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PVP adjustment


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Please bring back our ability to kick players out who either harass others, or more common, who don't participate properly.  There has been a dramatic increase of players, especially stealth players, who don't participate in the matches.  They're only there for leveling, which hurts their teammates who are trying to participate in the matches.  Most common is the stealth player who stays in stealth mode, then they may or may not fight at the very end.  It only prolongs the fights and frustrates the other players.  I have also seen players who stay in stealth, then /stuck after the rest of their team has been defeated.  I realize, under Bioware, that the ability to kick was removed because players abused it.  Now players are abusing our inability to kick unproductive and unwilling teammates, who are teammates in word only.  Thanks!

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It seems clear to me from all of the threads that try to address pvp that it is in need of attention from the devs.  It's too bad that they remain silent on the subject and show no signs that they care enough to address the concerns of the people who play the game.

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8 hours ago, Exly said:

It seems clear to me from all of the threads that try to address pvp that it is in need of attention from the devs.  It's too bad that they remain silent on the subject and show no signs that they care enough to address the concerns of the people who play the game.

Because at that point I think it'd require in-game knowledge as well as an experienced game designer to work on it. I think that at the moment they have neither. The first because they don't want to play their own game more than just for the story, the second because if they had one we'd have heard from him/her.

The fact that they're unable to recruit one is what should scare players though.

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On 6/19/2024 at 5:31 AM, Chapsnwranglers said:

Please bring back our ability to kick players out who either harass others, or more common, who don't participate properly.  There has been a dramatic increase of players, especially stealth players, who don't participate in the matches.  They're only there for leveling, which hurts their teammates who are trying to participate in the matches.  Most common is the stealth player who stays in stealth mode, then they may or may not fight at the very end.  It only prolongs the fights and frustrates the other players.  I have also seen players who stay in stealth, then /stuck after the rest of their team has been defeated.  I realize, under Bioware, that the ability to kick was removed because players abused it.  Now players are abusing our inability to kick unproductive and unwilling teammates, who are teammates in word only.  Thanks!

It will just get abused again causing more people to leave, likely killing off pvp entirely. There are too many toxic ex ranked players in q to make this work.

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Hopefully devs will see and respond soon.  Doing nothing is not a viable option.  People will abuse the WZs, either way, but at least if we have the option of kicking trolls out, it should calm things down somewhat, if only for a little while.  

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54 minutes ago, Chapsnwranglers said:

Hopefully devs will see and respond soon.  Doing nothing is not a viable option.  People will abuse the WZs, either way, but at least if we have the option of kicking trolls out, it should calm things down somewhat, if only for a little while.  

Hate to break it to you but the biggest trolls arent afkers, its cynical ex ranked stacking in premades to farm pugs.

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18 hours ago, Wulfurkin said:

Hate to break it to you but the biggest trolls arent afkers, its cynical ex ranked stacking in premades to farm pugs.

Bro there's like 4 people left that actively played ranked PvP. Everyone else you see are wannabe reg stars and bought accounts. If you are still obsessing over ranked pvpers in 2024, you need to go find help. 

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1 hour ago, septru said:

Bro there's like 4 people left that actively played ranked PvP. Everyone else you see are wannabe reg stars and bought accounts. If you are still obsessing over ranked pvpers in 2024, you need to go find help. 

Ngl I thought that everyone left at that point. There's not a single ranked flair on DM last I checked, besides mine and a friend's. And we didn't even play past the first season where they gave flairs. The ranked player is a myth now, just a cryptid made to scare new players.

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On 6/19/2024 at 9:52 PM, supertimtaf said:

Because at that point I think it'd require in-game knowledge as well as an experienced game designer to work on it. I think that at the moment they have neither. The first because they don't want to play their own game more than just for the story, the second because if they had one we'd have heard from him/her.

The fact that they're unable to recruit one is what should scare players though.

In that case they should have just left things the way that they were.  Spending time, effort and money to do something that loses them customers can never be the best use of resources for any company that wants to make a profit. 

What I am asking for is that they engage in conversation with us before making changes, even if they really think the changes that they want to make would be good for the game.  It is hard for any group of people to predict how people outside of their echo chamber will feel about 

By doing so, they may actually fuel excitement for the game if their idea is truly a good one, and will at the same time help them to rethink ideas that we as customers would either prefer that they did not waste time on given their limited resources, or might absolutely hate, and might cause people to quit the game if they proceed  and  make the  changes  anyway.

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13 minutes ago, Exly said:

In that case they should have just left things the way that they were.  Spending time, effort and money to do something that loses them customers can never be the best use of resources for any company that wants to make a profit. 

True, but keeping a class designer on board while he does nothing is also not a smart move. I think that the main issue is that said class designer had to follow upper management's decision, because Tacticals and Legendaries absolutely sounds like an upper management decision. Full of buzzwords but terrible in practice. It sells a lot to say "look at all the customisation options !" rather than saying "we're going to improve on what we already have", even though the second is much, much, much better and healthier for the community.

This screams to me that Bioware and Broadsword probably have a stupid organisation where the only people allowed to make the decisions are either the publisher (EA) and/or upper management who has very few actual knowledge about how to make the game better. And now, they got rid of the only job able to fix that mess, because it was "too costly" (thanks to bad decisions) to maintain probably. This wouldn't have happened if indeed they sticked to what worked.

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Thanks for starting this thread.  Those of us who play on Star Forge know exactly the main culprit player you're writing about.  Some of us enjoy PVP and try not to be toxic.  I have a good time playing but this stealth problem needs to be addressed to weed out players just trolling.  I don't want to just quit matches or quit PVP for the day because one guy wants to get off on everyone else suffering over his actions.  Perhaps the issue will be addressed.  Maybe not.  But, it's good of you to post it here.    Thanks, again.

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Not on SF but on DM and had a run in with one of these a few weeks ago. Afk stealth in mid level arenas all day. Sits in a spot until he gets the afk warning and just moves a tiny bit to continue his shenanigans.

Reported the dude, supposedly at least half the people that ran into him did the same. Sent an extensive report, all the works. 'We're taking your report seriously and will work on this'.

Queue for a match on another character I decided to level the other day, same guy, same afk stealth nonsense. Best bit is, dude sits on fleet in between matches and whines how DM is the most toxic server in game or some such crap.

Kicking him or giving him some kinda actual ban for this bull would be wonderful but I doubt anything will go down and before long I'll run into him again afking in stealth and not being able to do anything about it or the other 6 people stuck in the match with this guy.

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12 hours ago, AocaVII said:

Players that are using pve gear where there stat pool makes it so they can't do any DMG

Not true as long as you have your alac threshold and a good enough ilvl with full aug gear, how many accuracy you uses don't matter that much.

The difference between a pve build and a pvp build it's maybe 5% on the final dmg output so no this doesn't explain why ppl are doing 4.0 dps 

Edited by Ajalkaar
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Premades and all the mini stuns combined with huge burst damage have pretty much killed the fun in pvp.

Warzones are now get stunned by premade, lose half your health in a heartbeat, do a tiny bit of damage to whichever troll class of choice the premade is stacking (mostly eng sniper or veng jugg at the moment) that their pocket merc healer will top up in a second then get stunned again and lose the other half of your health.

Arenas are just hope you're not first focus because you'll get to MAYBE press two buttons in the match

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Ran into the Stealth in an arena again.  He just taunts us now.  Teases us about it.  He's probably a serial killer in real life.  Makes me so angry.  Ruining matches for everyone and wasting all of our times while he laughs.

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And also remove time penalties. If you allow kicking, some people will coordinate to kick someone multiple times and lock them out from any group content for a long time.

If kicking is back, then time penalties have to go.

Also bring back bolster and make everything easier on everyone, the geared and the undergeared.

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On 6/27/2024 at 6:54 AM, Bullyabass said:

Warzones are now get stunned by premade, lose half your health in a heartbeat, do a tiny bit of damage to whichever troll class of choice the premade is stacking (mostly eng sniper or veng jugg at the moment) that their pocket merc healer will top up in a second then get stunned again and lose the other half of your health.

They should adjust the white bar to last until you get into combat again. All too often the scenario you mention plays out, u end up in spawn waiting to get out while ur white bar disappears and u get back into the match ready to be stun locked immediately lol. 

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