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Dear Broadsword .. update to GTN has ruined my game.


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10 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

People who don't care wouldn't  also care if the current problems got solved. They have no opinion on the matter, so you can't automatically assign them to support your argument. If we'd get the old GTN back right now, or at least the flaws fixed, they still wouldn't be on either side. If you only look at the forum posters and the points they have made, there are far more people who hate the changes and have stopped using GTN than people who like it now. Those are the only sides that count. 

Unfortunately they don't need to support my argument, they just simple have to not support yours. This is accomplish by just doing nothing, or more accurately just playing the game how it is. The changes you dislike have already happened.  To undo this change you must generate enough support that BS is pretty much strong armed into making the changes you want. The only legal/realistic way to do this is to get many people to voice the same concern, and stop giving BS their time and money. As it has been stated most people do not care enough to do that, at least for the GTN specifically. 

10 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Is fixing it worth BS's time is another thing. People didn't unsub before GTN was what it used to be, they left after it was changed. So it's not that uncommon for them to put resources on things that are not worth the time and cause more harm than good. So you never know. I'm not holding my breath though.

I agree that if the changes hurt BS's desired metrics they would make additional changes/revisions. I don't think the changes are hurting their targeted demographic. 

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4 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

1. Player to Player trade tweaks.
Allow gifting again (obviously gifts would need to become legacy bound so people can’t circumvent the trade taxes). Give players back the ability to trade items dropped in a group for an hour without taxes being applied. 

I will admit this is annoying and should be changed. However I don't think it should be changed yet. it is an extremely effective credit sink when coupled with the 30 day guild restriction. I think it should be removed or revised about 60 days after SV in opened for transfer or the server is closed. (The later I fill is unlikely to happen)

4 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

2. Allow players to buy any items on the GTN at what ever price they choose. Players shouldn’t be forced to only buy the cheapest item listed because this encourages everyone to undercut by 1 credit & takes away buyers choice. 

The forced cheap sale is, in my opinion, the biggest reason prices are dropping. You literally can not sell, on the GTN, if your price is more expensive then anybody else. This increase in urgency to compete against other sellers is why prices are getting cheaper. 

4 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

3. The listing GTN deposit fees should be refunded if an item doesn’t sell. This should never have changed, especially when they made only the cheapest item available to buy

If I'm going to be honest this one doesn't really effect me that much either way. majority of the time (in both systems) I sell at the listed price or cancel the item to sell lower then it was uncut by, thus losing the deposit anyway. I do think one of the credit sinks  you mention should go away but only one. If i was able to choose i would choose bullet point 1 rather the bullet point 3.

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2 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

Unfortunately they don't need to support my argument, they just simple have to not support yours. This is accomplish by just doing nothing, or more accurately just playing the game how it is. The changes you dislike have already happened.  To undo this change you must generate enough support that BS is pretty much strong armed into making the changes you want. The only legal/realistic way to do this is to get many people to voice the same concern, and stop giving BS their time and money. As it has been stated most people do not care enough to do that, at least for the GTN specifically. 

Then they already failed. They had to do nothing in the first place, but they did, and that cost them subscribers. For some reason you don't seem to get it, but that's fine.

2 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

I agree that if the changes hurt BS's desired metrics they would make additional changes/revisions. I don't think the changes are hurting their targeted demographic. 

And I think they are hurting their targeted demographic, but they would never admit it. 



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27 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Then they already failed. They had to do nothing in the first place, but they did, and that cost them subscribers. For some reason you don't seem to get it, but that's fine.

And I think they are hurting their targeted demographic, but they would never admit it.

what demographic is that? People who like to pay higher prices on the GTN and feel insulted when someone dares undercut a price below an imaginary threshold of respect?

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4 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Then they already failed. They had to do nothing in the first place, but they did, and that cost them subscribers. For some reason you don't seem to get it, but that's fine.

BS gains an loses subs all the time. This happened before the GTN changes, and will continue to happen until the games dies. it's worth mentioning that the game has been in a steady decline for awhile now.  (if steam population charts are to be believed.) a declining sub population is why the F2P system was added in the first place. 

I won't lie, the GTN is an important part of SWTOR, and the items people can buy there impacts how long someone chooses to play the game. the longer some one plays a game like SWTOR the more likely they are to spend money on it. With inflation being as high as it was F2P players couldn't even buy the stuff in most of the auctions, a casual players could probably only make 1 big purchase a year. New players had to see  billion credit prices while getting like 341 credits from missions. (lv 19 trooper mission : Coruscant Assignment) Not very fun. not very incentivizing. Asking them to buy cartel coins to catch up isn't really realistic because a lot of them are trying it out because it's "Free."  

4 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

And I think they are hurting their targeted demographic, but they would never admit it. 

These potential "microtransactioners" are, in my opinion, BS targeted demographic. I believe that they would leave the game over other things before the GTN changes. Will some people unsubscribe because of the changes sure, will it be more then they gain form the benefits they cause. I don't know.

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10 minutes ago, AFadedMemory said:

With inflation being as high as it was F2P players couldn't even buy the stuff in most of the auctions, a casual players could probably only make 1 big purchase a year. New players had to see  billion credit prices while getting like 341 credits from missions. (lv 19 trooper mission : Coruscant Assignment) Not very fun. not very incentivizing. Asking them to buy cartel coins to catch up isn't really realistic because a lot of them are trying it out because it's "Free.

i not know about you but pref status players and F2P status players have in this game always worse then sub players.

since the devs choose to give then a stupid credit limit of 1 mill what is all going to make it hard to buy stuff on the GTN.

do you think its fun then price's stay high when there are stuck with a stupid credit limit there can hold.

before you blame the inflation for there problems you need to look first to something else to blame before you can blame the inflation problem in the first place.

its not fun at all to have a stupid worthless credit limit of 1 mill what is compleet notting at all.

this game is to much focus on cartal coins and sub thats why there add a low credit limit on both status since there force you to buy sub more if you wane buy items from the GTN.


15 minutes ago, AFadedMemory said:

BS gains an loses subs all the time. This happened before the GTN changes, and will continue to happen until the games dies.

the reason there lose subs is that there screw up to much with the new contant release.

if there release 1 hour or less new story contant then nobody is going to sub for that anymore since its worthless thats what we have see in the past.

also there is no good reason more to stay sub or become sub in this game since most of the benefts are now gone and the new contant is so weak its not worth the price of sub anymore.

that there focus on the cartal market now more and not on the sub system anymore is there own fault for screwing things up each time.

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1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

not know about you but pref status players and F2P status players have in this game always worse then sub players.

since the devs choose to give then a stupid credit limit of 1 mill what is all going to make it hard to buy stuff on the GTN.

do you think its fun then price's stay high when there are stuck with a stupid credit limit there can hold.

before you blame the inflation for there problems you need to look first to something else to blame before you can blame the inflation problem in the first place.

its not fun at all to have a stupid worthless credit limit of 1 mill what is compleet notting at all.

this game is to much focus on cartal coins and sub thats why there add a low credit limit on both status since there force you to buy sub more if you wane buy items from the GTN.

I am well aware that the limit is suppose to increase subs. What I'm saying is the inflated prices presents a seemingly insurmountable task that people give up on even buying items from the GTN. The chances of them subbing to buy later became less likely. For example When I started playing the game I was F2P. The Mandalorian Hunter Armor was the hot item so to speak. to buy it at the time you had to spend like 5-7 million credits. After playing for awhile hitting the 1 million wasn't especially hard and since I only had to hit said limit a few time to get pretty cool Items I decided to sub. Now that armor is 40,000,000 credits (cheapest of seven on ss around the time of this post) meaning a f2p player has to hit the credit limit 40 times.  I would think that was not possible to obtain or worth my time trying.  The hunter armor isn't even a fair comparison anymore since it's not a popular item at the moment.  Mandalorian Nomads armor is currently a popular item and its 888,888,888 (cheapest of 5 ss) and it use to be 1,500,000,000 before the GTN changes. That's hitting the credit limit close to 889 times or was 1500 times. not very new/f2p/casual friendly

1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

the reason there lose subs is that there screw up to much with the new contant release.

if there release 1 hour or less new story contant then nobody is going to sub for that anymore since its worthless thats what we have see in the past.

also there is no good reason more to stay sub or become sub in this game since most of the benefts are now gone and the new contant is so weak its not worth the price of sub anymore.

that there focus on the cartal market now more and not on the sub system anymore is there own fault for screwing things up each time.

SWTOR launched on 12/20/2011 it switch to F2P on 11/15/12 since it was losing a lot of subs. if EA did not switch business tactics this game would have been abandoned along time ago.

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1 hour ago, AFadedMemory said:

SWTOR launched on 12/20/2011 it switch to F2P on 11/15/12 since it was losing a lot of subs. if EA did not switch business tactics this game would have been abandoned along time ago.

i can also see why there was no other choose since there use a Beta version as a game enigne when thats all a good reason to have not trust in a pay to play game if you know what for game engine it was running on.

the reason there keep losing players and subs is that there keep making the same mistake's again and again.

if there ask us for feedback about new things and not going to do something with it since there not like it then whats the compleet point for asking feedback in the first place if you going to ignore it.

there is a big long list i can make on this point why there losing players and subs since there not care about the community thats the bigst reason and all the points i can make has to do with it.


1 hour ago, AFadedMemory said:

The Mandalorian Hunter Armor was the hot item so to speak. to buy it at the time you had to spend like 5-7 million credits. After playing for awhile hitting the 1 million wasn't especially hard and since I only had to hit said limit a few time to get pretty cool Items I decided to sub. Now that armor is 40,000,000 credits (cheapest of seven on ss around the time of this post) meaning a f2p player has to hit the credit limit 40 times.  I would think that was not possible to obtain or worth my time trying.  The hunter armor isn't even a fair comparison anymore since it's not a popular item at the moment.  Mandalorian Nomads armor is currently a popular item and its 888,888,888 (cheapest of 5 ss) and it use to be 1,500,000,000 before the GTN changes. That's hitting the credit limit close to 889 times or was 1500 times. not very new/f2p/casual friendly

you know that it was all thanks to bioware back then he that has creat it there own inflation problem that it has become now a problem that never ever can be fix anymore so big is there creat inflation problem.

and here i go back to my other point he.

we told a lot of time's on this forum that there is a inflation problem in the game but like always what there do is ignore the players comments on the forum.

but what bioware only has done is chance the skill system so that you remove the most importent credit sink from the game only to make it free.

and remove a lot of other things from the game also what a good credit sink was.

and to make it more worse there boost the credit rewards alot to make the inflation problem more worse that you reach on a point that it never can be restore anymore and also keep it running for 3 years long without doing anything about it.

the new server has the perfect economy from all the other 5 servers since the other 5 servers have a corrupt economy more with there credit boosters and stuff there have done in the past more.

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11 hours ago, Spikanor said:

the reason there keep losing players and subs is that there keep making the same mistake's again and again.

I think it is safe to say this summarizes most of what you were trying to say.

I will agree that people leave because they are dissatisfied with the product. but SWTOR is a multi aspect interactive experience. No one experience will be the same, similar but not the same. As a result it's difficult to say why people left without them voicing it. Did the dev preform action that ruined people experience? Sure, but said action could have also improved others peoples experiences. research and numbers are important in these situation. I think the devs look at numbers, brainstorm, make goals, and then experiment in order to hit those goals. Since the exodus has been a steady decline, which is normal in this industry, they are doing a pretty good job.

11 hours ago, Spikanor said:

you know that it was all thanks to bioware back then he that has creat it there own inflation problem

The way credits are continuously generated inflation was always going to be a problem. Was it always the most important problem for them to face? probably not. For example a Humans will die without food in a mater of weeks, humans will die without water in a mater of days, and humans will die without oxygen in a mater of minutes.  if a person was faced with a multi aspect problem of lacking in what they need for all those aspect which one should be prioritized? if they want to be alive for more than a mater of minutes they would need to focus on oxygen first. We will always need those elements until we are dead. but their level of priority changes as they are met. SWTOR needs people to play and/or spend money on it or it will die. As you mentioned lacking story content and things to do have been the biggest problem preventing people from playing and spending their money on it for awhile. I believe inflation has gotten to a point where it damages the appeal of any new content SWTOR could provide. Therefore something had to be done about it.

These new changes have impacted inflation. will this impact be sufficient and none damaging, or more realistically less damaging then inflation, I don't know. Only time can answer that with any significant level of value.

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13 hours ago, Spikanor said:

the new server has the perfect economy from all the other 5 servers since the other 5 servers have a corrupt economy more with there credit boosters and stuff there have done in the past more.

I still think there are problems with swtor still dolling out free credits boosts. This is apparent on the new APAC server because we are already seeing credit sellers spamming chat for 100 million credits. If the games credit sinks & credit rewards were more balanced, we wouldn’t be seeing this after only 3-4 weeks of the server being activated. 

The prime examples of this are Conquest, Galactic seasons & login rewards still handing out bundles of credits for basically doing nothing more than logging in or playing the game normally. These bundles of free credits weren’t really earned playing lvling content. These sorts of credit rewards should be removed from the game if they really want to balance the economy better. Adding more credit sinks that affect new or returning players the most, was one of the dumbest thing to do while still leaving these free credit boost bundles in the game. 

I also think there must be too many credits still being generated in lvl 70-80 content. Because so far, it’s not an issue pre lvl 40 on the new APAC server. I’m still mostly broke & poor as I try to lvl up my crafters. The only burst of credits I’ve seen pre lvl 40 playing is from login rewards & conquest. Both of these give a big boost of credits you don’t get from normal game play at those lvls.

Its also possible there is a credit exploit that Broadsword & the wider player base haven’t identified yet. So I really hope Broadsword are tracking the movement of large amounts of credits on the APAC server. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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1 hour ago, AFadedMemory said:

I think the devs look at numbers, brainstorm, make goals, and then experiment in order to hit those goals. Since the exodus has been a steady decline, which is normal in this industry, they are doing a pretty good job.

the point i was making is more there keep doing the same mistake's again maybe if i explane it what i mean you understand it what better.

let me use the 7.0 expension as a good exemple what there keep doing.

things player like and keep then playing but there remove it: the dark vs light system players like that and keep playing the game since it has something there like and keeps then bussy but there remove something like that what keeps the players bussy more and make there max level chars more usefull to play on. but there remove something like that and there take away something what the players like.  thats what is happing so what in each expension so what that players like something but it gets remove for no reason.


then we go to the other part lets take the new armor system for this:

there drop the new armor system on the PTS = players give feedback and also some tips to inprove it now before it reach the live servers = there ignore the feedback = armor system go's to the live servers same way it was on the PTS = players complain in big nummbers there not like it and the feedback from the PTS gets ignore = few update's later there chance it more the same way that a lot of people have complain about on the PTS.

if there listing to the feedback and do something with it when its on the PTS with it.

then you save a lot of time in the end since you get (1) not a big complaing thread with a lot of people that tell the same thing people have told on the PTS thread. (2) you can use the time you save by chance it on the PTS server and not few update's later for other things that also need its focus on (3) there is a big chance more players are staying and not leaving the game.


1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

The prime examples of this are Conquest, Galactic seasons & login rewards still handing out bundles of credits for basically doing nothing more than logging in or playing the game normally. These bundles of free credits weren’t really earned playing lvling content. These sorts of credit rewards should be removed from the game if they really want to balance the economy better.

its the same with the slice crew skill you can get credit boxen still from the missions and there are still on the ground on the map.

on the map there can chance it to the craft materials and remove the credit boxen you get now.

the lootboxen from grade 11 crew skill mission give's also 3k credits each time.

the locked supply boxen still give you lot of credits when you open then.

the weekly mission from iokath still give's you a credit rolate box.

the credit token you get from compleet the personal conquest and guild conquest is still a reward.

add the daily login credit tokens also like you told.

this is more something you take the problem at the core and not with there tax idea's what is not helping.

and not forget the guide's people make from how to make a lot of credits fast is also not helping at all.

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32 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

its the same with the slice crew skill you can get credit boxen still from the missions and there are still on the ground on the map

The difference is the sliced missions give you less credits than it costs to run the mission. I only run them to get the mats. Also, the sliced nodes have had their credits nerfed into the ground a long time ago. I’ve not been getting any credit drops from slicing nodes on Shae Vizla. Only the mats are dropping for me. 

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On 12/16/2023 at 5:38 AM, Darkestmonty said:

what demographic is that? People who like to pay higher prices on the GTN and feel insulted when someone dares undercut a price below an imaginary threshold of respect?

Show me on the doll where some decent GTN seller hurt you. Because you sure seem traumatized by people with morality.


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22 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

BS gains an loses subs all the time. This happened before the GTN changes, and will continue to happen until the games dies. it's worth mentioning that the game has been in a steady decline for awhile now.  (if steam population charts are to be believed.) a declining sub population is why the F2P system was added in the first place. 

Yes, but people have specifically taken time to come here and post why they quit. Those people would still be paying customers if the devs hadn't broken the GTN. So "people quit playing all the time" has nothing to do with the issue.


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19 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

But the missions still cost credits as well, so they aren’t really contributing to free credits either. 

o really.

remember it has a crit option also.

if you get a crit reward then you get 3 lootboxen and still.

the lvl 11 slice lootbox mission cost 4.250 credits.

the reward you get from it in credits is 3.188 credits.

so you lose 1.62 credits what is compleet notting at all.

but here come's the other part there are chance's you hit a crit with it so that means the 3.188 credits become's then x3 since you get with a crit 3 lootboxen that means you get in total 9.564 credits for 3 lootboxen so you make a big profit from it and the game lose a lot of credits with it since 1.62 credits the players lose with a normal lootbox from it is notting at all.

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1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

o really.

remember it has a crit option also.

if you get a crit reward then you get 3 lootboxen and still.

the lvl 11 slice lootbox mission cost 4.250 credits.

the reward you get from it in credits is 3.188 credits.

so you lose 1.62 credits what is compleet notting at all.

but here come's the other part there are chance's you hit a crit with it so that means the 3.188 credits become's then x3 since you get with a crit 3 lootboxen that means you get in total 9.564 credits for 3 lootboxen so you make a big profit from it and the game lose a lot of credits with it since 1.62 credits the players lose with a normal lootbox from it is notting at all.

Been a while since I had to do lvl 11 slicing missions. So I could be wrong, the last time I did them, I dont remember the crits giving 3x the credits, only giving 3x the mats. Also, you first need a lvl 50 comp to get regular crits. And even then, you might get on average 1 crit in 3-4 goes. So you’d still come out with less credits & you would have had to pay around 100 million credits to get your companion to lvl 50.

I have been doing lots of lvl 1-6 slicing missions recently on the new APAC server to get my crafting up faster. Crits I’ve got on those lvls don’t give 3x the credits. Only extra mats. And slicing map nodes aren’t giving credits. 

Slicing used to be a way to make lots of free credits. But it was mostly from farming the nodes themselves. BioWare nerfed these into the ground around the second patch after the Onderon Expansion because they saw how broken it was and have taken more steps since then to nerf the credits from slicing into the ground.

So I wouldn’t worry about slicing doing damage anymore. Not unless they do a crafting refresh & break it again. Which I can’t see happening ever because it seems crafting will never be updated again. 

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13 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Been a while since I had to do lvl 11 slicing missions. So I could be wrong, the last time I did them, I dont remember the crits giving 3x the credits, only giving 3x the mats. Also, you first need a lvl 50 comp to get regular crits. And even then, you might get on average 1 crit in 3-4 goes. So you’d still come out with less credits & you would have had to pay around 100 million credits to get your companion to lvl 50.

who is telling you need to pay 100 mill credits to make a companion lvl 50 there are a lot of cheaper way's.

remember sub players get free cartal coins each month he + the extra 100 cartal coins you get each month by the security key.

and if you have players like me that not spent there free cartal coins on cartal market stuff to sell it on the GTN later on there can use that to make a companion or so lvl 50.

and if you are lucky and have around 1.8k cartal coins and its sale for the companion compendium that you get 3 for the price of 2 thats the fast way also.


23 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

So I wouldn’t worry about slicing doing damage anymore. Not unless they do a crafting refresh & break it again. Which I can’t see happening ever because it seems crafting will never be updated again. 

but still its not about the diffrend between lose or profit its more about that the game is keeping making more credits then what is comming back to the game it self.

a trade tax is not going to help if you have players that never trade with each other.

a mail tax is not going to help if players not going to use it anymore ( it only helps against the bot spam mails what has a good effect on)

if players stop using the GTN to sell or buy stuff then the buyers tax is doing notting and the fee cost about is doing notting.

for the 5 servers is it to late now to do something about the inflation since its so broken that notting is going to help.

only the new server so far is a good economy but the question there is for how long if there going to open the tranfers without chance things then you can chance the 5 servers that have a inflation problem to all 6 of then.

and the only way to make sure players are going to use the GTN more is that there need to fix it good and chance some things like the feedback we have give about it what is wrong with the GTN we have now and what for things there need to tweek here and there what on to make it good again.

but in the end the inflation on the 5 servers is never go's away anymore since there are to late with things and not have listing to the warning sign's from back then when there was still a chance to fix it.

since once players quit the game for other reasons there tons of bils of credits will stay forever in the legacy cargo bay and never going to see the day light again.

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7 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

and the only way to make sure players are going to use the GTN more is that there need to fix it good and chance some things like the feedback we have give about it what is wrong with the GTN we have now and what for things there need to tweek here and there what on to make it good again.

Totally agree. I’ve already stated there are 3 things that need tweaking for the GTN to work better. It’s only 3 people on the entire forums disagreeing with this. Just about everyone else can see that fixing some of the GTN changes will make it better for everyone.

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19 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

who is telling you need to pay 100 mill credits to make a companion lvl 50 there are a lot of cheaper way's.

remember sub players get free cartal coins each month he + the extra 100 cartal coins you get each month by the security key.

and if you have players like me that not spent there free cartal coins on cartal market stuff to sell it on the GTN later on there can use that to make a companion or so lvl 50.

If you use gifts, which, let’s face it, most people do, it’s about 100 million. Which is why I used that figure.

And yes there are more economical ways to do it. I personally make the dark projects you trade at the vendor. Ends up costing way less than buying CM boosters or companion gifts. But you still need to be able to make dark projects economically & also get crafters up to that lvl. It’s not a zero sum way of doing it. But once you obtain enough lvl 50 companions the costs drop significantly because you can crit on more dark projects and sell excess ones on the GTN.

But I think we’re getting way off track here. Aren’t we supposed to be discussing the GTN changes? 

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8 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Totally agree. I’ve already stated there are 3 things that need tweaking for the GTN to work better. It’s only 3 people on the entire forums disagreeing with this. Just about everyone else can see that fixing some of the GTN changes will make it better for everyone.

is it more the same people that are blind and cant see what there think is compleet wrong by telling that you know who has done you know what good.


6 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

If you use gifts, which, let’s face it, most people do, it’s about 100 million. Which is why I used that figure.

i sell the gift's more that i get since its a waste of time.

the grade 5 and legandary grade 6 you get from the locked supply boxen i sell on the GTN since i not going to do that at all.

since its more time wasting i do with it.


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10 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

i sell the gift's more that i get since its a waste of time.

the grade 5 and legandary grade 6 you get from the locked supply boxen i sell on the GTN since i not going to do that at all.

since its more time wasting i do with it.

I was giving mine to my guildies if they needed them. I’ve a whole bank tab on SF dedicated to companion gifts. Probably got 100’s of millions worth of gifts just sitting there now because we are playing on SV & everyone has max lvl comps on SF from me making DP for them. 

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25 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

If you use gifts, which, let’s face it, most people do, it’s about 100 million. Which is why I used that figure.

By using only the purple ones for 10k credits from the fleet, you can upgrade your companion from 0 to 50 for about 5-6 million. Last time I looked, even the compendium didn't cost 100 million in GTN. Where did you get such an astronomical cost?

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6 minutes ago, Anhkriva said:

By using only the purple ones for 10k credits from the fleet, you can upgrade your companion from 0 to 50 for about 5-6 million. Last time I looked, even the compendium didn't cost 100 million in GTN. Where did you get such an astronomical cost?

With legacy of altruism 1-3 it only takes 477 gifts so 4.7 million. So yes you were very close.

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42 minutes ago, Anhkriva said:

By using only the purple ones for 10k credits from the fleet, you can upgrade your companion from 0 to 50 for about 5-6 million. Last time I looked, even the compendium didn't cost 100 million in GTN. Where did you get such an astronomical cost?

Yeah, my mistake. I was trying to use my memory instead of checking my files. 

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