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Dear Broadsword .. update to GTN has ruined my game.


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I am genuinely surprised by the visceral reaction to the GTN changes. I'm not saying they are good or bad (I can't get into the game, so I have no first hand knowledge), but my GTN experience is limited to buying and the very occasional FP/GSF deco sale. I do want to see how it works now, since it has seemed to really annoy some people.

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39 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

They gave us a version of the 6.0 gearing after ppl complained about their 7.0 gearing method, many more examples of that as well. I think they'll adjust it to make everyone happy. 

sure people complain about it if people not play PVP contant at all or never have run ops at all or not going to run a lot of flashpoints when there not get the stuff at all.

the point back then was that the compleet 7.0 expension was a big screw up on a lot of parts.

if there make everyone happy why are there losing players after each update and expension still then.

since there not care about what the players in the game really wane see from then.

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I would just like to say that with the old GTN people did undercut, sure. I never played that game. I didn't worry because I knew that when their stuff sold, people would eventually buy my reasonably priced items too. It's not a fair system under this new GTN. As I said in my OP I'm happy with many changes with the recent update, just not the GTN.

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The intent behind an action is just as important as the action itself, sometime even more so. Why did the devs decide to do things this way. I don't think they've been open enough about what they hope to accomplish with these changes.


Truthfully as a buyer I like how the price is controlled by the person willing to sell at the lowest price. However most of the items people buy require either real world money exchanged for cartel coins or a significant investment of time. Most people are trying to participate in many aspect of this game in or around the same time. this means selling super low isn't realistic since the investment to obtain said item is more then the return for selling it. However people who create bots to farm items or perform tasks will benefit from this particular environment. they don't really care how much time it takes. they are not the ones spending it., and if sells require less credits they now can sell less credits for more money. I image this would be true for all the open severs.

Now one could argue that they would low ball anyway and still sell as much or more. This is true, however in order to obtain a similar amount of credits from the time before the changes they will have to put there hands in many more pots.

Edited by AFadedMemory
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1 hour ago, Savyl said:

I would just like to say that with the old GTN people did undercut, sure. I never played that game. I didn't worry because I knew that when their stuff sold, people would eventually buy my reasonably priced items too. It's not a fair system under this new GTN. As I said in my OP I'm happy with many changes with the recent update, just not the GTN.

There's something that's not making sense here, so help me understand. On the old system the exact same thing could be done. The only difference is now you lose your deposit instead of having it refunded. I had so many listings that expired because ppl consistently undercutting and I wasn't paying attention. If someone buys up all of the inventory of an item someone is pricing for one credit less than you, then your items will start to be purchased. This is honestly the way the old gtn worked 99% of the time.

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50 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

There's something that's not making sense here, so help me understand. On the old system the exact same thing could be done. The only difference is now you lose your deposit instead of having it refunded. I had so many listings that expired because ppl consistently undercutting and I wasn't paying attention. If someone buys up all of the inventory of an item someone is pricing for one credit less than you, then your items will start to be purchased. This is honestly the way the old gtn worked 99% of the time.

No, if you read my previous posts, I've outlined in detail all of the reasons why personally I don't like this GTN with latest update.

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5 hours ago, SoyElSenado said:

The one inexplicable difference is the swtor auction house doesn’t let you buy more expensive listings of an item. I don’t understand why this removal of player autonomy is in place. This also coincidentally seems to be the most common complaint from swtor players about the new AH, followed by not seeing the seller/buyer names. 

These are the things that are breaking the GTN experience for me & it will lead to less competition & fewer things listed.

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4 hours ago, Samcuu said:

I dont honestly get how this situation is different

The main difference is players can only buy the cheapest item. They have no option to buy it at a higher price. Because of this 1 change, those people constantly undercutting get every sale. 

This is not how it was before the changes. I could list all my dyes at 500k & they would all sell even though people were having price wars at lower prices. 

Now, none of them sell unless I basically want to give my dyes away for 20k. Which is never going to happen. It’s a waste of time & energy to craft things to sell with such small margins or at a loss if your item doesn’t sell now. 

That’s what’s changed & that’s why it’s terrible 😣 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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The only way to sell is to play the GTN game and only list an item at a time, always undercutting the next person. I don't have time for that and also that's just not who I am as a person so it's really beneath me. I also don't like that we can no longer collect the credits in mail but I do appreciate collecting the credits instantly. I still prefer the old system and the freedom and so many other things that I've previously posted about.

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I hate this new GTN. 


I hate being forced to pay 1 credit lower than the previous poster. I used to be able to see what most people are charging for something and if someone is obnoxious enough to price their item 1 credit lower, I would pass them up and pay the previous poster the higher amount.

I hate not being able to see who I'm buying from. There are names out there that I collected data on and would normally not buy from them but now I have no idea who I'm buying from.

I hate that I can't see the difference in prices being asked for to see if I'm getting a good deal or not. 5 people post an item for 1 mil credits and someone else posts it for 1/2 that. I have no idea not if I'm getting something at a way lower price then the others or not.

I haven't even tried posting a stack of mats yet for fear it's never sold or worse, i'm gonna get robbed.

If there are solutions to the above mentioned well I don't have time nor the patiences to explore or dabble in trying this out or that. It's too complicated now. I liked the old version better which by the way had nothing wrong with it.

I hate this new GTN.

Edited by Banthabreeder
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1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

This is not how it was before the changes. I could list all my dyes at 500k & they would all sell even though people were having price wars at lower prices. 

That's wild cuz when I'm selling gold augs and I have a much higher price than anyone on the gtn (due to being undercut) I've never once sold a gold aug without pulling the listing off the gtn and lowering the price. Not saying it doesn't happen with dyes but I've never had that experience. 

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12 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

I have stopped listing on the GTN completely.  So it's basically ruined my game of GTNwars.  Save me a ton of time though.

The game of SWTOR is still good though. Mostly good. New graphics make the game much more demanding so performance is a bit worse.

Would be nice if someday they figured out how to do OPTIONAL graphics updates instead of just bumping every setting up a notch.

I made over 15 billion selling just augment kits and another 7 selling augment 77 crits.

I'm not being hindered by this anymore than the old GTN. The only annoying aspect is the build up of mail I have every time something sells and expires.

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56 minutes ago, Savyl said:

That's impossible to sell an item higher than the lowest price unless it's a bug because the system is not designed for that.

or everyone is too busy undercutting to realize that players are actually willing to pay a premium. I bought up a bunch of cheap augments and resold them for double the lowest posting price. There was a gap of about 600m so I bought up all the cheap ones from a few people who were to busy trying to be the first sold to realize they undercut themselves 50%

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2 hours ago, Banthabreeder said:


If there are solutions to the above mentioned well I don't have time nor the patiences to explore or dabble in trying this out or that. It's too complicated now. I liked the old version better which by the way had nothing wrong with it.

I hate this new GTN.


You can hate the new GTN if you want, but to say that there was nothing wrong with the old one is strange to me. One minute spent on the new GTN with item grouping shows how primitive and how much time wasted the old GTN was. Of course, I agree that after clicking on an item, the player should be able to choose who to buy from and for how much. Personally, I always bought at the lowest price, because why overpay? One thing no one mentioned was how many trap deals there were on the old GTN. Completely worthless items whose name or appearance resemble something very valuable and were displayed at such a price to blend in with the crowd. Of course, everyone should check twice before purchasing for their own good, but it's good to know that such *insert vulgar word here* sellers who count on other people's mistakes have been completely eliminated from the market.

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4 hours ago, Samcuu said:

That's wild cuz when I'm selling gold augs and I have a much higher price than anyone on the gtn (due to being undercut) I've never once sold a gold aug without pulling the listing off the gtn and lowering the price. Not saying it doesn't happen with dyes but I've never had that experience. 

All I can say is Dyes are different to augments. I’m sure other dye sellers will back up what I’m saying.

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3 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

All I can say is Dyes are different to augments. I’m sure other dye sellers will back up what I’m saying.

its not only with dyes but with a lot of other stuff where this is going to happing now.

i buy sometime's craft materials on the GTN to craft some old items i sell on the GTN from the old schematic's i still have and there i see also that a lot of the craft materials get undercut by 1 credit and normal i buy not from players that undercut with 1 credit but now i have no choose to buy from then.

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The new GTN is so horrible design, Even that I can no longer sell green items is kind of poor design. These items were important for Customizing and People pay high prices for rare ones. The game expierence goes lower and lower with every new patch. Stop it or pay the price for so stupid Gamedesigning!

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36 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

its not only with dyes but with a lot of other stuff where this is going to happing now.

i buy sometime's craft materials on the GTN to craft some old items i sell on the GTN from the old schematic's i still have and there i see also that a lot of the craft materials get undercut by 1 credit and normal i buy not from players that undercut with 1 credit but now i have no choose to buy from then.


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5 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

All I can say is Dyes are different to augments. I’m sure other dye sellers will back up what I’m saying.

I just sold 9 players crafted white/gray dyes I bought months ago and forgot about, I posted them at 500m 500k each because that was the last price I could remember and they all sold even though there were cheaper ones on the GTN.

All these sellers trying to be the first sold and constantly undercutting each other are only hurting themselves and wasting their time.

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1 hour ago, Darkestmonty said:

I just sold 9 players crafted white/gray dyes I bought months ago and forgot about, I posted them at 500m each because that was the last price I could remember and they all sold even though there were cheaper ones on the GTN.

All these sellers trying to be the first sold and constantly undercutting each other are only hurting themselves and wasting their time.

Guess you got lucky then, these other dye sales associates can't seem to catch a break lol. 

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I personally have not used the GTN is MONTHS... and probably won't for a while yet.  Since I have enough credits (not nearly as many as some) ... I have little use for it.  And I can't help but to wonder if that isn't where some of this is going.  In the end ... credits become almost useless.  WoW is almost there now!  Sure ... a little exchanges hands over some crafted "boosts" that players might need.  ( I used some to help enhance some gear just recently) ... BUT aside from that I'm sitting on over 200K in gold (on WoW) and SELDOM ever use it! My I-rating IN WOW is at 446 ... pushing towards 450 by next week.  Max is 460 IIRC 440 is minimum normally accepted by most guilds to do the new raids.

Just the same.  IIRC (once again) people pleaded for this to not be released as it was.  And what happened (yet again)?  I see no changes in the future of SWTOR.

I can't help but to wonder just how much time and resource was spent on a system that few (if any) will like or be able to use with confidence.

A confidence level that IMO continues to drop more and more!

Edited by OlBuzzard
clarification ... oops ... my bad!
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5 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

I personally have not used the GTN is MONTHS... and probably won't for a while yet.  Since I have enough credits (not nearly as many as some) ... I have little use for it.  And I can't help but to wonder if that isn't where some of this is going.  In the end ... credits become almost useless.  WoW is almost there now!  Sure ... a little exchanges hands over some crafted "boosts" that players might need.  ( I used some to help enhance some gear just recently) ... BUT aside from that I'm sitting on over 200K in gold (on WoW) and SELDOM ever use it! (My I-rating is at 446 ... pushing towards 450 by next week)

Just the same.  IIRC (once again) people pleaded for this to not be released as it was.  And what happened (yet again)?  I see no changes in the future of SWTOR.

I can't help but to wonder just how much time and resource was spent on a system that few (if any) will like or be able to use with confidence.

A confidence level that IMO continues to drop more and more!

how high does R4 gear go? I thought it was capped at 444

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54 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

how high does R4 gear go? I thought it was capped at 444

OOPS!  totally my bad!  I'll edit:  That is for WoW stats.  They're up to 460 (IIRC).  I don't do raids ...but a LOT of open world major bosses (72 elites).  And I'm almost maxed out on flying again (even with the new area that just opened up).  MAN !!  I LOVE flying that crazy dragon.  It's a blast!

again ... sorry I should have been more clear!

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