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hey EA: it's time to attract the 'masses' and let BioWare intro 2 new CLASSES!


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14 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Baring in mind that Nee is stating that it is new classes that would garner greater interest in the game and not necessarily just the ones that he is proposing (Star Fighter class, which I personally think is extremely fitting to the genre and is a core concept in classic Star Wars and I don't even play GSF or care about it at all. It should go without saying that if that could work it would have to be more than just skill in fighting in space battles.)

i really need to rewrite my OP  lol  ... Okay so, i named the 2 new Classes ( my version )  those 2  Space themed named, yes , but i also said i wanted them to be  combo of Crafter/Combatant .  As in,  space combat AND ground combat, providing a sort of hybrid psuedo-Class , to augment the original 8.

Again, i probably should've elaborated/explained it better in my OP, but my enthusiasm mixed with my being so naive  to any initial pushback  blinded me.

17 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

I personally can't find any error in that logic.

Phew,  little by little my faith in SW fans/gamers is being restored. :ph_thank_you:

19 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

That said, the likelihood of them ever introducing a new class at all is next to nil.

See my sig below?  ( hint:  Han Solo quote )

19 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

As far as a third faction goes, while I do like the Hutts, a third faction isn't a good idea for this game. I'm not in favor of cross faction/crossing factions/ or taking people out of the quece pool for the 2 factions we do have.

That's a fair point.   But i guess i just figured the 'HUTTS' would be the most logical and smoothest to incorporate.

20 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

If this game want's to have any feel of Star Wars, it needs the Pubs. vs. Imps. When that was taken away for those few years during the Eternal whateverthehell story line people left in droves.

Another fair point.    Even though tbqh i personally really enjoyed---and still enjoy---those KOTFE/KOTET  chapters.  ( At the very least, they were bold attempt by BioWare to actually do SOMETHING significant ) .

Anyways, i've run out of click-reactions today but i  liked your post alltogether yep. :csw_vadertie:

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15 minutes ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

I'm open to the idea of there being new Classes added, but I don't get the appeal of the new ones Nee is offering. 

Starfighter classes don't make sense from a fundamental POV for SWTOR. Like what is their class story?

Is it literally just playing Starfighter missions?

ugh no no no , i realize my OP wasn't  all that great but i'm still confused as to why so many people  are interpreting  the 2 examples i offered as strictly confined to only Space.

i said  2 new Space themed  Class 'names' , yes, but that was only because they felt  like the most Star-Warsy  i could think of.   Plus, i was purposely trying to avoid  any mispresumption that i expected BioWare to  re-record an entirely new origin story/dialog/voice ( twice for both Factions ) all over again.

When i said, in my OP,  "Crafter/Combatant"  i meant so like  it would give BioWare a chance to finally revamp Crafting better  while still keeping  ground combat too ( of course ) .  But just with a Space theme name/titles , since pilots do have to LAND eventually! :cool:

*But if anyone has a better idea for 2 new Classes/names, go for it.   I just offered my 2 that came into my head while typing.  The main purpose of this thread was the general overall  thesis/message  which also seems to work for ESO and every other MMO:  New fresh Classes to play = more players interested in coming back to SWTOR ( potentially and probably ) = more money$ for EA. :sy_auction:

Edited by Nee-Elder
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44 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

i really need to rewrite my OP  lol  ... Okay so, i named the 2 new Classes ( my version )  those 2  Space themed named, yes , but i also said i wanted them to be  combo of Crafter/Combatant .  As in,  space combat AND ground combat, providing a sort of hybrid psuedo-Class , to augment the original 8.

Again, i probably should've elaborated/explained it better in my OP, but my enthusiasm mixed with my being so naive  to any initial pushback  blinded me.

Phew,  little by little my faith in SW fans/gamers is being restored. :ph_thank_you:

See my sig below?  ( hint:  Han Solo quote )

That's a fair point.   But i guess i just figured the 'HUTTS' would be the most logical and smoothest to incorporate.

Another fair point.    Even though tbqh i personally really enjoyed---and still enjoy---those KOTFE/KOTET  chapters.  ( At the very least, they were bold attempt by BioWare to actually do SOMETHING significant ) .

Anyways, i've run out of click-reactions today but i  liked your post alltogether yep. :csw_vadertie:

I really didn't find any fault on your post yo. A lot of times on the forums peeps are just daydreaming outloud and sharing their ideas.

I'm a big proponent for new classes and new races to play.  But, I'm also a realist, and I don't have much faith in that ever happening.

In another string we were also talking about new classes and someone else put the idea of a Star Fighter class. Honestly, just from a story point of view, that's extremely fitting for a Star Wars game, it's very classic archetype that we see repeatedly in both the OT and PT and even in Lucas' Clone Wars series. I definitely like the idea, I just don't know how useful it would be in day to day game play. So you would really need to have some sort of fitting aspect that would make sense with the archetype that would be useful in say PVP and Raiding. Maybe something like, they have to know a lot about engineering to try and fix their star fighter if their droid gets frazzled and from that and some other things, they learn how to make ad hoc shield systems or defense systems, and they've learned ways to ad hoc them in the field and so they can make mini generators or defense systems that could than be used in group content to aid the group. Just as an example off the top of my head.

I know you weren't saying "I'm only proposing this specific class idea", but rather just using that as an example for the idea of introducing new classes. Your example is a lot better than a Senator class I've seen being proposed!

I dig the Hutt thing, and if they ever did make a 3rd faction, which as I said I'm not in favor due to the logistics of the game, a Hutt faction would be very cool.

The  KOTFE/KOTET chapters were very well done in terms of design and story formation, I just didn't like the premise. Jedi and Republic Troopers who couldn't serve the Republic?Sith who couldn't serve the Sith Empire?Jedi and Sith, Darksiders and Lightsiders working together?

Just didn't work for me, I'm too much of an old school Star Wars fan. But, it was very well executed and I would love to see them use the same design and style in other story lines. I also don't find fault in anyone liking that story line. There's no accounting for taste and everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

I don't see this game as real Star Wars. Star Wars esque, okay, but it's not George Lucas's Star Wars. But, it's all we got so I just try and make the best of it.

I'm in favor of your way of thinking in how to expand the game. I think making new additions to the game (classes and races) would be the best way of building the game up. But, unfortunately, I just don't see how it would be possible given their lack of resources and how BW runs the game.

So a lot of the time when I talk in these conversations, it's more like "what if", as if money or logistics wasn't an issue. I also don't see the harm in proposing ideas. No harm in asking.

While introducing new combat styles may be a more realistic and plausible way of doing it, I also see it as much less fufilling way of going about it and really wouldn't add all that much difference to the overall game. Your still just doing the same old content over again.

So if we're making wishlists here, a new class should come with a new vanilla story line. Never happen under the current conditions, I know that, but, if they're investing in 64 bit, and new cloud servers, that takes money, so maybe if EA is willing to dish out some more money in the future for updating the game (which 64 bit and cloud servers most certainly is updating the game) maybe they might consider updating the game and investing in a real, full blown new class.

I'm not a big fan of daydreaming with limitations. If you're gonna dream, dream big. :cool:

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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No way BW is making new Origin Story. They can barely put out an expansion with barely one hour long linear story content.

Better hope for new Combat Styles. At least it's more realistic and is able to attract/sustain interest of retired/present players.

We saw non-Force-users wield a lightsaber and Force-users wield a blaster in Jedi: Survivor. I don't mind seeing melee tech user (people have asked for it iirc) and blaster/lightsaber force user (might be "lore breaking" to some but it could add some fun RP flavors when making a new character) being introduced as new combat styles.

PS: pls let us change our "2nd" combat style. Even if it costs CC.

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While I'm not entirely against adding new classes, I'm not all for it either. You compare it to ESO, but even with its added classes it has a grand total of 7 classes, versus swtor's 8 classes (not counting mirrors). And when push comes to shove with all the generic skill lines you pick up, many classes will feel very samey in ESO when built to do a specific thing. Meanwhile swtor classes are much more distinct, and more numerous.

Would it be cool (especially for existing players) to have new classes to play around with? For sure. Will it attract a bunch of new players? I doubt it, with swtor's 8 advanced classes each with 3 combat styles, there's plenty to explore for new players.

I'd rather they'd focus on more story and group content than making additional classes. I think a paid expansion delivering a solid story (about Makeb-length for instance) introducing one or two operations and a couple flashpoints would be a great investment. But I think they're content making their money of the cartel market and providing minimal (though free) expansions to try and keep some interest.

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3 hours ago, eabevella said:

No way BW is making new Origin Story. They can barely put out an expansion with barely one hour long linear story content.

Better hope for new Combat Styles. At least it's more realistic and is able to attract/sustain interest of retired/present players.

We saw non-Force-users wield a lightsaber and Force-users wield a blaster in Jedi: Survivor. I don't mind seeing melee tech user (people have asked for it iirc) and blaster/lightsaber force user (might be "lore breaking" to some but it could add some fun RP flavors when making a new character) being introduced as new combat styles.

PS: pls let us change our "2nd" combat style. Even if it costs CC.

Can't really argue that logic either. I know under current conditions there's no chance of getting a new origin story.

A new combat style is definately more realistic, but I don't think we'll even get that and here's why.

You make a new combat style. That has to be attached to an already existing class. You make one or two new combat styles that means one or two classes get 4 options while all the other classes are still stuck with only 3.

Than peeps are gonna come on the forums, just like with class balance, and start accusing the devs of playing favorites with the classes. Peeps will Biotch and moan that their class only gets three choices but the other class gets 4.

And if it's a Force using class, peeps will say, the game favors Force users, and if it's a tech class, than other peeps will say Force using classes should be the ones with the extra style to reflect different force traditions that are already in the game (like Voss).

One class gets 4 choices, and everyone else just gets three. So that comes with it's own in built problem.

Non-Force using classes using Lightsabers in combat. Than that deminishes Force users and makes them less special. Just my opinion, but the less Disney Star Wars we have in this game, the better.

I mean, I'd be okay with melee tech user class, but non force users with Lightsabers, that's not something I personally would like to see in the game. But again, just my opinion. That's all.

That they haven't made something in the Cartel Store that let's people change their 2nd combat style is mind boggling. I'd think that a no-brainer.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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41 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Can't really argue that logic either. I know under current conditions there's no chance of getting a new origin story.

A new combat style is definately more realistic, but I don't think we'll even get that and here's why.

You make a new combat style. That has to be attached to an already existing class. You make one or two new combat styles that means one or two classes get 4 options while all the other classes are still stuck with only 3.

Than peeps are gonna come on the forums, just like with class balance, and start accusing the devs of playing favorites with the classes. Peeps will Biotch and moan that their class only gets three choices but the other class gets 4.

And if it's a Force using class, peeps will say, the game favors Force users, and if it's a tech class, than other peeps will say Force using classes should be the ones with the extra style to reflect different force traditions that are already in the game (like Voss).

One class gets 4 choices, and everyone else just gets three. So that comes with it's own in built problem.

Non-Force using classes using Lightsabers in combat. Than that deminishes Force users and makes them less special. Just my opinion, but the less Disney Star Wars we have in this game, the better.

I mean, I'd be okay with melee tech user class, but non force users with Lightsabers, that's not something I personally would like to see in the game. But again, just my opinion. That's all.

That they haven't made something in the Cartel Store that let's people change their 2nd combat style is mind boggling. I'd think that a no-brainer.

They could solve this issue by making a "lightsaber + Force abilities + blaster" CS for Force Users (kinda similar to what Luke, Kanan, Ezra and Cal can do), and the equivalent "melee weapon like vibroswords or something like that + other gadgets + blaster" for NFU characters (so a bit like Din when he had the Beskar Spear that he could use alongside his blaster and other grenades and the likes, or like Boba with his gaffi stick), so where FU would use their lightsaber, the NFU would use another non lightsaber melee weapon, where FU would use the Force, NFU would use things like grenades, and both would also use a blaster.

Edited by Goreshaga
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I like BOTH of your last two responses ... (although I disagree with a couple points) 
** I like the idea of two new classes (just not really expecting it any time in this lifetime.  Also ... not the teams fault.  No funding for such an undertaking).
** The Hutt faction ???  UGH !  As much as I personally might not care for the Hutts .. that might work as a counterbalance to the alliance  (maybe?).  Sooo ...  to the OP if that's something you really like then don't give up on the idea.  Work it!  Expand the idea!  Heck I went through several weeks of detailed stuff a couple years ago hammering out stuff for another class (one in each side:  Republic / Empire).
** I also liked the repeatable chapters in KotFE / ET with the ability to change difficulty level! (IMO it was one of the better ideas).
** IMO the so-called  new combat styles is pretty much a bust.  Some like it... they cam be a Sith while still being a Jedi.  (IMO ... you're either one or the other.  If you're dark side ... then you're well ...  you've turned to the dark side..  that's being a Sith!)  Being able to use a super zapper instead of something else really does not add to the story.  There are NO new interactions .. nothing new!  NOTHING new is being communicated...  Nothing is added or changed.  Soo just being able to run through the same ol' stuff over and over again TO ME just doesn't really add anything NEW to the game.  (At least to me). 

Yeah ... Yeah.. Yeah .. I get it!  (Bracing for impact from others reading this.)  Heck I actually LOST points yesterday!!  ROFL .. like I really give a hoot about that!  

My own thoughts .. if we are talking about adding new stuff !  Then cool!  DO IT!  I REALLY like the idea of adding new class(es)!  Most other really good MMO game developers out there has done this!  So ... yeah it's long over due for SWTOR.  AND we all have to look at this idea as if WHAT if it were really POSSIBLE!  (Not from the perspective of the actual expectation based on the repeated historical practice).

And most importantly .. yeah I agree with you 100% .. if you're gonna dream .. then dream BIG !!!

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Personally I'm in agreement that a new Combat style or 2 wouldn't be a bad idea, however I'd avoid it being an actual class with the 1-50 story being built around that class. I say this not because that would be a bad idea, but because of the cost that would be involved in making that 1-50 story for those new classes.


I do think SiS agent, or Imperial trooper would be the better choices then doing a melee/ranged combo like what was suggested earlier with Saber in one hand, and blaster in the other. Combat style balance has been a mess for a long time, and making a mixed class like that would be horrible to properly balance. As someone that mainly GSF's most of my game time, I'd still avoid the space combat styles listed in the original post.


My only real concern about adding any new classes is the combat style balance for PvP/PvE,

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5 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

ugh no no no , i realize my OP wasn't  all that great but i'm still confused as to why so many people  are interpreting  the 2 examples i offered as strictly confined to only Space.

i said  2 new Space themed  Class 'names' , yes, but that was only because they felt  like the most Star-Warsy  i could think of.   Plus, i was purposely trying to avoid  any mispresumption that i expected BioWare to  re-record an entirely new origin story/dialog/voice ( twice for both Factions ) all over again.

When i said, in my OP,  "Crafter/Combatant"  i meant so like  it would give BioWare a chance to finally revamp Crafting better  while still keeping  ground combat too ( of course ) .  But just with a Space theme name/titles , since pilots do have to LAND eventually! :cool:

*But if anyone has a better idea for 2 new Classes/names, go for it.   I just offered my 2 that came into my head while typing.  The main purpose of this thread was the general overall  thesis/message  which also seems to work for ESO and every other MMO:  New fresh Classes to play = more players interested in coming back to SWTOR ( potentially and probably ) = more money$ for EA. :sy_auction:

Continue to expand on your idea!

AND for whatever it's worth I'm guessing that EA would prefer to ignore the money (and it's player base) ... and return to simply doing what they have always done:  One and done games!  Heck they even lost the license to some of their favored sports games.  No surprise there as buggy as a couple of them were  (That's just my opinion).

That said: keep on adding to your idea!

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1 hour ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

That they haven't made something in the Cartel Store that let's people change their 2nd combat style is mind boggling. I'd think that a no-brainer.

I don’t think it’s due to them not wanting to offer it.  Remember, originally when they announced LotS, we were supposed to be able to change our primary style when we chose our secondary one.  They had to drop that due to technical issues.  I’m betting that those issues still exist and prevents them from offering tokens to be able to change them. 

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1 hour ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Can't really argue that logic either. I know under current conditions there's no chance of getting a new origin story.

A new combat style is definately more realistic, but I don't think we'll even get that and here's why.

You make a new combat style. That has to be attached to an already existing class. You make one or two new combat styles that means one or two classes get 4 options while all the other classes are still stuck with only 3.

Than peeps are gonna come on the forums, just like with class balance, and start accusing the devs of playing favorites with the classes. Peeps will Biotch and moan that their class only gets three choices but the other class gets 4.

And if it's a Force using class, peeps will say, the game favors Force users, and if it's a tech class, than other peeps will say Force using classes should be the ones with the extra style to reflect different force traditions that are already in the game (like Voss).

One class gets 4 choices, and everyone else just gets three. So that comes with it's own in built problem.

Non-Force using classes using Lightsabers in combat. Than that deminishes Force users and makes them less special. Just my opinion, but the less Disney Star Wars we have in this game, the better.

I mean, I'd be okay with melee tech user class, but non force users with Lightsabers, that's not something I personally would like to see in the game. But again, just my opinion. That's all.

That they haven't made something in the Cartel Store that let's people change their 2nd combat style is mind boggling. I'd think that a no-brainer.

Wasn't there a comic book where Boba Fett fought against Vader with a lightsaber? Or when Luke and co wielded them to escape Vader after the Death Star blew up? It wouldn't be that lore breaking, would it? It's a weapon just like a blaster, and like a blaster, takes time to wield proficiently.

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1 hour ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Can't really argue that logic either. I know under current conditions there's no chance of getting a new origin story.

A new combat style is definately more realistic, but I don't think we'll even get that and here's why.

You make a new combat style. That has to be attached to an already existing class. You make one or two new combat styles that means one or two classes get 4 options while all the other classes are still stuck with only 3.

Than peeps are gonna come on the forums, just like with class balance, and start accusing the devs of playing favorites with the classes. Peeps will Biotch and moan that their class only gets three choices but the other class gets 4.

And if it's a Force using class, peeps will say, the game favors Force users, and if it's a tech class, than other peeps will say Force using classes should be the ones with the extra style to reflect different force traditions that are already in the game (like Voss).

One class gets 4 choices, and everyone else just gets three. So that comes with it's own in built problem.

Non-Force using classes using Lightsabers in combat. Than that deminishes Force users and makes them less special. Just my opinion, but the less Disney Star Wars we have in this game, the better.

I mean, I'd be okay with melee tech user class, but non force users with Lightsabers, that's not something I personally would like to see in the game. But again, just my opinion. That's all.

That they haven't made something in the Cartel Store that let's people change their 2nd combat style is mind boggling. I'd think that a no-brainer.

People will complain anyway for good or bad reasons but player numbers will tell whether a change is good or bad, or at least good or bad enough to make an impact.

I'm thinking about 1 new combat style for Force users and 1 new combat style for Tech users.

Personally I would prefer Tech users using vibroswords.  Since vibroswords  already have their own category, it should make the coding part easier. 

Technically there's no need for the Tech user style to have mirror styles, but for the sake of being fair, the mirror styles could be single bladed vs double bladed vibroswords. I bet there are many people who want their Mando using that beskar spear (or giant blade in general), it should be a welcomed addition.

A mixed Force/Blaster combat style for Force users could be fun even though it might be lore breaking to some, but people can always not picking it if it breaks immersion for them. Personally I would love to play an Inquisitor who shoot their way to the Dark Council. It will actually makes Thanaton losing his s**t over some "tradition" more reasonable. Yes I'm uncivilized.

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2 hours ago, eabevella said:

People will complain anyway for good or bad reasons but player numbers will tell whether a change is good or bad, or at least good or bad enough to make an impact.

No arguing that logic. :classic_laugh:

You make a good point. You'll never please everyone.

2 hours ago, eabevella said:

I'm thinking about 1 new combat style for Force users and 1 new combat style for Tech users.

No one could argue the fairness of that or claim favoritism that way. Smart.

2 hours ago, eabevella said:

Personally I would prefer Tech users using vibroswords.  Since vibroswords  already have their own category, it should make the coding part easier. 

Probably the weapon choice that the most amount of players would find to their liking. Already a wide array of choices in the game.

2 hours ago, eabevella said:

A mixed Force/Blaster combat style for Force users could be fun even though it might be lore breaking to some, but people can always not picking it if it breaks immersion for them.


Fair enough.

If that's something that a notable amount of players might find to their liking and would like to see such an archetype introduced than it should be based on that and not those who might not find it in keeping with their personal sensibilities and immersion. As you pointed out, the choice not to use it for the latter group is always there.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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2 hours ago, Bigfallenstar said:

Wasn't there a comic book where Boba Fett fought against Vader with a lightsaber? Or when Luke and co wielded them to escape Vader after the Death Star blew up? It wouldn't be that lore breaking, would it? It's a weapon just like a blaster, and like a blaster, takes time to wield proficiently.

What I expressed about that was just my personal point of view.

My personal POV is irrelivant with regard to the consideration of the idea, that should be based on a consensus of the player base.

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Melee tech class has been asked for since the inception of this game, and especially since 7.0 divided origin stories and classes. I'm pessimistic though, since hope only sets one up for disappointment, especially in this game.

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3 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

I like BOTH of your last two responses ... (although I disagree with a couple points) 

I don't mind when you disagree with me because when you do, you do it with style. =]

3 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

** I like the idea of two new classes (just not really expecting it any time in this lifetime.  Also ... not the teams fault.  No funding for such an undertaking).

Yeah, I think there's a better chance of Flat Earther's being right about the Earth being Flat and space being fake than of this game getting new classes. They simply don't have the resources or the manpower. It's not the devs fault.

3 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

** IMO the so-called  new combat styles is pretty much a bust.  Some like it... they cam be a Sith while still being a Jedi.  (IMO ... you're either one or the other.  If you're dark side ... then you're well ...  you've turned to the dark side..  that's being a Sith!) 

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^All this, all day long. I totally agree. I cannot stand that 'Grey Jedi' crap.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


3 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

Being able to use a super zapper instead of something else really does not add to the story.  There are NO new interactions .. nothing new!  NOTHING new is being communicated...  Nothing is added or changed.  Soo just being able to run through the same ol' stuff over and over again TO ME just doesn't really add anything NEW to the game.  (At least to me). 

Agreed. New combat styles might be interesting for a few days, just tooling around with some new ability or effect, but at the end of the day, you're still just doing the same thing you've already done 100 times before. It's not enough and it's novelty wouldn't last long.

I think if they're gonna introduce something new, make it a new class entirely. Cuz that's a whole new experience.

Not realistic of course, but me and you will just dream some together. :classic_wink:

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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2 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

[/snip.. snip]

Yeah, I think there's a better chance of Flat Earther's being right about the Earth being Flat and space being fake than of this game getting new classes. They simply don't have the resources or the manpower. It's not the devs fault.

[/snip ... snip ... snip]

ROFL ... just struck me really funny this time!  (Would be even funnier if it were not so true!)

EDIT:  Glad to see we agree on some key stuff!  It would be even better if the game could reflect a more positive direction!

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Post aged like milk lol. 

To contribute tho I've been saying for a long time that they should have made an expansion based upon a 3rd faction. Having like a 2nd Mandalorian war where all the Mando factions united and raged war on the galaxy. 3rd faction woulda been Mandalorians with all 4 mirror classes. I do like the idea of introducing new classes. Could have done like Combat Medic, Teras Kasi, or Beast Handler. Oh well...

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17 hours ago, eabevella said:

Personally I would prefer Tech users using vibroswords.  Since vibroswords  already have their own category, it should make the coding part easier.

It would be Tech users using Techblades, not Vibroswords.  (SWTOR's Vibroswords, as a category(1), have Force Power, not Tech Power, and are, despite what the lore might say, Force-User weapons.)

(1) As opposed to an element in the individual weapon's name.  There's quite a few antique Techblade schematics(2) that make weapons *called* "Suchandso Vibrosword", but they remain Techblades.

(2) My first Armstech character has some of them, all in her ARCHIVE section.

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6 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

So ur an optimist for this huh? Why's that? 

Because it literally can't get worse. We've been getting new "content" maybe once or twice a year, the developer communication has been practically non-existant for years, no one knows what they were actually doing (they weren't telling us and we didn't get anything new anyway), bugs haven't been fixed for years and so on. If it is true and there really are 80 people working on this game at Bioware, I truly don't know what they've been doing. Broadsword on the other hand post frequent developer updates for both of the MMOs they are maintaing, which is good. They are also regularily fixing bugs. Also, them having people who have experience with SWTOR, Rob Denton for example, gives me at least some hope that the game will be in good hands.

I don't quite understand the fear of the game getting put on life support, now with the takeover. Life support would be an improvement, because this game has been dead in a ditch somewhere for quite a while.

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