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A plea to BW to not go EZ MODE...


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I support this 100%.


I would go into why I think it's a great idea and those who are saying "your mindset is ruining the game" stuff, but no one here seems to have any logic. People in this community are so hard-headed that it's astounding. News flash people: it's possible that you might, just might, be wrong sometimes.

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I support this 100%.


I would go into why I think it's a great idea and those who are saying "your mindset is ruining the game" stuff, but no one here seems to have any logic. People in this community are so hard-headed that it's astounding. News flash people: it's possible that you might, just might, be wrong sometimes.


And same to you, mate.

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Games are supposed to be fun. Take out the un-fun things like long travels to a dungeon or being stuck with a spec that is subpar for other play modes.


Your mindset is dated and hurts the game.


U ever think that maybe, just maybe a game is fun and satisfying because of the un fun things in it? I know it sounds crazy but bear with me.


Have you ever experienced delayed gratification? It feels better than instant. You appreciate it more.


How does this apply to a video game? If you have to go through un-fun things maybe just maybe you appreciate the fun thing more.


Otherwise why not just give us all everything once we create a character. All skills, all abilities, all gear.


It's already really easy to do most of the things in the game. Why do people feel the need to make it easier?

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I support this 100%.


I would go into why I think it's a great idea and those who are saying "your mindset is ruining the game" stuff, but no one here seems to have any logic. People in this community are so hard-headed that it's astounding. News flash people: it's possible that you might, just might, be wrong sometimes.


Yes! But, it's difficult to quantify how someone is actually WRONG on an OPINION, without trying to dissuade them with actual facts.


Thus, why the dual spec debate is so heated.


If it is someone's opinion that dual spec is a good thing, and they have lots of supporting evidence on how it will improve their own gaming experience, it's nearly impossible to dissuade them with arguments based in how it will negatively affect your own gaming experience.


It's necessary to try to step into their shoes, and explain how from their own perspective seeing it your way will improve their own gaming experience.


Neither party is wrong. They're both right, but from their own perspectives in forming their own opinions on what they'd enjoy in the game.

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And same to you, mate.



Limiting other people when it wont affect you in the slightest.


I hate people like the guy you quoted.. i really do.


"oh i want to be forced to do something meaningless (like run through the same hangar over and over), so dont let anyone else skip it"


Running isn't content. But we live in the age of skyrim now.. so maybe im wrong? maybe running is what modern gamers like.. just endless running through a terrible version of life, with limited options, much less pleasing imagery, and hell half of our senses completely blocked out.


no, **** that. let games be about what is fun.

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Yay... ANOTHER hardcore vs casual thread. For the record, while being "hardcore", I side with the casuals. There's no reason to make a VIDEO GAME harder then it needs to be because you want to flex your E-peen.


What's funny is this one is sort of reversed since a Hardcore player has help to power level and gear so they can get a dedicated PvP toon, a dedicated raid tank toon a dedicated raid heal toon, and get them all geared by their fellow guild members, who will carry their PvPer through the raids to get BIS gear for their non-PvP time or their locked away crafting mats. The lack of Dual spec hurts the casuals who don't have a hard core build to back them up.

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So everyone should be forced to play exactly the way you want them to play? If you don't think something should be in the game then it should be eliminated for everyone?


Go back to SWG and bully the devs there to make the game l33t only. Oh wait...

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Those posting in favor of this argument and against the OPs ideas are not just selfish, they are small minded individuals who cannot see the larger ramifications beyond their own petty wants of "wow" ideas. As if wow was the first anyways.


C WT I Did DeR??!? :cool:


In all reality you have people who want things easier and want to be the best at everything at all times(as seen by this posters want of the best pvp spec and pve spec at the same time) and people who don't mind working for things and having skill take more of a roll in outcomes than a few hidden numbers.


Always funny to me that people don't see their side as simply opinion and not fact. My opinion is no duel specs is fine. But it's just an opinion and so is the opposite argument. Both are valid and don't make anyone who takes whichever side a bad person. So get off ur selfish high horse and stop calling people names :p


So how high is the horse you're sitting on...?

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So how high is the horse you're sitting on...?


Well since you asked. My horse is so high and I'm so awesome that not only do you have to agree with me but I want the rules of the entire game changed so that you are (no pun intended) forced to play the way I think everyone should play.

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Dual spec is not "EZ mode". Its convenience and options. If you don't want to use it, then don't. Those of us who do will - no harm to you at all. In fact, you'll benefit from all the people more willing to play an alternate, hard to find spec like healing or tanking. You're welcome.
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I vehemently disagree with all of the above. Horrible, terrible suggestions.


1. LFG interface is more than /ez mode, who fuggin cares if you have to run to a dungeon, all the 'dungeons' launch from the Fleet - Flash point terminals. However, having to stand outside of a damn flash point to spam lfm,lfg,lfc in the correct channel is horse sh**. I'd rather be questing or anything than standing around waiting spamming LFanything..


2. Dual specc'ing is a must. As a player who plays on a pvp server there are two builds always. Best for pvp and best for raids. Forcing all pvpers to pvp at sub optimal efficiency or be sub optimal for raid content is a horrible plan just to appease a few "I don't want any features from WoW" minority. I don't care for WoW myself but hey, Some ideas are just good. Let's not rain on everyone else's parade. Your reasoning is not broad enough to be a solid suggestion that supports the majority of players in having a fun quality experience. You are demanding that people be forced to play FOTM builds just to be effective in end game content if they make it challenging enough.


3. There are better ways to sink credits and remove them from the game than allowing a person to update their build when things get nerfed, removed, added, changed over time as you know will happen.


Final thoughts, Those posting in favor of this idea are not just selfish, they are small minded individuals who cannot see the larger ramifications beyond their own petty wants of "non wow" ideas. As if wow was the first anyway.


Wow, thanks for all the insults - just wow how can someone get so full of hate, just because he doesnt get what he wants?


1. IF you would actually understand how the current lfg works, then you would also understand that you dont need to talk in general at all.

I agree with the OP, no LFG please - it ruined wow.


2. Dual spec is not a must at all, its not even needed. I did high end pvp, I did high end raiding and this all with 1 spec at a time. To say that this is impossible is a simple lie, I bet you didnt even play high rated pvp or progress raiding. To allow Dual spec etc. will only lead to the same problem that wow has today. People you group with will demand a FOTM spec, which some leet pro gamer figured out. If you dont have exactly that spec, you will be removed from the group, usually by an insult how you suck or what kind of noob you are, that you dont have exactly that spec.


I agree with the OP here as well, no Dual spec or anykind of spec changing on the fly. To change the spec for free once a month is ok.


3. I think that you are a very self focused person, who does not understand much of MMO´s, and you also seem to lack the background of MMO gameplay and most likely only played wow and there only WOTLK and Cata. Because of this you just dont know what an impact things like LFG, Dual Spec, Addons etc. do have on a game and its community.


Also your insults show that you dont really want to discuss things, but state your whole opinion as a fact.


I would advice you to read a bit about MMO´s and there history and what an MMO actually did offer for people. Start with Ultima, Everquest, Asherons Call, DAOC, vanilla wow and you will see that your "fact´s" are non and that your opinion does not match with the philospohy of SWTOR and you might better go back to the Panda´s.

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And while you're at it bioware, make it so if your character dies, he/she is gone forever and you have to level up again. Your choices are supposed to matter!!!! How can I enjoy this game if people can have some flexibility with their characters without rerolling?


Everyone knows the longer and grindier it is to do something you want to do in a game, the more entertaining and fun it is.


In fact, make it so your character can't respec AT ALL, EVER! That way you will have to be SUPER CAREFUL when you pick your talents, and the choices will be really MEANINGFUL. That's what this game is about right? Meaningful choices? If you make a mistake, just REROLL!


Flexibility and accesibility in a game is SO 1990's! Get with the times bio, people want a game where they have to do the same thing over and over and over again to play the way they want to.

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And while you're at it bioware, make it so if your character dies, he/she is gone forever and you have to level up again. Your choices are supposed to matter!!!! How can I enjoy this game if people can have some flexibility with their characters without rerolling?


Everyone knows the longer and grindier it is to do something you want to do in a game, the more entertaining and fun it is.


In fact, make it so your character can't respec AT ALL, EVER! That way you will have to be SUPER CAREFUL when you pick your talents, and the choices will be really MEANINGFUL. That's what this game is about right? Meaningful choices? If you make a mistake, just REROLL!


Flexibility and accesibility in a game is SO 1990's! Get with the times bio, people want a game where they have to do the same thing over and over and over again to play the way they want to.


Lol well played sir. +1

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Please BW do not:


1. Add a dungon finder that ports you to the dungeon, make us have to travel there. It's fine to add a LFD tool to create a grp (totally understand that) but please make us travel to the point...it's cool to planet hop :)


2. Please no Dual Spec. If someone wants to do DPS but the next day wants to heal then roll a healer :) This will allow players to experience different classes and storylines adding more depth and detail for the player. This also allows BW to keep the player motiviated and in the game.


3. Please do not decrease the cost of respec. Again the game should always be about choices and one always needs to be aware of those choices.


So far these are the top 3 that I'm concerned about and if changed would imo effect the game in a negative way, which I do not want.





If you're going to compete with WoW, don't try to ape it by sheepingly following the leader, but rather offer something it doesn't. Many people who left WoW were disgusted by the catering to the lowest common denominator and the "convenience at the price of depth", if SWTOR does it too, it's not going to keep them interested.

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