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Conquest Changes Following 7.4.1

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This is nice...

The requirement to access the following Daily Areas has been updated to require only one character having unlocked that area previously (and having the relevant Legacy Achievement). Previously it required each character to individually progress their story to unlock them:
Kessan's Landing
Yavin IV


But too little, too late.  It's not worth doing the new stuff for only like 8k cq points for a rep gain.  All it does is give us a few more areas to do X missions and rampage kills.

Only people out to do achievements will really take advantage of this.


HOWEVER, the return of infinitely repeatable heroics is a welcome change.  I used to cap a bunch of toons that way before the 7.0 cq nerf.  It's nice to see it's return.



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7 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

This depends on what you are doing with the rewards and credits you make (and even then you’re still impacting things by using them at all) If you work the system long enough you don’t need to spend much money on it. Massed farmed free cartel coins and credits that don’t leave the system are quite impactful to BS, EA, and the longevity of swtor. Therefore it does impact everyone. The credit that sellers farm go to the customer then back to them when customers  buy the items farmer sell on the gtn (buy low, sell high, spend free cartel coins) they influence in no small amount what the prices are. (causing inflation and buying things up with there accumulated wealth.) High price and inflation create greater need/willingness to buy credits since it’s cheaper than CC. Thus creating a cycle. The developer start to lose players and profits. When this gets to a certain point the game is retired.

Point blank you have zero clue what you're talking about. Someone having alot of cartel coins or credits is not a crime and quite frankly your railing against it just shows me part of your motivations is being jealous other people have more credits and coins than you do. If they believe there are too many coins and credits in game, then give people something to spend them on and quit handing them out like candy. 

Second, the fact that you would even cite credit sellers as an argument here proves you have no clue what you're talking about. Credit sellers are not supposed to exist to start with and buying from them is a bannable offense and rightfully so. Yes they exist, however they are not supposed to. Trying to cite them in this instance is like trying to argue money from stolen car sales should be counted as part of the local economy. If anyone does business with those guys they are a problem for the community and need to go anyways. Now THAT is exploiting is dealing with those guys to start with. So no, you are wrong here. 

Inflation exists in part because the game is 13 years old and tons of credits have been generated over the years with little to nothing of value to spend them on, which is again a dev problem not a player problem. They want to remove some credits, give me something I want to spend them on. Otherwise if they keep digging their heels in and lose profits as a result, not my problem. If the game shutters as a result of them stubbornly refusing to listen to the players, it's purely their own fault. 

7 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

Now you complain that other routes  can generate similar or better results.   1. PvP games per hour is not constant or the same on every server. so no, it can’t consistently do that. Also, we both agree, it’s a garbage mode most player don’t play. You need players for it to be consistent. 2. Heroics where nerfed in the past because it was being exploited 😂 and now it going back because the time it takes is a “huge” deterrent 😂 truthfully BS will mostly have to nerf it again lol because it will be exploited. 

Why don’t they get rid of free cc and exchangeable credits. Those are the oil for the machine my guy.

And for the points you bring up here, if you want balance as you've said and they have too, you must have equal or as close to equal as possible ability to generate points from the various gameplay methods or it's not balanced. 

1: Pvp games not popping is not my problem and can easily be bypassed with people forming their own groups and joining the queues. Since you agree most people don't play it, why are they allowed nearly double the points of everyone else? That's just foolish. 

2: And how exactly was it exploited? Once again if they're concerned about credits then maybe don't hand them out like candy. Again this is purely on the devs and there is no situation in which the players are at fault. 

As for your last bit, see above, if they want to remove some of the coins and credits, give people things they want to spend them on. Having more in game wealth is not a crime. The more you resort to these outlandish arguments, and arguments that contradict your previous posts the more I'm convinced you just want to argue to argue, in which case who are you helping? 

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1 hour ago, Traceguy said:

 I noticed that. They seem to have coincidentally arrived on the same week they're making heroics more enticing. I would normally knock out  the Heroic Eternal objectives always before this nerf. So it's not going to make much of a difference to me. But I hope others keep that Eternal in mind when comparing points come Monday.


Probably trying to fool their bosses too. "Look at our statistics! we've solved the offset!"


Yeah, I'm going to need to do the heroic eternal on planets I don't normally do so it doesn't mess up the kill count points when I update numbers in my other thread.

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6 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

This depends on what you are doing with the rewards and credits you make (and even then you’re still impacting things by using them at all) If you work the system long enough you don’t need to spend much money on it. Massed farmed free cartel coins and credits that don’t leave the system are quite impactful to BS, EA, and the longevity of swtor. Therefore it does impact everyone. The credit that sellers farm go to the customer then back to them when customers  buy the items farmer sell on the gtn (buy low, sell high, spend free cartel coins) they influence in no small amount what the prices are. (causing inflation and buying things up with there accumulated wealth.) High price and inflation create greater need/willingness to buy credits since it’s cheaper than CC. Thus creating a cycle. The developer start to lose players and profits. When this gets to a certain point the game is retired.

Now you complain that other routes  can generate similar or better results.   1. PvP games per hour is not constant or the same on every server. so no, it can’t consistently do that. Also, we both agree, it’s a garbage mode most player don’t play. You need players for it to be consistent. 2. Heroics where nerfed in the past because it was being exploited 😂 and now it going back because the time it takes is a “huge” deterrent 😂 truthfully BS will mostly have to nerf it again lol because it will be exploited. 

Why don’t they get rid of free cc and exchangeable credits. Those are the oil for the machine my guy.

If they got rid of the free CC from GS, I'd stop doing it.

Flat out, point blank, they're the only reason i bother.

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1 minute ago, Darev said:

If they got rid of the free CC from GS, I'd stop doing it.

Flat out, point blank, they're the only reason i bother.

Which is why they got rid of the EZ PZ rep track reward system where you could just server hop and get free CC.

But they Nuked the baby with the bathwater and here we are.

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One thing to keep in mind with all this complaining about how many CQ points people are getting is that it is the only way outside of group content to gear up your characters. It literally takes tens of thousands of Tech Frags and Conquest Comms to gear up a single character. And even when you get one character there and can use Decurion crates to bypass the base gear (which currently takes completing the weekly for a planet's heroics for one piece), you still need thousands of tech fragments and CQ comms to upgrade your relics.

If you play PVP you are getting both CQ comms and WZ-1s at the same time, both of which can be used to upgrade your gear (and WZ-1s drop at a prodigious rate in PVP). If you are doing flashpoints, the same is true with FP-1s, and with Operations OP-1s.

Should group content have more options for gaining CQ points? The simple answer is yes, but pushing for ways to make gaining CQ points for those that don't enjoy that game mode more time consuming isn't the answer.

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53 minutes ago, Aoralys said:

I actually really like the changes implemented.

It's a good change, but it comes too late. I would have loved to have seen this anytime before 7.4.1. There's a huge void in points I earn my guild now with the missing 45k per day. I will not be able to taste the benefit of unlimited heroics until I have secured those 45k points each day. It takes 9 heroics to do that (9 * 5k = 45k). And that's not just 9 heroics per day. That's 9 heroics on top of the ones I was already doing everyday. That's a lot of extra time as is, and you have to maintain those extra 9, day after day after day.

I may come out on top in the end, but this may also dig me into a hole where I feel like I'm missing out if I'm not dedicating every second of my time to heroics.

This is a step in the right direction, but Broadsword needs to take some more steps. I would start by looking at conquest objectives for Defeat Enemies I/II, Flashpoints, and Operations. And please, unlock Taskmaster for levels 71-80.



18 minutes ago, Ryukomaru said:

w00t! 10k from my first heroic! 538 for the next 3 on that planet.  #nailed it.



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I did the 4 dailies and weekly on Pub Capital.  I got 10k for clinic daily, 10k for The weekly, and got 538 to 650 for the other 3 heroics.  Along with companion opinion and kill conquests 1 and 2, I didn't even crack 50k

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5 minutes ago, Ryukomaru said:

I did the 4 dailies and weekly on Pub Capital.  I got 10k for clinic daily, 10k for The weekly, and got 538 to 650 for the other 3 heroics.  Along with companion opinion and kill conquests 1 and 2, I didn't even crack 50k

So infinitely repeatable heroics isn't working like its supposed to.  Of course....   that was a good change and it's broken.

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1 minute ago, DWho said:

One thing to keep in mind with all this complaining about how many CQ points people are getting is that it is the only way outside of group content to gear up your characters. It literally takes tens of thousands of Tech Frags and Conquest Comms to gear up a single character. And even when you get one character there and can use Decurion crates to bypass the base gear (which currently takes completing the weekly for a planet's heroics for one piece), you still need thousands of tech fragments and CQ comms to upgrade your relics.

If you play PVP you are getting both CQ comms and WZ-1s at the same time, both of which can be used to upgrade your gear (and WZ-1s drop at a prodigious rate in PVP). If you are doing flashpoints, the same is true with FP-1s, and with Operations OP-1s.

Should group content have more options for gaining CQ points? The simple answer is yes, but pushing for ways to make gaining CQ points for those that don't enjoy that game mode more time consuming isn't the answer.


Yeah. This is kind of an important point that people keep overlooking when discussing content and how "popular" it is. Most group content in the game is rewarding in other areas, solo content just isn't. Its entire reward structure depends on Conquest in a way that most other content in the game doesn't. This was done by design when 7.0 launched, accompanied by several significant nerfs to solo content in Conquest.


It was my biggest issue with the rep objective nerf. They've slowly made solo content more reliant on Conquest while also making it less viable for Conquest. That's not gonna feel good for players that primarily play solo and don't want to engage with the group activities. You're not gonna force them into other game modes they don't want to play, you're gonna push them out of the game entirely.


2 minutes ago, Ryukomaru said:

I did the 4 dailies and weekly on Pub Capital.  I got 10k for clinic daily, 10k for The weekly, and got 538 to 650 for the other 3 heroics.  Along with companion opinion and kill conquests 1 and 2, I didn't even crack 50k


The heroic weeklies don't have Conquest objectives so that 10k wasn't for the weekly. I'd expect it to be around 45k for all of the heroics on Coruscant. Point wise you'd get 25k from the heroics themselves, ~12.5k from the defeat enemies objectives, probably a ~3k bonus mission ding for Face Merchants or Enemies of the Republic, and then odds and ends from XP to CQP conversions.


If you're saying you got the Companion Influencer objective as well (which is 16k) and weren't over 50k in the end, then something went wrong.

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Okay, I may have to eat my words here. Other folks may differ, but having gone in and playtested the new heroic changes, they may actually work. Running through DK and cz-198, I picked up 90k conquest in a little less than one hour, moving at a leisurely pace. That includes hitting marks like Kill Enemies 2 and weeklies, and they do stack up. That's pretty much what I asked for, though I am less than enthused at needing to do heroics versus other content. We still have crappy rewards on FP/OP for the time they consume, and I would very much like to see 1 hour of ops or 1 hour of FP's ALSO put us at 100k or very close.


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Just now, Ryukomaru said:

Nope. Hundreds. 

Heroic repeatable is still marked daily.

So what happened? Bug?


On 3/28/2024 at 1:23 PM, EricMusco said:

The “Complete a Heroic Mission” Conquest Objective is now worth 2000 Conquest points (up from 1650). 

  • This is 5000 points for those of you with max Stronghold Bonuses



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1 minute ago, Thraka said:

Okay, I may have to eat my words here.


Same. It looks like if this is intentional, it's more of a good change than originally thought. It's not perfect, but I can see my worries of doing 9+ more heroics are nullified.


27 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:

I was wrong, they left the Level 50-80 objective in as well as the old 10-49 objective.

so our level 80 toons now get the daily

  • Planet: Heroic Missions

and the repeating

  • Missions: Heroic

doesn't make sense to me, but her nothing released lately does.


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I had to do Missions: Taskmaster and Galactic Seasons: Weekly Objectives to get me over.  (had some companion convos back logged to finish it out)

All strongholds unlocked and full (save capero)

But after the first heroic, I got next to no conquest points for the other 3. 

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6 minutes ago, Thraka said:

Okay, I may have to eat my words here.

Keep in mind that this week's conquest is skewed towards heroics.  Check to see if you've gotten CQ from non-regular objectives.

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2 minutes ago, Ryukomaru said:

I had to do Missions: Taskmaster and Galactic Seasons: Weekly Objectives to get me over.  (had some companion convos back logged to finish it out)

All strongholds unlocked and full (save capero)

But after the first heroic, I got next to no conquest points for the other 3. 

Bug? I got 90k from DK/CZ198 without any of the taskmasters. Could it differ by planet? Maybe the planet you did isn't working?

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9 minutes ago, Traceguy said:

So what happened? Bug?




I'll reserve judgment in case they have more info, but I'm guessing they're mistaken. I just tested it myself, ran Enemies of the Republic and Republic's Most Wanted.


Coruscant: Heroic Missions - 5000

Coruscant: Defeat Enemies - 4125

Missions: Heroic x2 - 10000

Missions: Bonus - 2750


Total from the objectives is 21875, 650x3 from each mission completion adds up to an extra 1950, totaling out to 23,825. My total in the Conquest screen was 24,265. So I got 440 from enemy kills.


It doesn't seem to me like the 5k infinitely repeatable is bugged. I saw it pop both times and it's still in my chat log.

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6 minutes ago, Thraka said:

Bug? I got 90k from DK/CZ198 without any of the taskmasters. Could it differ by planet? Maybe the planet you did isn't working?

No idea, But I was doing them for Capital Dichotomy GS weekly, and so wanted to see how it panned out with the new patch.


@The-Kaitou-Kid what level are you?  It may be tied to levels as well? Because I ran it on a 58

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8 minutes ago, The-Kaitou-Kid said:


I'll reserve judgment in case they have more info, but I'm guessing they're mistaken. I just tested it myself, ran Enemies of the Republic and Republic's Most Wanted.


Coruscant: Heroic Missions - 5000

Coruscant: Defeat Enemies - 4125

Missions: Heroic x2 - 10000

Missions: Bonus - 2750


Those numbers look more correct. I am confused on how/where @Ryukomaru was  seeing 538 points.


Coruscant: Heroic Missions - 5000 ==> This is an original level 50+ conquest objective. 5,000 falls in line with what Eric claimed.

Coruscant: Defeat Enemies - 4125 ==> This is normal. They haven't buffed/nerfed it, yet.

Missions: Heroic x2 - 10000 ==> This is the eternal levels 10-49 get. 10k for 2 would fall in line with 5k per heroic. As of 7.4.1c, levels 51-80 have it now.

Missions: Bonus - 2750 ==> Same as defeat enemies. Normal value.


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1 minute ago, PlasmaJohn said:

Keep in mind that this week's conquest is skewed towards heroics.  Check to see if you've gotten CQ from non-regular objectives.

I specifically took note of it. Taskmaster was not part of the total.

CZ Defeat Enemies 1: 4125

CZ Defeat Enemies 2: 8375

CZ Mission Complete: 5k

CZ weekly 10750

DK defeat Enemies 1 4125

DK defeat enemies 2 8375

DK Heroic MIssions 5000

Bonus Missions 2750


This leaves somewhere like 50k unaccounted for. It looks like the actual objectives log isn't showing everything, but I can see I have NOT  completed heroic pinnacle.

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4 minutes ago, Ryukomaru said:

@The-Kaitou-Kid what level are you?  It may be tied to levels as well? Because I ran it on a 58


Ah, good call. I was on a level 80, let me see if I have a character in the 51-70 bracket. I could see this being an issue where they just forgot to make Missions: Heroic available for 51-70. Pretty sure it was 1-50 only before.

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Checked the brackets and it is there, fired fine for my lowbie toons and higher toons, but my one poor jedi got no love I guess. 


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