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Everything posted by Darkranko

  1. I personally think that Talos Drellik is adorkable.
  2. He was referring to Torian when he said him.... Courting Gifts just seem to be useless in general. I just use the gifts that that companion likes and it works just fine. I don't see a point to giving a companion a courting gift over normal ones. Unless I'm missing something, they don't really give the same returns.
  3. Slave Girl outfit. Social Vendor on Nar Shaddaa.
  4. I'm guessing it's to give PvP Artifice a chance to get the Schematice. I don't PvP so I can get mine via PvE Dailies. I think it's nice that they made it so that people who don't PvE can still get it without being forced to PvP.
  5. I know how you feel. When I was leveling my Sith Inquisitor I saw information around the net that Talos was romancable, and I was happy about that. I don't like Andronikis at all, and none of his coustomizations suit me. All of them have tattooes... When I finally got Talos I later realized that he wasn't dateable. Makes me sad cause he is more my type then Andro ever will be.
  6. They changed the look of the Dread Masters? Does anyone have a recent pic?
  7. There might be one (a Schematic for one for Artifice) on the daily vendor for 20 daily comms. I bought a +41 Crit there, and I'm pretty sure there was one for Power, Endurance, and Expertise. Don't qoute me on that tho.
  8. I really don't understand what they were trying to do with the Legacy gear. I'd rather deck my alts out in orange gear and remod it every few levels then spend 200 Daily Comms to buy an item to buy the gear that I will outlevel rather quickly. It doesn't make sense.
  9. Love it Also thank you BioWare for adding it. I felt truely giddy when I logged in and heard the announcement of a travel ban to Tatooine. I was like
  10. I have to say that I'm VERY annoyed with the fact that I no longer have my giggle. To be honest, I don't even notice when I proc now because I'm so used to listening for the giggle, that I don't notice the (too subtle) graphic that I get to show that I procced. I honestly didn't even notice the proc graphic until a couple of hours of playing. I really don't like it.
  11. While I love all the changes that are coming with 1.2... the BEST change for me is the customization feature of my UI. I hate the current state/look of it, and to be able to move it around to my liking is A Number One with me.
  12. I read somewhere that they will only be allowable by using your classes "Heroic Moment" ability, and if that's the case, it's not that big a deal.
  13. That's not true. Ensign Temple is Force Sensitive. She used the Jedi Mind trick before you get her as a companion, and there are even conversations about it. She's just not a Force Wielder as of such.
  14. Other then being able to move things around, really the most important thing I hope/wish/pray that I could do is to unhook my portrat (sp) and the target portrat so I can move them off my hotbar and around the screen. Secondly, I really wish I could set up my hotbar to look like this... XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX It would be easier for me to group things together the way I want, thus givig me easier acess to my abilities.
  15. Holo: I used to be an adventurer once. Jack in the Box: Don't do it. Holo: Til I took an arrow to the knee. Lord Baras: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I love that part.
  16. Yet I can't roll a fat girl. I wanted to roll a big girl Trooper on the Pub side, but sadly, I was denied.
  17. My only complaint about it, is I wish they had a different symble or color to show that it's a Heroic quest so I can just flat out skip it. I don't bother with them while I'm leaving, and it's kind of annoying to go back to a quest hub and forget that it's a Heroic and not a new quest that just popped up, or listening to the whole quest only to realize it was a Heroic.
  18. This might give you some help. It's a chart that shows which crew skills best flow together. http://www.swtorstrategies.com/2011/09/swtor-crafting-chart.html How it works is like this. You have your main Crafting skill (Synthweaving for example), then you have your Gathering skill (Archeology), and then your Mission skill (Underworld Trading). Now when you open up your crew skill menu (Press N) you will see the skills you have picked up. If you open your crafting skill (Synthweaving) it will show you the mats you need to craft pieces of gear. Now you gain this mats two ways. Normal mats are the ones you get with your Gathering skill (Archy), and they rare and epic mats are gathered from your Mission skill. You can actually level up your gathering on your own, you don't have to send your crew out for that. You do however have to send them out for Missions. You can't do those yourself. My advice would be to go back to Dromund Kaas and start farming up your gathering mats and go from there. Becareful about sending your companions out, as it costs you money everytime you do it.
  19. I had this same problem earlier yesterday. Logging out and then back in seemed to fix it for me.
  20. In the same area with the trainers and the vendors. The Lower Promenade I think.
  21. Yay... ANOTHER hardcore vs casual thread. For the record, while being "hardcore", I side with the casuals. There's no reason to make a VIDEO GAME harder then it needs to be because you want to flex your E-peen.
  22. Do you know how bored I would be, if I was godmode like that.
  23. When my Sith Inquisitor Buffy, went to got fight the world boss on Dromund Kaas named The First. I had no idea that mob was in the game when I named my toon. lol
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