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Galactic Seasons 5 - What Happened?


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13 minutes ago, Shayddow said:

We can choose how companion LOOKS, (just as we do our own character. This would be gender, species, Force-user or not)

like the other space barbie's we have and can dress up.

15 minutes ago, Shayddow said:

We would be able to romance said companion.

then how most this work then when you have all a compleet romance companion?

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2 hours ago, Shayddow said:

3. We would be able to romance said companion.

That's a bit too much even for me :) It would require including said companion in the future storyline whenever we have a romantic scene with our space waifu or husbando and I'm all for people being able to reject the seasonal companion if they choose to do so without missing out on anything.

So romance is in the "nice to have but they better focus on other things" category for me.

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For me GS5 was one of the worst.
Imo they made few good changes and few bad.
First of all, I want return of companions tied to story.
Secondly remove finally those damn reputations or make them relevant and worth the grind. Like vendor with decos/items or something.
Thirdly, I liked the idea of more decorations. I really like that they added more NPC decorations (though other decos were meh like the waste receptacle lol).

So in GS6 I would want to see again more NPC decos, return of companion tied to story, longer story that would have final mission item? at the 100th level and not completing the GS story even before reaching the half of the track.

If they not gonna remove reputation, then remove items that "help" farm currency for reputation. Tbh I used only one of those, but tbh they are not needed at all. Just do weekly objectives and you will get almost full. So I have nothing to do with rest of those boosters, jut to delete them lol.


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10 hours ago, juliushorst said:

Because our preferences are different. I'm trying to discuss with you which is rather difficult because you don't respond with counter-arguments, make statements without explaining and argumenting them (example: you said I don't understand what passive-aggressive is without explaining how I'm wrong) and mock suggestions that should in theory satisfy us both.


Disagreeing with you doesn't mean attacking you.

But if you wish to continue, please tell me:

Why a companion that can be rejected, doesn't appear on the ship, isn't a part of seasonal objectives and doesn't prevent you from completing seasonal questione if rejected wouldn't be acceptable for you.

Discussing and attacking someone who disagrees with you are two different things. You might have been discussing at the beginning, now you are just outright attacking me in every message. Once you start attacking someone you throw discussion out of the window.  Too bad for you that you can't change my mind but as long as you keep attacking me, I will keep calling it out and pointing it out.  I don't give in to people who resort to personal attacks when they run out of arguments about the topic. 



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5 hours ago, LanceDefender said:

For me GS5 was one of the worst.
Imo they made few good changes and few bad.
First of all, I want return of companions tied to story.
Secondly remove finally those damn reputations or make them relevant and worth the grind. Like vendor with decos/items or something.
Thirdly, I liked the idea of more decorations. I really like that they added more NPC decorations (though other decos were meh like the waste receptacle lol).

So in GS6 I would want to see again more NPC decos, return of companion tied to story, longer story that would have final mission item? at the 100th level and not completing the GS story even before reaching the half of the track.

If they not gonna remove reputation, then remove items that "help" farm currency for reputation. Tbh I used only one of those, but tbh they are not needed at all. Just do weekly objectives and you will get almost full. So I have nothing to do with rest of those boosters, jut to delete them lol.


People also use the reputation items for conquest points and for people who have already maxxed all other reputation tracks, seasons is the only way to get them. I'm not a fan of that system either, especially with the silly limit of 200. If they'd changed that infinite, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't bother anyone. The items would just stay in the currency tab and people who want to use then could go use them whenever, on whatever character they want to.


Or another thing I've suggested many times: change how reputation items work.  Instead of using them, let us sell them to vendor and get  reputation instead of credits. That way we could also benefit from older reputation tokens and it would give us a reason to do older content too. I don't remember the last time I've done Yavin weekly for example. If I could benefit from the Yavin reputation tokens, I would have a reason to go there every now and then.


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3 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Instead of using them, let us sell them to vendor and get  reputation instead of credits. That way we could also benefit from older reputation tokens and it would give us a reason to do older content too. I don't remember the last time I've done Yavin weekly for example. If I could benefit from the Yavin reputation tokens, I would have a reason to go there every now and then.

its a good idea since more players then run the other daily planets for fun and so.

but you know there is a problems with you idea.

you know there is a inflation problem there have creat on there own so this is not going to help the inflation problem at all and make it more worse.

if there not have screw up in the 6.X era with it then you got a good point but sadly there have screw up back then so yea.


so i have think a other idea that maybe can work.

if you become legand rank on a raputation track that you can trade the reputation tokens for event tokens more like BBA contract's or nightlife casino chips and go on with it?

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11 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

Discussing and attacking someone who disagrees with you are two different things. You might have been discussing at the beginning, now you are just outright attacking me in every message.

I am no longer going to entertain you until you address the issue being discussed here.

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18 hours ago, Spikanor said:

but you know there is a problems with you idea.

you know there is a inflation problem there have creat on there own so this is not going to help the inflation problem at all and make it more worse.

If you mean it would bring credits into the game, it wouldn't. You wouldn't get credits from the tokens anymore when you vendor them, they would just give reputation. 


10 hours ago, juliushorst said:

I am no longer going to entertain you until you address the issue being discussed here.

Aww... :(

But you know what? I addressed it pages ago and you disagreed with me. You should have left it at that. But nope, you decided to resort into personal attacks and since then I've done nothing but bounce your accusations back at you. 

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I play another MMO. It's called Warframe. They made something similar to GS a while back, and they had three releases of a small unique side story with its own unique mechanics and everything, each followed up by an "Intermission" that would allow players to aim for rewards they missed out on the first time. We're now on the 12th wave of this reward system, and there's been not even a hint of a new side story anytime soon (they're too focused on the main story). Instead, we're getting mixes of old rewards with a handful of new ones because these rewards were all mostly cosmetic anyway and it's way easier to pump that out than make a whole new micro-event while also trying to work on the main story (which is both more substantial than SWTOR and yet still gets just as much hate from entitled crybabies).

All this to say that maybe, just maybe, SWTOR should take a page from Warframe's book and make "intermission" GS waves with no story or new companion that allow players to grind for stuff they missed out on the first time (seeing as they seemingly refuse to add most of them to the Token reward vendor). Just instead of one piece of gear at a time, give us a box with the whole set (always thought that was dumb; the weapons and mounts I get, but the armors need to be bundled). If we've already gained a reward, give us the chance to choose either a copy for GTN (which will be price gouged) or an extra Seasons Token so those of us playing catch-up on 10+ years' worth of rewards can have an easier time, or influence items for the faction tracks introduced with GS2 - 5.

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