead of character based is one of the proposed changes. While this is not a change that is happening in this year's event, I did want to acknowledge that there is a desire to make an adjustment here, but there are also some logistical challenges to this kind of change that require a heavy lift.

Less Chip Rewards and Odds

Previously, the way chip rewards worked was that most plays just gave you back the chip you spent or gave you many of a lower tiered one. In most cases, these were “slow losses”. This is not an ideal workflow. With the new adjustments, the revamped odds give you a higher chance at winning an actual prize or just removing the chip, meaning you should come out with more rewards for less time investment at a cost of less chips won.

We’ll be monitoring this change especially since it could reduce engagement with the machines. The intent behind the change was to increase reward output and decrease time spent. If we find over time that it does not remain engaging, then we’ll certainly adjust in the future.

Please keep in mind the Lucky and Karma buffs are more important than before for Emperor’s Grace pulls. If you’re planning on doing an Emperor’s Grace pull I would recommend getting at least one of the buffs but preferably both regardless of which Emperor’s Grace machine you intend to play to give you the best shot at a Jackpot.

Credit Economy

As the economy continues to stabilize, we intend to adjust the cost of the chips accordingly. So this is definitely something we will tune over time.

I really do appreciate your feedback and we’ll be incorporating it in future iterations of the event. 

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5 hours ago, NeoPlushka said:

For starters Nightlife event has a big spot in my heart, this was the 1st event I have seen when started playing SWTOR. As a totally new player I found it so fun to do, I totally has no money or anything in the game, but for a small amount of effords you could get something cool in it. I was spending hours rolling slot machines, chilling and enjoing the whole atmosphere of Nar Shaddaa casino. When shades were added as a reward, then it was one of the coolest and rarest item you could get. Each year I was waiting for exactly this event in order to get something new and cool for space barbing as well as for recriation the emotions I got long ago doing this event. I was waiting patiently for Nightlife event this year too, especially when I have seen that you added new achievements to grind. And never I was so disappointed like today. The changes you made... are terrible if to say this in the most polite way.

EXACTLY THIS, word for word. Exactly my feelings. Thank you for saying this for me and all the others who feel the same way.

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Thanks for the update. At least we know the reason why we don't have legacy tokens is a coding thing rather than just a decision not to do it.

Something I don't think you may have considered - for a lot of us, the golden certificates and 'lesser' rewards for kingpins are the main draw. We're now getting a lot less of those due to what seems to be a focus on emperors grace.


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15 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Legacy Currency instead of Character

This is something we talk about internally quite a bit. We want to make changes to the way these currencies work and making them legacy based instead of character based is one of the proposed changes. While this is not a change that is happening in this year's event, I did want to acknowledge that there is a desire to make an adjustment here, but there are also some logistical challenges to this kind of change that require a heavy lift.

I think ppl were asking about legacy chips currency for several years already. It's dissapointing that it's not happenning this year but it would be appreciated if you finally redo the system for chips currency. And if it requires so much work to change it, I'm sure ppl can wait another year but we are still hope it's not empty promises and you really do what you said rn.

16 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Less Chip Rewards and Odds

Previously, the way chip rewards worked was that most plays just gave you back the chip you spent or gave you many of a lower tiered one. In most cases, these were “slow losses”. This is not an ideal workflow. With the new adjustments, the revamped odds give you a higher chance at winning an actual prize or just removing the chip, meaning you should come out with more rewards for less time investment at a cost of less chips won.

The idea itself was good in theory but it doesn't work on practice. As a result we got huge chips sink with low drop of items. What literary means we are throwing our resourses and money in the air. Tbh I have a feeling that there is bigger chance to win something in real casino then in slot machines on Nar Shaddaa.

22 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Please keep in mind the Lucky and Karma buffs are more important than before for Emperor’s Grace pulls. If you’re planning on doing an Emperor’s Grace pull I would recommend getting at least one of the buffs but preferably both regardless of which Emperor’s Grace machine you intend to play to give you the best shot at a Jackpot.

Again. In order even to get Grace buff you have to spend lots of kinpin chips. We doesn't get it as fast as we got Lucky buff from smuggler's machines before. And moreover, when you finally got Grace Buff you have to try get Lucky one. And it doesn't pop up fast as well. So to get both of them you have to spend not a small amount of kinpin and smuggler chips. To get what? Those 2 buffs only prevent you of losing your Emperor's chip. If you didn't get a Jackpot you will get something like a certificate? From Emperor's machine? The whole work getting 2 buffs doesn't worse the spending this way. It's so frustrating to waste so much time and chips and get only a reward you could easily get from a smuggler machine before. Ppl even stopped getting kingpin chips for a failed emperor's machine roll what makes regaining currency super unfriendly and expensive. Havining only 1 buff literally doesn't influence on getting higher chance of drop. You can roll without any buffs at all and get absolutely the same stuff as with buffs. It's like we were trying to catch that fish in sprin event. With 2 buffs, with only one buff, we no buffs, it was a total rng and you could spend days fishing and never get the fish. Here is the same. You can roll 100s times and never get the rewards you want.

31 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Credit Economy

As the economy continues to stabilize, we intend to adjust the cost of the chips accordingly. So this is definitely something we will tune over time.

Lowering the price of chips would be also appreciated.

Well, from what is said in upper post it's totally understandable that NO FIXES will be done this year. It's dissappointing even more. But I guess nothing to do, we wasted the whole year and with all what happened to Lifenight event there is no point spending time, currency and money on it coz we will not gain anything but lose everything. Think give a shot next year if not unsubscribe earlier for another "exellent" changes in the game.

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45 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:


Less Chip Rewards and Odds

Previously, the way chip rewards worked was that most plays just gave you back the chip you spent or gave you many of a lower tiered one. In most cases, these were “slow losses”. This is not an ideal workflow. With the new adjustments, the revamped odds give you a higher chance at winning an actual prize or just removing the chip, meaning you should come out with more rewards for less time investment at a cost of less chips won.

We’ll be monitoring this change especially since it could reduce engagement with the machines. The intent behind the change was to increase reward output and decrease time spent. If we find over time that it does not remain engaging, then we’ll certainly adjust in the future.

Please keep in mind the Lucky and Karma buffs are more important than before for Emperor’s Grace pulls. If you’re planning on doing an Emperor’s Grace pull I would recommend getting at least one of the buffs but preferably both regardless of which Emperor’s Grace machine you intend to play to give you the best shot at a Jackpot.


Appreciate that you're listening to the feedback.  Not sure I have the mechanics right but based on this:

  • "Previously Lucky and Good Karma were awarded alongside winning some Chips, however they will now be rewarded sometimes with what was originally considered a loss. This will make the buffs a little bit rarer."


My anecdotal experience has been that by giving a buff that comes out of a loss, and that buff increases your chances of winning, and it has a longer duration than the first buff you used to get that second buff, its pretty darn tricky to get both buffs....particularly due to the shorter duration of the first buff. 0.o

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Posted (edited)

Appreciate the quick response to feedback.

8 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Previously, the way chip rewards worked was that most plays just gave you back the chip you spent or gave you many of a lower tiered one. In most cases, these were “slow losses”.

I feel like the "loop" of Emperor's Grace -> Kingpin -> Emperor's Grace was sort of a non-issue and the change/rebalance has had the opposite effect & turned it into an issue.

Getting Kingpin chips from the Emperor's Grace was good, it felt like a small knockback-- a consequence of bad luck-- but gave the opportunity to return & win big quite quickly. Now, using up your chips on the Emperor's Grace sends you back to the Smuggler machine, or back to Tython/Korriban to grind more chips which, I've found, is a lot more time consuming than simply getting to spin the Kingpin again.

Edited by ProximaTrinity
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46 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:

s Chip Rewards and Odds

Previously, the way chip rewards worked was that most plays just gave you back the chip you spent or gave you many of a lower tiered one. In most cases, these were “slow losses”. This is not an ideal workflow. With the new adjustments, the revamped odds give you a higher chance at winning an actual prize or just removing the chip, meaning you should come out with more rewards for less time investment at a cost of less chips won.

We’ll be monitoring this change especially since it could reduce engagement with the machines. The intent behind the change was to increase reward output and decrease time spent. If we find over time that it does not remain engaging, then we’ll certainly adjust in the future.

Please keep in mind the Lucky and Karma buffs are more important than before for Emperor’s Grace pulls. If you’re planning on doing an Emperor’s Grace pull I would recommend getting at least one of the buffs but preferably both regardless of which Emperor’s Grace machine you intend to play to give you the best shot at a Jackpot.

I'm batting .500 on Emperor's Grace.  Half won "something" and have just lost a chip.  In past events, it was virtually 100% winning "something."  Even 50 Kingpin chips is better than just straight up losing an Emperor chip.  Considering how common it is to come up empty at an Emperor's Grace, I don't see the math in reward output here ever coming to parity.  For time, again, past events you didn't need two buffs to have "good" odds at winning "something" at an Emperor's Grace, and it's not quick at all the get either of the buffs much less simultaneously.  The math works out to a player gets less for more time and effort now.  Perfect failure of the stated goals.

I would have been happy with a relaunch of last years event.  No new items or anything.  Just a redo.  Instead we got changes that feel like punishments.  With the sentiment of "we may have ruined this year's event, but hey, we might make changes next YEAR," it makes me doubt the future of the game.

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41 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:


Less Chip Rewards and Odds

Previously, the way chip rewards worked was that most plays just gave you back the chip you spent or gave you many of a lower tiered one. In most cases, these were “slow losses”. This is not an ideal workflow. With the new adjustments, the revamped odds give you a higher chance at winning an actual prize or just removing the chip, meaning you should come out with more rewards for less time investment at a cost of less chips won.

We’ll be monitoring this change especially since it could reduce engagement with the machines. The intent behind the change was to increase reward output and decrease time spent. If we find over time that it does not remain engaging, then we’ll certainly adjust in the future.

Please keep in mind the Lucky and Karma buffs are more important than before for Emperor’s Grace pulls. If you’re planning on doing an Emperor’s Grace pull I would recommend getting at least one of the buffs but preferably both regardless of which Emperor’s Grace machine you intend to play to give you the best shot at a Jackpot.


Sorry, but I'm done with this event!!!

For me it was a place where I was able to win certificates, which I used to get some nice decorations for my strongholds.

Now, it's just a place to waste my time / credits and get nothing out of it.

These unwanted changes were dead on arrival!!!😒

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55 minutes ago, JoeStramaglia said:

We’ll be monitoring this change especially since it could reduce engagement with the machines.

Definitely reduced my engagement. 

As a new-to-the-game player for last year's event, I spent a LOT of time just clicking. It was fun, and felt rewarding, and even when I got nothing but chips from the Emp machine, it didn't feel terrible. I had so many chips that it felt rather endless, honestly, and eventually I went to the other machines on the fleet just to ditch the coins after I'd had enough of clicking on slots. 

Now, after experiencing the changes to this year's event, I wish I'd kept those coins instead, because it feels like you nerfed this thing a bit too hard, and it's not even fun now.

And really, one new helm this year? And a couple of shabby dyes? Really? Yeah, not worth the time to bother with it at all, when, as I said, it's not even fun now.

Well done you, I guess?

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I NEVER post on the forums. I logged in here just to say to PLEASE revert this change. I had so much more fun with the last system. This felt so dry and a lot less awards. Such a big credit sink. I don't think I can play this event like this even though I love it. Please change it back ASAP. It might be a "less efficient" workload but it is a lot more fun the way it was.


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Adding my voice to the chorus of "This is not doing what you hoped it would and has reduced the desire to engage with this event."

Personally, I find this event to be a fun little time sink if I'm just online and faffing around. Went to check things out today with a guildmate, went through about 100 KP chips and got a grand total of 3 jackpots, two of which gave me an EG chip and one giving me (yet another) Vectron BWL mount to throw in my legacy storage to rot. (Out of the 100 or so KP chips I played, I MAYBE got an actual prize every tenth spin; 90% of my 'wins' were just getting my chip back.) Played my two EG chips and got 2 golden certs and a jackpot.... of the full High Roller armor set. Which I already have, as I bought it from the vendors during the off season. 

So, I figure that's my engagement with the event done for this year unless there's massive tweaks on the horizon. I have no interest in the new helmet, I have all the prizes I wanted from previous years and the lack of EG chips dropping outside of KP jackpots completely wipes any interest I have in farming the mid-tier machine. 

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Soooo, for all of us long time subs who have done this event a lot, this years event comes down to trying to get a rare helmet.

I learned my lesson from wasting hours upon hours to not get a stupid rare fish. I think I'll skip this. 

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I appreciate the communication, by the way. I might not be thrilled with the changes, but I recognize that the team is making an effort here. 

Having tried the changes here: yeah, it just doesn't feel fun to play. It's less fun than it used to be, which is impressive, because this is by far the game's worst event. I appreciate that you tried something, but I don't think this is the winning formula. 

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2 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Legacy Currency instead of Character

This is something we talk about internally quite a bit. We want to make changes to the way these currencies work and making them legacy based instead of character based is one of the proposed changes. While this is not a change that is happening in this year's event, I did want to acknowledge that there is a desire to make an adjustment here, but there are also some logistical challenges to this kind of change that require a heavy lift.

I would say that, before you make any other changes, focus on this first. I have Universal Prefabs, a stack of tokens from Kuat Drive Yards, a stack of tokens gained from the two versions of Korriban Incursion & Assault on Tython, and a stack of tokens gained from Depths of Manaan, all sitting in my Legacy bank. These tokens are so rare to come by that I would prefer them being a Legacy currency in my currency tab instead of an item that I have to consciously store.

I also have almost the maximum amount of PvE Space Mission tokens, but those tokens are spread across different characters. Because the reputation track is unified (only changing text details when looking on a Republic or Imperial character), having the associated tokens be unified should have been done by now.

2 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Less Chip Rewards and Odds

Previously, the way chip rewards worked was that most plays just gave you back the chip you spent or gave you many of a lower tiered one. In most cases, these were “slow losses”. This is not an ideal workflow. With the new adjustments, the revamped odds give you a higher chance at winning an actual prize or just removing the chip, meaning you should come out with more rewards for less time investment at a cost of less chips won.

We’ll be monitoring this change especially since it could reduce engagement with the machines. The intent behind the change was to increase reward output and decrease time spent. If we find over time that it does not remain engaging, then we’ll certainly adjust in the future.

Please keep in mind the Lucky and Karma buffs are more important than before for Emperor’s Grace pulls. If you’re planning on doing an Emperor’s Grace pull I would recommend getting at least one of the buffs but preferably both regardless of which Emperor’s Grace machine you intend to play to give you the best shot at a Jackpot.

This here, in my honest opinion, is where your logic fails. As someone who has played this event a couple times, I learned really fast that the best way to play it was to go until I had collected all the things I could in the span of time the event was live. It didn't matter if I still had chips in my currency bank, because I could just save them for next year.

Encouraging rapid loss of chips without significant increase to the base Jackpot odds is bad on paper, let alone in practice. Especially when the only thing new this year is a helmet with no matching suit. The glasses? Fine, I can roll with that, it's a simple little accessory that doesn't do anything drastic; and there are plenty of casual clothing sets that have no matching head slot or look fine without it. Helmets, on the other hand, are something that needs to be paired with a flight suit or armor. There's just no way around that.

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Thanks for ruining this event Broadsword. I was eager to carry on from where I left off, with the couple of Emperor Chips I hadn't managed to use in the previous event. When the event restarted, I inserted the my Emperor Chip into the machine, and what happens? Absolutely nothing. On a machine that is supposed to guarantee a win, or at least a conciliation prize of 50 Kingpin Chips, I get absolutely nothing.

Did you know when you 'inherited' this game from EA there were and are people who play solo, role play and generally focus on PVE content. Those of whom, for the most part, aren't going out of the way to grind for Emperor Casino Chips. 

I appreciate that PvP players, GSF and those that do group content, probably comprise the majority of the player base, more so than solo players, RPs and casual PVE content players. But, you seem to do everything in your power to undermine the enjoyment of these groups. First, with the disparity between conquest points with the vast majority going to PvP arenas and GSF and now with Emperor Casino Chips becoming farm-able to add to the grind that pervades this game. They cease to be a unique and exciting commodity and now become another object of tedium. 

I made the mistake once of buying Emperor Casino Chips. Fortunately, before you took over. Do you know how expensive they are? VERY. 7.5 million credits to be exact. To pay for them and get no return? I might as well set fire to money.

It seems like you're going out of your way to vex players by nerfing things that don't need nerfing and fixing things that don't require fixing. Additionally, simping for Disney by putting lore breaking Acolyte garbage from the High Republic into an Old Republic game.

I'm grateful you managed to suppress inflation, but that's the only thing you've done of merit since you've taken over.In fact, you've suppressed inflation to the point where there is now a massive disparity between the value of credits (and that of the items it purchases), and the value of people's hard earned money (Cartel Coins) and that which it purchases becoming increasingly worthless. 

Your ham-fisted efforts are not appreciated, perhaps you ought to think more about the consequences of your changes before implementing them and subverting the main purpose of the game, for people to enjoy themselves. After all, that is why we are spending money on subscriptions. Please revert these changes immediately. Otherwise, I will definitely have to reconsider playing this game, and warning others of what to expect, from now on.

Edited by Geoproxy
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3 hours ago, Meiran said:

Thanks for the update. At least we know the reason why we don't have legacy tokens is a coding thing rather than just a decision not to do it.

nah the 'code' part is easy, they're just reference values in a database

the challenge is with converting from character-based to legacy-based currencies, you have to accommodate for the potential of multiple character's stockpiles of said currency exceeding the cap when added together

while one "solution" would be to simply increase the new legacy currency cap to the point where collective overflow isn't possible, it would also vastly reduce the systemic pressures to spend that currency

then of course, because these are variables in a computer program, you need the sufficient storage space to allow them to persist, though with the amount of specific-purpose small value currencies they've added over the last few years, I don't think the data storage aspect is something that's super critical to their design considerations, however taking one value and then increasing it by several orders of magnitude probably isn't something to be done lightly

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None of these changes are good

Why would you make the arguably best machine and part of Nightlife losable? The only chances of winning on the Emperor's slot machine were what made the whole event worth grinding for, because it was a sure-way to be able to eventually get the things you wanted from the vendors

Achievements are pointless as is for almost every single game and content and adding more where there didn't need to be more is baffling

There hasn't been a new worthwhile item on any vendor or from the slot machines ever since they added Phrojo

There's virtually no reason for players who have over a year to actually do this event because most probably have everything or want nothing/nothing else they want


Edited by denajii
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4 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Credit Economy

As the economy continues to stabilize, we intend to adjust the cost of the chips accordingly. So this is definitely something we will tune over time.

I really do appreciate your feedback and we’ll be incorporating it in future iterations of the event. 

Are you kidding us? Do you really not know how a good market economy works? What measures have you taken to give new players the opportunity to earn credits (crafting, for example)? Credit sinks only work if you give the players good incentives to spend money. You think a really bad-looking helmet and a few achievements are enough? The decision to flood the trade network with items and destroy the economy only has a negative effect on new players. That's something you should know...

And one more thing... you supposedly listen to the players. Who asked for these changes?

You've been ignoring really urgent problems for years (crafting, PVP, class balance... we can go on and on) and are bringing out such... let's put it mildly... junk.

Thanks for nothing and for making the next activity unplayable.

Edited by bayernbeleafer
Fehler im Satzbau....Rechtschreibung
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Hi, Joe,

I appreciate the clarification and I get where you're coming from.

My approach to the event is engage with it as casually as possible. At the end of a raid night or a week, I'll hop over to the casino and spend down my Emperor's chips. If get a prize, Great! If not, maybe next time.

However, the importance of the lucky and karma buffs mean I need to earn those first, and it feels like it's not worth it to me even spin the Emperor's machine without both. It feels like wasting them to do so.

That the lucky buff is slower to get, means more busy work clicking the Smuggler's machine for the only result that matters to me.

This is complicated by the fact that the Karma buff comes from a daily quest, so even more running around.

Once I lose the buffs, I feel like I'm done for the day.

The Mek Sha daily does award the buff, but since there don't seem to be any Emperor's machines there, it's hardly worth my time to get it.

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Why do you keep making changes that NOBODY WAS ASKING FOR?!?!?! This was my favorite event in the game. The only one I played every time and always looked forward to it. And now you have nerfed every ounce of fun out of it

You can now lose at the Emperor's machine... why?! It's literally the opposite of fun. Especially with the current economy, where 7 million for one token is actually a lot for most newer players. You should at the very least get something out of that many credits ???

I decided to buy max tokens because I can, and I barely got any rewards. As opposed to every other year where time spend on those slot machines felt like it paid off...

You are making it extremely difficult to love this game. Another event ruined for now and another nail in the coffin for SWTOR

Edited by Mick_theStick
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4 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Hey folks!

Previously, the way chip rewards worked was that most plays just gave you back the chip you spent or gave you many of a lower tiered one. In most cases, these were “slow losses”. This is not an ideal workflow. With the new adjustments, the revamped odds give you a higher chance at winning an actual prize or just removing the chip, meaning you should come out with more rewards for less time investment at a cost of less chips won.

Played around for a bit today, and all I'm going to say is that this is an absolute lie. 

You can claim whatever you like, but we're not stupid.  Several people across the board are having a worse experience because of this. In fact I've yet to see someone actually have the "intended" reaction.  Idk why you people can't stick to the old adage "if it ain't broke don't fix it".  No one was complaining about this, and now they are, so congrats you played yourself.  Or perhaps the goal is just to see if you all can get enough players to quit to shut the game down for good, if so keep up the good work, at this rate you you guys will ruin everything and get there in no time.  

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1) Why does the Kingpin's Bounty give you the happy little sparkly effect when you win back a Kingpin's Casino chip that you spent? It "feels" wrong. I kept thinking I had won a minor prize like a certificate. It still feels like a loss just a slightly less bad one lol. I don't think the smuggler machine does this.


1b) I wish a ton of sparklies appeared when i get the GOOD KARMA buff, that's the real prize from these machines for me LOL. I noticed I keep missing it if I'm not paying super close attention. Which is upsetting because it is timed, it makes me feel panicky.

2) Now that I have finally done the testing and the math, and figured out you are kind of supposed to get both the buffs *then* go play the Emperor's Slot machine for guaranteed wins that are not wiped out by the Certificates, the "math" is less bad. Before I figured that out I was just kinda cranky, it felt like I wasn't winning anything and wasn't really sure if I was supposed to be winning anything from the two smaller slot machines lol.

BUT even after I figured it out....

3) Feelings:


Me: It's kind of stressing me out trying to be fast enough to stay within the buff lane. But cool to know i will gurantee a win if i do

Friend: that first sentence really summarizes how i feel. there are parts of the game that should absolutely stress you out. but that should not be the events. those are supposed to be fun and relaxing. throwing snowballs at droids is downright therapeutic. running back and forth to get multiple buffs and aiming for speed and hoping that the emperor's grace machine is not in use by someone else--way too much stress.

4) In general, I am seeing comments about how expensive the chips are with the economy changes. I keep trying to tell people it's better to go "earn" them for free but players either are not aware of how much they drop, or do not currently have the time to play other content but were looking forward to playing this event.


There's no real reason to time the buffs. Just make em both like ten or twenty minutes. That at least would be a lot less stressful. They go away when you win, so I don't think the duration matters? Good Karma is 10, Feeling Lucky is only 2.

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They can't say it but I believe the sole intent was to get people to dump more credits out of the economy.  People enjoying themselves, some for hours was not acceptable without enough credits being thrown away.  Leaving Las Vegas most loose, few win.  Guess what, this is not the real world.  We come here to enjoy the game, not walk away angry and/or frustrated because we lost millions with fewer rewards.  Now you flat out loose on emperor, there is no justifying that outside of trying to force players to buy more chips.  A single helmet, seriously?

Essentially this is a big insult to the players with zero regard for how we would feel about it.  They don't care if you did not complain, they don't care if you enjoyed it.  They are going to put time and resources that could be used for so many bugs and fixes, into this event and take your credits.  Period.

You took an event that people enjoyed and ruined it for most.  Now lets see how many stop taking part in the event.  I won't waste my time loosing hundreds of millions for a single helm.  You made an event worse, so much worse.  Way to go Broadsword.  

Edited by Cindron
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