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Why don't the devs listen to their paying subscribers? Do they want to lose their jobs when everyone leaves?


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These unbalanced solo queue vs premades matches in Warzones and Arenas are ridiculous. The PvP population has made dozens of posts about not wanting this yet there has been no changes to the format since it was introduced. I have yet to see any posts supporting 4-8 man premade vs a solo queued team and the game doesn't have the population for 8 man premade vs 8 man premade to occur with any regularity. But the devs continue to allow one sided unbalanced matches that do not help to increase the PvP population. Are the devs blind and deaf or just don't have anyone that cares about PvP? They want to extend the PvP season with new bad rewards but that isn't going to draw more people to queue for PvP.

As it is I don't play any PvP matches outside of seasons and even that is getting hard to justify anymore. The rewards for the effort is as unbalanced as a premade vs solo queue match.

I'm pretty sure there was a match today with a group of solo queued 8 dps vs a premade group of 2 healers and at least 1 tank, rest dps. As expected it was a 3 cap loss. If we had a healer on our team, they were invisible. I don't understand how a match like that even pops. Is it that hard to ask to make an attempt to match roles. Of course next match I was against the same premade and I couldn't be bothered, the 5 min penalty to leave the match was a bigger reward then staying to be farmed. And I wasn't the only one to leave on the team I was on as someone beat me to the exit area button. This on the supposedly highest population server too where there isn't enough people queueing in the early evening to get a balanced match to occur.

Maybe playing on Shae Vizla is the best as there is so little population that PvP doesn't even occur during PvP Seasons.

Enjoy your farm and Ventures cause that's what everyone was hoping for in the next update while you continue to ignore PvP, GSF and crafting.


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"Why don't they listen to their paying customers"
Sadly, they listen to the execs, who don't listen the customers. There you go, answered that one for you. 😕 


12 hours ago, Bar-Da-Voya said:

As it is I don't play any PvP matches outside of seasons and even that is getting hard to justify anymore. The rewards for the effort is as unbalanced as a premade vs solo queue match.

While I don't agree about premade vs solo queue being unbalanced, the rest is true. PvP seasons are hardly worth the effort.

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Posted (edited)

they don't want to work on this game, the day this travesty shuts down i'll guarantee you they're gonna celebrate hard.

takes them forever for example to fix broken classes (sniper/slinger) , i'm convinced they made 7.0 such a disaster on purpose so EA pulls the plug.

Edited by meddani
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11 hours ago, meddani said:

they don't want to work on this game, the day this travesty shuts down i'll guarantee you they're gonna celebrate hard.

takes them forever for example to fix broken classes (sniper/slinger) , i'm convinced they made 7.0 such a disaster on purpose so EA pulls the plug.

hopefully they saved enough money because literally no studio on the planet is going to hire these guys...maybe NEXTERS lol. I am sure Musco and Co can easily get a job at Hero Wars, making those disgusting ads that permeate every inch of social media. Pack you bags Musco you got hired and you are flying to Cyprus to be the NEXTERS CM...

not a bad job now that I think about it. Cyprus is probably an awesome place to live if you have money

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On 5/10/2024 at 5:21 PM, Bar-Da-Voya said:

These unbalanced solo queue vs premades matches in Warzones and Arenas are ridiculous.


I agree with this. 

If they do ever change this, preferably by adding a separate queue for premade groups, I will start doing pvp again.  I would rather see the game die than give in on this issue.

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Posted (edited)

It's a damn shame to see what swtor pvp has devolved into. Whether its a premade on the opposing team or 3+ teammates camping the home node, sh*t talking the folks actually trying to win, I'm struggling to remember the last time I actually enjoyed dropping into a wz.

Edited by nzologic
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