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Re opening up the Character Transfer to Shae Vizla


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47 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

At 11pm when most of the APAC players have logged off or are logging off to go to bed.

Which related to my last post. Who are Broadsword trying to accommodate with this APAC server? 

US & EU players or people who actually live in the APAC region? 

They created a server for the APAC region, unfortunately APAC peeps, based on what you’ve said, are not using it as much as US & EU players.

Assuming this is true, and the APAC player base is around the same size as EU or the US, it literally means APAC players do not value the server as much or more than US or EU players

Put another way APAC players value other servers more then they value the APAC server.

Put yet another way, if the lack of legacy stuff is really why they aren’t playing on it, APAC players value Legacy Perks more then having their own server.

Personally I have 3 expectations:

1.) don’t break the economy 

2.)don’t change the transfer policy when it comes to credit and items

3.)don’t allow me to transfer if you’re going to force them back shortly after. Especially if I have to use cartel coins.

regardless of what they do I’m mostly likely going to be disappointed, but I value the new server enough to play on it anyway.

it would truly be a shame if it dies because it’s not the way apac players want it right now.

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36 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Maybe because they won’t let us transfer 🤷🏻‍♀️

Right now. However if the numbers justify keeping the server open they will allow them eventually. (if the transfer requirements are to be believed.)

I will ask the APAC peeps, who you state are not using the server due to low legacy level. What do you want high legacy, or a regional server.? You might not be able to have both, especially at the same/desired time.

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30 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Maybe because they won’t let us transfer 🤷🏻‍♀️

I never have a problem with transfers. As I've said, you can either keep on whining about it and you can't do anything about it since this is Broadsword's call. What you can do about though is to level your character/s and build your legacy. I chose to do something, and not just wait for something that may or may not come. When you do something, things happen. You whine, not much will change especially for things you have no control of. Many people from APAC have asked for this server, and now it's here what are you doing? It will succeed if you make it succeed, if you put your time on it, not on how much you whine about something. I want the server to succeed, so I'm doing my part by being active on it daily.

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7 minutes ago, Jarcen said:

I never have a problem with transfers. As I've said, you can either keep on whining about it and you can't do anything about it since this is Broadsword's call. What you can do about though is to level your character/s and build your legacy. I chose to do something, and not just wait for something that may or may not come. When you do something, things happen. You whine, not much will change especially for things you have no control of. Many people from APAC have asked for this server, and now it's here what are you doing? It will succeed if you make it succeed, if you put your time on it, not on how much you whine about something. I want the server to succeed, so I'm doing my part by being active on it daily.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them helping out in gen chat, so they technically aren’t sitting around waiting for something to happen.

Also one could argue that expressing one’s opinion is doing something. The squeaky wheel gets the grease as they say.

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I wonder if they have done anything to attract new players from the region to play the game.  If they are counting on current players to populate the servers, they would have allowed for transfers from day one.  The only reason to restrict transfers was to put everyone (new players included) on a level playing field with each other.  Without new players, the restrictions a just frustrating, and off-putting to the people who have already leveled characters and just want to transfer them.

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20 minutes ago, Exly said:

I wonder if they have done anything to attract new players from the region to play the game.  If they are counting on current players to populate the servers, they would have allowed for transfers from day one.  The only reason to restrict transfers was to put everyone (new players included) on a level playing field with each other.  Without new players, the restrictions a just frustrating, and off-putting to the people who have already leveled characters and just want to transfer them.

Only BS can really say what their intention behind their action are, however I’d wager a level playing field was not a significant factor. 

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6 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

Only BS can really say what their intention behind their action are, however I’d wager a level playing field was not a significant factor. 

I agree and that is the concern. With credit sellers already present on SV, letting them go unchecked while preventing transfers may not even matter as far as the economy goes. An official post about the plans with SV would be greatly appreciated over the complete silence we have now.

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7 hours ago, Exly said:

I wonder if they have done anything to attract new players from the region to play the game

The only thing I’ve seen is them sending out emails to old accounts (but it was 2 weeks after the server opened🤦‍♀️). There has been nothing put out in the regional gaming publications & no marketing in the region that I’ve seen (happy to be proven wrong). I’ve been asking them to do more to approach non swtor gamers in the APAC region. Relying solely on old players coming back with zero incentives & no transfers is not going to cut it if they want this to be successful. 

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7 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them helping out in gen chat, so they technically aren’t sitting around waiting for something to happen

Youre right. I’ve been on the APAC server every day since it opened helping people, leveling & playing PvP. But the server is suffering now since 7.4 was released & people went back to the other servers to play the new content. 

Im now helping people from other guilds besides my own because their guild leadership or experienced players have gone to another server to play 7.4 (which I predicted would happen) 

If Broadsword had thought this out, they would have allowed transfers the same time as 7.4 was released or a week before. That way people wouldn’t need to go back to 250ms ping to play the new content. And they would have been on the APAC server still able to help out guild mates & friends who had come back to the game. 

My PvP pops have gone from nearly instant a week ago to as long as 2 hours since 7.4 was released. Group content is getting harder to do because the server is literally dead compared to how it was last week before 7.4 was released. This is a massive turn off for new or returning players. 

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Star Wars: The Old Republic | News, Updates, Developer Blogs (swtor.com)


We intend to open transfers at a later time. Timing is dependent upon our overall status review of the server at that time.

One thing I know for sure is that they did NOT say that character transfers would become available after 90 days. They specifically said that they would choose a time to open the server to transfers based on how it was doing.

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16 minutes ago, ShadowyKai said:

Star Wars: The Old Republic | News, Updates, Developer Blogs (swtor.com)

One thing I know for sure is that they did NOT say that character transfers would become available after 90 days. They specifically said that they would choose a time to open the server to transfers based on how it was doing.

Exactly. Which means they can review the server when ever they want & allow transfers now if they choose. There is nothing about 90 days in the emails. And there is also nothing about 90 days on the EA swtor transfer pages dated May 2023. 

If Broadsword want to open transfers now, there is nothing stopping them. Which is why we need to keep making the business case for them to do so. Because keeping transfers closed is hurting the server, which is hurting the paying customers, which will end up hurting Broadswords revenue & profits. 

It’s as simple as that. 

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I'm an APAC player, living in the APAC region (NZ). I am playing on the new server, and enjoying the freshness. I don't buy anything from the GTN (never have done - prices on the other servers are far too expensive so completely out of the habit of buying from the broker). Do I miss legacy perks? Yes - but it's not game-breaking for me. I just play and legacy increases.....it's good to have something to work towards so increasing legacy level is great (legacies really need to increase to 80 or 100 now).

It sounds very much like there are some people (I cannot speak for all) who just want a low-ping experience, but want to have everything they currently have on the NA servers. From what I've read, it seems that some people may have thought that EVERYONE who started on SV would do so with a fully boosted character, such as the level 80 complaining about being matched with level 12s in a Black Talon FP.  Perhaps not so many boosted their characters, and are starting from scratch to enjoy the vanilla game (the best part of the game) again.

If PvP and WZs aren't popping, it may not be a case of low population and a 'dying server' - it just may be that others are taking their time to level up and do other things for now.  How many play PvP etc because they have got to the end and are bored? If they haven't got to that point yet, they may not be quite so interested in PvP etc.  I must admit it's nice to play with such a low ping (35-40ms for me) but to be honest, there's not that much difference in performance (probably because of time zones and because I don't play intense styles like PvP, Ops, WZs - as an aside, I also don't see any difference in the lighting/graphics changes they've made with 7.4, everything just looks the same to me).

Yes, I would very much like to have my existing legacy perks available on SV. I don't care about credits as they are very easy to accumulate while just playing the game. The character transfer page does clearly say that the destination server has to be open for 90 days - so perhaps that's when they will be reviewing it?

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51 minutes ago, TziganeNZ said:

who just want a low-ping experience, but want to have everything they currently have on the NA servers

This is exactly what many of us want 👆. We don’t want to start fresh. And we don’t want to go back to 200-300ms ping that’s inconsistently spikes to 500ms.

51 minutes ago, TziganeNZ said:

If PvP and WZs aren't popping, it may not be a case of low population and a 'dying server' - it just may be that others are taking their time to level up and do other things for now.

Before 7.4 released this week, PvP was popping constantly on Shae Vizla in lowbies & mids. Literally the longest I had to wait was 5 mins. 

But since 7.4 released, I’ve waited up to 2+ hours at the same time of day I was getting instant PvP pops last week.

So it’s not that people are lvling, it’s 100% people going back to the old servers to play 7.4. Which is why we need transfers. 

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54 minutes ago, TziganeNZ said:

The character transfer page does clearly say that the destination server has to be open for 90 days

Actually we’ve proven that it’s wrong. That is a very old webpage from the 2012 transfers (no longer valid). And the new page is actually on the EA site, which doesn’t mention 90 days at all. 

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3 hours ago, Lord_Malganus said:

I agree and that is the concern. With credit sellers already present on SV, letting them go unchecked while preventing transfers may not even matter as far as the economy goes. An official post about the plans with SV would be greatly appreciated over the complete silence we have now.

I saw my first credit seller on SV yesterday. Repeatedly reported them on multiple characters & so did my guild. 
Either the mute feature for reporting spam is broken or Broadsword are now allowing credit sellers to go about their business unmolested 😔

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1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

But since 7.4 released, I’ve waited up to 2+ hours at the same time of day I was getting instant PvP pops last week.

So it’s not that people are lvling, it’s 100% people going back to the old servers to play 7.4. Which is why we need transfers. 

Which is to be entirely to be expected. Once they've done the new content (which, let's face it - will not take very long), they will be back.

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21 minutes ago, TziganeNZ said:

Which is to be entirely to be expected. Once they've done the new content (which, let's face it - will not take very long), they will be back.

Are you sure? Plus, some people take more than a week to do new content. Especially if they have multiple lvl 80s. 

I think we will see the APAC server start to fail by the end of February if Broadsword don’t do some marketing pre Xmas to the region & start offering promotions like free server transfers. 

Waiting till after that time will miss the critical mass of players the game could get over the usual Xmas period. Anything offered in February or March will be a cynical waste of time.

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Are you sure they won't? I can only go by nearly 20 years experience in another game (EQ2) where they have special ruleset servers - when an expansion drops, everyone on those servers decamps to the 'live' servers to do the expansion (which, I might add are significantly more in depth and breadth than what SWTOR is putting out), then they go back to their other home.

Trixxie, I have a lot of time for you on these forums as you're *generally* pretty rational (and of course, being a Kiwi I understand the Aussie mindset), however you're really starting to sound a bit fixated on this. I totally get where you're coming from, but like a toddler at Christmas, continuing to make demands (which is how you are coming across to this reader) of BS/BW/EA/whoeverthehelltheyarenow probably won't get you very far and may just annoy the powers-that-be. 

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Just now, TziganeNZ said:

Are you sure they won't? I can only go by nearly 20 years experience in another game (EQ2) where they have special ruleset servers - when an expansion drops, everyone on those servers decamps to the 'live' servers to do the expansion (which, I might add are significantly more in depth and breadth than what SWTOR is putting out), then they go back to their other home.

Trixxie, I have a lot of time for you on these forums as you're *generally* pretty rational (and of course, being a Kiwi I understand the Aussie mindset), however you're really starting to sound a bit fixated on this. I totally get where you're coming from, but like a toddler at Christmas, continuing to make demands (which is how you are coming across to this reader) of BS/BW/EA/whoeverthehelltheyarenow probably won't get you very far and may just annoy the powers-that-be. 

I don’t think you meant to be insulting, but you were. 

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SV isn't my "home" server by any stretch of the imagination, however it is where I'm currently having the most fun.

The population HAS dropped since 7.4 launched, the people "online" at any given time, in either of the guilds I'm in, has dropped SLIGHTLY (10% or so) for exactly what some people have said, to go back to their "home" servers and do the new content.

Totally understandable.  I played through the first part of it myself on Star Forge (on the ONLY toon I bothered to take that far).

While I understand the concern from people living in the APAC region, getting "their own" low ping server after so long without, they're rightfully excited, and anxious, and worried that BS won't support it if they see the population at, what I'd call, typical levels for non NA servers.   Let's face it, the Euro servers don't seem to be populated as much as the NA servers, and if SV doesn't maintain at least that level of population, the concern is they'll shut it down.

I don't see that being, at least in the short term, a concern.  I don't know what time frame server contracts run for, but I'd imagine it's a least a year.

Long term population will rely on both new users in the APAC region, and former players coming back, which my guess would be a small percentage.

But I don't think you can ignore the number of people who like the "fresh start" aspect of that server.   I play from the U.S. and my ping is 250-300 most times.  I don't pvp, nor do end game content on a regular basis, so it doesn't affect me all that much.  If they prematurely allow transfers with credits, many of these people will simply go back to their main servers.

Transfers w/o credits are far less of a concern.

As for the GTN as it is right now, I've had slightly few sales to go along with the slightly fewer players.

Still only selling basically 1 item, the Tier 6 spaceship parts.   Anything else I've tried to sell just sits.


And yeah, I heard about credit sellers on SV too.  That's not a great sign.

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14 hours ago, ShadowyKai said:

Star Wars: The Old Republic | News, Updates, Developer Blogs (swtor.com)

One thing I know for sure is that they did NOT say that character transfers would become available after 90 days. They specifically said that they would choose a time to open the server to transfers based on how it was doing.

BS might not have said it, but their transfer system does.


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12 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Actually we’ve proven that it’s wrong. That is a very old webpage from the 2012 transfers (no longer valid). And the new page is actually on the EA site, which doesn’t mention 90 days at all. 

Still haven't visited the actual transfer page I see.

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