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Galactic Seasons 5 - What Happened?


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1 hour ago, Whykara said:

The worst offendor regarding anticlimactic sudden endings was Amity. His story just stopped, without any conclusion whatsoever. I still don't get the point of the GS4 "story". GS5 at least had a beginning and an end. 

YUP!  Kind of like a long horn story (see Texas Longhorn cow).  

A point here.....  . ...........................  and a point here  ......................  

(with a whole lot of "bull" in between)


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1 hour ago, Whykara said:

The worst offendor regarding anticlimactic sudden endings was Amity. His story just stopped, without any conclusion whatsoever. I still don't get the point of the GS4 "story". GS5 at least had a beginning and an end. 

[/scratches head] ...  Yeah .. what was that all about?  I kind of got part of it ... but somehow didn't really justify WHY.

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15 hours ago, Whykara said:

GS5 at least had a beginning and an end. 

The problem was that while it was a good idea for a storyline and had a lot of potential, it was wasted in the format it was presented. It could easily have been a 10 or 12 mission arc. Instead it was a gimmick mission, a gathering mission, one moderate fight, and then an anti-climactic ending.

I think it would have been much better as an actual story expansion where you bring back Leeha Narez and her Meedies and explore the idea of droids being able to use the force.

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57 minutes ago, DWho said:

The problem was that while it was a good idea for a storyline and had a lot of potential, it was wasted in the format it was presented. It could easily have been a 10 or 12 mission arc. Instead it was a gimmick mission, a gathering mission, one moderate fight, and then an anti-climactic ending.

I think it would have been much better as an actual story expansion where you bring back Leeha Narez and her Meedies and explore the idea of droids being able to use the force.

Kind of what I meant by the "why".  It just didn't seem to fit!  And YES ... perhaps your suggestion as to HOW to incorporate it would have been much better!  (well said)

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On 10/29/2023 at 7:38 PM, OlBuzzard said:


AND (if I might add) ... one of the reasons that the whole GS thing is such a big deal is due to the percentage of time we spend in SWTOR focused on participation in this area?  Remove the GS series (and its subsequent rewards) and SWTOR gets a LOT smaller.  The smaller the game ... the smaller the audience and those who are willing to shell out the cash to play it!

To me, personally, that's pretty straight forward.  It is unquestionably in the best interests of the entire community to really hunker down and put some time / resource into the GS series.

yeah, i do like concept of GS series and as mundane as it might sound i like waking up on on tuesdays and then grinding for rewards, its not the best but i do like to do it, i remember on first day of current GS activity was really boosted up, there was a lot of players doing quests on darth malgus at like 3 AM european time, but by god the story was bad, the comp ones weren't all that good either but at least you did something for someone but this one was just so bad, it wasn't even particularly funny at any point more like sad...i really don't understand what they attempted here, im a sucker for stories so i don't mind a story focus but PLEASE PLEASE devs give us an actual story in next GS.

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On 10/30/2023 at 3:29 PM, DWho said:

The problem was that while it was a good idea for a storyline and had a lot of potential, it was wasted in the format it was presented. It could easily have been a 10 or 12 mission arc. Instead it was a gimmick mission, a gathering mission, one moderate fight, and then an anti-climactic ending.

I think it would have been much better as an actual story expansion where you bring back Leeha Narez and her Meedies and explore the idea of droids being able to use the force.

yeah that'd be interesting, i remember people speculating that master might've been jadus too, that'd be a fun one as well.

really there are so many good ideas that could've been done and actual effort put into all of this but nah...we got what we got, they claim that they decided to focus on story but story was what this was the least about they just wanted us to participate in GS and i guess they succeeded but it'd still be nice if they actually tried to make a proper story for people who genuinely love their game.

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2 hours ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

yeah, i do like concept of GS series and as mundane as it might sound i like waking up on on tuesdays and then grinding for rewards, its not the best but i do like to do it, i remember on first day of current GS activity was really boosted up, there was a lot of players doing quests on darth malgus at like 3 AM european time, but by god the story was bad, the comp ones weren't all that good either but at least you did something for someone but this one was just so bad, it wasn't even particularly funny at any point more like sad...i really don't understand what they attempted here, im a sucker for stories so i don't mind a story focus but PLEASE PLEASE devs give us an actual story in next GS.

Even WoW right now has more than just one area to pick up gear that can be upgraded.  Sone of it starts at 402 ... then goes up to 424 (or higher) ... Some at 415 (and up higher) .. And it's a grind (in different story lines).  Some of it through time scape (moving back and forth through old stuff) ... some of it through other themes.  Another YET one is about to be released in a few days.

The point is that there is a lot of stuff to do!  Right now at the center of THAT hub for SWTOR is the GS series.  That MUST be kept alive with fresh stuff to do and rewards accordingly:  Fun items to use, strongholds, GEAR (that can actually be used).  Regardless of what is chosen by the team for rewards it must actually be stimulating to the audience!

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On 11/1/2023 at 12:38 AM, eabevella said:

I'd rather they spend time developing actual main plot and actual companions with their own story arc (classic companions, Land & Theron) instead of wasting time on an one time... thing.

And no more meaningless companions, ffs.

I get this sentiment. I honestly do and agree. But alot seem to disagree and enjoy the companions. So that said how hard would it have been to give us an Imperial astromech or at least a skin for T7 as a reward? (since everyone has him post KOTFE)

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8 hours ago, TyrFoge said:

or at least a skin for T7 as a reward? 

I'd rather have the option to scrap T7. There's no reason for him to stick around with an Imp side char and no reason for me to let him. He could very well be an enemy spy. But this is what @eabevellameans. We have a lot of existing companions that are in dire need of fleshing out. 

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8 hours ago, TyrFoge said:

I get this sentiment. I honestly do and agree. But alot seem to disagree and enjoy the companions. So that said how hard would it have been to give us an Imperial astromech or at least a skin for T7 as a reward? (since everyone has him post KOTFE)

but here is the question you need to think also your self about it.

from how long can you keep going on with it before people lose intrest in it and not like the gelactic seasons anymore.

the gelactic seasons are a good thing but to keep giving us a new companion that will be use for only 5 month's and after that its not going to be use anymore is at some point also no fun anymore and also not good for the gelactic seasons.

most people wane see that there class companions also get some love and get use more then only focus on new companions each time.

and the companion sheet is also a big mess that need some chance's since 5.0.

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4 hours ago, Whykara said:

I'd rather have the option to scrap T7. There's no reason for him to stick around with an Imp side char and no reason for me to let him. He could very well be an enemy spy. But this is what @eabevellameans. We have a lot of existing companions that are in dire need of fleshing out. 

Can't argue with you there!

4 hours ago, Spikanor said:

but here is the question you need to think also your self about it.

from how long can you keep going on with it before people lose intrest in it and not like the gelactic seasons anymore.

the gelactic seasons are a good thing but to keep giving us a new companion that will be use for only 5 month's and after that its not going to be use anymore is at some point also no fun anymore and also not good for the gelactic seasons.

most people wane see that there class companions also get some love and get use more then only focus on new companions each time.

and the companion sheet is also a big mess that need some chance's since 5.0.

Nor with this!

I wasn't attempting to make any case for "getting a companion everytime" just that I see both sides of the argument.

It does seem however (to me at least) that there is a pretty even split of "wants a new companion" and "doesn't want a new companion". So what harm does it really do to "get yet another companion I'll never use" in order to appease a large portion of players only interested in one? From my perspective Galactic Seasons really has attempted to try to "appeal to everyone" as much as possible...  Want a little story mission?✔ Like armor sets?✔ Like weapons?✔ Like Decorations?✔ Mounts?✔ Strongholds?✔ Titles?✔ Achievements?✔ New Companions?✔ (except for this season). And that makes sense to me befitting Galactic Seasons purpose. 

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5 minutes ago, TyrFoge said:

So what harm does it really do to "get yet another companion I'll never use" in order to appease a large portion of players only interested in one?

the gelactic seasons companions has always been by force to use then same if you not like then at all you need to use then no matter what since you got no other option.

there are bound to the reputation track there are also bound to the gelactic season objetive's so you have for 2 reasons all no chose at all to not use then look at the past seasons from 2 t/m 4.

then you have there gift's also in the reward tracks from the gelactic season what for my meaning is more wasting space for other things there can add like some idea's players have been suggestion in the special mount,armor,weapon,decoration threads all and add some things from that in it.

there are not special at all its not like there heal you little better then other companions or deal more damage then normal companions or are better tank then normal companions there is notting special about then.

then we go to the usefull from then what is all a big problem and only has become more since we can only use 8 companions for crew skill missions and 1 for helping the player but thats is it notting else there can be use for.

to make it more short: the devs need to short things out how to make the companion system more usefull then its now before adding new companions in the game.

since adding only new companions in the game is becoming old and something news need to come to make then more usefull then only for crew skill missions and helping the player in fights.

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Part of the reason for the resistance to new companions is also the limit on them in Galactic Strongholds.

You can presently only place 25 in any one stronghold. AND, it includes vendors as "companions" in this regard - so if you use the crafting droids, Fushia, a medical droid - that's already 5 less that you can place.

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6 hours ago, TyrFoge said:

I think you both are missing the point. This "I don't want one so no one should get one" attitude is completely illogical. It does 0 harm to receive a companion you will never use. All I'm saying...

It does, if it's placed on your personal ship and we can't get rid of them. A lot of us don't want it cluttered with ugly, generic companions that are not part of our personal story.  

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On 11/5/2023 at 6:55 PM, Shayddow said:

You can presently only place 25 in any one stronghold. AND, it includes vendors as "companions" in this regard - so if you use the crafting droids, Fushia, a medical droid - that's already 5 less that you can place.

not only vendors that counts as companions but also the 2 new droid pets decoration count also as companions in the stronghold.


8 hours ago, TyrFoge said:

I think you both are missing the point. This "I don't want one so no one should get one" attitude is completely illogical. It does 0 harm to receive a companion you will never use. All I'm saying...

then here is a idea.

why not add the companion for the next season not anymore in the season track list and add the next new companion in the Ki’at Thavo Vendor that you can buy it with gelactic season tokens.

then you make both side's happy since the people that wane have a new companion can buy one with season tokens and the people that not wane have a new one not have to buy it from the vendor at all.

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Staying mostly away from the companion debate...

I think part of the problem with GS5's story is that, unless you choose JUST the right dialogue options, you don't really find out what exactly is going on. The first time I played through the missions with a DS Hand of Jadus Agent, I played in character as proud, overbearing, knowing that he was the voice and will of one of the most powerful Sith in the galaxy, feeling no fear, accepting no challenge to his power... so confrontational and proud dialogue options, especially during the final confrontation, and it was confusing and left me going 'huh?' So the next time I played through them I did it with a different character and questioned everything, always asking for more information, and it ended up making more sense; like I think someone already mentioned...


Turned out 'The Master' was a Sith too weak in The Force to advance in the Empire, but skilled in mechanics and building droids... possibly a Technopath, like the Nautolan from the Knight's Story or Anakin Skywalker, but not a skill the Empire considers impressive.

Actually, a little disappointed that the only choices of what to do with 'The Master' seemed to kill, release or turn over to the authorities... Considering two HK units, Teeseven, Z0-0M, etc., he could have made an interesting 'flavor' addition to the Alliance on Odessan, even without being a companion...

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4 hours ago, Spikanor said:

then here is a idea.

why not add the companion for the next season not anymore in the season track list and add the next new companion in the Ki’at Thavo Vendor that you can buy it with gelactic season tokens.

then you make both side's happy since the people that wane have a new companion can buy one with season tokens and the people that not wane have a new one not have to buy it from the vendor at all.

Not a fan of this idea.  BS would probably make the new comp cost 4-5 tokens.  While I have said and still say they need to add more things to spend tokens on for players, I would feel that putting the new comp on the vendor for tokens was then screwing us over.  Why would I want to pay for a new GS comp when I was getting them for free previously. 

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1 hour ago, Darcmoon said:

Not a fan of this idea.  BS would probably make the new comp cost 4-5 tokens.  While I have said and still say they need to add more things to spend tokens on for players, I would feel that putting the new comp on the vendor for tokens was then screwing us over.  Why would I want to pay for a new GS comp when I was getting them for free previously. 

since thats maybe a big reason why there is a big discusion about the gelactic season companions in the first place that some people not wane have then anymore as reward for a lot of reasons.

and maybe you forget some things also that the Ki’at Thavo Vendor has also a rotation with stuff its not that it has 5 month's the same things selling for gelactic season tokens there is also a rotation each week.

and if you not believe me then you need to check it out for your self that the items there also rotate each week.

so to add a companion in the same vendor as one of the items that rotate is not a bad idea at all.

you like to have a companion in the gelactic season. i like to get no companion at all in the gelactic season.

so whats the best way to choose in the middle and thats the Ki’at Thavo Vendor to add it in the rotation.

there need to add better items but thats something that never going to happing since what are better items when people can never agree on that at all since we all like compleet diffrend things.

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1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

since thats maybe a big reason why there is a big discusion about the gelactic season companions in the first place that some people not wane have then anymore as reward for a lot of reasons.

and maybe you forget some things also that the Ki’at Thavo Vendor has also a rotation with stuff its not that it has 5 month's the same things selling for gelactic season tokens there is also a rotation each week.

and if you not believe me then you need to check it out for your self that the items there also rotate each week.

so to add a companion in the same vendor as one of the items that rotate is not a bad idea at all.

you like to have a companion in the gelactic season. i like to get no companion at all in the gelactic season.

so whats the best way to choose in the middle and thats the Ki’at Thavo Vendor to add it in the rotation.

there need to add better items but thats something that never going to happing since what are better items when people can never agree on that at all since we all like compleet diffrend things.

I haven’t forgotten nor ever said that vendor doesn’t rotate.  Not sure why that issue is even one you brought up.  I can understand why others don’t want a new comp even if I don’t agree.  Personally, the best idea would probably be to alternate between a comp one season and no comp the next.  That way no one is satisfied completely. Putting the comp on the vendor and charging coins would, as I mentioned, feel like I was getting screwed over. 

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20 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

Personally, the best idea would probably be to alternate between a comp one season and no comp the next.

i think with this idea you get only more complains in the end and then the discusion about the gelactic season companions never will end.

since with each new season then you get the same story each time that the companion lovers are going to complain like hell when its a non companion season reward and the same go's for the once's that hate to have a new companion in the companion season time.

i still think adding the new companion in the season vendor and you need use gelactic season tokens for it is the best solution there is. and thats my idea to fix this gelactic season companions discusion.

but lets see what the devs are planning to do with the gelactic seasons companions for season 6 if its comming with or without a new companion.

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29 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

Personally, the best idea would probably be to alternate between a comp one season and no comp the next.  That way no one is satisfied completely. 

I agree that this is what I would consider the best solution at the moment, based on what people have suggested thus far. And I say this as someone who is bored of the GS companions and would be much happier of the stories within GS involved our current companions, rather than new ones who I don't care about. But, despite me feeling that way personally, I know when I was a new player how much I appreciated getting my first non story-companion that I could run through the starter planets with before getting my first companion and I want new players to have that opportunity. And, of course, me being bored of the companions doesn't mean that people who like them shouldn't have the opportunity to get them.

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1 hour ago, Spikanor said:

i think with this idea you get only more complains in the end and then the discusion about the gelactic season companions never will end.

since with each new season then you get the same story each time that the companion lovers are going to complain like hell when its a non companion season reward and the same go's for the once's that hate to have a new companion in the companion season time.

i still think adding the new companion in the season vendor and you need use gelactic season tokens for it is the best solution there is. and thats my idea to fix this gelactic season companions discusion.

but lets see what the devs are planning to do with the gelactic seasons companions for season 6 if its comming with or without a new companion.

The complaints would be worse IMO if they put it on the vendor.  Look at the complaints this season about the mission items not being in collections at first and needing to be bought with GS tokens.  They had to change that because people hated it.   I don’t see a comp being much different. 

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