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Nar Nightlife Event Updates 2024

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3 minutes ago, Setta said:

Depends on what you expect to hear.  I think a statement like :  Yes we've read through the feedback, and unfortunately the changes did not go the way we expected them, so we'll be reverting the event to it's past iteration" would go a long way for most people.  Instead of the dead silence as they continue to ignore player feedback despite constantly claiming they want player feedback. 

The fact this isn't going to happen just proves they have utter contempt for the playerbase.

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On 7/31/2024 at 10:06 PM, WaffleQwop said:

I just came here to say that I got basically every reward on just one character, in one sitting, from the emperor tokens that I had collected from mobs/raid bosses over the course of like a week. What rewards I didn't get I just bought with the golden certificates because they're given out like candy. Very disappointed with the event this year.. the Smuggler machine is completely worthless and a hassle. Kingpin might even be worse. Overall just disappointed lol.

I want to make a point that I barely ever even used the Kingpin machine because it was so hard to come by tokens for it, and of the several dozen tokens I used on it I think I got 1 pet. After that I never touched Kingpin again. Then doing the Smugglers machine just ticked me off bad, it's utterly useless. Only wasted my time with the Emperor machine, had decent success, but I am not impressed at all with any of this event. Not the rewards, not the nerfs to the machines, nothing.. 

Major L here devs! At this point in the games life, just make these events as fun as possible, as inclusive as possible, and stop trying to "balance" them (or whatever the hell you want to call changes to a gambling event).

The "balancing" is likely someone trying to justify their job. If they don't have anything that needs doing, they fear they'll be fired. Poor organization & planning creates these "job security" screw ups all the time. 

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21 hours ago, Setta said:

Depends on what you expect to hear.  I think a statement like :  Yes we've read through the feedback, and unfortunately the changes did not go the way we expected them, so we'll be reverting the event to it's past iteration" 

This is exactly what'll happen, but I'll just make the small change to what I think will be added at the end in bolded/underlined/italics, "Yes we've read through the feedback, and unfortunately the changes did not go the way we expected them, so we'll be reverting the event to it's past iteration next year."

This year will be wasted, but I bet they'll say they listened to feedback and will revert back next year.

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45 minutes ago, absolutetristan said:

This is exactly what'll happen, but I'll just make the small change to what I think will be added at the end in bolded/underlined/italics, "Yes we've read through the feedback, and unfortunately the changes did not go the way we expected them, so we'll be reverting the event to it's past iteration next year."

This year will be wasted, but I bet they'll say they listened to feedback and will revert back next year.

My personal bet is the only change they will make next year is to change something minor, like the timing of the buffs (i.e., making Feeling Lucky last longer or similar). That's it. Nothing that would actually address the bulk of the feedback. But they will take credit for 'hearing us' all the same.

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Last year (and all the previous years), I spent hours at the casinos. This year, I'm only using it to get Conquest points and to spend some of the Emp chips obtained through other means. It just became extremely boring and not worth wasting time with all of these "upgrades" (downgrades). Seems whoever's been in charge of decision making lately has the opposite of Midas touch.

Oh, and some machines on fleet give "You're too far" error even when you stand right in front of it - takes some stepping away, stepping back close to actually click it - super annoying on top of everything else already mentioned.

Edited by VegaMist
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I normally don't come on forums and logged in to event.  honestly, I find many of these changes unnecessary and looks like you focused more on creating credit sinks to "stabilize the economy".  In doing so you zapped the fun right out of this event.  It sincerely would be better to revert back to the old system and just put out new rewards.    I played for a little bit and immediately lost interest.   I'm a person who's been subbed since SoR, with little to no interruptions to my sub.  and as your loyal customer, you let me down.

Edited by Cerazian
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On 8/11/2024 at 9:46 AM, LordBritain said:

 Also hoping for some new bits to be added than just the terrible helmet.

Yea I'd agree, at least on # of new Rewards!  Though Helmet was nice, just only new addition...  :(

:sy_star: On last page I focused on rewards and Event Operations / Heroics which many Events don't have. 

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29 minutes ago, Meiran said:

Well, event is basically over and no change. Shows that when they say they welcome feedback we can now say with 100% accuracy the devs are saying BS.

If you didn't realize they would not change anything for this years event you were expecting way to much. Personally I doubt they'll change it for next year either. So I expect next year I'll completely ignore this event.

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Nightlife in its current form is unplayable - and yes, I've been trying, since it used to be my fav seasonal event. It's just not enjoyable anymore.
If the game survives long enough for the event to occur next year, it needs the changes rolled back or a serious rework based on actual players' feedback. It does not need daft ideas of delusional person who thinks it's possible to milk money from players by forcing devs to make "improvements" no player would ever appreciate. Dead game won't bring money.

Edited by VilianSW
edited for the usual reason - typos
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I want to re-emphasize how bad and worthless the Kingpin Slot machine is. My gosh, Smuggler machine is almost pointless except giving Kingpin tokens every like 40th spin, but the Kingpin is so terrible most of the time it just gives your token back. Have hundreds of smuggler tokens and don't plan on wasting time to try and get more Kingpin tokens so that I can waste even more time spinning the worst of the three machines.

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I have been farming Tython for Emperor chips on my pubside main, a shadow, for weeks. Generally I get between 10-15 chips going around the entire planet killing flesh raiders. In the Gnarls alone (starting area), I typically get 3-5.

I killed every single mob of flesh raiders in the Gnarls at least once at got nothing. I was out there for forty minutes. What. The actual. Heck.

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The event is coming to an end, and here's a few stats:

  • First the emperor's machines obviously give the most results, with a win most of the time rewarding cartel or gold certificates, and sometimes jackpot.
    • The original post is wrong about the buff on Emperor's machine: it is very possible to loose with both buffs active. It happened to me several times.
  • Basically, buffs feel pointless. I can't "feel" any difference with or without them in any slot machine.
  • I ran about 2000 smuggler tokens, with the following rewards: 
    • 16 jackpots (1 gold certificate): 0.8%
    • About 100 kingpin tokens: 6%
  • I ran about 180 kingpin tokens, with the following rewards:
    • 1 emperor's token: 0.5%
    • 2 gold certificates: 1.1%

My opinion is that the kingpin machines, which require a much more expensive token, should reward way more than what they currently give. Also, winning the token back again and again is just a waste of time and should almost never occur.

Edited by Xyranis
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So the event is over. The changes were kept in place, and there was no further response to all the criticism. It even felt like they adjusted the win rate on the Emperor Machines downward during the event... of course, I can't prove that. In the end, I only collected the conquest points... nothing more. What's left? In my opinion, the event is completely ruined. Will they change anything next year? I really can't imagine it, and if they do make changes, it might be something minor like drop rates or the duration of those weird buffs, or some other completely irrelevant nonsense. Did they remove any  Credits from the game? Maybe a few, but they completely missed the mark on what they were trying to achieve. The event is completely dead... and now we'll have to wait and see how they ruin the Bounty Hunter event.

Edited by bayernbeleafer
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10 hours ago, bayernbeleafer said:

So the event is over. The changes were kept in place, and there was no further response to all the criticism. It even felt like they adjusted the win rate on the Emperor Machines downward during the event... of course, I can't prove that. In the end, I only collected the conquest points... nothing more. What's left? In my opinion, the event is completely ruined. Will they change anything next year? I really can't imagine it, and if they do make changes, it might be something minor like drop rates or the duration of those weird buffs, or some other completely irrelevant nonsense. Did they remove any  Credits from the game? Maybe a few, but they completely missed the mark on what they were trying to achieve. The event is completely dead... and now we'll have to wait and see how they ruin the Bounty Hunter event.

The event changed but I don't see a massive difference in the results at least for me. What they did was basically render the kingpin machine useless, only real reason to play it was to get the good karma buff. While I had both buffs the emperor machine gave me jackpots every single time usually within a couple spins, at the most 5 or 6 spins, and even then I'd win golden/cm certs when I wasn't hitting a jackpot. 

Where I think they went wrong, and the event actually feels worse...is that they only added one new item, the high stakes helmet. I played hundreds of emperor tokens and for the most part I was winning only old rewards and some useless pets, all of which I'd already won years prior and had duplicates. I only played until I won the new reward and set a credit limit on how much I'd spend for the helmet. I stopped immediately after. 

Edited by Samcuu
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