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Feedback: 7.5 Livestream

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Posted (edited)

Thank you, as always, for taking time our of your busy schedules to bring us this livestream.

Only "When" question I have about Malgus is "when will we finally put him down?" Failing that, "when will you make him a companion character to justify keeping him around?"

Sa'har Kateen's Character Arc:


You mention that Sa'har's arc can be influenced by the Player Character, and that "she has many paths she can take". Just moments before, you also said that you "left hints" about where the story was going. With that in mind, and based on my experiences with how this game does narrative, I find only three possible outcomes for Sa'har. She will either:
1. Be influenced by Origin-specific choices that you can make, and after a certain number of them, she'll leave to follow her own story in that profession. (Least Likely)
2. Be influenced by Light/Dark choices that you can make, and after a certain number of them, she'll either return to the Jedi or join the Sith/Malgus. (Somewhat Likely)
3. Choice is an illusion, and regardless of what the Player does, Sa'har will succumb to the temptations of the Dark Side (likely after Player or someone else kills Ri'kan) and will become Malgus' Apprentice. (Most Likely)
I say option 3 is most likely not because I think the team is incapable of making options 1 or 2 work, but because it's the cheapest route to take and fits with the rest of the game's fairly linear narrative.

Return to Nal Hutta:


Like with the Interpreter's Retreat and Kessen's Landing, I like that we're returning to old worlds. Not only does it justify small maps (in comparison to many older maps), but it's nice to see what a planet is doing all this time later. I just hope that the Hunter and Agent have unique dialogue choices this time. We need that kind of variety. The game isn't just about the Knight and the Warrior, you know. Think about how us Tech mains feel about being constantly sidelined!
That said, the update to Hutta's environment is...something. I'm honestly mixed on it. On one hand, I love how the new trees and water look like they actually belong on a boggy swamp planet. On the other hand, I really prefer the old one; though that may just be nostalgia talking. After Scoundrel for Pub, Hunter was my first Imp class, so I have a soft spot for those worlds and their original aesthetic (even though Ord Mantell didn't change much).
Adi Vonapa is a Rodian that speaks Basic? You're literally one step away from just giving us a playable Rodian species at this point. There's literally nothing stopping you outside of making it compatible with PC customization and animations.
I get the feeling that, with this new Planetary Story, we'll have the opportunity to make some "not as it seems" decisions. I expect aiding Adi to be the Light Side option, and Yusindu manipulating Rakit with your help will be the Dark Side option.
No Rep to earn in Minboosa? Just...one and done? Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.

Art Modernization:


I appreciate the work done thus far, but I don't necessarily feel it with anything other than what we've been shown of Hutta. Maybe that's because I'm already used to the updates, maybe that's because the changes haven't been as drastic up to this point, I can't tell which.
As what we've seen of the modernized Hutta is a WIP, it probably feels off because it's not complete. With that, I hope we see something done to the structures. Maybe some stuff has moss and swamp gunk growing on it, and the only "clean" stuff are the Hutt Palaces. Maybe there's the occasional spot of pond scum. Maybe some of the droids get a new texture that makes them look like they've been in a swamp for far too long. That would go a long way to making it look more modern and in-line with how the planet is described in other works.
After this, the only thing I can really hope for in the "art modernization" category is that is that, when the modernization efforts get to the Alliance and Third Galactic War eras (KotFE-to-present), some of the prominent NPCs get looked at. While some characters look fine (Mandalore the Avenger, Emperor Arcann, Koth & his crew, HK-55, Tau, Krovos, Anri), some look like they're having serious lighting issues (Lana and Vaylin's paleness does them no favors, and Rivix just looks unfinished), and those that are attempts at a one-to-one translation of their trailer forms or otherwise "realistic" just look dated (Valkorian, Redeemed Arcann, Senya, Arn, Sa'har, Ri'kan, Malgus will be fine so long as you never remove his mask). While I appreciate the attempt, I would prefer if you stuck with how the game treats Player Character textures when designing NPCs of any playable species. It's not as detailed, but it has a kind of timeless feel that many characters from KotFE-onward lack.

New Seasonal Event - The Dantooine Spring Abundance Festival:


Dantooine has a (relatively) peaceful event? It's about time! They deserve it!
Weekly crop tending has some potential, but I'm gonna hold off on that speculation until I actually get to play the event.
The new armor looks neat, and I can't wait to see the player fashion and NPCs that come from it.
The new blasters look neat, and the mounts are gonna be the first thing I grab! That Mudhorn is for sure going on my Hunters!

Basilisk Prototype Venture:


Very excited to see this storyline wrap up! And the beeg blasty robo-puppy is SO CUUUUUUTE!!!! This is always gonna be a staple of my Mando Hunters!
Ventures. Hm... this system sounds like it has potential. However, I'd need to see the system in action before I make a final judgement. But if it's successful, I could see this as something to drop in from time to time (maybe alternate between this and Ops, so as to not steal the thunder from Seasons).

PvP Season 6:


Eh. I'm not a PvP guy, and none of the stuff has ever looked good to me. Glad you're still doing it, though! And making it longer feels like it'll be a big help to PvP players and guilds!
I've been informed that these are apparently not good changes.
I wouldn't know, I honestly wouldn't shed a tear if PvP disappeared from the game. But the PvP Consumables are trash. They need to be replaced with something like PvP Gear boxes. Has the same desired effect of "bringing in new players" without being insulting to the old guard.

Cartel Market Additions:


I honestly don't really care about CM; especially since you started making every new drop themed around whatever Disney wants to advertise (I get it if that's a mandated thing, I'm just saying it's not for me). I'll occasionally buy something if I like how it looks, but I mostly leave it alone and just take whatever I get with the pack drops in Seasons.
Also, if I were you, I'd make an entire new category for "Inspired by [other project]" items at this point. Maybe a whole new window. Just to separate the stuff based on other projects from the stuff made specifically for SWTOR.

Nar Shaddaa Nightlife 2024:


Oh boy! I sure do love gambling on astronomical chances and never being able to unlock rewarded items in Collections! /s
For real. New helmet looks great, but I'd love it a lot more if at least Nightlife Event rewards were Collection compatible. I don't mind grinding out Monthly events or Feast/Life Day for their rewards, because those are at least simple. But Nightlife is 100% based on chance, and I really think it'd be best for the game if those rewards were Collection Compatible (or at least being able to exchange repeat rewards for more Emperor's Grace tokens).
Brad's little Claw-Gonk is cute, btw!

7.5.0 PTS:


I appreciate that you have this open, but I would like it more if you took more than bug reports seriously. I very heavily doubt you'd like someone like me on your PTS, as I constantly advocate for permanent unlocks over an ever-constant grind that artificially boosts playtime numbers.

May the 4th Droid:
Nice. Another thing to add to my collection. Too bad I can't click the CC unlock button.

Only thing I could have asked for other than this is a release date, but a tentative "Spring 2024" is fine. I'd rather have most of the bugs fixed first. Just hope this doesn't impact the length or intended scheduling of the Spring Event going forward.

Edited by Gamer_Auto
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10 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

Sa'har Kateen's Character Arc:

  Reveal hidden contents

You mention that Sa'har's arc can be influenced by the Player Character, and that "she has many paths she can take". Just moments before, you also said that you "left hints" about where the story was going. With that in mind, and based on my experiences with how this game does narrative, I find only three possible outcomes for Sa'har. She will either:
1. Be influenced by Origin-specific choices that you can make, and after a certain number of them, she'll leave to follow her own story in that profession. (Least Likely)
2. Be influenced by Light/Dark choices that you can make, and after a certain number of them, she'll either return to the Jedi or join the Sith/Malgus. (Somewhat Likely)
3. Choice is an illusion, and regardless of what the Player does, Sa'har will succumb to the temptations of the Dark Side (likely after Player or someone else kills Ri'kan) and will become Malgus' Apprentice. (Most Likely)
I say option 3 is most likely not because I think the team is incapable of making options 1 or 2 work, but because it's the cheapest route to take and fits with the rest of the game's fairly linear narrative.

I'm thinking she will eventually become a companion. She could have a Dark and Light version depending on the choices the player makes.

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33 minutes ago, ThanderSnB said:

I'm thinking she will eventually become a companion. She could have a Dark and Light version depending on the choices the player makes.

That would fall under Option 2. Though I would assume she becomes a temporary companion like Tau, Arn, Krovos, Rivix, Anri.

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On 5/3/2024 at 1:56 PM, Stradlin said:

Seven years without anything new for GSF.

And seven years when most players don't care about GSF.  We're being herded there with cq carrots (and nerfs like the rep cq decimation that finally made me unsub), but so few players play or care about (if they are there for cq and nothing else) GSF that I doubt it gets more than further herding (i.e. trying to force solo cq PVEers into it, which we won't do--and you should be thankful. I'd just go there to hide and die. Over and over. For cq.). Bang that drum some more (isn't spamming the same comment in multiple threads, particularly when it's off-topic a problem? /Just asking.).

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31 minutes ago, SoontirMorillo said:

It is always interesting to read, what exactly makes people unsub.

"Reputation token giving less conquest points" is added to the list.

This was actually just the last straw. I had accepted (through gritted teeth and much resentment) the costs imposed on everything from Quick Travel, to exiting our SHs, to hugely inflated repair costs, to prohibitive costs for just handing some new player a speeder (millions! To off-load a nothing speeder to someone who would treasure it), to power nerfs, to completely decimating our tacticals. So much has happened that really hits players, especially solo cq PVE players, that this final insult was just too much. It wasn't that one thing, it was the accumulation of  things that just made this game unfun and unplayable.

I kept valiantly trying to get one of my RL friends to play more regularly, maybe even sub more frequently, but we came to the point that I wanted to help him get Lokin on his toon. I couldn't GIVE him mats I ALREADY PAID FOR and that were mine to do with what I wish (one would think). Long story short, it was a horrible disaster that entailed me begging a guild mate to help out (which cost HIM tens of millions to GIVE Y MATS I PAID FOR to my RL friend). My friend hasn't been back since, and I don't blame him one bit. This game is not player friendly; it's about what the devs want. I unsubbed and am now happily playing a game that doesn't actively hate and attack/gimp/nerf my playstyle or preferences. Do I wish this game would fix these problems, sure, or I wouldn't still be reading/commenting. But I don't hold out much hope.

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8 hours ago, TahliahCOH said:

Bang that drum some more (isn't spamming the same comment in multiple threads, particularly when it's off-topic a problem? /Just asking.).

Lol. I dunno you tell me. By your own best estimate, in how many different threads have you done various versions of this particular song and dance;

6 hours ago, TahliahCOH said:

This was actually just the last straw. I had accepted (through gritted teeth and much resentment) the costs imposed on everything from Quick Travel, to exiting our SHs, to hugely inflated repair costs, to prohibitive costs for just handing some new player a speeder (millions! To off-load a nothing speeder to someone who would treasure it), to power nerfs, to completely decimating our tacticals. So much has happened that really hits players, especially solo cq PVE players, that this final insult was just too much. It wasn't that one thing, it was the accumulation of  things that just made this game unfun and unplayable.



I love it how you have no issue of accusing others of being OT and then going to full paragraphs mode about your rep tokens like 20 mins aftrer:D

In general, "content that usually ends up being very solo-cq player friendly" is bread and butter in almost every single major  content patch or expansion  they have ever done. New story bits, new daily areas, new solo friendly  FPs. This game will always get so much more of this stuff than anything else.   it is admirable you look at all this and then proceed to jump on people  wishing it'd take less than seven plus year intervals to see their fav part of the game getting any updates at all.


Using trooper whose gear is somewhere between terrible and ""meh", I did like 40 minutes of solo cq PVE player stuff just now. It is incredibly  accessible,smooth and rewarding in terms of conq points given. It'd be difficult for  daily planetary missions  to be much more playable and player friendly than  they are. If you look at some celebration of accessibility such as this and only see vicious insults delivered by devs, then it def does sound like you're quite done with this game.




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On 5/3/2024 at 10:57 AM, ThanderSnB said:

I'm thinking she will eventually become a companion. She could have a Dark and Light version depending on the choices the player makes.

None of the "recent" story characters starting with jedi under siege have become permanent companions

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On 5/3/2024 at 7:42 AM, Gamer_Auto said:

Eh. I'm not a PvP guy, and none of the stuff has ever looked good to me. Glad you're still doing it, though! And making it longer feels like it'll be a big help to PvP players and guilds!

This actually hurts. On so many levels of pain. The worst part is I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, and I really hope you are xD

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Posted (edited)

I'm happy to see new appearance options happening. Really hoping Leia's Cloud City look will come along one day. The new event looks fun to me. I like Dantooine and having more reasons to go there makes me happy. I don't really like Sa'Har at all, she annoys me, I'll be glad when her story and the mando stuff is done, but I know a lot of people enjoy mandolorian culture and lore, so good for them. This story just isn't my cup and that's fine. Since they gave me Copero I'm pretty easy to please, lol.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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6 hours ago, denajii said:

None of the "recent" story characters starting with jedi under siege have become permanent companions

The words they used in the livestream made it sound like players will be able to lead her to the dark side or the light side. The only story characters the player has that much influence over are companions.

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9 hours ago, supertimtaf said:

This actually hurts. On so many levels of pain. The worst part is I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, and I really hope you are xD

I have no reason to be sarcastic. I despise PvP, and only do it for M1/Pierce Alerts, or if I have no other options during Galactic Seasons. Plus, the decorations and outfitter items so far just haven't appealed to me enough to make me do something I hate doing.

But I am glad that the people who like PvP are able to do it, and I'm glad they've been given a longer window of time to obtain the rewards.

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1 hour ago, nyla_ryn said:

ello, i was wondering when we will rcv the item/items in-game from the MalgusWhen code we were given (i redeemed it on 5/02/2024).

I'm not a dev, I cannot answer that. Sounds like a bug. Make sure you did it right. If you did it right and still don't have it, go make a bug report about it.

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8 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

Plus, the decorations and outfitter items so far just haven't appealed to me enough to make me do something I hate doing.

But I am glad that the people who like PvP are able to do it, and I'm glad they've been given a longer window of time to obtain the rewards.

Sorry about my agressive tone, that was my mistake and I should have said things differently. However, you highlighted two things right now that are both crucial feedback and show how misleading the livestream was about the next season. And thus, I'd advise you to edit your feedback to make these clearer to the devs. Just saying "it's nice :)" is sadly misleading and not helping the team in the slightest in regards to player sentiment.

- The decorations and outfitter items aren't appealing enough to make you PvP

This is an underlying sentiment that a lot of us have right now, that the PvP cosmetics are really low effort, with some of them being straight up recycled versions of the previous season. The best cosmetics are gained by PvP tokens, which grants you access to old ranked rewards which at the time were incredible. I think that the point your feedback didn't emphasize enough was "make the rewards more appealing please, if nothing good came out since PvP seasons were introduced, you may be doing something wrong".


- You're glad that the duration of the PvP season has been increased, players have more time to get the rewards.

This is the biggest issue as it's incredibly misleading. The increased duration of the season also comes with an increased cap before reaching max level. This means that the PvP season last longer, but that it'll also take you longer to get the rewards. This is not a benefit for anyone, as now on top of the already not-so-great cosmetics to get between the PvP tokens, you also get ranks of the PvP season that will give you *nothing* but warzone medpacks. This is basically a huge middle finger to PvP players, saying "no we won't give you more appealing rewards, and on top of that you'll just have to grind more to get the not good rewards we made". Saying that this is a good thing isn't helping anyone, because it just shows how misleading Broadsword's wording have been, and you're just giving them a reason to keep making PvP seasons even worse.


That's all, I hope that this was informative enough for you to hopefully change your mind about the upcoming PvP season. I won't argue about "PvP is good" or "PvP is bad", to each their own. But I will absolutely make sure that everyone understands that the upcoming season changes are a terrible thing, and shouldn't be encouraged.

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8 hours ago, supertimtaf said:

- The decorations and outfitter items aren't appealing enough to make you PvP

This is an underlying sentiment that a lot of us have right now, that the PvP cosmetics are really low effort, with some of them being straight up recycled versions of the previous season. The best cosmetics are gained by PvP tokens, which grants you access to old ranked rewards which at the time were incredible. I think that the point your feedback didn't emphasize enough was "make the rewards more appealing please, if nothing good came out since PvP seasons were introduced, you may be doing something wrong".

Okay. I mean, I've seen the PvP mounts and a Saberstaff (they won't let me preview the stuff in lockboxes). And they're kinda neat, I guess the Nexu mount would be cool on my Hunter, but I still don't want to have to grind through content I hate just to get some kinda okay cosmetics. And I doubt they could do anything in a PvP season that'd entice me to grind it, other than some pie-in-the-sky scenario like unlocking new combat styles or Origins. Maybe then I'd actually subject myself to that torment. Otherwise, I really couldn't care less outside of M1 and Pierce.


8 hours ago, supertimtaf said:

- You're glad that the duration of the PvP season has been increased, players have more time to get the rewards.

This is the biggest issue as it's incredibly misleading. The increased duration of the season also comes with an increased cap before reaching max level. This means that the PvP season last longer, but that it'll also take you longer to get the rewards. This is not a benefit for anyone, as now on top of the already not-so-great cosmetics to get between the PvP tokens, you also get ranks of the PvP season that will give you *nothing* but warzone medpacks. This is basically a huge middle finger to PvP players, saying "no we won't give you more appealing rewards, and on top of that you'll just have to grind more to get the not good rewards we made". Saying that this is a good thing isn't helping anyone, because it just shows how misleading Broadsword's wording have been, and you're just giving them a reason to keep making PvP seasons even worse.

I agree that the crappy PvP Consumables are a terrible "incentive" to get new players into the scene. But if there's really as big of a PvP following as people are trying to have me believe, then it's either not going to be too bad an issue (free Credits for a marginally longer grind) or y'all will be able to make enough of a stink that the devs will pay attention.

But, if you think it'll help, I can edit my post to include a change. Maybe a PvP Gear box wherever they placed PvP Consumables. Still does nothing for the long-time players, but it serves the same incentive of getting new players in.

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11 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

I agree that the crappy PvP Consumables are a terrible "incentive" to get new players into the scene. But if there's really as big of a PvP following as people are trying to have me believe, then it's either not going to be too bad an issue (free Credits for a marginally longer grind) or y'all will be able to make enough of a stink that the devs will pay attention.

But, if you think it'll help, I can edit my post to include a change. Maybe a PvP Gear box wherever they placed PvP Consumables. Still does nothing for the long-time players, but it serves the same incentive of getting new players in.

See, you don't even play PvP and yet you've found a potential reward that's better than medpacks and adrenals to incentivize participation from new players.

That, my friend, is valuable feedback.

As for the size of the PvP community, it keeps getting smaller and smaller, because while Swtor has probably one of the best PvP on the mmo market, they're doing a terrible job at maintaining it. And if no one stops them to tell the devs that this isn't good, even more casual players, it'll just keep getting worse :p

People seem to forget that PvP is what kept the smaller servers alive back in 5.0 when the game was at its lowest. If there wasn't PvP and ranked for us to play (even with how bad the meta was), I doubt that some servers would have seen any players at all.

This gamemode is a bit of a magic trick, in that it's self sustaining as long as the rewards are worth it. Sadly, the more time goes on, the less appealing the rewards have become, and the neglect to upkeep this mode (how long did it take them to remove the mandalorian battlering... Oh right-) just made players want to quit.

Anyway that's enough rambling c: If you ever wanna try the gamemode with someone at some point, just drop by and say hi !

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On 5/7/2024 at 1:31 AM, ThanderSnB said:

The words they used in the livestream made it sound like players will be able to lead her to the dark side or the light side. The only story characters the player has that much influence over are companions.

Or it just means Dark/Light sided players have the option of killing or convincing her stay and to be sit against a wall in their base like another empty vase

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On 5/7/2024 at 3:41 AM, supertimtaf said:

- You're glad that the duration of the PvP season has been increased, players have more time to get the rewards.

Just how much more time though? They raised the max level from 25 to 30, and the 7,000 total points to 9,000. I'm guessing their achievement of completing the Arena and WZ weekly 12 times each has been raised. They've extended the season duration, but at the same time they raised the effort needed to complete it.


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On 5/6/2024 at 12:21 PM, DuchessKristania said:

 I don't really like Sa'Har at all, she annoys me, I'll be glad when her story and the mando stuff is done, but I know a lot of people enjoy mandolorian culture and lore, so good for them. This story just isn't my cup and that's fine. Since they gave me Copero I'm pretty easy to please, lol.

I feel like the story hasn't been about the character you're playing in a long time. Each new addition has some new obnoxious NPC that we're supposed to care about, but who is a super unlikeable smarmy girlboss stereotype, and your character is just along for the ride, offering support and commentary and watching someone else's poorly thought out and often incoherent story take place. What the heck, BioWare/Broadsword. Can you just have a story be about my character again? And not in the "hey, we need to plant some crops, or clean up your room, or make a glorified beer run for some weird alien" kind of way?

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5 hours ago, Traceguy said:

Just how much more time though? They raised the max level from 25 to 30, and the 7,000 total points to 9,000. I'm guessing their achievement of completing the Arena and WZ weekly 12 times each has been raised. They've extended the season duration, but at the same time they raised the effort needed to complete it.

This was exactly my point :p It was completely a misleading explanation from the devs, making a bad thing look like a good thing :D

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15 hours ago, eabevella said:

Or it just means Dark/Light sided players have the option of killing or convincing her stay and to be sit against a wall in their base like another empty vase

This is why I keep insisting to other players that we do not need new Companions every few months.


3 hours ago, joshuadyal said:

I feel like the story hasn't been about the character you're playing in a long time. Each new addition has some new obnoxious NPC that we're supposed to care about, but who is a super unlikeable smarmy girlboss stereotype, and your character is just along for the ride, offering support and commentary and watching someone else's poorly thought out and often incoherent story take place. What the heck, BioWare/Broadsword. Can you just have a story be about my character again? And not in the "hey, we need to plant some crops, or clean up your room, or make a glorified beer run for some weird alien" kind of way?

That's because it's easier for the budget monkeys to hire cheap writers that are told to write a railroaded story. And it doesn't help that the content has to be dripped out one half-hour at a time.

Tau and Anri haven't been that bad. Tau has her moments of eyeroll, but Anri's sat pretty okay with me so far. Krovos is a bit full of herself, but that's typical for Sith.
The new Cathar chick in the Kessan's Landing update was pretty dumb. I get they're a naturally aggressive species, but the things she was saying at the end of the chapter, and the way the native soldier was portrayed as "well meaning yet incompetent"? Yeah, that felt forced. And that may get even worse with the new Evoci chick leading the slave rebellion in the next update.
Shae's always been a bit brusque, but that's expected of a career soldier. This obsession she has with Heta, though? IDK. Feels a little out of character for the usually laid-back and level-headed Shae Vizla. Unless Malgus or one of his allies is doing something to her head.
Heta is 100% girlboss, and in the worst possible way. Only way it could be worse is if she was fighting against a male Mand'alor. But I feel like we might see Ri'kan stab her in the back and usurp command; now that he's no longer the favored lapdog.
Sa'har feels like they're trying to tell a story of someone in over their head fighting off Dark Side temptation, but it's coming off as more whiny than Prequel Trilogy Anakin.

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6 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

This is why I keep insisting to other players that we do not need new Companions every few months.


That's because it's easier for the budget monkeys to hire cheap writers that are told to write a railroaded story. And it doesn't help that the content has to be dripped out one half-hour at a time.

Tau and Anri haven't been that bad. Tau has her moments of eyeroll, but Anri's sat pretty okay with me so far. Krovos is a bit full of herself, but that's typical for Sith.
The new Cathar chick in the Kessan's Landing update was pretty dumb. I get they're a naturally aggressive species, but the things she was saying at the end of the chapter, and the way the native soldier was portrayed as "well meaning yet incompetent"? Yeah, that felt forced. And that may get even worse with the new Evoci chick leading the slave rebellion in the next update.
Shae's always been a bit brusque, but that's expected of a career soldier. This obsession she has with Heta, though? IDK. Feels a little out of character for the usually laid-back and level-headed Shae Vizla. Unless Malgus or one of his allies is doing something to her head.
Heta is 100% girlboss, and in the worst possible way. Only way it could be worse is if she was fighting against a male Mand'alor. But I feel like we might see Ri'kan stab her in the back and usurp command; now that he's no longer the favored lapdog.
Sa'har feels like they're trying to tell a story of someone in over their head fighting off Dark Side temptation, but it's coming off as more whiny than Prequel Trilogy Anakin.

Or the writers aren't paid enough or given enough creativity because railroaded is the only story BS is willing/able to do now.

Anri wins with that "you are the main player, I'm going to surrender" scene. Girl is the very few NPC that has a brain.

Tau is too "in your face" at first but she is way better after taking Arn.

I do like the call back of Krovos and Ranken if you did KDY on Imp side before (REMOVE BLACK TALON/ESSELS AND PUT KDY BACK TO THE GROUP FINDER FFS).

All the 7.0 NPCs have more of a central role compared to the ones in 6.0. They steal spot lights from our player character but they don't shine at all, they are all cardboard cut dolls acting a certain cliche way without any emotional input that makes the players want to care for them. The story is also stretched too thin so those characters are even more bland.

Shae acts like a headless chicken most of the time, worse of it is that we can't call her out. She could have a good character arc where she admit her lacking in leadership (even though she did hold the mandalorians together through the KOTxx crisis) and find a proper successor, but I doubt it will be done in any meaningful way or at all.

Heta has a good scene at the meeting table. I like how she will stab you if you look at her wrong and she will blow everyone in the room and herself up just to make a point. But she is only your typical "militant mandalorian" after that.

Malgus and Rikan are dumb and bland. The former is back to his old bullsh*t, the latter is the boring "I deserve power because I had it worse than everyone" type.

Sa'har is even dumber throughout 7.0. You don't know why she did what she did in the Nul flashpoint unless you watch that promotional trailer (which no doubt costed a lot). There's zero emotional/motivational transition from just stood there among the mandalorians like a beaten up slave to suddenly wanted to "help" the player character because the story has to move on.

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20 hours ago, joshuadyal said:

I feel like the story hasn't been about the character you're playing in a long time. Each new addition has some new obnoxious NPC that we're supposed to care about, but who is a super unlikeable smarmy girlboss stereotype, and your character is just along for the ride, offering support and commentary and watching someone else's poorly thought out and often incoherent story take place. What the heck, BioWare/Broadsword. Can you just have a story be about my character again? And not in the "hey, we need to plant some crops, or clean up your room, or make a glorified beer run for some weird alien" kind of way?

Shame i can not like your post every day...this is spot on. Storytelling in 7.0 is pathetic, convoluted...has no immersion whatsoever...no character or world building, bland, un-interesting (girl-power yaasss queen) npc's. I dont really care about any of them...its impossible to become vested in any of it/them.

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