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Content suggestion - Use existing game content!


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Hello there!

I'm making this post with several suggestions for the cartel market, maybe they're not good but they use existing things in the game, without the need to create new ones (except for one). It would be a shame not to capitalize on what already exists and which does not require creation from scratch, right?


Bring back old armor sets! :D 

One of my biggest questions about SWTOR is:

Given the current state of the game (we all know that it has seen better days... :( ) why delete the existing content? Old outfits, from Operations or Flashpoints and old expansions are no more accessible for many. For example, the old outfits resembling those of the Revanites, or a PvP gear part from the first version of the game! Why not bring them back via the Cartel Market or another means?

This is content that already exists, which requires a much lower investment of time than creating content and which players want to see again! For everyone I could talk to about it, anyway.

You can also make it accessible in the "outfit creator" to use equipment reserved for other classes in PvE... There are armors that have returned to the game but can only be used for certain classes, which is quite frustrating!


A “Great Roleplay Emotes Pack”

My question is: why not create a "Roleplay Emote Pack" on Cartel Market including all the animations, poses and emotes currently not accessible to players? I saw that you had already responded to suggestion posts detailing the difficulties posed by certain proposals, I actually have no idea of the constraints linked to emotes but all these animations already exist in game, on all models character regardless of race, gender, or class. Would it really be complicated to create an emote asking to play an existing animation? (That's a question, I don't know myself even though I've done similar things in other games :) )

Here is a non-exhaustive list that I thought of, for "poses" that would last until the emote is canceled:

- Crossarms (no time limitation)
- Hands tied in front of you (Satele Shan Posture)
- Hands behind the back (Darth Marr's favorite posture according to rumors)
- Hands on hips
- Pace

- Variation of existing things to imitate holocommunication


Why not an NPC creator for Strongholds?

The idea here would be to offer a tool (for guilds and/or players) inspired by character creation!

This tool would allow you to create your own NPCs for Strongholds, allowing you to customize:

- Appearance (similar to character creator)
- Outfit (similar to outfit creator)
- Posture

Why not offer creation using Cartel Coins? This idea may also be complex to implement, but could certainly be interesting, especially for Roleplay!


Add custom appearances worn by NPCs or an Outfit customization tool !

In SWTOR, many NPCs wear armor derived from existing armor: an outfit without shoulder pads, without a cape or with some elements removed...

I understand that the armor models in the game are separate: there is a base to which certain additional components are added or not. The perfect example was the Dreadmasters mask: the base is the same for everyone, but the additional components are not the same. The same thing exists for Darth Rivix's armor, which is that of Callous Conqueror with fewer additional elements.

Why not make these outfit variations available to players when possible?


Of course, the most "complex" suggestion I could make on this subject would be to propose setting up an in-game "modification tool" allowing you to modify armor yourself, add to it or remove it additional related components.

I don't know how long it would take to develop such a tool, but it would add a lot to in-game customization only based on existing content!

Imagine being able to personalize your outfit, within the limits of the components initially linked to it obviously: it would be really nice for immersion and would make the characters even more unique! 


I don't know if these suggestions will be read, or if some players approve, but I think they might help to get a breath of fresh air while waiting for future developments!

Thanks everyone for reading and have a nice day!  :)

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45 minutes ago, denajii said:

I'd love an emote pack of basically everything your post suggested, we have a lot but we really need idle stances like that, not just for rp but for pure immersion's sake alone

We agree! And above all, these emotes are not limited to 1 or 2 seconds... It's better for the screens!

It would be really easy to do, all these animations already exist, all models have them! You just have to create commands to play these animations (not really more difficult, modders have already succeeded in doing them!)

This particular proposal is far from being unfeasible or requiring enormous resources...

Please @JackieKo @KeithKanneg @EricMusco , hear us :((

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Definitely agreed too on idle animations emotes like that, those would be great!  On the list of animations already in the game that aren't emotes yet, I'm also still waiting for literally any kind of proper hug emote so I can hug my friends/comps like they're a huggable wookie 😄

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/2/2024 at 4:12 PM, Traceguy said:

I've been wanting idle posture/pose emotes since day 1. Would buy these in a heartbeat if I saw them on the Cartel Market.

Yes I know, same here T.T

Edited by Malornaros
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I would like to see the Black Color Crystal that is already programmed into the game become available as a set of Cartel Market Color Crystals (Hawkeye, Indestructible, Eviscerating, War Hero) 


However, I do hope that at the same time, they do not remove the already existing White-Black Color Crystals. The White-Black Crystals appears to be more gray, so it would be nice to have separate Black Crystals, White Crystals, and Gray/White-Black crystals all up on the Cartel Market together. Plus, they do something similar with the Turquoise and Teal Guardian Crystals, so no need to remove what is already up, just add a an additional set of items!

Other people are also interested in this Crystal:


Edited by Jacksoundwave
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  • 1 month later...

I love all the suggestions! Especially the Emotes pack, though I'm not a game developer so I have no idea the feasibility. Creating your own "NPCs" (I'm assuming personnel decorations?) for strongholds would also be cool, though I'd only spend CCs on a one-time "creator" deco, not CCs for each individual NPC.

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34 minutes ago, TepeshT said:

I love all the suggestions! Especially the Emotes pack, though I'm not a game developer so I have no idea the feasibility. Creating your own "NPCs" (I'm assuming personnel decorations?) for strongholds would also be cool, though I'd only spend CCs on a one-time "creator" deco, not CCs for each individual NPC.

Yes, for years I've been trying by all means to talk to the devs about a "Great Roleplay Emotes Pack"... I believed at one time that they were going to release it: when I seen the image of the fortress NPC pack which ALL have an animation that players CANNOT use.....

But I have the impression that this suggestion is not being listened to. It does not seem difficult to me to implement given the fact that the animations already exist on all models of the game, we see our characters playing them in a large number of cutscenes.

A pack like this on the Cartel Market could bring some money to the game so... I really don't understand.

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