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The subject line says it all, where is the compensation for the 9+ days we missed while the game was being fixed? I have not had my subscription extended to make up for those days, I have not gotten any Cartel Coins or any other type of in-game monetary compensation, nothing. Plenty of time has gone by and we need to put this situation to bed. We lost over a week of valuable subscription time and it should be repaid to us at the very least. Not dealing with this situation is not an option. @CommunitySupport or whomever has the authority to handle this, please do. Don't ignore this.

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On 4/17/2024 at 10:52 PM, OwenBrooks said:

have you submitted a ticket ? (not as a bug report) that would be the first thing i would do and see what the response is

Yes I submitted a ticket when it happened with all of my relevant information.

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On 4/18/2024 at 1:00 PM, GunqqerFriithian said:


It isn't like it said "…we are working on compensating impacted players regarding lost time, so please keep an eye on this thread for updates later this week." on march 25th

Oh wait. They did.

Yeah, "so please keep an eye on this thread for updates later this week." was on March 25th. It is currently April 19th. It's been 3 & 1/2 weeks and nothing yet. So, I felt it was prudent to remind them of their obligation to compensate all of us.

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On 4/20/2024 at 2:55 AM, Hollow_Stone said:

Yeah, "so please keep an eye on this thread for updates later this week." was on March 25th. It is currently April 19th. It's been 3 & 1/2 weeks and nothing yet. So, I felt it was prudent to remind them of their obligation to compensate all of us.

Maybe "this week" means a week on Venus *shrug*

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49 minutes ago, jae-jay said:

Is there or has anyone got the compensation that was  offer to the players that lost time and or days? Or was this just Tease?

Starting to sound like another broken promise to those players. 

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What type of compensation are you looking for?

Can you prove it is BS/EA fault that the game didn’t work.

How would BS verify every player that was affected? (If you value accuracy that will take time)

truthfully I think anything more than 1 weeks worth of GS points (based on subscription status, and minus daily’s) would be damaging and unrealistic. I would even argue that any compensation would be too much and unneeded .

However, due to the many mistakes and unintended outcomes, I would suggest giving that out to every player to generate good PR, especially since one could argue that group required/related activities were negatively impacted by the “issue”. (I wouldn’t suggest applying that to every server. Just the one that has the most current play time.)

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Luckily from Broadsword's perspective, players don't get to define compensation-worthy moments, Broadsword does.

We were still paying our subscriptions for all those years since the beginning of the game that we had to wait 2 to 5 hours every patch. Just the number of patches and hotfixes in 2.x alone were insane:

12/10/2013  2.5a patch
12/11/2013  2.5b patch
12/17/2013  2.5.1 patch
12/19/2013  2.5.1a patch

Add up all that patch time over the years, that's a lot of patch time, and we were never compensated for being locked out of the game during the time it was being patched.

Nor were we ever compensated for the time lost when login queues were so badly hosed nobody could get in, or so overwhelmed because too many people were trying to log in at once and the authentication servers couldn't handle it. This game used to have 17 servers, not just 6, and before that, nearly a hundred if not more. Lots of little weak, puny, servers unable to withstand much, all with ignorant lockout times with zero compensation.

Over the years, we've also had several rollbacks in this game in which a rollout was just so disastrously  destructive to game play that it had to be yanked, which meant any time played during the rollback period was just vapor. In some of those cases, we got double xp. Those were definitely compensation-worthy moments.

Point being, we players can pull out any number of examples of downtime / lack of access to the game that we might feel we're justified for having compensation, but in reality, there's a cut-off to that, and players bellyaching about it is not it.

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7 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

Can you prove it is BS/EA fault that the game didn’t work.

How would BS verify every player that was affected? (If you value accuracy that will take time)

Those might have been legitimate questions to ask ... IF the developers had not already promised to compensate the player community for the lost time.

When they said last month "we are working on compensating impacted players regarding lost time," I'm fairly sure that the community saw that as a promise of compensation.


I would even argue that any compensation would be too much and unneeded .

It is certainly not "unneeded" for them to keep their promises. Since they said that they would compensate players, it is too late to be arguing that they shouldn't have to.

Doesn't really matter to me, this is my last day, but I do understand why other players are ticked off.

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4 hours ago, xordevoreaux said:

Luckily from Broadsword's perspective, players don't get to define compensation-worthy moments, Broadsword does.

They already did. As has been pointed out multiple times, the company stated last month that they were going to compensate players for the lost time.


Point being, we players can pull out any number of examples of downtime / lack of access to the game that we might feel we're justified for having compensation, but in reality, there's a cut-off to that, and players bellyaching about it is not it.

How about the developers telling the players that they would give them compensation? That seems like a fairly good cut-off.

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The devs could have just opened a way for the affected subscribers to apply for compensation and give some cc (since a month's sub give you 500cc, give 150cc per week affected seems fair) and the gs progress (a week per 7 day absence) to them after they verify the absence of log-in days. Don't be stingy and be "what if someone lies about it". It's more important to compensate the affected paying customers than the few "scammers" they might encounter.

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3 hours ago, ShadowyKai said:

They already did. As has been pointed out multiple times, the company stated last month that they were going to compensate players for the lost time.

I only recall them promising to discuss the issue not that they were actually going to compensate. Can you point me to the official statement you speak of?

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1 hour ago, AFadedMemory said:

I only recall them promising to discuss the issue not that they were actually going to compensate. Can you point me to the official statement you speak of?

It was already quoted and linked to on this thread, but here it is again :

Unable to login into SWTOR - Page 28 - Bug Reports - SWTOR | Forums


As stated before, we are working on compensating impacted players regarding lost time, so please keep an eye on this thread for updates later this week.

They said "later this week" on March 25, and still not a word.

I'm not exactly sure what the "as stated before" refers to, but it might have been this :

Game Log in Troubleshooting Guide - General Discussion - SWTOR | Forums


Lastly, we understand that the players impacted by this problem have not been able to get into the game since 7.4.1 went out, and we are working on plans to compensate those players. This will be executed after a fix has been made and deployed. 

No, they did not say that they would merely talk about maybe doing something to make up for the lost time.

They said that they had an actual plan that they were working on to compensate players for the time they were unable to log in to the game.

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16 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

Can you prove it is BS/EA fault that the game didn’t work.

People affected can prove it & did. There was a whole thread about it that included EA community support staff, Jackie & other BS employees. No proof is required in this instance as they admitted it. 

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1 hour ago, DanteYoda said:

It happened to me this week after weeks of logging in... I've not changed anything on my PC so its obviously the game or their servers...

If it was the game or servers per sey there would be lots of people at the same time as you saying they cant get in 

much like when people with systems below the actual minimum game requirement found out they could no longer load into the game 

Cant resolve it post in the swtor technical issues forum https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/bd-p/star-wars-the-old-republic-en

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5 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

People affected can prove it & did. There was a whole thread about it that included EA community support staff, Jackie & other BS employees. No proof is required in this instance as they admitted it. 

Should BS give every person who posts in this thread saying they had that problem compensation without verifying (individually)there was actually a problem?

I personally believe verification is justifiable in this situation. If you can prove it’s there fault  you can say yes to the question I asked.

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10 hours ago, ShadowyKai said:

They said that they had an actual plan that they were working on to compensate players for the time they were unable to log in to the game.

Working on plans to compensate does not equal  we will compensate. They could literally make a plan then have EA/BS director say no and they would still have kept the promise to work on  compensating.

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10 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

Working on plans to compensate does not equal  we will compensate.

I disagree, and I am not the only one.

By saying that they were working on a plan to compensate players for the lost time, they told the player community that it was their intent to compensate.

The player community took that as a promise to do it. There is no way that the developers didn't know that the community would see it as a promise.


They could literally make a plan then have EA/BS director say no and they would still have kept the promise to work on  compensating.

This isn't a courtroom.

Expecting disappointed customers to let you off on a technicality of language is not a good way to do business.

If the developers were not confident that they could deliver compensation for the lost time, then they should have just said nothing at all, like they usually do.

They should have waited until they had the compensation or were at least sure that they could do it before announcing anything.

That way, they would still have been able to say "Good news!" if they succeeded in delivering the compensation, and also avoid a lot of complaints about broken promises if they failed to. That's the thing - Being disappointed is worse than having no hope in the first place.

They told the players that they were going to try to compensate for the lost time.. That was weeks ago. By now, they should have either provided the compensation or offered some kind of explanation or apology for why they haven't. They have done neither.

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21 hours ago, ShadowyKai said:

This isn't a courtroom.

But they use specific non committal language in announcements and responses for a reason. (Many customers service jobs train employees to do this)

21 hours ago, ShadowyKai said:

Expecting disappointed customers to let you off on a technicality of language is not a good way to do business

Acknowledging a complaint and promising to look into it is. That is what they did.  BS employee could have worded their response better if they didn’t have the required permission to promise compensation. (Hopefully they did) but only time will tell if they will do anything or not.


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