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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Finally an MMO designed for Gamers.


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***Warning Wall-o-text incoming***


Another in agreement with the OP.


It's been a long time since I've felt genuinely invested in a MMORPG. Everyone remembers the first time they jumped on an MMO and thought something similar to the expression of "Holy **** this is awesome!" Well for me it was the story, the social interaction and the immersion into an alternate reality (yes I play on a RP server and yes i'm skipping the sharded world situation for the sake of the thread topic).


I want whatever game I play to take me out of my life for a while and entertain me in a way that I may not be able to otherwise. So what if I don't cram to 50? Or am the best at PvP? It's my immersion, my story, my fantasy and my intent to have it play out the way I see fit.... and as far as that goes I believe that BioWare greatly succeeded. They supplied the means for me to create my own story.


Even George Lucas himself once said "Special effects without a story is a pretty boring thing".


Just like everyone else I've played WoW, STO, EQ, UO, Rift, Aion, EVE (missed SWG sadly) and I have my own requirements for a game. If it doesn't fit what i'm looking for i'll pack my bags quietly and move on......no harm no foul. I will give respect to those who post legit concerns or ideas for improvement; but for those who rant and rave for no apparent reason.......actually no, don't get me started on them. Any attempt to reason with them before a certain part of their body finally drops and grows is pointless.


Nothing will ever be the exact way you want it and at the same time also be the other way countless other people want it.


It's obvious to everybody that this game has a strong focus on the RPG element of MMORPG. If that's not for you I implore you to find something that you will enjoy. That's the beauty of a capitalist society; there is always something new around the corner.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


And if for "gamers" you mean...spoon fed, never finished contra without cheats, and cant figure out a puzzle without being led by the hand then yes, it was ment for gamers.


Disney gamers maybe.

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Great game to bad a bunch of babies play it and have nothing better to do than complain.

When i read the Forums it sounds like my wife.


QFT, the babies just can't comprehend that other people may have different tastes than them and discussing things in an adult manner is just beyond their mentality they cry and cry and cry. Just look how they troll this thread, then the call us "fanbois"


I love this game and agree with the OP completely.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.I love the story

- Character Development. Character feel more alive in this game.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap. Had fun since level 1 !

- Balanced PvP. Have yet to see one class that dominate and one class that can't kill X.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing) True. Combat in this game is great. While it is buggy for some people ( not for me, very fluid) it is still very well designed. If you go past level 30 you see the difference in solo combat beetween this game and wow. Its not just 112113 anymore

- Companions that actually do something. Yep huge part of solo combat and story.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


Who will contradict my opinion/experience with their opinion/experience?

Edited by boobaffet
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Everyone who have paid for the game have the same right to say their opinion on the product they bought and owned, whether you are happy or unhappy with the product.


I think people should stop and think for abit before flaming each others.

Because we need everyone to enjoy the game so this game can survive and compete with other mmorpg.

Both hardcores and fanbois, do you realize that you are both fighting for same cause?

Edited by aerovihn
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Everyone who have paid for the game have the same right to say their opinion on the product they bought and owned, whether you are happy or unhappy with the product.


We need everyone to enjoy the game so this game can survive and compete with other mmorpg.

I think people should stop and think for abit before flaming each others.

Both hardcores and fanbois, do you realize that you are both fighting for same cause?


nope im not fighting for this game to be wow 2.0 ty


I think once the wow cry baby leave this game it will be better.


Not saying everyone who came from wow are douche but some definitely are.


Like :

- Expecting this game to have everything wow have. No, we dont want a dummyfied game.

- Expecting to be good within one week, cause they were good in wow and now bash pvp cause they sucks. Im having a blast in pvp cause i dominate you wow noob. L2P.



Im not saying this game doesnt need more thing added, or some fix and tweaking. But saying this game is fail cause there is no dps meter, dual spec and huttball sucks is just being a plain retard.

Edited by boobaffet
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Great game to bad a bunch of babies play it and have nothing better to do than complain.

When i read the Forums it sounds like my wife.


BIOWARE is great about keeping metrics and statistics and the such. Hopefully they are well aware that only very few whiny babies play the forum game.


See Raph Koster's, "Players who post, posters who play". He wrote it during the NGE, and it's delightful.



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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


Aside from the companion point, all of these are totally debatable. Especially the "awesome combat". It's like a poorly thought out WoW knockoff that is horribly unresponsive.

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Go to Preferences and under I believe controls is an option to set an ability queue of 1 sec. Do that and you will have less issues with button mashing. Hit one ability and you can hit another ability up to one sec before the global is over and it will fire off right after global is over.


They don't understand those kinds of instructions.



I mean there's people out there still pressing spacebar to skip all of the cutscense when there's an option in preferences to auto-skip them..



Some of these people on these forums are complete morons in every sense of the word.



I honestly can't wait for the first free month to be up so we can be rid of them, but I have a feeling a lot of them are blowing hot air.

Edited by HavenAE
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Too bad for you, this game have already so much element borrowed from WoW.


While still being different enough to justify me playing it, when after playing wow for 2 years i will never play that crappy game. And its not cause its shiny and new, ive been playing for more than 4 months now.


And i dont want it to copy wow on some aspect of the game.

For instance i dont want stupid addon that play the game for me, and i dont want an Appearence tab, when this game already have one.

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


lol! are you seriouse?

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Bioware you managed to put FUN into an MMO.


- Storylines that matter.

- Character Development.

- A game that starts at level 1 and not at the end-cap.

- Balanced PvP.

- Awesome combat (say goodbye to button smashing)

- Companions that actually do something.


From an old-time gamer I salute you.


Yes. Having a great time so far. :)

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Too bad for you, this game have so much elements borrowed from WoW already.


Wrong. It doesn't have 'elements borrowed from wow', it has 'elements borrowed from a lot of different mmo's'. Sure wow is the most popular game. But that doesn't mean that all mmo's that are 'traditional' in their gameplay, are immediately wow copiers.


Also, want to know how WoW got so popular? 2 things: 1, it's name of being the warcraft universe. And 2, because WOW WAS ONE HUGE IDEA COPY FROM OTHER MMO'S. That's right. WoW copied idea's that worked from other mmo's, and used it for themselves. Just like how TOR is doing now, and just like how most traditional mmo's do it. Or try to.

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I agree with you 100% this game does so many things right its really easy to overlook the little issues it has.


Ignore the haters, as the ol' saying goes "Haters gonna Hate"


Just like the new saying goes: "Fanboys gonna fanboy"


People who pretend that the game is perfect and act like questioning a bioware decision is heresy are far, far worse than people who can see the flaws in the game.

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Just like the new saying goes: "Fanboys gonna fanboy"


People who pretend that the game is perfect and act like questioning a bioware decision is heresy are far, far worse than people who can see the flaws in the game.


Only problem is that the people on this forum don't 'just see the flaws in this game'. Rather, they actually actively look for stuff they don't like, then exaggerate on how bad the flaw is and post it as fact on the forums. At least the 'fanboys' admit that the game isn't perfect, but see that it's easily good enough to keep a solid player base. And that it really is a good game.

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Just like the new saying goes: "Fanboys gonna fanboy"


People who pretend that the game is perfect and act like questioning a bioware decision is heresy are far, far worse than people who can see the flaws in the game.


I dont think anyone is saying this game is perfect but i still think its great enough so i play it.



It often goes like this :


guy1- This game is total crap, warhammer 2.0 !!

guy2- I like it...

guy1- FANBOY\\\\!!

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Just like the new saying goes: "Fanboys gonna fanboy"


People who pretend that the game is perfect and act like questioning a bioware decision is heresy are far, far worse than people who can see the flaws in the game.


Both types are equally annoying. It's possible to see the flaws and still have fun playing the game.

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