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27 minutes ago, Whykara said:

But snowballs do not affect gameplay?

Sure they do , because the OP ( or whomever doesn't want  flowing  snooooflayyyykkess  on their character for 4 minutes , repeatedly )  has to rightclick  off the debuff icon.


And again.

And yet again.

27 minutes ago, Whykara said:

Giving people a "snowball vaccine" would actually affect gameplay, namely that of us juveniles who like throwing them, and who would receive a message that unfortunately the snowball didn't stick every time we threw one on party poppers.

Wrong, because  as you may or may not have read in any of my posts:  i explicitely stated how this  hypothetical  'item' would only function  CLIENT SIDE.  ( as in, only the receiver  wouldn't see the snoball  effect , but the  hurler would still think they *hit*  and therefore the hurler  would still achieve their  "fun"  &  cheevo rewards )

27 minutes ago, Whykara said:

Also, what's more juvenile - being offended by snowballs or enjoying a limited wintertime event once a year? 

Well, since you asked:  Your question is both  insincere and inaccurate,  since no one is  "offended" by  your enjoyment of supposed  "wintertime"  ( in a game that doesn't even have day/night cycles, much less  actual seasons lol ) .

What  some people, whose opinion is just as valid as yours ,  get so "offended" by is the  extreme  infinite abuse of getting pelted  CONSTANTLY  with snooooffflayyykke  after  annoying  snooooflayyykeee.

Your solution is  "oh just don't goto Fleet"  ( btw it happens everywhere , not just on Fleet  fyi  ) ---Well ,  that solution is indeed  altering that person's  GAMEPLAY.

I'm sure you understand.

Of course, this  entire thread is all academic  and utterly pointless  except for break between the forum boredom , since Broadsword  won't be changing  ANYTHING with Life Day this year  , nor next year either.  ( If i'm wrong next year, see my earlier post on page 6 with 2 SW links at bottom  ) .

Edited by Nee-Elder
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21 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Of course, this  entire thread is all academic  and utterly pointless  except for break between the forum boredom , since Broadsword  won't be changing  ANYTHING with Life Day this year  , nor next year either.

On this we can agree ^^ I'd even go so far as to say that every single thread on here is entirely academic. 

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2 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

./yawn , more strawman  "slippery slope" bogus drivel  from yet another  non-reader of thread

No one really wants  any of that ^  turned off  lol

OP & others just simply want a  snoball  repellent item ( clientside ) , so they don't have to keep on clicking off the debuff icon.

Seems fairly normal for rational type humans to comprehend imo.

Don't say no one wants it. Recently there were 2 topics asking for the removal of mounts. One started by a group of RP players who claimed that mounts interfered with their fun and that they had the right to RP wherever they wanted, so other players had to adapt to them. And the second one in which it was claimed that the sounds made by the mounts are somehow used to harass players.

See the key word? "harassment"? Throwing snowballs is a form of harrassment (it has been called this many times in this topic), using mount is a form of harassment, using emotes is a form of harassment, and even listing items on GTN at a better price was called so on this forum. I observe with interest how much the definition of this word means something different for the SWTOR community and, for example, FPS players.


I witnessed a situation before the start of the arena where the Assassin, after being hit by a snowball, started calling people noobs and idiots, claiming that they would now be able to see him when he was in stealth, and of course he logged out of frustration. So I understand that some people don't like or even hate these snowballs and I'm not against anything that will make the aura invisible.

But even if such a vaccine were introduced and the aura became invisible to those players who don't like it, how would it help those for whom just getting hit by a snowball is a problem? There will be no aura, but the act of throwing a snowball at someone's face will remain. The vaccine is therefore a solution that does not solve anything, because complaints about snowball events will continue to be the same.

Maybe shortening this event to one week from December 24 to December 31 and simultaneously increasing the drop rate of packages would help. If it only lasted a few days, maybe fewer players would be frustrated by it? The alternative is to completely delete the event, but that opens doors that shouldn't be opened - I don't like it, so delete it.

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19 minutes ago, Anhkriva said:

Don't say no one wants it. Recently there were 2 topics asking for the removal of mounts. One started by a group of RP players who claimed that mounts interfered with their fun and that they had the right to RP wherever they wanted, so other players had to adapt to them. And the second one in which it was claimed that the sounds made by the mounts are somehow used to harass players.

See the key word? "harassment"? Throwing snowballs is a form of harrassment (it has been called this many times in this topic), using mount is a form of harassment, using emotes is a form of harassment, and even listing items on GTN at a better price was called so on this forum. I observe with interest how much the definition of this word means something different for the SWTOR community and, for example, FPS players.


I witnessed a situation before the start of the arena where the Assassin, after being hit by a snowball, started calling people noobs and idiots, claiming that they would now be able to see him when he was in stealth, and of course he logged out of frustration. So I understand that some people don't like or even hate these snowballs and I'm not against anything that will make the aura invisible.

But even if such a vaccine were introduced and the aura became invisible to those players who don't like it, how would it help those for whom just getting hit by a snowball is a problem? There will be no aura, but the act of throwing a snowball at someone's face will remain. The vaccine is therefore a solution that does not solve anything, because complaints about snowball events will continue to be the same.

Maybe shortening this event to one week from December 24 to December 31 and simultaneously increasing the drop rate of packages would help. If it only lasted a few days, maybe fewer players would be frustrated by it? The alternative is to completely delete the event, but that opens doors that shouldn't be opened - I don't like it, so delete it.

don't forget that buying items on the GTN then reposting them and selling them is "cheating and stealing" from players and players who do this should be banned from the game. It's from the same group of players that want snowballs banned for harassment, mounts banned for harassment, and e-motes they aren't using banned for harassment (but it is fine for them to do all of the above since they are the only players that matter).

Life Day is fine lasting 4 weeks. Not everyone can play during one week and this event only comes once a year.

Edited by Darkestmonty
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1 hour ago, Anhkriva said:

See the key word? "harassment"? Throwing snowballs is a form of harrassment (it has been called this many times in this topic),

there have been calling trowing snowballs all for years as harrassment when it is not.

each year when the life day event starts some people always complain about it and call it harrassment.

and also each year the devs are not going to chance it since its part of the game also.

basic thing is all the things are harassment for a lot of people in this game is its never going to end with the complain about things what there think is harassment.


i think we can make harassment the word of the year of 2023 on this forum.

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9 hours ago, AmorphLex said:

Ahahahahah! THis topic is so funny... turn off life day, dances. mounts, game, people, even sky, even godl XDDDD
Don't like it when people throw snowballs at you? Shoot back! (*takes out a snow cannon, tinsel bomb, food cannon, hutt ball, party bomb and /dud)

are you suggesting that these people....have fun???? nah man its evident with this thread that some don't have concept of it and want everything to change for them, screw everyone elses fun and jokes, snowflakes, mounts, emotes etc should be disabled becuse 10 people never figured out they're in an MMO.

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6 hours ago, Anhkriva said:

See the key word? "harassment"? Throwing snowballs is a form of harrassment (it has been called this many times in this topic), using mount is a form of harassment, using emotes is a form of harassment, and even listing items on GTN at a better price was called so on this forum. I observe with interest how much the definition of this word means something different for the SWTOR community and, for example, FPS players.

It's funny how carelessly people throw around the word "harrassement". I remember the good old times when this game had actual harrassement, before legacy ignore and before 90% of the player base vanished. You'd get sexually assaulted for just playing a female character. I remember one instance where a guy kept whispering me with different toons that he wants to know where I live and what he'd do to me until I eventually stopped playing my character for half a decade because it got really annoying. And now people are calling snowballs harrassement? Give me a break.

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6 hours ago, Anhkriva said:

 Recently there were 2 topics asking for the removal of mounts. One started by a group of RP players who claimed that mounts interfered with their fun and that they had the right to RP wherever they wanted, so other players had to adapt to them.

Again,  you're  strawman'ing with a totally separate topic.

Who the heck ever takes RP'ers  seriously anyways lol  smh

1 hour ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

 and want everything to change for them, screw everyone elses fun and jokes, snowflakes, mounts, emotes etc should be disabled becuse 10 people never figured out they're in an MMO.

Exaggerating strawman #2 ^ , from someone who doesn't even read anyone's posts other than the same 4 people regurgitating same tired off-topic tangents within his echo-chamber. :rolleyes:

11 minutes ago, Whykara said:

 Give me a break.

Give US  a break , from this ridiculous  "event"  designed as a griefer's wetdreeem by the same Coders who thought  eradicating Player-Crafting/Creativity  in favor of  CM cash grab reskins x infinity was a good idea.   THEY are the ones who truly forgot this is a MMO;)

And while you're at it:  Pro-tip.... The more u guys keep pushing back with the exact same redundant strawman "arguments" , the more it further validates why the OP's simple request/complaint  has legit merit.

YOUR side is who keeps on freaking out with desperate concern ( hmm sorta like a constant sprinkle of ❄️'s ) and keeping alive a mere suggestion that every SWTOR vet knows won't ever get implemented anyway.

Someone please go create another new "controversial" thread  so this snowball one can finally.....melt. :ph_win:

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On 1/1/2024 at 10:01 PM, VegaMist said:

Did someone force you to log into the game? Or do GTN on fleet of all places while the event is going on? You could go to your stronghold (unlisted if you wanted no one to find you) and concentrate on GTN there, but you chose not to. So whether you like it or not, you are participating in the event voluntarily.

It doesn't take a "tough guy" to play a video game (saw your post before it appears to have been removed for whatever reason), but being too sensitive to every little thing makes the experience more miserable, both for you and the ones around you (goes for life as well).

1. No one forced me to "log into the game". I'm paying for that. Argument makes no sense, except as to dismiss. Argue the point on the board.

2. So I should avoid an aspect of the game because you "feel" that I should, rather than the developers creating an event that does not annoy other players, who are, btw, paying for a service. That's just another dismissal argument

3. The internet muscles, tough guy talk was yours. I just reproved it. I believe yours was removed also.

4. The "sensitive" argument is yet another dismissal tactic, and an insult, but you have still not addressed the issue on the board...and btw, I'm A US Marine Sgt, with two tours, so the "tough guy" talk is laughable.


Get back to me when you are ready to discuss the argument on the board rather than insult, bully, or try to intimidate other posters with your dismissal tactics...and the issue on the board is how to create an event for some players that does not irritate, or infringe upon other players. Pretty simple to understand, even easier to solve.

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On 1/2/2024 at 3:56 AM, Anhkriva said:

You call them kids, but who is the bigger kid, the one who throws snowballs during the winter event exactly as the developers wanted, or someone for whom the barely visible aura on the character ruins the entire pleasure of the game and spoils the mood?

While we're at it, maybe let's introduce an option that will make us not see Christmas decorations on the fleet, there will certainly be a player who doesn't like them and maybe even find them offensive. But why stop at decorations, there are already suggestions on the forum to ban mounts from the fleet because they bother someone and are supposedly disruptive. I wonder what will disturb the people tomorrow, maybe the bright colors of the lightsabers? Let's remove them today just in case.

Your first paragraph is not an argument but a personal attack. What you are trying to do here is to insult me directly as a means of dismissing the argument on the board. You have invoked a number of sophomoric logical fallacies from, tu quoque fallacy all the way to Ad Hominem.  Going to have to drop that hook into someone else's lily pond, chief. Not going there.


Your second paragraph is even worse, reductio ad absurdum, or extrapolating to the extreme in order to dismiss another's argument rather than challenge it.

Again, get back to me when you are willing to discuss the issue, rationally, as a means of satisfying the desires of all players, not just those who you approve of, or events that you approve of, and without the snitty little insults.

The solution here  is not rocket science, and the suggestions from other players, who do not desire to be forced to play "your way" is valid and should be considered for the next event.

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3 minutes ago, Blackardin said:

Get back to me when you are ready to discuss the argument on the board rather than insult, bully, or try to intimidate other posters with your dismissal tactics...and the issue on the board is how to create an event for some players that does not irritate, or infringe upon other players. Pretty simple to understand, even easier to solve.

I am sure that creating something that will appeal to everyone and will not find a single hater is not so much difficult as it is impossible.


But back to the topic of snowballs, what simple solution that will please everyone do you propose? As I mentioned above, the vaccine will satisfy those who don't want a winter mist when hit, but it does nothing for those who don't want it thrown at them. An item that will make them an illegal target? seems too complicated to implement. Option to show neither aura nor snowballs? People have been asking for the ability to "turn off" the graphics of certain attacks for a long time because during several people's fights with a boss, you can't see anything on the screen, there are so many effects and it didn't help, so I doubt they would bother for a small event.


So what's your perfect and simple solution?

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On 1/2/2024 at 2:28 AM, TziganeNZ said:

You do realise that there are other things you do on fleet than just the GTN, right? Things that you are UNABLE to do in a SH - like Hyde and Zeek vendors etc.  So that makes participation in this tiresome event involuntary - I have no option but to go to fleet, unless you can please advise where I can find these vendors elsewhere so I can go there?

Seems that the problem with game boards is that there are people who think this is part of the game and seek to "win" rather than participate in logical discourse...as evidenced by some of the illogical, or ad hominem style replies here.

The solution here is not a tough one, and has already been suggested. Remove the particle effects, have the NPCs cease pelting people, take rational discussions such as yours to heart and strive to provide as much enjoyment with as little annoyance to the entire player base as is possible.

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On 1/2/2024 at 1:08 PM, Darkestmonty said:

you have to accept that MMOs are designed for a "massive" amount of people, not just one person.

That is exactly what he is arguing. His game play is as important to him as yours is to you.

The sort of mentality being displayed here is exactly why WoW killed Everyquest. They appealed to the entire player base, not just those seeking one "style" of play. Your play should not disturb his play is the argument on the board, and it is a valid one. Preventing the annoyance for him, does not affect your gameplay at all, but the other way around does affect his.

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4 minutes ago, Anhkriva said:

I am sure that creating something that will appeal to everyone and will not find a single hater is not so much difficult as it is impossible.


But back to the topic of snowballs, what simple solution that will please everyone do you propose? As I mentioned above, the vaccine will satisfy those who don't want a winter mist when hit, but it does nothing for those who don't want it thrown at them. An item that will make them an illegal target? seems too complicated to implement. Option to show neither aura nor snowballs? People have been asking for the ability to "turn off" the graphics of certain attacks for a long time because during several people's fights with a boss, you can't see anything on the screen, there are so many effects and it didn't help, so I doubt they would bother for a small event.


So what's your perfect and simple solution?

Your argument is a hasty generalization fallacy, and you are speaking both sides of the argument, with a sort of arrogance that declares you "the winner" with not a lick of knowledge as to how the programing works.

I've worked in the field. If they can program a complicated event, they can program a simple solution.

Easiest? Turn off the particle effects.

Done and done.

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On 1/2/2024 at 2:05 PM, TziganeNZ said:

Ah, the condescension is strong with this one!

Snowball throwing isn't normal person-to-person interaction in a MMO (and I've played enough of them to know - this game certainly isn't my first). It is only for a specific, time-limited event - but that doesn't mean that those of us who dislike the effect it has on the person who has no choice in being a participant (the target) should be the ones to hide away when we just want to play our game, however we wish to (and how those of us with subs pay for). Equally, those who throw the snowballs should also stop expecting everything to be about them and their personal wishes/comfort, and show some respect to people who immediately click the effect off, indicating that the effect is unwelcome.

As I, and many others in this thread have said, I have no wish to have the event or the snowballs removed - if people find it fun, good for them, and may they enjoy every one! All I would like is an opt-out option for the visual effect. It would not impact others' gameplay or experience, so I fail to understand why there is this vitriol towards those for whom this effect is annoying.

It's also weird having snowballs in the middle of summer...../shrug

You are making all too much sense here.

But seriously. Outstanding post.

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On 1/2/2024 at 5:54 AM, VegaMist said:

And? If you can't tolerate normal person-to-person in-game interactions for a few minutes, than maybe you should have thought about it before joining an MMO. And yes, it's still voluntary. Visiting Hyde and Zeke isn't required - you can wait until the event is over if it bothers you so much. Or better, you could learn to deal with things around other people - including interactions you may not always enjoy (while others do enjoy them), and stop expecting everything to be about you and your personal level of comfort (helps in life as well).

That is another dismissive, and quite silly argument...and exactly why WoW ended up killing Everyquest, and why Brad was from the game that he originated.

"Stop playing the game" It is not a solution, but just more arrogant dismissing and counter productive to their mission statement. In short, foolish of any company to argue. Do I tell my particular customer base to "go somewhere else" during a sales event, or do I mold my marketing campaign around all potential customers?

This entire discussion is a circular logic minefield and totally unnecessary. The solution is to stop letting the NPCs pelt people over an over again, and allow people to turn off the particle effects, or eliminate them altogether. They are not necessary, a simple confirmation not of floating text or in chat will validate. No one sticks around to watch the snowflakes after they pummel someone. Like every other event, they shoot and run to the next target to get through it.

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26 minutes ago, Anhkriva said:

I am sure that creating something that will appeal to everyone and will not find a single hater is not so much difficult as it is impossible.


But back to the topic of snowballs, what simple solution that will please everyone do you propose? As I mentioned above, the vaccine will satisfy those who don't want a winter mist when hit, but it does nothing for those who don't want it thrown at them. An item that will make them an illegal target? seems too complicated to implement. Option to show neither aura nor snowballs? People have been asking for the ability to "turn off" the graphics of certain attacks for a long time because during several people's fights with a boss, you can't see anything on the screen, there are so many effects and it didn't help, so I doubt they would bother for a small event.


So what's your perfect and simple solution?

You yourself referred to the people taking part in the event as "kiddies", but you consider the comparison to a child to be a personal attack... a commendable example of self-criticism.


There is no such thing as playing "my way". I don't invent events or rules how they work, I'm just a player and I follow them. The event is about hugging wookiees, my character will be hugging wookiees. The event involves throwing snowballs at players and NPCs, my character will throw them. If I find an event or participation rewards uninteresting, I will simply ignore it and continue playing.

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15 minutes ago, Blackardin said:

Your argument is a hasty generalization fallacy, and you are speaking both sides of the argument, with a sort of arrogance that declares you "the winner" with not a lick of knowledge as to how the programing works.

I've worked in the field. If they can program a complicated event, they can program a simple solution.

Easiest? Turn off the particle effects.

Done and done.

This is not a competition so there are no losers or winners, and there is nothing arrogant or wrong about trying to look at things from a point of view other than your own.

Whether they can do it is one thing, what they won't do because they spent time on it is another.

Removing the particle effect will only please some critics, those who don't want anything thrown at them will still have a problem with this event. Not really done.

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2 hours ago, Whykara said:

It's funny how carelessly people throw around the word "harrassement". I remember the good old times when this game had actual harrassement, before legacy ignore and before 90% of the player base vanished. You'd get sexually assaulted for just playing a female character.

or if you most go to a planet like DK on the imp side that was back in the old day's full with harrassement talk in the chats.

and the talks was so worse that you not wane let you kids read it since it was more 18+ talk back then there without legacy ignore or harrassement report option.


if you look up with the forum search function you can find i think some threads about it from the DK toxic harrassement time.


but in the end there are always people not happy and think its ''harrassement'' when its not.

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6 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:


Exaggerating strawman #2 ^ , from someone who doesn't even read anyone's posts other than the same 4 people regurgitating same tired off-topic tangents within his echo-chamber. :rolleyes:


good job on saying a lot without actually argumenting anything again.

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17 minutes ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

good job on saying a lot without actually argumenting anything again.

Thanks! :ph_win:

Thread done yet?   Much better one over here--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/933082-who-is-the-most-responsible-for-removing-ranked/


Or, if  peeps are truly bored they can go on a history lesson of  "snowballs" here....

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28 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Thanks! :ph_win:

Thread done yet?   Much better one over here--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/933082-who-is-the-most-responsible-for-removing-ranked/


Or, if  peeps are truly bored they can go on a history lesson of  "snowballs" here....

yeah it is, don't let evil snowballs hit you on your way out.

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11 minutes ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

, don't let evil snowballs hit you on your way out.

i'll be fine, since baiting griefers & toying with trolls = my fav. endgame :csw_jabbapet:

Thanks so much for your concern though and gosh bless your heart! ;)

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: this dude loves me so much lol
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Sometimes, I just want to laugh at some people.  Just because someone comes in a forum and suggests an idea, so they do not have to deal with snowballs, some people get bent out of shape.  As I have said, they don't bother me, mostly as I do not go to the fleet that much, so not a big deal to me, but I can also see that something could be done to allow those that do not like the snowballs, to have something like a vaccine, that we use for the Rak ghoul event, but no some people throw their fit because someone suggested something.  How does that affect your gameplay?  It doesn't.   Geez people they do not have to like it and you do know the more you tell people not to play the game, the more players you are losing, and half of you have a fit about not finding people to group with.   

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