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38 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

So these are the  official  forums.

By your logic, this means you can't be harassed here by anyone else "participating?

I'm not too sure that that logic is sound. This forum is intended to talk about the game in a more or less civil way. The life day event is intended to celebrate the holidays with throwing snowballs and hugging wookiees. Harassment on the forums means using the platform for unintended purposes. Throwing snowballs during life day on the other hand is completely intended.

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39 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

official  forums.

official forums does not equal official or sponsored event/occurrence/comment/thread. Snowball were intended to be thrown at npc and other players alike thus not TOS breaking behavior. (Can it became TOS breaking behave? sure.) 

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ROFL  all  3 of you swooped in so fast

i really should get paid for this  :D

5 minutes ago, AFadedMemory said:

(Can it become TOS breaking behavior? sure.)

Bingo ^ .

Hence my point.

ANYTHING  can be used for good, or for bad.

And now for the ummteenth time to get things back on-topic:  All the OP & others  wished for  was a lore-appropriate item ( similar to Rakghoul vaccine )  by which to avoid  any & all  forms/degrees/intentions  of said snoballs.

Pretty simple and hardly an unreasonable request.

The hurlers-who-love-hurling can still  have their juvenile fun and get their worthless "rewards" .

But let's all stop pretending  the hurlers  don't absolutely love how much they get to hide behind  "official event"  excuse, while  creating  an effect of a word ( *coughs*  snofffffflayyykes )  for which they'd get reported if  typed/whispered in chat.

Why else do you think certain peeps use  snoball gun to hit  dead player corpses in PVP?

Just cuz they're  celebrating an "official" event?

If you believe that, i have some  ice to sell you on Tatooine. :csw_tattooine:

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2 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

If you believe that, i have some  ice to sell you on Tatooine. :csw_tattooine:

I have no Strill (which is very different from a Dog) in this discussion other than to poke a little fun @Nee-Elder...

In order for your idiom to make sense, you should have said: "I have some sand to sell you on Tatooine." :csw_yoda:




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Keep it simple people!  DON'T overthink it ...

** Lifeday ... wintertime celebration (of sorts).  

** With the wintertime celebration comes the idea of a lighthearted time of fun.  And (for some of us "younger" folks) ... yeah that would include a good old fashion lighthearted snowball fight.  I personally thought the snowball cannon was a nice touch.  It still brings a smile to my face.

** POSSIBLE changes:  Disable throughout certain times of the year (to co-inside with winter months ... I'm sure it's always wintertime somewhere!!!)  😜

** Additional POSSIBLE change:  the ability (optional) to "remove" (for lack of a better term) ... said "snowball" visual affect for those that just don't want to participate in said fun and festivities.

And yes ...  I totally get that.  Just as some of us REALLY don't like certain areas of SWTOR ... Some folks just don't like well ... anything outside of their own preferences.

BTW...  @Jdast ....  "beachfront estate"  on Tatooine works even better !!  😉

EDIT:  In order to make things more "realistic" on ohhhh ... say Tatooine (since we're already there) ... Should the snowball be changed to Banta poodooo just to fit loaction better! (Probably not ... BUT what the heck ... why not it makes sense that way!  RIGHT???  NO?? ) 

Edited by OlBuzzard
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29 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

Should the snowball be changed to Banta poodooo just to fit loaction better!

This needs its own event, and I will follow the inevitable thread where someone complains about Bantha poo harassement with great interest.

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9 minutes ago, Whykara said:

This needs its own event, and I will follow the inevitable thread where someone complains about Bantha poo harassement with great interest.

only if they can implement some sort of smell'o'vision

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23 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

Same reason i read yours.

For  this helpful thing known as:  CONTEXT

First off:   it's not just  "snoball or two" .  It's  the CONSTANT barrage  repeatedly 24/7  that the players are complaining about.

Secondly:  Other than me making an empty suggestion about NPCs only, no one in this thread is calling for snoballs to be "forbidden" .   The OP & many other players  were asking  simply to have an OPTION  (method) by which they could avoid  being harassed for 4 weeks with snoballs.  Like an item to make them immune to snoballs, so they wouldn't have to keep  clicking off the buff icon & effects.

You & the other 2 fans seem to have some major problem with that ^ and it's making u guys very very upset  at even the notion that somehow  certain players  might have a different definition of "fun" than you 3 do.   Gasp the horror!

Here i'll sum up the thread for you since reading is so hard:

  •  Group A  doesn't like getting pelted with digital snoballs + derogatory snoffffflaykes
  •  Group B  really  likes doing it to people cuz reasons
  •  Group A  wishes for an item to repel such an annoyance, while still allow Group B to have their fun/rewards
  •  Group B  freaks out and starts shaming Group A  for simply wanting to be left alone in peace
  •  Group A  mostly leaves the thread since what's the point of trying to interact with Group B
  •  Group B  becomes vocal minority and fuels their own hubris
  •  Group C ( Coders ) watches and never changes anything regardless

Annnnddd  /thread.

context for what? i agreed with what Vega said and i commented in support of that comment, i don't need context for what they wrote, i very well saw what they wrote and i agreed with that, it wasn't about arguing with you or what you previously said, it was about that one comment that i agreed on, but you couldn't handle me simply agreeing with someone elses point and you had to quote me, insult me and start fuss, which i don't really mind btw, i don't mind when people quote me and talk to me, as long as that conversation makes sense and you have better argument than "virtual snowball annoys me"

while yes this starts off as simply asking for ability of the effect to be removed, i wouldn't be opposed to this myself but its obvious that as soon as conversation drags you people will start calling others trolls and harassers becuse they dare enjoying in game event that was made with the purpose of throwing snowballs at others, just look at yourself i didn't even talk to you i quoted another person to agree with them, you ended up talking to me and calling me a troll becuse i dared to agree with someone you don't and again im not opposed to ability to remove snowball effect if one wants to and neither did i ever say anything against that, im simply stating a fact that being upset at snowballs on life day where throwing it at others is encouraged by devs for a reward is silly, its equivalant of me being upset that enemy NPC can kill me when i engage it, if i went into enemy territory and got killed am i supposed to complain about this? same thing applies here you're going to a fleet where an event is encouraged and you get snowballs thrown at you, you decided to go to fleet and it happened and it will happen becuse its part of the game, like i've said you're playing an MMO, this is how MMO's work.

btw coders don't change anything becuse theres nothing to change, this game is in sorry state and theres far more important things to do than focus on what small group of like 20 people in entire game want especially when said "annoyances" are an event thing in which you are encouraged to participate, you people are entitled if you think they'll change entire event and everything for few of you, im sorry i know its tough but you can't expect entire world to bend for few of you especially when these "annoyances" are easly avoided like not going to fleet for few weeks, i've spent weeks without going to fleet before. without anything even bothering me so can you if something bothers you that much, this is an advice many gave you and you can bend this to your agenda all day and call us bullies for it but its the only thing you can do that will make you happy or whoever complains about it happy, just don't expect entire world to change for you.

Edited by BulbulusTheGreat
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Just now, BulbulusTheGreat said:

context for what?

If you don't know, or don't care to know, then there's really no point in trying to illuminate you.

Rest of your walls-of-text  were a rambling TL:DR  incoherent ball of.....snow.

Happy Life Day to you & yours! :ph_use_the_force:

Thread done yet?

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Just now, Nee-Elder said:

If you don't know, or don't care to know, then there's really no point in trying to illuminate you.

Rest of your walls-of-text  were a rambling TL:DR  incoherent ball of.....snow.

Happy Life Day to you & yours! :ph_use_the_force:

Thread done yet?

ah yes, a conveniant thing to say when you can't argue anymore, its fine with me i mean i wasn't one who quoted you and started arguing in the first place, were it up to me we wouldn't even talk.

it seems to be done yeah, just an advice for next time: don't start arguments you can't finish.

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By the same token, due to when this event arrived, I had the joy of utterly devasting Quinn with snowballs on Shae Vizla server after the "incident".  And doing the same in my upcoming fight with Darth Baras. Cause if there's anyone in the galaxy that deserves it, it's him.

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1 hour ago, OlBuzzard said:

Keep it simple people!  DON'T overthink it ...

** Lifeday ... wintertime celebration (of sorts).  

** With the wintertime celebration comes the idea of a lighthearted time of fun.  And (for some of us "younger" folks) ... yeah that would include a good old fashion lighthearted snowball fight.  I personally thought the snowball cannon was a nice touch.  It still brings a smile to my face.

** POSSIBLE changes:  Disable throughout certain times of the year (to co-inside with winter months ... I'm sure it's always wintertime somewhere!!!)  😜


If a game were to be developed and released where the seasons match those for where I live, I'd probably play it in a heartbeat (so long as it wasn't mandatory PVP). Games do, however, seem to be solely Northern Hemisphere-centric.  Right now, it's the middle of summer for me and other APAC players.  Where I live, it doesn't snow at any time during the year - ever.  I'm in my mid-50s and have never touched snow.

Or better yet, a game where there are NO seasons that attempt to match or tie up with what's happening in the real world timeline.  That would be a whole lot less jarring, for sure.

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1 hour ago, Whykara said:

This needs its own event, and I will follow the inevitable thread where someone complains about Bantha poo harassement with great interest.

It would make more sense to have parcels in that then snowball ha ha ha!

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58 minutes ago, TziganeNZ said:

If a game were to be developed and released where the seasons match those for where I live, I'd probably play it in a heartbeat (so long as it wasn't mandatory PVP). Games do, however, seem to be solely Northern Hemisphere-centric.  Right now, it's the middle of summer for me and other APAC players.  Where I live, it doesn't snow at any time during the year - ever.  I'm in my mid-50s and have never touched snow.

Or better yet, a game where there are NO seasons that attempt to match or tie up with what's happening in the real world timeline.  That would be a whole lot less jarring, for sure.

Sometimes understanding cross-cultural ideas can be a bit challenging.  Me ... personally ... my first encounters date back to my early days at UNM ... I had an engineering prof from Austria (IIRC) ... a business prof from Australia and my Calculous professor from China (I'm trying to remember how to spell his name correctly ... but that was 1971 and I've forgotten a few things along the way phonetically it would be spelled Gao but I know for a certainty that is not correct).  Something really interesting about that man ... even though he was the head of the entire Math Dept. at UNM ... he always had time to work with students individually.  I remember that as though it were yesterday.  (Yeah ... I was one of those who struggled with that class). 

I have friends literally scattered all over the world to this day:  Nairobi, Kenya;  Athens, Greece; London, England; Two in Wales (they've recently moved ... don't remember exactly where) ...  A good friend of mine (in his early 20's) just went to visit his parents in Argentina for a couple of months.

I'm certain that all to often we take some of the simple things in this life for granted entirely too much!

BTW... I do hope my somewhat odd way of doing things isn't too much of a royal pain  (Us old folks can do that from time to time without thinking about it!)

And yes ... I said all of that to say this:  reaching across those kinds of boundaries can make us a whole lot of friends that we would never have made otherwise.

...  Best of luck to ya!



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13 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

Pretty simple and hardly an unreasonable request.

I'm opposed to such changes, especially if it prevents a snowball from being thrown. 

I also think the request, while reasonable, is unrealistic. Reasons:

1) Similar request have been made on other life days and nothing has changed (with the snowballs as far as I'm aware)

2) the event currency's main route of acquirement is throwing snowballs at others. Changing that could slow down the acquisition of those items. (The Snow Ball Cannon Cartel Item's value could also be effected in a negative way.)

3) Lots of people participate in the throwing of snowballs. (I suspect that players get hit more then NPCs)

4) the number of snowballs thrown decreases, generally speaking, automatically after the event ends

5) the changes would most likely have little or no positive impact on population retention or microtransaction goals

6) Snowballs and their effect do not impact in game movement or action. unlike the rakgoul virus.

7) If you name your character Chuck Norris you'll automatically be immune to snowballs and their effects 🤣

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Yes, we're still discussing this.    We got the White Acute module because enough people wanted an opt-out item for Double XP, so an item that allows us to opt-out of getting hit by snowballs is also reasonable.  That way, those who want to throw snowballs can while those of us who'd rather not can be left in peace.

It has nothing to do with harassment, griefing, or anything else that's been suggested.

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50 minutes ago, Sumugi said:

Yes, we're still discussing this.    We got the White Acute module because enough people wanted an opt-out item for Double XP, so an item that allows us to opt-out of getting hit by snowballs is also reasonable.  That way, those who want to throw snowballs can while those of us who'd rather not can be left in peace.

It has nothing to do with harassment, griefing, or anything else that's been suggested.

Double experience effects player experience by forcing them to out level the content they are playing to the point they will be 80 before finishing their basic class stories.

Snowflakes doesn't trivialize all combat like being level 80 demolishing level 40 story content.

Edited by Darkestmonty
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19 hours ago, TziganeNZ said:

If a game were to be developed and released where the seasons match those for where I live, I'd probably play it in a heartbeat (so long as it wasn't mandatory PVP). Games do, however, seem to be solely Northern Hemisphere-centric.  Right now, it's the middle of summer for me and other APAC players.  Where I live, it doesn't snow at any time during the year - ever.  I'm in my mid-50s and have never touched snow.

Or better yet, a game where there are NO seasons that attempt to match or tie up with what's happening in the real world timeline.  That would be a whole lot less jarring, for sure.

off topic but i really hope game gets a day and night cycle like WoW has one day, i don't expect them to make seasons match but day and night would be easier to add and pretty fun imo

Edited by BulbulusTheGreat
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21 hours ago, TziganeNZ said:

If a game were to be developed and released where the seasons match those for where I live, I'd probably play it in a heartbeat (so long as it wasn't mandatory PVP). Games do, however, seem to be solely Northern Hemisphere-centric.  Right now, it's the middle of summer for me and other APAC players.  Where I live, it doesn't snow at any time during the year - ever.  I'm in my mid-50s and have never touched snow.

Or better yet, a game where there are NO seasons that attempt to match or tie up with what's happening in the real world timeline.  That would be a whole lot less jarring, for sure.

I live in South Carolina, and we rarely get snow but before that I lived in South Texas and it has only snowed a few times in centuries so if they were going to do something that is happening in the real-world timeline, that would still be a problem, as not every location in the US gets snow in the winter.

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1 hour ago, casirabit said:

I live in South Carolina, and we rarely get snow but before that I lived in South Texas and it has only snowed a few times in centuries so if they were going to do something that is happening in the real-world timeline, that would still be a problem, as not every location in the US gets snow in the winter.

Exactly.  I have lived in several locations in the US.  Only two of them get snow every season.  Some seasons a lot LESS than others.  I would imagine folks that live in the NE part of the US (ie around the Great Lakes areas) would see snow a LOT more than I ever would.

In the end:  (As it has already been pointed out) ... this is a MMO) ... Not every activity is going to be our favorite.  Additionally, this is just a game.  Either we can enjoy it and have fun ... or choose not to!  If the affects were given an option ... then that should take care of some of the issues (if not most).  The fact that XYZ number of percales are required to purchase items is one of the main reasons people participate at a higher level.  IMO ... (please note that) ... IMO it has nothing to do with grief.  Some people understand that .. and others never will (simply because they hate the overall event and want it gone or restricted to such a small out of the way place they don't even have to see it).  And still others ... well they like to hammer just about anything they don't like or want into oblivion until everyone else is sick of the discussion.  


Oh well ... I've said my peace.  IMO the whole thing was just meant to be about having fun.  And for whatever it's worth if everything was left as it is (from a mechanics point of view) ... and reduced to only a few weeks out of the year as a Life Day celebration I'm personally OK with that too!  The "option for special effects off switch" (for lack of a better term) ... I'm OK with that too.  In the end the development team will make their own decision.

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5 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

 (As it has already been pointed out) ... this is a MMO)

That ^ is a standard  strawman  type deflection argument though.

It's worth about as much as  if i used the totally empty buzzword  "problematic"  to counter u guys.

p.s.  Very surprised  you of all people  glossed over my reply above yours on page 6  with those 2 side SW 'snow' lore links references. ;)

5 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

 If the affects were given an option ... then that should take care of  the issue

Exactly ^ .  Simple and very easy to comprehend, even for certain other  posters who  secretly don't want such an  opt-out  clientside option  because then it would ruin their main purpose/fun  to hurling snoballs in the 1st place:  Aggravating other players  they know will be aggravated ( or inconvenienced ) from  snoooooffffflayyyykes.

5 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

  IMO the whole thing was just meant to be about having fun.

Except some players , the OP for one , don't  think it's fun.

So why should the OP have to alter  their equally legitimate gameplay routines  for 4 weeks just to placate juveniles?

It's bad enough  those stupid Wookiee  NPC's  pull snoballs out their  furry boodees  ( cold snow grows from naked Wookiees now?  oh wait, it's technically not real snow?  ah ok , so then.... synthetic fake snow grows infinitely out of Wookiee boodees now?  Gotcha, makes perfect sense and yeah really umm captures the spriit of STAR WARS  :rolleyes:  )

Can't  wait for  Jan. 9th when this  ridiculous "event"  is over and then Fleet can go back to regular non-holiday intrusions like  bots, trolls, spammers, guild-invites, hate whispers, ERP sessions, RP spatial yells, -----Ohhhh right,  the game has an option to ignore all those, despite this being a MMO!   Go figure. :cool:

Edited by Nee-Elder
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Ahahahahah! THis topic is so funny... turn off life day, dances. mounts, game, people, even sky, even godl XDDDD
Don't like it when people throw snowballs at you? Shoot back! (*takes out a snow cannon, tinsel bomb, food cannon, hutt ball, party bomb and /dud)

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34 minutes ago, AmorphLex said:

... turn off life day, dances. mounts, game, people, even sky, even godl

./yawn , more strawman  "slippery slope" bogus drivel  from yet another  non-reader of thread

No one really wants  any of that ^  turned off  lol

OP & others just simply want a  snoball  repellent item ( clientside ) , so they don't have to keep on clicking off the debuff icon.

Seems fairly normal for rational type humans to comprehend imo.

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9 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

So why should the OP have to alter  their equally legitimate gameplay routines  for 4 weeks just to placate juveniles?

But snowballs do not affect gameplay? That's the whole point of people against an option to opt out. You could actually reverse this argument. Giving people a "snowball vaccine" would actually affect gameplay, namely that of us juveniles who like throwing them, and who would receive a message that unfortunately the snowball didn't stick every time we threw one on party poppers. 

Also, what's more juvenile - being offended by snowballs or enjoying a limited wintertime event once a year? 

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wow no suprice that somebody is complaining about the snowballs again.

if you not like the snowball trowing then not come on the fleet or DK/Coruscant when the event runs end of story.

stop complaing about it each year.

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