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Can we get free transfers off dead servers please?


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23 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

Cross server queue only help with flashpoints and pvp. They don't help keep a GTN well stocked, they don't help people form groups for killing world bosses or completing Galactic Season goals, they don't fix the fact that all extraneous servers will reach Leviathan levels of population eventually.

1) As a subscriber you will retain access to all characters even if a merge pushes you above your character cap. So if you have 20 characters on one server and 50 characters on another while your character limit is 50 character, you will retain access to all 70 characters after a merge.

2) lif you only care about playing the story you have three options. Delete a character, keep adding more character slots until you exceed your current character limit or start a new account. How is that any different than if you reach your character limit normally versus hitting your character limit across 5 servers? Oh, you can still play on the other servers unless you have maxed out your characters on every server.

3) if empty servers = toxic, you should actually be looking forward to a server merge

I don't know what you're buying on the GTN, but I check for various items every day on both servers, and I've never noticed any difference in availability. I was also able to complete the Nightmare Pilgrim seasonal objective this week on both servers.

1. I'm glad to hear that, but it would still mean I wouldn't be able to create any new characters, so it doesn't really solve the problem.

2. Basically what you're saying is that the game should be made worse for me so that it can be made better for you, despite a perfectly good third option being available.

3. You misread my post. Emptier servers are less toxic because there are fewer people.

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13 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

For sure, but that wasn't what you said.  You said that you'd have to pay to play the characters you already have.

I was the one who said that, not the person you're quoting. If you're going to accuse someone of moving the goalposts, you should at least make sure it wasn't two different people first.

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Short of mergers, it would be useful for whoever codes this game now to offer an account move (or legacy) at a reasonable price.  The per character charge gets pretty high for someone who wants to move everyone and everything to a different server.

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2 hours ago, Ruvalie said:

I don't know what you're buying on the GTN, but I check for various items every day on both servers, and I've never noticed any difference in availability. I was also able to complete the Nightmare Pilgrim seasonal objective this week on both servers.

1. I'm glad to hear that, but it would still mean I wouldn't be able to create any new characters, so it doesn't really solve the problem.

2. Basically what you're saying is that the game should be made worse for me so that it can be made better for you, despite a perfectly good third option being available.

3. You misread my post. Emptier servers are less toxic because there are fewer people.

I misread larger population = lower toxicity. That was my mistake so I appologise. If you find chat being toxic, I suggest turning Gen Chat off for a while. I end up doing this on every servers Fleet when people start talking politics... which is every night on every server.

but since you were curious about the GTN I'll post percentages based on SF being the baseline of 100% since it has the GTN with the most items listed.

Armor:            SF 100%,  SS 76.4%,  DM 82.4%,  TH 51%,     LV 28.6%

Weapon:         SF 100%,  SS 51.9%,  DM 77.9%,  TH 47.5%,  LV 23.9%

Craft Schems: SF 100%,  SS 50.3%,  DM 78.7%,  TH 45.9%,  LV 9.3%

Pets:               SF 100%,   SS 46%,    DM 70%,     TH 56%,     LV 29%

Mounts:         SF 100%,   SS 61.9%,  DM 83.5%,  TH 63.6%,  LV 35.9%

Decorations:  SF 100%,   SS 55%,     DM 70%,    TH 44.7%,   LV 20.7%

Averaged out, the above items I checked show that SS has about 57% of the items that SF has. That's why I say having a larger population means more items on the GTN. Finding specific items is almost twice as easy on SF than it is on SS. Even DM has a better stocked GTN than SS.

Edited by Darkestmonty
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10 hours ago, krackcommando said:

within the context of a server merger, the dude is espousing two contradictory concerns. the whole point of the merger is for the health of the game, which is detrimental to his comfort zone on SF.

I have never hidden the fact that I put the best interests of Star Forge above the concerns of other servers. I feel that having one server for the United States would be terrible for the game and, as I've said numerous times, I think it would be signing the death warrant of the game. One server for the whole United States means game is dying. Ergo they are not contradictory.

The whole point of a server merger is to help another server, ergo, not the whole game. It's got nothing to do with a comfort zone, I already play on the most populated server, I'm already use to a lot of people being around.

It's not about me, it's about the Star Forge server and it's players, and in case you haven't noticed, most people on Star Forge don't want a server merger.

10 hours ago, krackcommando said:

and in before someone says separate grp queues solve all that or SF queues are terrible. I literally spend 8+ hours ~5 days per week in the two PvP queues for two months. premades aren't the problem. they are there, and they are annoying (mostly in WZs) but they are not there all the time, and they are not the reason (mostly WZs) are a very frustrating experience for (almost) everyone.

Please sight where I every said that SF queces are terrible? I never said that, the quece times are great.

Premades are a problem for many players because they don't like solo quecing and than facing 5+ premades. It's not up to you what people like, don't like or want. If people don't like solo quecing and facing +5 premades, to damn bad. They're allowed not to like that and they aren't wrong for not liking it. As far as I am concerned, it's total BS.

I agree, they're not there all the time, but they are there enough that people on the forums are complaining about it. Once again, if you don't like that, too damn bad.

You also don't get to to say what is or isn't frustrating to other people, or they're reasons. Stop speaking for other friggen people. Say your opinion, and let other people say theirs. If you don't like that some other people are saying that, too damn bad.

10 hours ago, krackcommando said:

edit: i mention this not in response to anything trix said but wayofthewarriorx did spit out some nonsense about SF being bad and other ppl say other things and that premades are the issue.

Please quote where I said SF is bad. I don't think SF is bad, I think SF is awesome. I love the server. If you are referring to me not liking +5 premades with solo quecers, to damn bad. That's how I feel and I will say how I feel.

The +5 premades are my only complaint about PVP on Star Forge.


10 hours ago, krackcommando said:

I don't want to start the same back and forth with trix again, but I'm the one playing the game so often that I'm physically ill. not you. I really and truly do have the best anecdotal evidence/experience of the situation on SF pvp of just about anyone over the past 3-ish months. are there more ppl who play more? maybe. but not many. iunno what else to say here.

That's a very nice claim you have there. I have absolutely no reason to believe that you are somehow entitled and in the best position of anyone in the game to make these determinations about the state of PVP on SF.

But, if it's a toss up between you and Trixxie, I'm definitely going with Trixxie. I've actually played PVP with her in game and Trixxie is one of the most hardcore, well informed and experienced PVP players in the entire game and I'd bet the bank that she has a ton more play time in PVP than you do, than most people do.

If you think you are the only one playing the game as much as you do, think again. You don't have a clue what other people are playing and doing in this game or how much they're doing it.

Lastly, let me be crystal clear on the server merger thing. I care about the players on Star Forge it's well being. If people on SS aren't happy than they can transfer and solve their issues without having to make other players suffer the many negatives that would come with server mergers, most of which, wouldn't effect me in the least. I play one character, and I doubt highly there's anyone else running around in the game with my character's name. I'm also more than fine with dealing with Toxicity. I don't sweat that crap.

Thing is, I actually give damn about the other players on SF that would be effected by losing characters, having to rename characters and those that don't have quite as thick of skin as I do. I get you don't care about that, but I do. I'm not being selfish, I'm thinking about the people on SF that I'm friendly with and how those things might effect them.

If you wanna think I have some other ulterior or selfish motive for my stance, go for it.

As far as free transfers, all the better.


Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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13 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

One other solution that might be considered!  Not trying to be a smart XXX but ... what would happen if there was enough stuff to do for both PvE and PvP to generate enough interest so that this wouldn't be a problem anymore.

Well, that would be ideal. Maybe Broadsword might take that view as well to address the issues. That's a win/win for everyone.

16 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

Well, pal, you don't have to believe me, you can take a basic course in statistics to understand you do not need to have exact second by second numbers to spot trends in a population.

And since I play all servers and queue for group content on every server at that servers prime time (only choice for some of the EU servers unless you want to wait 30-40 minutes) I may have a better idea on which servers have population issues more than a player that doesn't play more than their one server.

Admittedly, I have no knowledge nor ever took a class in Statistics. Quite honestly, when numbers start exceeding 20, I'm kinda screwed, because that's when I run out of fingers and toes.

Well, from an impartial stand point, I really can't argue the logic that someone who plays on all 5 servers would be in a better position to gauge that than someone who only plays on one server, such as myself.

It's definitely fair to say that I have absolutely no first hand knowledge on the state of things on the other 4 servers.

I think I have less of an issue with the EU servers as there seems to be a lot more agreement on the forums on the state of things on them.

With SS, I see so many contradictory statements about the state of things over there that I don't know what to believe.

That being said, while my stance on the server merger thing with SS remains the same, if Bioware/Broadsword say that they have to merge the servers because of population issues that are untenable, I might not like it, but I'm not gonna argue against it. They have the true numbers, and if they say it's necessary, than it's necessary.


Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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15 hours ago, krackcommando said:

gonna try this again (forgetting about cloud/aws). sharing queues without sharing instances just segments the population. you cannot just do x-server queues. you'd have to create an LFG queue like the clusterbleep that exists in WoW

Can you explain in a bit more detail what you mean by segments the population?

The reason I ask is, if the Servers are virtual instances on the same hardware, there is nothing overly technical about changing the code for the queue system to combine both servers into the one queue. 

The way you describe it isn’t the way they would do it or the way I’m describing it. I don’t actually understand your description enough because I’ve not been playing WoW for quite some time. 

My description of Cross server would fix population issues to do with group queues. Players wouldn’t even know the difference. Except that more people would be in the queue for faster pops & hopefully better matchmaking. Which would mean the Devs wouldn’t need to merge the servers due to reduced population on one or both servers. This would also 100% help the language servers in Europe as well. There is no downside to cross server. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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9 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

But, if it's a toss up between you and Trixxie, I'm definitely going with Trixxie. I've actually played PVP with her in game and Trixxie is one of the most hardcore, well informed and experienced PVP players in the entire game and I'd bet the bank that she has a ton more play time in PVP than you do, than most people do.

you are aware that she hasn't played the game in months? her only knowledge of the queue on SF is second hand at best.

I started play during the last week of s1 7.2. here are my stats across the 4 toons (I think at least one got reset with s2, but that's only ~ 3 weeks?):

toon 1: 302 WZs; 1002 arenas

toon 2: 324 WZs; 750 arenas

toon 3: 183 WZs; 415 arenas

toon 4 (only mids): 3 WZs; 3 arenas

if you're having trouble keeping track, that's 812 WZs and 2,170 arenas.

you go ahead and look at your stats, ask your "friends" and ask trix...who has more time in 7.2. who would have a better idea about the overall situation. someone who has played ~3k matches since the PVP changes, someone who has played ZERO matches in that time, or someone who plays only limited time and many fewer matches.

I'm not top tier blowing players away. I have exactly 1 gold "flair" and that was from the joke of s1. I have a handful of silver and bronze flairs. I'm not a elitist who 1v4 everyone cackling all the way. but I'm also not some shmuck who dabbles in pvp for 10 matches, doesn't know the intricacies of the maps/specs, and declares hax! or premades! when I get wiped.

whether you believe me or not is laughable (to me) but typical of the tools who rage about premades if they lose an arena to a 2m team. I just smirk b/c it's the same 2m team that I just beat the match before and will haven beaten again in the following match. but you go on believing w/e you want to believe.

as for your other drivel...

On 7/16/2023 at 11:05 PM, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

The answer to that problem, however, in my opinion, isn't solved by merging servers, because there are plenty of people, as I know you know, over in the PVP forums, on Star Forge that complain about that situation.

Some may disagree with  me on this, as some agree with me on this, there should be separate queces for premades and solo quecers. That solves that problem on all the servers.

^ppl complain to you somehow makes it so. you realize incredibly bad and uniformed players jump to the forum and decry pvp as broken when the queue up with no clue what they're doing. then you have other like trix who don't even play and do so on philosophical grounds...not because the game play is worse in practical terms, but for the very possibility of having premades against pugs, regardless of how often (i.e., little) that actually occurs in practice. let alone how little premades actually dominate.

now I grant you that WZs are a complete and utter mess, and there are more premades in WZs. there's a reason I have so many more matches in arenas. but the imbecilic comsmetic chasers who flock to WZs during the season are actually more frustrating on a regular basis than the premades (there's normally another premade on the other side), and there are only a few premades who actually go overboard with 5-7 players. but no. you go ahead and believe w/e the heck you want.

it's cite btw. and what's a queces. no. don't answer. we're done here.

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2 hours ago, krackcommando said:

toon 1: 302 WZs; 1002 arenas

toon 2: 324 WZs; 750 arenas

toon 3: 183 WZs; 415 arenas

toon 4 (only mids): 3 WZs; 3 arenas

How much do you play a day? That many warzones and areans is a massive amount of play time just by themselves (even at 5 minutes each that is over 10 hrs a day every day) much less any wait times there might be. Doesn't leave much time for anything else.

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56 minutes ago, DWho said:

How much do you play a day? That many warzones and areans is a massive amount of play time just by themselves (even at 5 minutes each that is over 10 hrs a day every day) much less any wait times there might be. Doesn't leave much time for anything else.

well...I did sprain(?) my elbow a couple weeks ago and have been unable to play, using the mouse in my off hand the past week+, as I lamented in another thread. 😄

and fwiw, WZs really are a complete mess. first of all, OPG, Quesh, and Vandin exist. that's reason enough not to queue. but then there's the fact that (literally!) 70% of every player in any given WZ either doesn't know how to play or does know but completely ignores the win conditions. I mean...look at cease's last 8 uploads: it's just TDM upon TDM. even joking about the guys who play to win in the description:






You've got ppl trying to farm nodes in AHG while the other team is pegging your teammates off 1, 2, 3, 4 at mid for every 1 orb you manage to carry back to the pylon. even the fools trying to win don't know what they're doing. that's not a premade issue. that's a "this game abandoned WZs 5 xpacs ago" issue. WZs are completely meaningless. the only ppl who care are the ones trying to complete quests, which are usually the ppl who don't even know how to pvp (popping reflect as they run into the fight, for example). WZs are just a disaster at this point. I have so many arenas, not because they pop faster (they don't), but because as soon as I got enough resources to fully gear myself through pvp, I stopped queuing WZs.

on the other hand, I regularly see complete dolts start whining about premades (in both WZs and arenas) where I know who is on the other side. and I know they aren't even a premade, it's just horrible MM (happens a lot in arenas); or I literally just won a match against that same premade b/c they aren't this big "game changing" grp of ppl. I don't need 2 random gold flair teammates to kill beat them. now there are occasional premades that will win every game. they don't ruin the queue. I don't see them every match. usually it's 2 in a row at most. between seasons, when the queue is dead, you might see them 5x in a row. that's because the season's over with and nobody's in queue. not b/c there's a premade there. I guarantee today's queue is back to once in a while. usually when there's a premade on one side, there's one on the other side anyway. but again, I avoid WZs. they're a lost cause. in arenas, premades have very little effect and they are rarely more than 2m. what ppl see on the forum is a bunch of fear mongering (on SF). as for DM and SS? hey. I don't speak for conditions there. But I'm certain a smaller population would make them more problematic.

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8 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Can you explain in a bit more detail what you mean by segments the population?

The reason I ask is, if the Servers are virtual instances on the same hardware, there is nothing overly technical about changing the code for the queue system to combine both servers into the one queue. 

The way you describe it isn’t the way they would do it or the way I’m describing it. I don’t actually understand your description enough because I’ve not been playing WoW for quite some time. 

My description of Cross server would fix population issues to do with group queues. Players wouldn’t even know the difference. Except that more people would be in the queue for faster pops & hopefully better matchmaking. Which would mean the Devs wouldn’t need to merge the servers due to reduced population on one or both servers. This would also 100% help the language servers in Europe as well. There is no downside to cross server. 

if you maintain separate servers, then you are segmenting the population. the fewer servers, the more instances but everyone can play together.

what I first said in response, not sure how well I articulated it, is that x-server is fine for things that you have to queue-up for. so i agree that it would be good for WZs/arenas/OPs/FPs. but creating more servers (e.g., APAC - which I'm for but just as an example) means fewer ppl on SS/SF in the planet instance to group up for OW or instanced (but still planet side?) content. I mention this b/c my SH on SF is on Ald, and I see ppl trying to pug WBs there and on fleet regularly. It's better for the game to have SS and SF merge for traditional pugging. you still have instance limits. but you're not shafting one population's spontaneous grp activity so the other server can...remain large but not..."too large"? so yeah. I'm not saying x-server would ever be a bad thing. I just don't think it fixes the fundamental problem of a low pop server.

WoW classic has the LFG tool that you could use for this and make the tool x-server, but it's an awful experience engendering a ton of player hate (admittedly on the forum, where ppl go to complain for all these games). it's basically a "create your own activity" tool. but it works out quite bad. it works a little better in retail (LFG actually applies to multiple servers), but the process of finding grps and the right categories/names/taxonomy and dealing with cherry-picking/carry grps is such that the whole thing is a bit of a disaster. it would be better and more organic to just pug a grp in gen chat or city/fleet. but that chat only hit your specific server.

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25 minutes ago, suabensss said:

We need Megaservers!!!!

No thankyou. I mainly play on SF, but I do play on SS at least 2-3 nights a week. I definitely do not need or even want a megaserver. 


SS population while definitely smaller is by no means dead, and honestly I don't want both SF and SS combined for multiple reasons.

1) I have over 120 characters between the 2 servers. If I want to make another toon and a merger or megaserver exists, I won't be able to make a new character unless I delete 50 characters or so.


2) There is such a thing as having to many people in the same zones. For example if you had 20 people all trying to do the same CZ quests at the same time it would become more of a pain to do them. And 20 isn't enough to make a 2nd instance.


3) Adds more Trolls to the server. I don't like dealing with them now, I don't need the trolls from both servers all on one server.


4) I don't want to have to put up with a queu just to get into game. I had that at launch and it was truly annoying. I don't want that nonsense 11+ years later.


5) As others have pointed out. Having 1 US server is a bad look for the game. Or 1 server for all 5 would be even worse. This is a US created game and if people see it only has 1 megaserver, or 1 US, and 1 EU server this game would most likely not last very much longer. People would abandon ship in a heartbeat. 5 (or 6 if they add the APAC server) servers feels just about right in my opinion. It keeps the regional area's as they should be, while showing the game is in a good place that people may still want to try it out



Edited by Toraak
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34 minutes ago, Toraak said:

2) There is such a thing as having to many people in the same zones. For example if you had 20 people all trying to do the same CZ quests at the same time it would become more of a pain to do them. And 20 isn't enough to make a 2nd instance.

This is a major problem that would need to be dealt with before server mergers can even be considered. The current instance counts are set way too high (they are about 100 on most planets) and planets with shared areas (like CZ) are particularly problematic because you may see a really low number of people on your "instance" but there could be a lot more of the enemy faction and everyone is going after the same mobs and objectives.

Most of the people commenting about instances don't understand that merging two servers with one instance each will almost never result in two instances (or more) on the merged server. Even with SFs greater population, the combined population will still be lower than the number required to open another instance and well above what the planetary area can reasonably sustain (this wasn't really a problem until conquest/GS and the "rampage" objectives which encouraged high level players (and guilds) to mow down mobs on low level planets for easy points - something that gets worse with more players in an instance). At least twice a week I come across guild groups of a dozen or more depopulating entire regions like a swarm of locusts (they aren't even interested in the loot, which results in longer respawn times because it extends the decay timers).

On most planets, the threshold for opening a new instance should not be more than 50 and on some small planets it should be no more than 25.

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18 minutes ago, DWho said:

This is a major problem that would need to be dealt with before server mergers can even be considered. The current instance counts are set way too high (they are about 100 on most planets) and planets with shared areas (like CZ) are particularly problematic because you may see a really low number of people on your "instance" but there could be a lot more of the enemy faction and everyone is going after the same mobs and objectives.

Most of the people commenting about instances don't understand that merging two servers with one instance each will almost never result in two instances (or more) on the merged server. Even with SFs greater population, the combined population will still be lower than the number required to open another instance and well above what the planetary area can reasonably sustain (this wasn't really a problem until conquest/GS and the "rampage" objectives which encouraged high level players (and guilds) to mow down mobs on low level planets for easy points - something that gets worse with more players in an instance). At least twice a week I come across guild groups of a dozen or more depopulating entire regions like a swarm of locusts (they aren't even interested in the loot, which results in longer respawn times because it extends the decay timers).

On most planets, the threshold for opening a new instance should not be more than 50 and on some small planets it should be no more than 25.

You merge servers for improved endgame play. Endgame content is what keeps the game alive, not merging servers so people can have a slightly easier time farming low level mobs is just incredibly stupid. 

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2 minutes ago, AwesomeTacoCat said:

You merge servers for improved endgame play. Endgame content is what keeps the game alive, not merging servers so people can have a slightly easier time farming low level mobs is just incredibly stupid. 

Except that doing the heroics and areas like CZ-198 are part of the endgame since BW put the currency needed for gear there.  So doing low level areas is required. 

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4 minutes ago, AwesomeTacoCat said:

You merge servers for improved endgame play. Endgame content is what keeps the game alive, not merging servers so people can have a slightly easier time farming low level mobs is just incredibly stupid. 

Focusing purely on endgame is what is stupid. End gamers leave through attrition and if you don't bring in new players, the game dies. Heavily crowded instances are what cause those new players to abandon the game (because they can't level their characters efficiently to get to end game levels) and the population falls and never recovers.

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59 minutes ago, AwesomeTacoCat said:

You merge servers for improved endgame play. Endgame content is what keeps the game alive, not merging servers so people can have a slightly easier time farming low level mobs is just incredibly stupid. 

have you seen "end game" in this game?

55 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

Except that doing the heroics and areas like CZ-198 are part of the endgame since BW put the currency needed for gear there.  So doing low level areas is required. 

^this. it really is a bunch of solos. and if this board is to be believed, a bunch of ppl who need help with solo "heroics" which is why it was "oh so evil!" of BW to cap the gear they could get doing only solo things.


53 minutes ago, DWho said:

Focusing purely on endgame is what is stupid. End gamers leave through attrition and if you don't bring in new players, the game dies. Heavily crowded instances are what cause those new players to abandon the game (because they can't level their characters efficiently to get to end game levels) and the population falls and never recovers.

not entirely certain what you're saying here. my leveling experience was mostly spent in character story instances that only myself and my companion could enter anyway. unless you level via group content, which by definition requires other ppl, so more the merrier?

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7 hours ago, krackcommando said:

you are aware that she hasn't played the game in months? her only knowledge of the queue on SF is second hand at best

I am fully aware of that, and I was speaking generally.

7 hours ago, krackcommando said:

you go ahead and look at your stats, ask your "friends" and ask trix...who has more time in 7.2. who would have a better idea about the overall situation. someone who has played ~3k matches since the PVP changes, someone who has played ZERO matches in that time, or someone who plays only limited time and many fewer matches.

I'm not top tier blowing players away. I have exactly 1 gold "flair" and that was from the joke of s1. I have a handful of silver and bronze flairs. I'm not a elitist who 1v4 everyone cackling all the way. but I'm also not some shmuck who dabbles in pvp for 10 matches, doesn't know the intricacies of the maps/specs, and declares hax! or premades! when I get wiped.

whether you believe me or not is laughable (to me) but typical of the tools who rage about premades if they lose an arena to a 2m team. I just smirk b/c it's the same 2m team that I just beat the match before and will haven beaten again in the following match. but you go on believing w/e you want to believe.

You're not getting it, my thoughts on 5+ Premades vs solo quecers has nothing to do with any time frame, it is a general stance. I'm against it, period. I see people on the forums talking about it all the time.

And your claims about having superior knowledge or your skills are meaningless to me. I don't care what you think, I care what I think. If you wanna think that everyone who complains about it are casuals, don't play a lot, or are just bad, go right the hell ahead. I don't care what you think. +5 Premades vs solos is BS.

So if people don't believe what you say, that somehow reflects that their position on 5+ Premades is objectively wrong.

Yeah, that's not how that works.

Mind you, and I've made this abundantly clear, I'm not talking just about premades, I'm talking about premades that have 5 to 8 people all in the premade. They wanna do it like they use to, max 4, okay fine. I'm only talking about premades that have 5 to 8 people.

If you don't like that I, and many others are against that, your spitting into the wind, I don't care what you think.

And, one more thing, you citing numbers and all your experience, are not evidence of anything. That's just you saying some stuff. If you think people should just assume everything you say is correct or are objective facts, than you haven't been paying attention to how the forums work.

Chances are your entire reasoning for trying to defend it is because you do it. That's what the reason is for most people that try and defend it. They like their little advantages over people. Makes them feel better about themselves.

You're fine with it, you think they should keep it that way, duly noted. You're entitled to your opinion and it's perfectly within the rules of the game.

I think it's BS. That's my opinion.

And dude, you talk about all your experience, you joined this game in 2022. It's 2023.

I've been playing this game for over 10 years, and there are tons of people talking about these issues, who have been playing even longer than I have, and Trixxie is one of them.

So if you wanna retort to that by saying "Well I had a different account than this one and something happened to it..." yada yada yada, go for it, maybe someone will believe you.



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11 hours ago, AwesomeTacoCat said:

You merge servers for improved endgame play. Endgame content is what keeps the game alive, not merging servers so people can have a slightly easier time farming low level mobs is just incredibly stupid. 

Probably 80-85% of the people that play this game are casuals, who do story and play solo.

Endgame content is not what keeps this game alive, if it was, they wouldn't wait years in between introducing new Operations.

And just for the record, I'm solely an end game player.

Merging servers when it isn't necessary would be incredibly stupid.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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58 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

And dude, you talk about all your experience, you joined this game in 2022. It's 2023.

😄 (forum account)

58 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

ou're not getting it, my thoughts on 5+ Premades vs solo quecers has nothing to do with any time frame, it is a general stance. I'm against it, period. I see people on the forums talking about it all the time.

And your claims about having superior knowledge or your skills are meaningless to me. I don't care what you think, I care what I think. If you wanna think that everyone who complains about it are casuals, don't play a lot, or are just bad, go right the hell ahead. I don't care what you think. +5 Premades vs solos is BS.

So if people don't believe what you say, that somehow reflects that their position on 5+ Premades is objectively wrong.

Yeah, that's not how that works.

Mind you, and I've made this abundantly clear, I'm not talking just about premades, I'm talking about premades that have 5 to 8 people all in the premade. They wanna do it like they use to, max 4, okay fine. I'm only talking about premades that have 5 to 8 people.

If you don't like that I, and many others are against that, your spitting into the wind, I don't care what you think.

so dense. you have no idea what my stance is on 7.2 groups. but since you clearly haven't been in the pvp forums (and feel free to ask your goddess trixxie to verify this) I thought allowing larger groups was insane. insane. that's the exact word I used. fyi: I created this account to come back and comment on the hilarity/stupidity of the 7.2 revamp that was supposed to "make pvp great again."


58 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

And, one more thing, you citing numbers and all your experience, are not evidence of anything. That's just you saying some stuff. If you think people should just assume everything you say is correct or are objective facts, than you haven't been paying attention to how the forums work.

Chances are your entire reasoning for trying to defend it is because you do it. That's what the reason is for most people that try and defend it. They like their little advantages over people. Makes them feel better about themselves.

You're fine with it, you think they should keep it that way, duly noted. You're entitled to your opinion and it's perfectly within the rules of the game.

I think it's BS. That's my opinion.

😄 wow. talking to you is like talking to the bots who jump into a match and start screaming "get orbs" and "stupid premades ruin the game" when there isn't even a premade on the map. I haven't grp'd up with a single person since coming back. but it's not convenient for you to believe me, so I must be lying. here...

some randomly recorded games when I can be bothered to record/render: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYn_fZNjAooZWgew4t55gvA

I suppose you want screenies to prove my numbers too? ok. hold on....


now I'm sure you'll run down a list of "can't prove this," "I'm lying to you that" nonsense b/c this is the interwebs and there's obviously no 100% foolproof way to verify everything with absolute certainty. or...you know....I'm telling you the truth.

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1 hour ago, krackcommando said:

but since you clearly haven't been in the pvp forums

How's your arm doing?

1 hour ago, krackcommando said:

fyi: I created this account to come back and comment on the hilarity/stupidity of the 7.2 revamp that was supposed to "make pvp great again."

You don't say...

1 hour ago, krackcommando said:

I haven't grp'd up with a single person since coming back. but it's not convenient for you to believe me, so I must be lying. here...

You're quite the narcissist. I don't care what you do or who or who you don't do it with.

Maybe that's true, or maybe it isn't. Doesn't change my stance.

1 hour ago, krackcommando said:

some randomly recorded games when I can be bothered to record/render: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYn_fZNjAooZWgew4t55gvA

Wow. A whole whopping 5 hours. I have no idea why you bothered to show me this.

And ummm, who's Cheese?

1 hour ago, krackcommando said:

I suppose you want screenies to prove my numbers too? ok. hold on....


Dead link.

1 hour ago, krackcommando said:

now I'm sure you'll run down a list of "can't prove this," "I'm lying to you that" nonsense b/c this is the interwebs and there's obviously no 100% foolproof way to verify everything with absolute certainty. or...you know....I'm telling you the truth.

I have no idea if anything you say is or isn't true. Calling you a liar wasn't what I was doing, what I was saying was, you just saying some stuff doesn't necessarily make it true.

Maybe you are telling the truth, maybe you aren't, but given the tenor of our dealings with each other, not much reason to simply take your word for it, or have my opinion altered because of some dude on the internet I'm arguing with some said I'm wrong.

I'm not trying to change your mind about 5+ premades. Your okay with it, than your okay with it.

But you regaling however much experience you may or may not have, or what that consists of, isn't going to change my mind.

I think we're kinda done with this subject, no?

This is supposed to be about servers, I fail to see how any of this has anything to do with free server transfers or whether or not servers should or shouldn't be merged.

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Reasons listed in this thread why people don't want a server merges

1) I don't want to lose my character name

2) I don't want to encounter other people while playing an MMO and hate waiting 30 seconds for the mission item to respawn and refuse to drop down to a PvP instance which is always empty or the less populated instance (multiple instances actually exist on Star Forge).

3) I currently have 125 character slots with 5 servers. If we merge servers I will lose access to 25 character slots per server merged and if multiple servers I play merge I'll have more than 25 characters on one server and 25 characters is my character limit!! Even though I can play all my characters after a merge, I will have to delete characters to make new ones or buy character slots!

The only valid reason I can think of to be against a server merge is that SWTORs population is volatile. Satele Shan can go from not even having 100 people on fleet during prime time on Friday to Sunday to having 3 plus instances full in December. Even though Satele Shan is third or fouth in lowest server for population, it maybe too many people during peak season (December) to combine it with another server.

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55 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Dead link.

hmm. says it violates imagur terms of service. they're just screen caps standing in my sh of my pvp boxes. 🤔

this has me intrigued.

55 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

you just saying some stuff doesn't necessarily make it true.

Maybe you are telling the truth, maybe you aren't, but given the tenor of our dealings with each other, not much reason to simply take your word for it, or have my opinion altered because of some dude on the internet I'm arguing with some said I'm wrong.


no. but my extensive experience puts me in better position than most to judge how often large grps even appear in the queue of a solo player. and the extent to which smaller grps affect the outcome of matches. I daresay there are few if any with as little a life as myself who sit in the queue all the time and thus  have a greater grasp of the queue. but if there are, they are certainly a small circle...on SF.

and this came up in relation to server transfers and mergers because "premades killing queue" is a popular topic for why queues are (supposedly) bad, and low population queues is a major driver for merger discussion (or free transfers). :)


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35 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

The only real reason to be against a server merge is that SWTORs population is volatile. Satele Shan can go from not even having 100 people on fleet during prime time on Friday to Sunday to having 3 plus instances full in December. Even though Satele Shan is third or fouth in lowest server for population, it maybe too many people during peak season (December) to combine it with another server.

honestly, the free transfers that the OP proposed would be the best solution. but why do that when you can charge $$$/CM for it and then merge later when SS becomes completely unplayable? 😃

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