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  1. This is years later but I partially agree with thr OP. If you are grouped, then yes the group you're in should be able to inspect gear. but every random nosey person should not. People saying they love to see what others are using, that's exactly it, it's not your concern. you're being nosey... Some random person on fleet decided to critique your gear? who asked? IMHO the player's privacy (outside of FP/OPs) > your need to snoop.
  2. I don't know what heir "reason" for this is either but it really does annoy me. If i had to speculate I'd assume it's so that when you get temp companion from story that you cannot take their gear (it's not like you can use it anyway as it's specific to them). Another example of devs "fixing" what's not broken. As a result your main story companion cannot be dressed differently so you have to have keep their typically ugly default gear. It lessens the experience for me. I find this change to be petty at best.
  3. Here I was hoping someone replied with a helpful fix of some sort... instead i get "this is already posted here _____" guy.
  4. I noticed that after the servers came back online all decos were back tot heir correct positions but many decos would not display until my character is practically right on top of them. Other friends who play the game confirmed this was happening to them. Example: Standing at the top of the Yavin temple i could see across the stronghold and see all items placed. after fix i cannot even see the decos on the bridge unless i walk down to the area then they wills suddenly pop up.
  5. This happened to <Unyielding Retribution> on Satele Shan on Saturday. We normally don't mind people touring as we take the time to decorate our ship and like others to enjoy our efforts. We did need to ban a random troll from our ship and then we noticed the bug reported here. I notice the 0 prestige then edited the ship and noticed it was restore then other could see the ship again. I later found this thread when searching for recent posts on this issue having never encountered it before only to find this is not new. I'm a bit disappointed to see that this has been happening for almost 5 years now with no permanent fix. To those who previously posted. Was the problem more permanently after server reset? I read through all 15 of this post's pages but didn't notice anyone actually confirming that.
  6. In the room with the training dummy, why are the corner slots 4 individual mediums but not a large, minor decorating/cosmetic annoyance but there's a lot of cool large slot decos that would go well in those corners by the repair droid that don't work well in front of the 2 large slot by the computers (example: the Mando jet pack station and shooting range targets). I feel as if they should be reversed. just my 2¢ Sorry. I'm a bit of a deco junkie.
  7. Imagine my extreme disappointment yet again with this game when I do all the work and wait for the reward to find out that Bioware has a limit on the strong holds you can own. Like the OP I have to deactivate one. People spend money on this game to unlock content not have it restricted by such pettiness. Keith, if your intent is to anger and alienate players and subs this was on point if not then please fix this. It's another \ pointless restriction. What's the point? Io keep players who are working towards goals from access better rewards? That's the point of games.
  8. I put 9 recovered relic tokens I've been saving up over time (to get the Sith Academy Obelisk deco) in my legacy hold and it disappeared. I think i might have put a different item in the slot it was occupying last night not knowing this affected the situation. As a result I got most items back but not the recovered relics. Do I open ticket at this point or when am I getting it back? Saw the update last night but not much after that.
  9. This has never been fixed and is highly annoying. Seriously please get him to shut up about Broonmark already.
  10. The only time I've ever seen one in SWTOR is in the noeticon questline for the Consular. and he was a holo embodiment only
  11. What I've never been able to find in all this reading of guild x-fer threads is one post stating the actual reason or justification for them not allowing it at this point. Not "that's how it is", or "it's simply that they don't allow it" but why the restriction? This game has many dead servers they either need to merge servers or allow for transfer of guilds. The CC suggestion is a great idea.
  12. Bump, C'mon devs this is an easy fix just let us have it.
  13. Also, why don't we get Lord Dramath as a deco option as well?
  14. I've seen nothing else on this subject but i did find it odd and kind of annoying because as soon as I got Arcann, I wanted to place him in my strong hold and could not. Hopefully it's a bug and they're not purposely doing this.
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