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7 hours ago, NeoBlakkrstal said:

I am reticent. I am waiting to see what kind of restrictions are placed on character transfers before getting excited. I honestly don't need another server, was gonna go over and play because I have in game friends from Australia that play, but if I can't take my Legacy unlocks, my cheevos, etc, with me, I won't be going over. So everything, for me, is contingent on what restrictions BSware decides on. I also want enough creds to make new toons over there, ain't going over broke either. Don't need billions, but do want to be comfortably able to make new toons without going broke.

To be honest this really doesn't have anything to do with players who already have multiple local servers to play on this is about Aus/NZ community that was moved from US servers to AU servers and then back again a year later onto servers which prevented them from continuing to raid or pvp due to lag. I get that some people just want to move a 100 million over to a new server and play around just because it's there. I personally am only back because I'll finally be able to experience end game content and PVP without lag. I played for a year in beta and then was a subscriber up till 2018 Even though I wasn't playing for quite some time after the closure of the Australian server I hung on just to play story content knowing I couldn't pvp without bouncing around like a yo yo. I doubt there's many Australians who have hundreds of millions due to how painful end game is on US servers for Aussies. I would be personally happy with a million credits for each character as it's more than enough to get you started to make credits If people don't want to play content to make credits then they have absolutely zero value to the server.

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7 hours ago, DarthNillard said:

This conversation between Raiders vs non Raiders is devolving into madness.  This game has been out for over a decade and there's only 12 full raids, with more than half of them dropping at launch or within the first 3 years and only 2 new ones over the last few years (with the last one R-4 dropping what, 2 years ago?).  If you only play this game to progression raid, cheers to you, but no decisions in this game should be made around you and your kind.  This game never has and never will be a raid heavy game, and I have no idea why so many decisions have been made over the years to cater to the raiding community.  Just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't see how raider vs non raider, and lack of raids is fair and reasonable in this argument. We all play the content we like. For us raiders, that's you guessed it! Raids. ALL we are asking for is our credits that we have earnt over the years to support the content that we play this game for. If you only do solo/conquest content, then you don't "need" the credits. If you pvp, you don't "need" as many credits as there are no repair bills from pvp. We just want to be able to log in, do the content we enjoy, and log out. Without the need for farming solo (heroics) content in order to sustain our bank. 

The lack of raids has nothing to do with this argument so whilst I respect what you've said and agree that there have been no raids, I fail to see the relevance of the point in this discussion.

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1 hour ago, JohnnyGatt said:

To be honest this really doesn't have anything to do with players who already have multiple local servers to play on this is about Aus/NZ community that was moved from US servers to AU servers and then back again a year later onto servers which prevented them from continuing to raid or pvp due to lag. I get that some people just want to move a 100 million over to a new server and play around just because it's there. I personally am only back because I'll finally be able to experience end game content and PVP without lag. I played for a year in beta and then was a subscriber up till 2018 Even though I wasn't playing for quite some time after the closure of the Australian server I hung on just to play story content knowing I couldn't pvp without bouncing around like a yo yo. I doubt there's many Australians who have hundreds of millions due to how painful end game is on US servers for Aussies. I would be personally happy with a million credits for each character as it's more than enough to get you started to make credits If people don't want to play content to make credits then they have absolutely zero value to the server.

See - I disagree with this the statement about adding zero value. If the raiding community can't afford the "hardcore raids" as people put it, we won't raid. We will either leave the game or go back to US servers. What does that mean for up and coming "raiders". People new to the game wanting to get into "hardcore raids". They won't be able to. The only groups going around will be SM groups as that is all the community will be able to do. 

I've already seen it. I've been in groups that wipe on HM over and over again. If the people who can clear this content leave, then the server will become a solo conquest story mode server. 

Why should we, the APAC community, have any differential treatment compared to every other server? We shouldn't. We are not special. As much as many of us like to think. Reality is, we are not special. Treat us like everyone else and allow full, unrestricted transfers.

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1 hour ago, frizzydude said:

See - I disagree with this the statement about adding zero value. If the raiding community can't afford the "hardcore raids" as people put it, we won't raid. We will either leave the game or go back to US servers. What does that mean for up and coming "raiders". People new to the game wanting to get into "hardcore raids". They won't be able to. The only groups going around will be SM groups as that is all the community will be able to do. 

I've already seen it. I've been in groups that wipe on HM over and over again. If the people who can clear this content leave, then the server will become a solo conquest story mode server. 

Why should we, the APAC community, have any differential treatment compared to every other server? We shouldn't. We are not special. As much as many of us like to think. Reality is, we are not special. Treat us like everyone else and allow full, unrestricted transfers.

I tried for over a year too Hardcore raid on US servers as an Aussie Trust me it's next to impossible nobody will be attempting hardcore raids on Australian servers with a 350ping If they're in the US. You might attempt it once and I guarantee if you're an American you'll go straight back to your own server and never return. We originally had some of the server firsts on the Aussie Server and were easily clearing most content I've even got video guides still on my YouTube channel as soon as we were forced back onto US servers the content we were clearing easily was painful and Frustrating on US servers as was PVP. 

And as for your special statement at the end it's got nothing to do with us being special it's about us not having a home for 10 years and so many of us leaving the game due End game content being painful I had to drop out of so many raids that I started as I was not able to heal or interrupt in time causing the raid to fail the fight. Now we have a server and people want to flood it with hundreds of millions of credits forcing returning and new players Into a horrible economy.  I would rather have absolutely no transfers to this server rather than complete open credit transfers that will destroy the economy making hard to get items impossible for new and returning Aussie players.   

Edited by JohnnyGatt
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8 minutes ago, JohnnyGatt said:

I tried for over a year too Hardcore raid on US servers as an Aussie Trust me it's next to impossible nobody will be attempting hardcore raids on Australian servers with a 350ping If they're in the US. You might attempt it once and I guarantee if you're an American you'll go straight back to your own server and never return. We originally had some of the server firsts on the Aussie Server and were easily clearing most content I've even got video guides still on my YouTube channel as soon as we were forced back onto US servers the content we were clearing easily was painful and Frustrating on US servers as was PVP. 

And as for your special statement at the end it's got nothing to do with us being special it's about us not having a home for 10 years and so many of us leaving the game due End game content being painful I had to drop out of so many raids that I started as I was not able to heal or interrupt in time causing the raid to fail the fight. Now we have a server and people want to flood it with hundreds of millions of credits forcing returning and new players Into a horrible economy.  I would rather have absolutely no transfers to this server rather than complete open credit transfers that will destroy the economy making hard to get items impossible for new and returning Aussie players.   

I know plenty of APAC raiders that have cleared 100% ops on SS. The ping is manageable. Whilst not ideal, it isn't game breaking. 

And as I've stated multiple times, our credits are ours. We want to use them on game NPCs. This has nothing to do with the economy. You can't play the game without these npc transactions, mainly repair bills and gear upgrades

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5 hours ago, frizzydude said:

I don't see how raider vs non raider, and lack of raids is fair and reasonable in this argument. We all play the content we like. For us raiders, that's you guessed it! Raids. ALL we are asking for is our credits that we have earnt over the years to support the content that we play this game for. If you only do solo/conquest content, then you don't "need" the credits. If you pvp, you don't "need" as many credits as there are no repair bills from pvp. We just want to be able to log in, do the content we enjoy, and log out. Without the need for farming solo (heroics) content in order to sustain our bank. 

The lack of raids has nothing to do with this argument so whilst I respect what you've said and agree that there have been no raids, I fail to see the relevance of the point in this discussion.

You are doing perfectly fine wherever you are if you are progression raiding on another server.  The people who can't actually play this game because of ping issues on other servers from APAC are the only ones who should really be having discussions here about what they need/want.

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16 minutes ago, Jodstaimpslayer said:

Hoping we get an update soon from the team at Broadsword. 🤑🤑

Yes, that would be good. They dropped this news Friday afternoon last week & we’ve had no updates on when this is happening. I’m sure some of us were expecting it with the 7.4b patch. 

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20 hours ago, frizzydude said:

I know plenty of APAC raiders that have cleared 100% ops on SS. The ping is manageable. Whilst not ideal, it isn't game breaking. 

And as I've stated multiple times, our credits are ours. We want to use them on game NPCs. This has nothing to do with the economy. You can't play the game without these npc transactions, mainly repair bills and gear upgrades

I can't speak for how easy they are now but I know just after the close of the APAC server from personal experience.. But you keep talking about your friend's mate who told you he cleared all end-game content with a 350 ping... just so you can move your credits.. no one is taking them, "off you".. you just can't take them to another server.   

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Just now, JohnnyGatt said:

I can't speak for how easy they are now but I know just after the close of the APAC server from personal experience.. But you keep talking about your friend's mate who told you he cleared all end-game content with a 350 ping... just so you can move your credits.. no one is taking them, "off you".. you just can't take them to another server.   

Lol my mates clearing with ping has nothing to do with this topic, I'm just stating a fact because said you couldn't clear it with a higher ping, so just showing that there are different levels of player here.

The debate about credits and restrictions is what is important here. Us "hardcore" raiders are asking for what is important to us and what we have fairly earnt over the years. It seems like the majority of those who don't want transfers are those who sit all day either farming heroics (solo content in an mmo) or sitting at the GTN trying to find that pretty outfit at a discounted price. 

As stated, and advertised, this server is a regional server. We should not have special treatment for those people that want to play an mmo by themselves.

The APAC community wants to be able to bring across our characters. Our legacies. Our gear. Our credits. We don't want the "need" to go back to US servers just to access OUR stuff.

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I have to say I’m tied right in the middle as to wether BS should allow full transfer of credits or restrict them. I’m approaching this solely as an APAC player because the server is supposed to first & foremost be a regional server for APAC located players.

Both arguments being made by APAC players and are valid in my opinion. Because both positions have a nearly an equally negative & positive affect on the server.

Long term Legacy APAC players saying they want to bring all their items (including all credits) are right to want to do that. None of them (us) wanted to be forcibly merged with the American servers & lose access to local servers. So everything that’s been collected & played for over the years should be transferred back to the APAC server (if they want to) like a reverse merge (and be free). Many of us have remained loyal  PAYING customers of EA/BW/BS and have earned the right to demand that.

Returning APAC players who stopped playing shortly after the original closures also make a strong case for restricting the amount of credits flowing onto the new APAC server. Because those credits were mostly obtained during hyperinflation on the other servers due to the game producing too many credits. Which means there are players who will have billions of credits that were more easily obtained than is possible now. And flooding the economy with those credits will have a negative affect on them.

BS have effectively created a fresh start server because they didn’t allow transfers. But in doing so, they’ve also killed the potential for the server to thrive because the majority of long term legacy players don’t want to start again. And at the same time, they haven’t done any marketing to the APAC region besides sending out an email to old players. So there aren’t enough returning players on their own to build up the server population. The game (server) really needs both groups to play on the server. So that means accommodating both points of view or that’s not going to happen. 

The biggest hurdle moving forward is BS have fees & taxes setup across the whole game to combat hyperinflation. Which is definitely needed on the other servers, but not on a fresh server. And that is where this become tricky. Because while ever they have their inflation busting fees & taxes in place on the APAC server, the Long term Legacy of players position is more valid than the returning players position. Why do I think that? 

Well, the APAC server was announced mainly as a regional server. Not as a fresh start server that would never have transfers. So at some point, the players & probably BS too, expected people to be able to transfer their characters & credits unrestrained. Which is why they didn’t think of adjusting the Inflation busting measures on the server. You could also argue that any returning or new players to the game on any server will have the same situation of Hyperinflation fees & taxes to deal with. As well as high GTN prices. So why should it be any different on the APAC server. 

At the end of the day, BS created this problem & split the community. What they should have done from day one is open the server to transfers with zero restrictions. That would have made the server exactly the same as every other server & we wouldn’t have this polarising issue. Yes, GTN prices would have seemed high for returning of new players. But it would be no different to any other server. 

As someone who argued for years for BW to address Hyperinflation & to open APAC servers again, this puts me squarely in middle of understanding this quandary & seeing this from both perspectives. 

Honestly, I don’t know the correct answer that perfectly balances this for both groups. But there has to be a compromise we can all agree on or we lose more potential players from playing on the server, which ultimately kills the server. 

Unfortunately that means no one is going to be 100% happy with BS’s decision. That’s what a compromise is, no one will get 100% what they want. So we all need to come to terms with that & stop attacking each other & being such extremists with both these positions. 

This is & isn’t a fresh start server at the same time as it being the only regional server for APAC. 

I’ve publicly stated I’d be happy with 100 million credits. But I didn’t take into account raiders costs for repairs or opening guild ships or recreating outfits (that will be lost in a transfer) or that some people don’t have as much spare time to grind credits for repairs. The question for me, is what amount of credits is reasonable for transfers that doesn’t blow up the economy entirely. But still allows people to transfer as many of their EARNED credits as possible. 

Personally, I want to be able to recreate all my outfits on ALL my transfers. I currently have paid to have 20 outfit slots opened & I don’t know what the new cost is to create a new outfit on a lvl 80 character. But what ever it is I need to multiply that by the number of characters I transfer & then multiply that by 20. I also need to have credits to buy & open all rooms on 2 guild ships. And I need credits for gearing up new lvl 80’s & repairs & every day spending money. 

So the questions for me, is how much will that come to? How many Free character transfers are BS going to give us. I’m hoping that it’s 50. Then I can move half my US located characters back to APAC. But until I know how many, I can’t say how many credits I need. It could be 100 million, it could be 250 million or it could be a Billion. And there maybe other costs I haven’t thought of either. 

If anyone has the costs of those items handy, that would be awesome because I can’t get on for a few days to check.


Edited by TrixxieTriss
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22 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I have to say I’m tied right in the middle as to wether BS should allow full transfer of credits or restrict them. I’m approaching this solely as an APAC player because the server is supposed to first & foremost a regional server for APAC located players.

Great write up Trixxie,


I had an idea while reading this... Why not use a figure of how much characters have earned on SV while it has been opened so far, some of the commenters here have commented they have earn millions per day, so I'm guessing that would be getting close to your 100m figure (or would do by the time transfers happen).

of course anyone who has been intentionally farming credits "as a business" would throw this number out of whack quite easily, good news for established players who want to transfer their characters though.


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1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I have to say I’m tied right in the middle as to wether BS should allow full transfer of credits or restrict them. I’m approaching this solely as an APAC player because the server is supposed to first & foremost a regional server for APAC located players.

Well said. Personally, I don't have a problem with players wanting to "move" to an Australian server with everything as they're Australian what I'm concerned about and I'm sure BS is as well Is non-APAC players wanting to move billions of credits on a single character for the sole purpose of manipulating an economy and taking advantage of a cheaper market to then move everything they bought back to other servers for profit. Transfers are cheap and I guarantee multiple players are planning to take advantage of this fresh server to make credits on their home (US-EU) server.  I stopped playing on this new server levelling new characters the second I saw that post announcing transfers were coming.   I' will be moving all my characters from US servers and looking forward to experiencing some of the new content and finally getting back into PVP  I love Hut-Ball! But I probably would have been happier if it was a fresh start server as i feel the beginner story content is some of the best storytelling in any game ever.

I probably would have preferred if it was a fresh start server but for it to succeed it would need serious adjustments to end-game costs that have been put in place to compensate for inflation. So many games have done so well with fresh start rollback servers. 

I do hope they put restrictions on multidirectional transfers to defend against people looking to make a bargain for profits on other servers.

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4 minutes ago, JohnnyGatt said:

I do hope they put restrictions on multidirectional transfers to defend against people looking to make a bargain for profits on other servers.

They just need to put a time limit on it, as I said before 30, 60 or 90 days, I mean if you are transferring here to play then any limit is not going to bother you, especially as you can already make a character here now and "try" it.
I think the higher the better. 

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Hi all, as someone who has been watching this thread closely and reading all points I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in.  I've been playing this game since launch (maybe a few months here and there I didn't play over the last 10 or so years).

I rolled a new toon on SV given it's in my region (AUS/NZ) and thus far have reached legacy level 25 with around 3M in credits 'saved' - I deposit them into the legacy hold like a bank deposit watching it slowly build up lol.

Anyways I certainly have a full range of 80s with all perks/legacy 50 on my main server with yes a few billion credits to boot.  Would I like to have the option to transfer some or all of my toons?  Absolutely as I've certainly done the hard yards getting them to the point they are at and as someone else stated re augments there's no way in hell I'm grinding that out again on my new crafters that I have only just started.

My only concern is the sudden influx of credits and yes people taking full advantage of the fact a black and black dye is only 1.5m credits on the GTN (I had to look twice!) but is there anyway around this?  I don't believe so other than characters can't be trf'd back for a set period (60 days for eg).  I think given time the economy on SV will reach the same craziness on other servers with the cost of things.  I've even decided I'll probably go with blue augs when the time comes as I play solo anyways.

Will I stop playing on SV if I can't transfer my old toons......no way, am enjoying the experience of playing from scratch again and have even collected all the datacrons (both imp & repub) for the title.  Sure it was a little frustrating (omg the Makeb one) having to do them again but I'm a patient guy and I'll even build my $ slowly but surely.

So either way I'll just roll with it and carry on playing :) 


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2 hours ago, JohnnyGatt said:

I'm sure BS is as well Is non-APAC players wanting to move billions of credits on a single character for the sole purpose of manipulating an economy and taking advantage of a cheaper market to then move everything they bought back to other servers for profit. Transfers are cheap and I guarantee multiple players are planning to take advantage of this fresh server to make credits on their home (US-EU) server

“If” this really is something that BS is concerned about, there is a solution. Don’t allow transfers off of SV.

Because let’s be honest here, the reason we want transfers is to move characters onto the server, not off it. BS are under no obligation to allow transfers off at the same time they allow transfers onto the server. And I have yet to see them say anything about transfers off the server. 

So this particular issue really shouldn’t be something that stops people from being able to transfer all their credits onto SV. 

And if BS are worried about someone transferring over and buying up the whole GTN, then all they have to do is reset the GTN sales for a 24 hour period. Current listings at the time get returned to sellers & there is a 24 hour window where things can’t be listed. 

After that, it’s up to the market to decide what the prices are. If things are too cheap, people will buy to resell. If they are too expensive, they won’t sell at all. 

You’ll also have people like myself who will bring lots of cartel & crafted items from the other servers. And you might find that things that aren’t available now on SV will become available after transfers. Especially things like crafted dyes that require max reputation to buy the schematics for. 

Keep in mind, that most of the CM & crafted items we bring to SV could have been sold for much higher prices on the other servers. So we’ll actually be getting less credits selling them on SV. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I have seen many posts making some strange arguments for one side of the issue or the other.

  1. The early story content is amongst the best.
    • you can play the story on any server
    • you can play the story content on any legacy, even level 50 with all the achievements
    • no part of the story content is affected by how many credits you, or any other player has.
  2. The Fresh start experience is fun
    • You can do a fresh start on any server you don't have an existing legacy on
    • all the achievements are available
    • None of the content in the game requires interacting with the GTN
  3. Items are actually affordable on Shae Vizla's GTN
    • yes, 100x so, probably more for some items
    • Players set their value on items they put up for sale, or buy
    • Credits are highly valued on SV, you need to offer a good deal to part a player from their earned credits
      • this is changing, even without transfers as players on SV earn more credits, item prices will rise.
        • Transfers will accelerate this regardless of credit limit.
    • Items are highly valued on the remaining servers, you need to offer a large number of credits to make it worth a sellers time
      • even on the other servers, taxes are reducing credits in the players accounts, increasing the value of their remaining credits and reducing the value of the items on the GTN
  4. Players will transfer hundreds of billions and ruin the GTN
    • characters are limited to 4B and change
    • legacies are limited to 100B (25 character transfers)
    • Items on the GTN should be returned before transfers are allowed
    • Ideally GTN should be closed for x days after to allow a reset in item values
      • personally I say 7 days

All these arguments are great in the right context. Only 3 & 4 I see have any bearing on limiting credit transfers to a server, and both can be managed, or will manage themselves over time.


For a server's GTN to start low and remain low(ish), It will need to be

  • a dedicated new server from the outset
  • with no transfers ever (from non dedicated reset economy servers if there are ever more than 1)
  • changes to inflation measures
    • reduction of repair costs
    • reduction of trade taxes
      • cannot be based on other server item taxes
    • reduce legacy item costs (legacy armor and such)
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1 hour ago, Nommaz said:

They just need to put a time limit on it, as I said before 30, 60 or 90 days, I mean if you are transferring here to play then any limit is not going to bother you, especially as you can already make a character here now and "try" it.
I think the higher the better. 

Agreed. I would even consider closing transfers “OFF” the server for 12 months. That way it has time to develop properly & the economy will stabilise faster. I can’t imagine any APAC players would want to transfer off. 

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13 minutes ago, FrontLineFodder said:

Ideally GTN should be closed for x days after to allow a reset in item values

  • personally I say 7 days


I think a 24 hour reset is all that’s needed. Sure there maybe some good deals early on after that, but it won’t be any different if it’s 7 days or 1 day. 

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5 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

If” this really is something that BS is concerned about, there is a solution. Don’t allow transfers off of SV.

I agree. I truly hope they don't allow transfers off for at least 6 months! I've helped with dev and community support on SWG SV server for 4 years And have been shocked at how devious and cunning people can be in attempting to manipulate a market often for the sole purpose of selling credits. And the time and effort I've seen people putting into Market manipulation on a non-supported community-run game server with only 2k players is insane. I got to have a long chat with one of the guys who was caught selling credits on our private server He confirmed they had over 100 people playing multiple free-to-play MMOS They make most of their money on new servers. And they very rarely can keep up with the demand. His team is also the most vocal group on our Discord chat On anything that affects credits or farming.   

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Just checking in as another APAC player who's playing on Shae Vizla, likes the economy there, and wants to keep it that way. I'm all for transferring characters, achievements, legacy unlocks, and gear (that should have happened already, IMO) but credits should be restricted. I've read a lot in this thread about nightmare raiders - I want all gameplay activities to be feasible on SV, and buy one of the arguments, but not the other.


1) "Nightmare raiders need credits to gear up"

If someone's a fully geared up NiM raider on another server, and they want to move to SV, why can't they just bring their existing bound-to-legacy gear?

If they're moving, they don't need it anywhere else.

If they want to raid on multiple servers, and can afford it, they can assemble a second set of gear to bring with them.

The only case I see for raiders from other servers wanting credits to gear is to buy augs or OEM/RPM on SV at bargain basement prices - but that just leads to hyper-inflation, which is what people on SV don't want. I won't disregard raider's desires, but they shouldn't disregard the desires of current SV players either.

Same logic for other untradeable items. Legacy and character unlocks transfer automatically. If someone can bring a character with modded gear, legendary implants, tacticals, and enough vendor gifts to level a comp army - but chooses not to bring them - why do they need to bring enough credits to buy them on SV?

Since the latest dev post doesn't mention restrictions on unbound items (I would have liked that, so the devs can study craft mat drop rates further, but it's not a critical issue), let's throw them in too. There's a method for wealth transfer. People want credits to buy stuff, correct? If someone wants to buy a cartel pack and buy/craft 30 blue augs, and has enough credits to do that on their current server, they can get them, bring them to SV, and now they're the proud owner of a cartel pack and 30 blue augs.


2) "Nightmare raiders need credits for repair costs"

Looking at the numbers here, I agree that raiding doesn't seem sustainable on SV.

Assumption: a NiM raider who raids several nights a week, with a ton of deaths, gets a 1m repair bill. (I picked a number from the thread and went with it. Feel free to substitute your own.)

Question: how is NiM raiding funded on other servers?

The credit sinks and fountains are the same. My guess is that it's only feasible with hyper-inflation. If they're not funding repairs with fountains like heroics, they're funding them with traded credits. Selling or flipping deco drops, cartel items, craft items, craft mats, whatever. Since we're talking about NiM, throw in sale runs. Everything on that list is less effective without hyper-inflation.

- A 30m ultimate cartel pack or OEM/RPM sale on another server funds repairs for 30 weeks.
- A 300k pack/OEM/RPM sale on SV funds repairs for one night.

The only solutions I see are either bring hyper-inflation to SV, or change the economics of NiM raiding. Bringing credits isn't a long-term solution, since those credits will run out, unless the solution is "bring enough credits to cause hyper-inflation". NiM raiding could fountain a lot more credits per boss kill, but that doesn't help a group that's just wiping, and could have unintended consequences, like more Nefra/Dash farming. So - 


Suggestion: Significantly reduce NiM repair costs on all servers.


Changing all servers is easier for the devs, and consistent. Yes, that reduces a credit sink on inflated servers, but I think the actual sink there from NiM raiding is insignificant. After all, a single 1b trade on GTN (with a 127m tax) sinks, in one click, as many credits as a hundred and twenty-seven full-time raiders spend on repairs in a week.

- How many active full-time NiM raiders are there in the entire game?
- What's the total value of GTN transactions in any given day?

I have some issues with the new GTN (like inability to choose which sell offer I buy, and losing deposit fees on unsold items), but as a credit sink, it's the one doing the heavy lifting. (Its progressive fee structure means that it's already toned itself down on SV.) So turning down NiM repair costs seems to be the most precise solution to the presented problem, with the least collateral damage.

Edited by Duck_Cider
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I think repair costs in general need to be lowered.....was quite shocked rolling my new toon on SV and at one point I repaired and it cost my toon 12k - I was like eeeeek I only have 100k in crds (at that point) lol.  I don't recall but i'm sure that toon didn't even die so was quite puzzled at this high cost.

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I had a 2 hour prog which we died a few times. The repairs were over 600k.. Which was more than half of my savings. I only really want to prog ops so yeah thats not possible without a lot of credit grinding.. I have said this several times but ill say it again.. Operations should have more credit rewards and credit sink repair costs are RIDICULOUS on a new server..


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