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New Species, New Class?


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I wanna be a Jawa. :] 

I think really though there is an untapped potential here as far as class expansions go and new characters and lore. I really think we could do something big with this. Plus they are super freakin cute!! Dare I say that the class would be a crafting and tech powerhouse? The skills that would be available to them with how naturally skilled they are. The possibilities are literally endless with this.

Edited by lEziol
reorganized and relinked the concept art properly + redesignation
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25 minutes ago, TonyTricicolo said:

Races- Asian, African, etc

Species- Human, Zabrak, Twilek etc

What you want are new species lol!

Lol thank you my brain went burr cause I see them all as a single race-style LOL I'll edit it if I can

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  • lEziol changed the title to New Species, New Class?
57 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

I'm definitely in favor of expanding the game to include classic Star Wars features.

I'd love to say some of the classic races added.

Wookies, Rodians, Ithorians, Jawa, etc.

Precisely !!! It doesn't just stop at Jawas! The models for Jawas and Wookies and Sand People are already in the game and I believe we can use that as a base to introduce new species as playable characters.

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49 minutes ago, jedimasterjac said:

I was anti-wookie until I started a wookie bounty hunter in SWG Legends


Give me all the Wookiee

I demand Kashyyyk as a doable planet and with it's own stronghold. Kashyyyk is too beautiful of a planet to pass it up. It NEEDS to be in this game. 

To my understanding Kashyyyk has it's own star system so there could be an entire storyline behind that as an update.

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Unfortunately considering current affairs I doubt we'll get a new species or class, which is sad because one of the things I genuinely liked about LOTS was that the class overhaul allowed for new classes to be added.

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58 minutes ago, lEziol said:

I mean don't they have that already with the vibro users?

Which vibro users are those?  Snipers use a Vibroknife offhand, but there's no way in any kind of hell that I'd call them a melee class.  Scoundrels are a gun-melee class, but I wouldn't call them a "vibro user".

When people (including me) talk about a "proper" tech melee combat style, they mean sword or staff users who are not Force users, using Techblades or Techstaffs as main-hand weapons.

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dual bladed and vibrostaff plus wrist weapons like mini rockets, mini bombs, flamethrower or vibrowaves are all we need from these "new classes".  Just replace the custom force animation ( Jedi and Sith ) with the explosion and fire animation that the NPC already using ( soldiers, mandalorians, droids ... ), all this can be put on the basis of ready-made classes in the game and you don’t need to invent anything new,  just replace the animation.  You don't even need to invent a new story for this, just link these new classes to the already existing ones, like Baunty hunter and trooper for example... what's the problem?  What balance is the issue?  the only problem is that no one wants to put effort into it.

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1 hour ago, Ro_Renko said:

dual bladed and vibrostaff plus wrist weapons like mini rockets, mini bombs, flamethrower or vibrowaves are all we need from these "new classes".  Just replace the custom force animation ( Jedi and Sith ) with the explosion and fire animation that the NPC already using ( soldiers, mandalorians, droids ... ), all this can be put on the basis of ready-made classes in the game and you don’t need to invent anything new,  just replace the animation.  You don't even need to invent a new story for this, just link these new classes to the already existing ones, like Baunty hunter and trooper for example... what's the problem?  What balance is the issue?  the only problem is that no one wants to put effort into it.

Quite honestly I don't see a Bounty Hunter or a Soldier that uses a double melee weapon.

How's a Bounty Hunter suppose to go after people who will be shooting at him with a melee weapon.

Or a Soldier getting shot at by enemies and he doesn't even use a ranged weapon.

A Republic Trooper using a melee weapon would be beyond silly if you ask me.

More to the point, This string is about new classes, not new combat styles.

I get there are some peeps who would like to play a non-Force using melee class, I just don't see using these pre-existing classes to do it.

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2 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

More to the point, This string is about new classes, not new combat styles.

Except that it is no longer remotely clear what "class" means in the context of SWTOR.  Some folks use it to mean "combat style", while others use it to mean "origin story".  It doesn't seem to be a good fit as a synonym for either, except that the concept called "class" in other MMORPGs corresponds best to "combat style".

2 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

I get there are some peeps who would like to play a non-Force using melee class, I just don't see using these pre-existing classes to do it.

And this sentence is a perfect example of that ambiguity, where you use "class" to mean "combat style" just before the comma, and "origin story"  near the end.

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45 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

Except that it is no longer remotely clear what "class" means in the context of SWTOR.  Some folks use it to mean "combat style", while others use it to mean "origin story".  It doesn't seem to be a good fit as a synonym for either, except that the concept called "class" in other MMORPGs corresponds best to "combat style".

Yeah, this is a good point. Because you play an Operative that's doing the Bounty Hunter origin story, as you can play a Smuggler doing the Trooper origin story.

I've never been a big fan of the combat styles for this very reason. It blurs the lines of classes.

I know I'm the odd man out on that and most people enjoy these freedom of combat styles to mix things up and add some flavor to an experience that many players have done over and over again over the years. In that sense I suppose it is a good thing if it makes players happy, but it's just not in keeping with my sense of RPGs.

I like definitive classes and separations based on them.

I agree with you, it isn't clear what class means in the context of SWTOR anymore.

In the case of force users it doesn't seem to be quite as weird in mixing them up, save when it's like a Jedi doing a Sith story line. That irks me some.

But like a Sith Inquisitor doing the Sith Warrior storyline or vice versa, that doesn't seem so weird.

I prefer it the old way, but that's just a personal opinion.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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10 hours ago, Ro_Renko said:

dual bladed and vibrostaff plus wrist weapons like mini rockets, mini bombs, flamethrower or vibrowaves are all we need from these "new classes".  Just replace the custom force animation ( Jedi and Sith ) with the explosion and fire animation that the NPC already using ( soldiers, mandalorians, droids ... ), all this can be put on the basis of ready-made classes in the game and you don’t need to invent anything new,  just replace the animation.  You don't even need to invent a new story for this, just link these new classes to the already existing ones, like Baunty hunter and trooper for example... what's the problem?  What balance is the issue?  the only problem is that no one wants to put effort into it.

There are certain elements of cutscenes that are hard baked in that use either sword-types or gun-types. For this reason I believe any new class should be 80+ only (starting as the KotFE default). There could be some other issue you might know of, but I have not played any of the KotFE stuff.

Me personally, I don't care if the melee trooper pulls out an assault rifle or sidearm in a cutscene, but I know this will be brought up. Or, if they wield their swords like juggernaut or consular/inquisitor they could have sidearms guns incorporated into their abilities (like vibroblade/scatter gun offhand weapons.

The real issue is Bioware is likely to mess up all class cutscenes somehow in some unnecessary attempt to insert blades into ranged tech user cutscenes and somehow mess up all the original gun wielding combat style cutscenes. If not all class cutscenes across the board. And then never fix the bug. So I'm very weary of them making any big changes.


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I like the idea of addition of Wookie and Jawa.   (IMO the Jawa could potentially be one of the least suspect of packing heavy weapons).  You could have some genuine fun with that.  AND ...let's face it ... some of the most humorous moments ( and best in combat situations)  in the SW genre has been watching what a Wookie can and WILL do in a good fight!

To OP .. I loved the sketches!

New class??  Kind of a different animal there!  You could add a new race / character a bit easier IMO.  (If any of this were actually possible...  Frankly I a bit skeptical).

Hmmm  I wonder where we can find an equally detailed outline on a new class??

[/grins sheepishly]


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5 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

I know where we could.  :classic_wink:

Ya know .. there was a time when I would have not applauded OP but would have also believed it to be well within the realm of possibility and (maybe) even expectation.  

Now ... I'm not so sure!

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23 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Quite honestly I don't see a Bounty Hunter or a Soldier that uses a double melee weapon.

How's a Bounty Hunter suppose to go after people who will be shooting at him with a melee weapon.

Or a Soldier getting shot at by enemies and he doesn't even use a ranged weapon.

A Republic Trooper using a melee weapon would be beyond silly if you ask me.

More to the point, This string is about new classes, not new combat styles.

I get there are some peeps who would like to play a non-Force using melee class, I just don't see using these pre-existing classes to do it.

How mandalorians in Mandalorian TVshow use their weapons, or how operative or bounty hunter use middle range battle in the game? What do you not understand? All that things is animation and no more. It seems like you do not understand simple things.

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15 hours ago, Ro_Renko said:

How mandalorians in Mandalorian TVshow use their weapons, or how operative or bounty hunter use middle range battle in the game? What do you not understand? All that things is animation and no more. It seems like you do not understand simple things.

Seems like the notion of those concepts are stupid as hell.

I don't recall the Mandalorian elusively using a melee weapon in every episode. And I hate to burst anyone's bubble but the Dark Saber isn't a vibro or tech anything. It's a one of a kind Lightsaber and it was created by George Lucas.

Could they make the animations? Of course they could. My issue isn't with it's feasibility, it's with the concepts.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion on this, but so am I.

I'm sorry, but a Bounty Hunter or a Republic Trooper running around with a melee weapon as their main weapon in Star Wars (errr kinda) is beyond stupid in my opinion.

I wouldn't sweat it though, no one at Bioware or Broadsword has asked me my opinion on anything.

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I would cheerfully pay to open up Voss, Wookiees and Devaronians as player-character races.  Also, I'd like to see a LOT more skin color option on "humans," since I'm pretty sure I've seen a lot of colors in various Star Wars entertainment that wasn't in the "Earth Human" spectrum. One I recall most recently was in "Andor," where there was a ship full of dead humanoids with various shades of yellow/green/orange skin.

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