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Re-selling needs to stop


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Please make items bought from the GTN bound to the player. Re-sellers are terrible for the economy by buying everything cheap and re-selling for a lot more. Some of us put items on there for a decent price to make it feel like a win for the buyer. There is none of this when it gets bought and re-sold for 3x+ more. The greed of some individuals should not outweigh legitimate and friendly player trading.

I was hoping something like would be done during the GTN update or at least tested on Shae Vizla(which is where it's very obvious at the moment.) Would love to see it implemented.


If there's worry about buying "gifts" then a gift function can be added on purchase that sends the item to the recipient.



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people who flip items on the GTN are amazing credit sinks. By your own admission they not only double the number of times an item is taxed, they triple the amount taxed on the second sale. Your assertion that people who flip items hurt the economy is incorrect since they are at least tripling the GTN tax credit sink on the second sale.

You want to bind items to the player that buys them off the GTN, that's never going to happen for one reason, it will destroy Cartel Market sales. EA/Broadsword will never enact that change for the sole reason they want the cash shop to stay profitable.

Edited by Darkestmonty
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12 minutes ago, SoontirMorillo said:

Reselling is theft. You do not only steal from the original seller, you steal from the community, the players these intended cheap items are for.

If i had something to say in this game, i would automatically perma ban every single player, who buys for the sole purpose to resell.

Vote S.M. in the 2024 BS Leadership Election.

Thank you for your service.

This is up there with "to fix inflation limit the GTN to 1 million credits and nothing can be sold for more than 1 million credits" or "wipe all credits to fix inflation".

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6 minutes ago, SoontirMorillo said:

Reselling is theft. You do not only steal from the original seller, you steal from the community, the players these intended cheap items are for.

How to recognize which item was offered as charity and who simply made a mistake in the price or the keyboard did not register a single click?

In the old GTN, there were sometimes super items worth exactly 1 million, as if especially for f2p players, are you talking about that?

11 minutes ago, SoontirMorillo said:

If i had something to say in this game, i would automatically perma ban every single player, who buys for the sole purpose to resell.

Vote S.M. in the 2024 BS Leadership Election.

Thank you for your service.

Since this is the Internet and you can't be sure of anything here, I'll add In case it's not a joke:

We can only thank The Force and George Lucas that your opinion doesn't matter when it comes to changes in the game. (opinions of other players don't matter either so no need to feel attacked).

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21 minutes ago, SoontirMorillo said:

If you read this thread you learn to spot the reseller, without him saying he is a reseller.

Stop reselling. Or ban all resellers.

Reselling is a known for being THE main weapon in the arsenal of credit sellers. If you are against credit sellers, you basically are forced to be against resellers. Or you like double standards.

I am a full blown flipper. Playing MMO economies is what I do for fun.

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Do you know how you can tell I'm a reseller? Simple, I'm telling you openly I'm a reseller. And, frankly, I don't give a womp rat's behind if you think I'm a thief, a grifter, a credit seller, the Grinch, Scrooge, or a greedy Hutt.

Other players are free to say that the GTN should be a form of charity and items sold on it should have low prices to help those for whom (in their mind) said item was intended.

Personally, I have a very different target audience in mind -- the player / buyer who will maximize my profit. I make zero apologies for that and feel no shame.

As it turns out, I also thinks my actions help keep SWTOR afloat. I concur fully with @Darkestmonty that Cartel Market purchases are instrumental in keeping this game afloat. I absolutely would not purchase items on the Cartel Market if I felt that selling them should be viewed as an act of charity. To wit, just yesterday I purchased several of the new armor dyes which I'm going to hold in my bank for a while in case of a rainy day and sell on the GTN if needed. Don't like my actions -- too bad -- don't buy them.

I save my charity for guildmates and friends, not strangers on the GTN.

I don't do much flipping / reselling largely because I find it boring, but there are others who obviously enjoy this aspect of the game and are well within the ToS to do so. And, more importantly...

Hate us whales all you want (although you don't even have to be a whale to be a reseller / flipper), but we are a large reason the lights are still on in a galaxy far, far away. 

It is shocking to me that some think newer players are entitled to low prices for cosmetic items. The only items on the GTN that increase your in-game power are Augments -- and even those can be made without spending anything on the Cartel Market (i.e., it's not pay-to-win). It is hardly "theft" when a newer player chooses to voluntarily pay what someone views as an exhorbitant price for a cosmetic item.

And, as noted correctly above, reselling is absolutely one of the best credit sinks available, particularly under the new system. There is overwhelming evidence to support this point.

Put bluntly: Don't hate me because I'm rich -- hate me because I'm rich, smart and, most importantly, faaabuuullllooouuuussss.



Edit: Surmising that someone has a newer account implies nefarious action and therefore banned in the past is tacky and pretty low. I left in in early 2013 after Ilum PvP debacle. I returned in December 2016 b/c EA couldn't find my old account. If you think my original account had action take against it -- you would be be sorely mistaken.

Edited by Jdast
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17 hours ago, SoontirMorillo said:

If you read this thread you learn to spot the reseller, without him saying he is a reseller.

I'm opposed to binding items. this is because it would require me to do more work, and potentially have to spend more credits/cc, when buying an item for my legacy or a friend that doesn't have enough. This would require me to move credits around instead of an item. I will say that if the changes are made I wouldn't put much effort into lobbying for change. I would simple just move the credits around ha ha ha!

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15 minutes ago, SoontirMorillo said:

So your point in this discussion is "it is this way, so it can't be in a different way"? Under this guideline we should stop developing the game, because change/progress is not possible/wanted?

There were always people, who wanted to do Ranked. There were always people, who wanted to do Nightmare Operations. There were always people, who wanted to craft for conquest. There were always people, who wanted an huge meanigful expansion story on the release date...

From all this people in the past years, who did not get what they wanted, i claim to know, that "people, who want to make profit" will find other ways to do this in our game.

For that, they don't need to let a door open, which is also very frequently used by not wanted "players" and the services they offer with their "profit".

People will find a way to make profit as long as there are buyers willing to buy. It works both ways. That's why there are resellers because they have customers. If people would stop buying from them, they'll stop. That's just how it works. Don't patronize these sellers if you want them to stop.

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19 minutes ago, SoontirMorillo said:

And just to be clear... people are buying from resellers, not because they want to buy from resellers. They buy from resellers because it is the only option. The reseller community as a whole is online 24/7. Every item put up for a reasonable price, or like other people would call it in this thread, "for charity", is immediately snacked by a reseller. There is simply no other option to buy from a different source.

That is in no way an argument for "people want resellers". They can't "just stop buying from them", because they own the whole GTN.

And that is the point and it is high time, that Broadsword is doing something about this absurdity.

Do you honestly think the hot new Cartel Market items will be dirt cheap if everything bought off the GTN is bound to the buyer?

Why would anyone buy expensive new cash shop items just to sell them dirt cheap?

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1 hour ago, SoontirMorillo said:

So you are saying, that Broadsword should not hunt and punish "(Credit) resellers because they have customers. If people would stop buying from them, they'll stop. That's just how it works. Don't patronize these (Credit) sellers if you want them to stop."?

Just one word added twice in critical position in your quote... and people are shocked, when i say, some people on the forums are always arguing in a way that benefits (credit) sellers.

Are you by any chance an American? Where i can find all these videos on the internet from stores that are getting robbed, and the robbers are free to do so without getting prosecuted? I just want to add, that this is not normal for the rest of the world. We don't say "don't patronize the robbers, if the stores wouldn't want to get robbed, they would do something about it.".

Again... your point is "it is this way, so it can't be in a different way"!?!!


Dude... i really try to understand your stance on this topic... really hard... but if you word it like above... i just can't. I fail to understand where you are coming from.

I'm not talking about credit sellers; I'm just talking about players who resell items they bought. That's normal in any given economy. You can't just penalize players who sell at a higher price--that's not how it works. In any economy it's simple: you have sellers who sell at such rates because they have buyers who are willing to match those rates. You want the economy to fix itself, then you have to stop buying from those sellers so that they lower their prices. That's how an economy in general regulates itself.

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On 12/28/2023 at 1:47 AM, SoontirMorillo said:

Reselling is theft. You do not only steal from the original seller, you steal from the community, the players these intended cheap items are for.

If i had something to say in this game, i would automatically perma ban every single player, who buys for the sole purpose to resell.

Vote S.M. in the 2024 BS Leadership Election.

Thank you for your service.


On 12/28/2023 at 2:43 AM, SoontirMorillo said:

If you read this thread you learn to spot the reseller, without him saying he is a reseller.

Stop reselling. Or ban all resellers.

Reselling is a known for being THE main weapon in the arsenal of credit sellers. If you are against credit sellers, you basically are forced to be against resellers. Or you like double standards.

you said it yourself

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On 12/27/2023 at 10:04 PM, heeeysa said:

Please make items bought from the GTN bound to the player. Re-sellers are terrible for the economy by buying everything cheap and re-selling for a lot more.

I was hoping something like would be done during the GTN update or at least tested on Shae Vizla (which is where it's very obvious at the moment.) Would love to see it implemented.

I think I hear and agree with what your saying:

  1. Your not suggesting item's purchased with Cartel Coins are bound, nor are you suggesting items in Crates, such as Ultimate Cartel Packs, etc...
  2. All items purchased directly with Cartel Coins will continue to have existing bindings to be freely sold on the GTN.
  3. It's specifically only items bought off the GTN, from then again being resold at great profit.

Here's however the (only) one challenge, I've accidently bought an item once I already had, and it was nice to resell it; yet I'll sell if for less than I purchased, just to recoup 75-90% of what I paid.  I just want to get the credit's I spent after I realized I have already fully unlocked it.  Other times I simply buy a duplicate item, cause another character had it and didn't get the account-wide reclaim yet; sometimes wiser to pay credit's, especially if it's something specific to just a few character's. 

Still I've never liked people who buy cheap, to only resale and sell for a far higher margin; so there were in complete agreement!  They are trying this with the GTN / Trade (Tax) update with 7.4 in fact.

Still I've never liked people who buy cheap, to only resale and sell for a far higher margin; so their were in complete agreement there.  They are trying this with the GTN update, if only they held meta data on recent purchases by an account, and took far higher cut profit's if purchase price exceed's recent purchases of same item by 1.25 - 2x or more.  That would be wonderful, yet it's also require 100-250 recent GTN purchase transaction history for account, so that would also add overhead.

I mean I was looking at the GTN today and saw an Improved Speeder Piloting III (Bronze) being sold for 1,000,000,000 and I just had to laugh; or a Legacy of Altruism I/II/III (Bronze) being sold for 250,000,000 / 350,000,000 / 445,000,000; or a Legacy Species Unlock: Cyborg (Gold) sold for 3,447,780,000.  Now what's absolutely crazy is who'd pay those prices, most unlock in Legacy as Character Perks or Account-wide for far less.  Broadsword had always asked 10,000 to maybe 2,000,000 credit's at most (depending on item) and if they per character or account-wide.  I think Cyborg or all Races that unlock in Legacy that are Account-wide reclaims are only 1,500,000 credit's, so why pay 3.4 billion.  These people are really trying to take advantage of some who don't know, and low-lives in my books.  

SWTOR Legacy and Character Unlocks Guide (swtorista.com)

Still I don't think there are any easy answers, yet I do support you in your desire.  :csw_yoda:

Kind Regards,

Edited by Strathkin
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7 minutes ago, Strathkin said:

I think I hear and agree with what your saying:

  1. Your not suggesting the item's purchased with Cartel Coins are bound to a Player; nor are you suggesting Crates such as Ultimate Cartel Packs, etc...
  2. All items purchased directly with Cartel Coins will continue to have existing bindings to be freely sold on the GTN.
  3. It's specifically is only items bought off the GTN, from then again being resold.

Here's however the (only) one challenge, I've accidently bought an item once I already had, and it was nice to resell it; yet I'll sell if for less than I purchased, just to recoup 75-90% of what I paid.  I just want to get the credit's I spent after I realized I have already fully unlocked it.  Other times I simply buy a duplicate item, cause another character had it and didn't get the account-wide reclaim yet; sometimes wiser to pay credit's, especially if it's something specific to just a few character's. 

Still I've never liked people who buy cheap, to only resale and sell for a far higher margin; so their were in complete agreement there.  They are trying this with the GTN update, if only they held meta data on recent purchases by an account, and took far higher cut profit's if purchase price exceed's recently purchases of same item by 2x.  That would be wonderful, yet it's also require 100 recent GTN purchase transaction history for account, so that would also add overhead.

I mean I was looking at the GTN today and saw an Improved Speeder Piloting III (Bronze) being sold for 1,000,000,000 and I just had to laugh; or a Legacy of Altruism I/II/III (Bronze) being sold for 250,000,000 / 350,000,000 / 445,000,000; or a Legacy Species Unlock: Cyborg (Gold) sold for 3,447,780,000.  Now what's absolutely crazy is who'd pay those prices, most unlock in Legacy as Character Perks or Account-wide for far less.  Broadsword had always asked 10,000 to maybe 2,000,000 credit's at most (depending on item) and if they per character or account-wide.  I think Cyborg or all Races that unlock in Legacy that are Account-wide reclaims are only 1,500,000 credit's, so why pay 3.4 billion.  These people are really trying to take advantage of some who don't know, and low-lives in my books.  

SWTOR Legacy and Character Unlocks Guide (swtorista.com)

Still I don't think there are any easy answers, yet I do support you in your desire.  :csw_yoda:

Kind Regards,

I buy CM items all the time for my guilds and toss them into the guild bank. It's one of the perks to joining my guild. I dedicate a bay to mounts, weapons, armor sets, crystals, crafting materials, etc. I only keep one bay locked off for personal use, the rest is open to the guild.

I also buy items for players who are preferred or FTP. I'm happy to buy something rather inexpensive (50 million or less) and mail it to the player, it sucks not having subscription time.

All this anti-reseller rhetoric is being spurned on by people who have no idea how inflation works and mistakenly thinks that changing CM items BOP when purchased from the GTN will make everything they want affordable without putting in the work to actually earn credits like everyone else who is currently buying from the GTN.

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3 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

I buy CM items all the time for my guilds and toss them into the guild bank. It's one of the perks to joining my guild. I dedicate a bay to mounts, weapons, armor sets, crystals, crafting materials, etc. I only keep one bay locked off for personal use, the rest is open to the guild.

I also buy items for players who are preferred or FTP. I'm happy to buy something rather inexpensive (50 million or less) and mail it to the player, it sucks not having subscription time.

All this anti-reseller rhetoric is being spurned on by people who have no idea how inflation works and mistakenly thinks that changing CM items BOP when purchased from the GTN will make everything they want affordable without putting in the work to actually earn credits like everyone else who is currently buying from the GTN.

I'm not your enemy but your friend, I'm offering a alternative; as I agreed with you in my Second Paragraph, "Here's however the (only) challenge..." 

It's why I said they should instead of changing bindings, or even a (additional) tax on the buyer, instead hold Meta Data on recent GTN purchases (100-250) by Accounts and the cost purchased.  Then if they are reselling for far more than they paid, it instead takes a higher cuts out of their profit's.  That's what the government does today, corporations who make more profit are taxed a higher %, just like people who make more are taxed a higher % as well.  😲

I was just presenting an alternative point of view, the OP's original idea has merit; yet also flawed or incomplete; changing bindings isn't answer! 

Yet how you closed your comment in last paragraph, sounds more like someone who resells (not buys items for others) as claimed.  People who buy an item at 1,000,000 credit's to only resell it days later for 17,000,000 million credit's should be charged a hidden tax (reducing their profit) on an item.  I'm not talking those who make fair margins (10%, 20%, 35%, even 50%) either if they choose to, but far higher margins, than they paid in the first place. 

Look at the examples I gave along with several others: 

  • Improved Speeder Piloting V (Bronze) selling for 20,000,000 on GTN yet in Legacy Rewards - Character Perks it's perhaps 1,200,000 *new example*
  • Legacy Species Unlock: Cyborg (Gold) selling for 3,447,780,000 on GTN yet in Legacy Reward unlocks for 750,000 to 1,500,000 for Species or 600 Coins.

I mean really, the OP has a great point! This is just pure greed, taking advantage of some unsuspecting individuals! If people earn something in a crate, and try to sell it for at least close to the cost Broadsword sells in Credit's, no issues with the OP or me either.  Yet the OP (above) is talking about people who buy and sell things at 5x, 10x, 15-25x or more than the cost they paid.  Well even if Broadsword took 55% of your profit, you're also marking something up by 5 - 25x or more. 

So if you sold Legacy Species Unlock: Cyborg (Gold) asking 3.5 billion for an item, that everyone could buy in Legacy for perhaps 750,000 - 1,500,000 Credit's in Game?  Something that sells for a 1 million (average) your doing expecting to earn 3,499,998,999 profit?  Really, your not helping your case or their's. 


Good on you heeeysa for trying!

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3 hours ago, Strathkin said:


I'm not your enemy but your friend, I'm offering a alternative; as I agreed with you in my Second Paragraph, "Here's however the (only) challenge..." 

It's why I said they should instead of changing bindings, or even a tax on the buyer, instead hold Meta Data on recent GTN purchases (100-250) recent items and the cost purchased.  Then if they are reselling for far more than they paid, it instead takes a higher cuts out of their profit's.  That's what the government does today, corporations who make more profit are taxed a higher %, just like people who make more are taxed a higher % as well.  😲

I was just presenting an alternative point of view, the OP's original idea has merit; yet also flawed or incomplete; changing bindings isn't answer! 

Yet how you closed your comment in last paragraph, sounds more like someone who resells (not buys items for others) as claimed.  People who buy an item at 1,000,000 credit's to only resell it days later for 17,000,000 million credit's should be charged a hidden tax (reducing their profit) on an item.  I'm not talking those who make fair margins (10%, 20%, 35%, even 50%) either if they choose to, but far higher margins, than they paid in the first place. 

Look at the examples I gave along with several others: 

  • Improved Speeder Piloting V (Bronze) selling for 20,000,000 on GTN yet in Legacy Reward - Character Perks it's perhaps 1,200,000 *new example*
  • Legacy Species Unlock: Cyborg (Gold) selling for 3,447,780,000 on GTN yet in Legacy Reward unlocks for 750,000 to 1,500,000 for various Species or Races. 

I mean really, the OP has a great point!  This is just pure greed, taking advantage of some unsuspecting individuals! If people earn something in a crate, and try to sell it for at least close to the cost Broadsword sells in Credit's, no issues with the OP or me either.  Yet the OP (above) is talking about people who buy and sell things at 5x, 10x, 15-25x or more than the cost they paid.  Well even if Broadsword took 55% of your profit, you're also marking something up by 5 - 25x or more. 

So if you sold Legacy Species Unlock: Cyborg (Gold) asking 3.5 billion for an item, that everyone could buy in Legacy for perhaps 750,000 - 1,500,000 Credit's in Game?  Something that sells for a 1 million (average) your doing expecting to earn 3,499,998,999 profit?  Really, your not helping your case or their's. 



I can afford to give items away because I make credits by playing the GTN. Playing the GTN by flipping items, selling crafted and gathered materials, along with direct trading allows me to buy and stock up my guilds so the members can have free CM items.

Lets look at your examples of "greed" or what I call fair market value based on multiple restricting factors, one of which is availability.


Improved Speeder Piloting V:


Only three available for the whole server and the cheapest is currently listed at 20 million credits, none sold recently and the historic range is 10 million. Why would someone pay 10 million for speeder piloting when they can buy it in the legacy window for 1.2 million credits?

  1. the player does not want to wait until they reach Legacy Level 15 to unlock Improved Speeder Piloting V under Character Perks
  2. the player is about to go Preferred and won't be able to buy Improved Speeder Piloting V since it costs more than 1 million credits
  3. the player has a friend that is FTP or Preferred and can not unlock Improved Speeder Piloting V
  4. the player does not want to pay 300 Cartel Coins to unlock it under Character Perks and those 300 Cartel Coins are easily worth 200-500 million credits if spent wisely

That's four reason why Improved Speeder Piloting V is well worth 10 million credits to some people.


Legacy Species Unlock: Cyborg


Why would anyone pay 3.447 billion credits for the Legacy Species Unlock: Cyborg? LOL, no one is seriously paying that much.

The History Range shows it is only worth about 45 million credits which is more than fair considering the item costs 600 Cartel Coins and saves the player the trouble of having to level a cyborg to 50 on every server they want to play before being able to make a cyborg for any class. And again, if a player knows they are about to lose their subscription, it may hasten their need to buy for 45 million, not 3.447 billion, while they have access to all their credits instead of waiting until they are limited to 1 million credits.

Your are wrongfully equating two things to flippers. People who post items for ridiculous prices, which for all you know they bought those items directly from the Cartel Market with their own CC, and that all the items posted at ridiculous prices will actually sell when their historic range says otherwise.

There is nothing wrong with flipping items or being "greedy" and trying to get as many credits as possible for the items you have.

Edited by Darkestmonty
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Well, before 7.4 I did see some green lvl 75 gear for 750 million, which is just silly imo. Green gear are pretty common, so to ask that is nothing but greed. No idea if it sold or not, but my guess is no.

The new specular armor dyes is another. The red/black one are over 1 billion on DM, but the white/gold is "cheaper" at ~500 million last time I checked.

Both prices are nuts for dyes.

Some of the suggestions in here has some merit, but there would be complainers no matter what the devs could try. So it's a case of damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

So far the new GTN changes seems to have brought prices down in general, but some items are still way over priced, so we have to wait a bit longer to see how it all pans out.

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33 minutes ago, Otowi said:

Well, before 7.4 I did see some green lvl 75 gear for 750 million, which is just silly imo. Green gear are pretty common, so to ask that is nothing but greed. No idea if it sold or not, but my guess is no.

The new specular armor dyes is another. The red/black one are over 1 billion on DM, but the white/gold is "cheaper" at ~500 million last time I checked.

Both prices are nuts for dyes.

Some of the suggestions in here has some merit, but there would be complainers no matter what the devs could try. So it's a case of damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

So far the new GTN changes seems to have brought prices down in general, but some items are still way over priced, so we have to wait a bit longer to see how it all pans out.

some of the green gear had rare models you could no longer get. I believe Bioware disabled the ability to get a lot of older models in 7.0 or shortly after. For collectors 750 million for a model you can no longer get can be a worth while purchase.

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7 hours ago, SoontirMorillo said:

you are correct. but it was an "or". so it wasn't my only, first or go to solution. still strange to take that away from all i said and reply to it.

but yes... if you solely use the gtn to resell you should be banned. solely. very important.

because you simply don't add anything to the community.

you don't craft. you just buy those items and jack up the price.

you don't buy cartel market items. you just buy that item and jack up the price.

you make the game more miserable for all players without adding anything of value to the community or economy.

so yes... if your sole purpose is to resell what others brought into the community, and just making prices higher and higher, a ban should be a legal option.

if you find enjoyment in something, that is making the gaming experience for everyone except yourself miserable, i classify this as toxic gaming. it's like going afk in a ranked enviornment. wiping a progress raiding group going for world first on purpose. and such.

Only things i sell on the gtn are dark projects and the oems i get when i need to burn off tech frags

I help my guild hit the cq goal every week

I do craft but i mostly keep the stuff to myself

I don't buy cartel market items to jack up prices

I don't make the game miserable for anyone i keep to myself

Again if you start banning everyone who's ever resold something they bought off the gtn then their won't be anyone left to play the game

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2 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

I can afford to give items away because I make credits by playing the GTN.


There is nothing wrong with flipping items or being "greedy" and trying to get as many credits as possible for the items you have.

I knew you were someone who buys low or cheap, then resells for far more; hence the Haha...   :classic_laugh:

2 hours ago, Otowi said:

Some of the suggestions in here has some merit, but there would be complainers no matter what the devs could try. So it's a case of damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

So far the new GTN changes seems to have brought prices down in general, but some items are still way over priced, so we have to wait a bit longer to see how it all pans out.

I also like the tax they've done, as I said on Page 1 that they implemented in 7.4 in fact. 

I just think to reduce people buying low, then marking up items purchased on GTN for 5 - 25x the Price they paid, they need to think outside the box a bit.  Suggested they focus more on Meta Data of (100-250) recent purchases on GTN yet only if purchase cost is below Median Price by a certain Factor.  Then if someone resells at far higher price than they paid within a few weeks, they could take additional profits away from that 1 resale.  

Like you said though, no matter what it's damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

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Just a small correction, in case anybody didn't know :


saves the player the trouble of having to level a cyborg to 50 on every server they want to play before being able to make a cyborg for any class

You can already create a Cyborg for any class. You don't need the Legacy Species Unlock : Cyborg for that.

When the game first launched back in 2011, Cyborgs were restricted to certain classes. Now, it was a long time ago, so I'm not positive, but I think that Jedi Knights, for example, could not be Cyborgs. To this day, I still have no idea what the developers' reasoning for that was.

At some point, though, that restriction was lifted, and Cyborgs became available for all classes, like Humans.

So, then, what does the Legacy Species Unlock : Cyborg actually do now? I'm not sure, but I think it makes all, or almost all, Cybernetic options available to all origin stories on a Legacy. Without the unlock, only some Cybernetic options are available to each origin story.

Whether or not that's worth the unlock's price in Credits, Cartel Coins, or the time required to level up a character to Level 50, only you can decide.

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