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Top 10 list of much needed features for TOR


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Again this is just my list, feel free to add your insight and if you feel there is another feature deserving of being on this list let me know. These are in no specific order...


1. Combat logs / parsing / macros


2. Dual spec


3. More interface bar options (bottom bars especially)


4. Guild banks / ships


5. Guild / friends "social" tab improvements (ability to right click members in your guild window and invite them to party. The ability to add friends to list without being online)


6. If you crash you should not have to wait in the server que! (I hate that)


7. Rewards for world PvP, kiling players in tattooine, illum etc (ex. PvP Daily or Weekly to kill "X" number of players in that zone. This will encourage world PvP.)


8. Targets target frames


9. Arenas or PvP ranking system / More war zones & ability to que for specific war zones


10. Barbershop character customization (or fix hair sticking out the back of helmets)


Added to my list:


11. 8 man PvP queue


12. LFG tool improvements


13. Chat bubbles


14. Lvl 50 chat channel and lvl 50 only PvP queue


15. Trade Market improvements (add search feature)


Please leave your feedback and post opinions. With enough thread replies maybe the devs will take action on some of these features and ideas.

Edited by Iknar
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I agree with everything you have said. That list is very elementary level requirements for an MMO especially one that has PVP. I will also like to add a few of my own.


Armor Scaling- In comparison to a Juggernaut and the Assassin both in Mandolorian gear and both were the same level. The Jugg had 600 more armor than the Assassin, obviously he should right? He is wearing Heavy Armor. The problem is though that the 600 armor compared to the Assassin only gave the Jugg a 3% increase in mitigation compared to the Assassin who is a light armor wearer. I have a huge problem with this.


Dps classes- Now I am only using the reference of the same Sith Assassin in comparison to the Jugg again, the sith assassin only had one ability according to the tool tip, that had a higher level of dps then the Jugg, The Jugg was specced for dps but even on that note, the Sith Assassin who was also specced dps should atleast still be more of a dps class then the Jugg. Now I understand that the base dmg of the Sith Assassin is higher but it was very marginal. In my opinion the numbers that the all classes across the board need a second look. Marauder and Sentinels are having to go almost full on dot spec and those are the guys who are claming that Maurader and Sent is viable. Do you really want to play a dps class and have zero bust dmg what so ever? (Rhetorical Question)


Multi Target- I know this will never be implemented in the game but from the past of other MMO's Multi Target was great for support classes. The healers in this game already have a difficult time targeting one another and it does not help either knowing the health bars are bugged easily which will be fixed very soon im sure. Player titles allow even a more difficult time to target, no im not talking about the clutter of titles I am literally saying that the titles prevent healers from being able to target friendlies if there is an enemy in LOS. I have tested it.


These are some of the biggest ones that really concern me probably the most. Armor Scaling being the biggest one that I fear may not be fixed for a very long time because that is not an easy fix. However probably even bigger than that is what the OP has said concerning rewards in pvp. If there is no end game content for PVP that will lose subscribers. PVE does not keep subscribers in the end game.


I have a lot of hope for the game but at the same time I dont. It is way to soon for me to speculate all I can do is continue my grind and hope for the best. After all it is Star Wars and it is a very interesting game and I would hate for it to fail, just like the millions of others would too.

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  • Reduce the number/frequency of load screens
  • Right click on terrain and NPC to move to that location
  • Get support for multi-button mice working consistently
  • Add mailbox to the ship
  • Add gunnery as an option in space missions where your companion can pilot and you shoot
  • Find another way to penalize death. 10 min timer is excessive IMO
  • Add the ability to compare modifications/armoring items as well as base gear


Most of my other items on a wish list have already been posted.

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I'd like to see bug fixes to master looter and chests in hard modes. They had that patch, but it did NOT fix those things.


Dual spec would be nice.


I heard the Bounty Hunter questline is bugged for people who go dark side. They can't complete the questline and can't pick up the level 50 dailies.


Better customer service instead of canned replies. I rather have them take a week to reply and actually fix it, than 2 days to reply and not be helpful.


I guess I want bug fixes and customer service more than features at the moment.

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Again this is just my list, feel free to add your insight and if you feel there is another feature deserving of being on this list let me know. These are in no specific order...


1. Combat logs / parsing / addons


I don't want these in game


2. 8 man raid PvP ques


Don't care if this gets put in


3. More interface bar options (bottom bars especially)


UI fixing they say is going in so repeating it here is really not useful


4. LFG tool and Party instance summon upon zone in


LFG that is what talking to people is for and interacting in a social way in a MMO


5. Guild / friends "social" tab improvements (ability to right click members in your guild window and invite them to party. The ability to add friends to list without being online)


This would be useful


6. If you crash you should not have to wait in the server que! (I hate that)


If you get back fast enough you don't or at least I have experienced that but maybe up the time for return.



7. Rewards for world PvP, kiling players in tattooine, illum etc


Rewards is what killed pvp in a couple of games I have played, people only played for rewards and not the fun of pvping. But hey why not.


8. Raid chat & ready checks / targets target frames


I really feel this isn't WoW and we don't need wowish stuff here, but hey raid chat is needed, ready checks well if the raid is huge then yes.


9. Arenas! / More war zones & ability to que for specific war zones


Arenas no....we don't need E-sport here, more warzones sure


10. Barbershop character customization


Sure any customization to character is fun.


So while I agree with a few things on your list, most of them have too much of a WoW feel to them. I just feel some people want a wow clone.

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Don't take this as criticism of your person (an awful lot of people seem to do that when someone disagrees with them), but I'll disect your list and complement it with my own thoughts, just to add to the discussion.


1. Combat logs / parsing / addons

Combat logs I agree with, and UI addons should be an option, but once we reach Recount/DBM territory we should stop, addons like those two trivialize the learning curve.


2. 8 man raid PvP ques

Do you mean queue or quest? I will assume queue, to which I will answer "I agree" on the condition that if possible a pre-made should be pitted against another pre-made PvP raid.


3. More interface bar options (bottom bars especially)

See point 1, same issue regarding addons. Agree however.


4. LFG tool and Party instance summon upon zone in

LFG tool for dungeons (not raids, ever) if they are server locked. Server community and reputation must matter else we have ******* running loose doing their thing. The summon on zone-in is nothing I have felt as an issue yet (nor did I feel that way in previous MMOs) but I can see why it would improve quality of life.


5. Guild / friends "social" tab improvements (ability to right click members in your guild window and invite them to party. The ability to add friends to list without being online)

Agree, same as the above: Quality of life.


6. If you crash you should not have to wait in the server que! (I hate that)



7. Rewards for world PvP, kiling players in tattooine, illum etc

If they are within your level range, say +-3 levels, else it will just promote gankers.


8. Raid chat & ready checks / targets target frames

Ready checks are not truly necesary, your raid of 8 people should be able to coordinate yourself well enough without a big button in the middle of the screen. Target of target frames is something I really wonder why it isn't in the game atm.


9. Arenas! / More war zones & ability to que for specific war zones

No arenas, just no. It ruined the PvP scene in WoW and wounded it in a way it can never recover from, MMOs should not be turned into e-sports meta-games because they are impossible to balance due to their everchanging nature. Individual rating system in Warzones could be useful to gauge player skill. More warzones is certainly a thing high on my priority list, after the issues in Alderaan specifically have been fixed - the lag in there is terrible.


10. Barbershop character customization

I don't really see the use with this one, I have like used it once in World of Warcraft which was for the achievment and I see no need for it.

Edit: Unless we step into "Extreme Makeover" territory and have "plastic surgery" (to fit the lore) and thus can customize everything, barring race maybe. Should have a loooooooooong cooldown, and should not cost additional money (as in WoW, greedy buggers) as we are already paying a monthly fee for the game.


Then I'll add a point of my own:


11. Allow the player to dictate which level of Sith Corruption should be seen on the character. I for example find the Dark I corruption, which only affects the eyes, to be really cool-looking but afterwards it kind of spins out of control cosmetically. I can disable it completely but I still want my character to look kind of evil.

Edited by danatharia
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I want 2 things most.


I tank, and would like target-of-target


I heal and would like more customizable party frame (namely the ability to use the ops frame as party frame and have it show companions as well).


Was just doing a FP with my wife and friend with me as heals... pet was tanking. It was a blast but healing was very frustrating because I had to turn off ops party window and use the normal just to see the pets health conveniently.


Every MMO since Sierra's Grand Realm I've played tanks and healers almost exclusively, I have a lot of experience doing both. Having a customizable party frame to make healing (probably the least well designed system in every single MMO) as friendly as possible to the widest range of people (read: potential healers) should be a core design principle.

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Again this is just my list, feel free to add your insight and if you feel there is another feature deserving of being on this list let me know. These are in no specific order...


1. Combat logs / parsing / addons Combat logs are in the works. I do not want addons personally.


2. 8 man raid PvP ques No real opinion one way or the other on this one from me.


3. More interface bar options (bottom bars especially) Options offered from Bioware great. Addons not at all.


4. LFG tool and Party instance summon upon zone in LFG tool maybe so maybe no depending on what you want it to do. There is a tool already in game if players would only use it. Instance summoning no. Don't be lazy travel where you need to go or better yet be in the start location before accepting a group invite.


5. Guild / friends "social" tab improvements (ability to right click members in your guild window and invite them to party. The ability to add friends to list without being online) These are good.


6. If you crash you should not have to wait in the server que! (I hate that) I agree this is irritating.


7. Rewards for world PvP, kiling players in tattooine, illum etc What type of awards? And how awarded?


8. Raid chat & ready checks / targets target frames Thought raid chat was already in? Don't see a need for ready check when you can just ask. Target of target, nice but not a vital priority.


9. Arenas! / More war zones & ability to que for specific war zones Ok, need some more flashpoints and operations too. But then I'm sure they already have more planned and in production.


10. Barbershop character customization

More customization of all types. This is one of my biggest gripes with the game. Character customization is so very very limited.
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Things I want:



-Dual Spec

-Gear customization

-More customization of characters

-Ship customization (paint scheme, name, upgrades have visual impact, decorate inside)

-Multiplayer space combat

-Guild capital ships (w/ guild vs guild space battles with ship boarding like Battlefront 2)

-Guild quest and objectives

-More Warzones (But well thought out Quality>Quantity. We don't need 50 'copy paste' CTF)

-More incentives for World PvP


Things I do not want:



Pillar humping in a sandbox is not the best form of PvP for a massively multiplayer game. I did Arena in WoW back in the day and even liked it. (2700MMR Destro Lock) However in an MMO you want large scale PvP that brings in all types of people working together in a large instanced area like a Warfront or in the open world. It builds a sense of cooperation and community while 3 people being loners just waiting for ques does not.


-Dungeon Finder

I played WoW for almost 5 years and I saw the way this changed the player base. Rather than people working together and going out into the world to tackle dungeons everyone just cluster f$*%ed in Dalaran waiting in ques. If people ran into the slightest issue they abandoned the group and just requed. Without the dungeon finder people are forced to play with people in their server making a name for themselves, making friends, and best of all if something goes wrong you have to work together. You cannot just bail on them since you are very likely to see these people again and the whole server quickly learns who is who and the people to run with.


Edit: Long story short. More customization and expression of the player behind the keyboard. Less automated systems that force players into a lazy remorseless disregard for their fellow gamer. MMO's live and die on the backs of their communities and that is something Bioware needs to push. We want people playing together and making memories not playing a single player game with these other "annoying" people in the way.

Edited by Lapalm
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Made a few updates would appreciate feedback from the community


I don't think the game really needs any of that stuff.


Here's what I think it needs:


1- More dance emotes. All that hard work I did to get social rank 2 and the whole slave girl dancer's outfit, and I can't even emulate the profession properly. UNACCEPTABLE Bioware!


2- Jawa companions. Seriously, I took Scavenging, I NEED a companion that boosts my scavenging in only the way a Jawa can.


3- X-Wings. The Thunderclap and the Jedi ship don't cut it. I want to play space combat like Rebel Assault, not whatever it is right now. Fix that.


4- Un-Nerf slicing. In fact, double boost what it used to do. Nerfs are so terrible. Stop nerfing EVERYTHING Bioware!


5- Lobot as a playable race. Because how much PWN would it be to run around as Lobot, with dual sabers, and the afoermentioned Jawa companion. Pew Pew Bling Bling!


6- Kashyyyk as a planet. To raid. I need me some wookie scalps! ASAP!


7- Mandalorian Super Commando as a special unlock MEGA-Advanced Class. Because really, there's no reason not to.


8- A new raid zone, in a firey volcano. Now stay with me. To get access to it, you and 40 of your guildmates need to get the key for it. And then you slowly crawl your way through it, killing mini-bosses. Maybe one of them is a big lizard, another is a dog that's on fire, another is a rock dooder with little rock dooders around him. Finally you dispatch the Tandoshian henchmen of the major big bad bossman, and he takes you to the core of the place to visit his master, who turns out to be a force sensitive and sentient lava giant that you need to coordinate your entire raid party together with to kill properly, so you can forge a legendary lightsaber when you're done.


9- Pod racing. No, not swoop bike racing. Pod racing. Sebulba > all.


10- Jedi Mind Trick as a gathering profession.


My list > your list.

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+1 to everything on this list and add the following:



1) A Target of Target raid frame with intelligent skill target forwarding.


2) Dual / Tri Spec



The game is a fun diversion thus far, but in order to be a serious, long term place to be it has to be brought up to current standards.


REAL WORLD EXAMPLE: The fact that I'm watching cooldowns on my left hand bar is tedious and unnecessary in 2011.

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Don't take this as criticism of your person (an awful lot of people seem to do that when someone disagrees with them), but I'll disect your list and complement it with my own thoughts, just to add to the discussion.


1. Combat logs / parsing / addons

Combat logs I agree with, and UI addons should be an option, but once we reach Recount/DBM territory we should stop, addons like those two trivialize the learning curve.


2. 8 man raid PvP ques

Do you mean queue or quest? I will assume queue, to which I will answer "I agree" on the condition that if possible a pre-made should be pitted against another pre-made PvP raid.


3. More interface bar options (bottom bars especially)

See point 1, same issue regarding addons. Agree however.


4. LFG tool and Party instance summon upon zone in

LFG tool for dungeons (not raids, ever) if they are server locked. Server community and reputation must matter else we have ******* running loose doing their thing. The summon on zone-in is nothing I have felt as an issue yet (nor did I feel that way in previous MMOs) but I can see why it would improve quality of life.


5. Guild / friends "social" tab improvements (ability to right click members in your guild window and invite them to party. The ability to add friends to list without being online)

Agree, same as the above: Quality of life.


6. If you crash you should not have to wait in the server que! (I hate that)



7. Rewards for world PvP, kiling players in tattooine, illum etc

If they are within your level range, say +-3 levels, else it will just promote gankers.


8. Raid chat & ready checks / targets target frames

Ready checks are not truly necesary, your raid of 8 people should be able to coordinate yourself well enough without a big button in the middle of the screen. Target of target frames is something I really wonder why it isn't in the game atm.


9. Arenas! / More war zones & ability to que for specific war zones

No arenas, just no. It ruined the PvP scene in WoW and wounded it in a way it can never recover from, MMOs should not be turned into e-sports meta-games because they are impossible to balance due to their everchanging nature. Individual rating system in Warzones could be useful to gauge player skill. More warzones is certainly a thing high on my priority list, after the issues in Alderaan specifically have been fixed - the lag in there is terrible.


10. Barbershop character customization

I don't really see the use with this one, I have like used it once in World of Warcraft which was for the achievment and I see no need for it.

Edit: Unless we step into "Extreme Makeover" territory and have "plastic surgery" (to fit the lore) and thus can customize everything, barring race maybe. Should have a loooooooooong cooldown, and should not cost additional money (as in WoW, greedy buggers) as we are already paying a monthly fee for the game.


Then I'll add a point of my own:


11. Allow the player to dictate which level of Sith Corruption should be seen on the character. I for example find the Dark I corruption, which only affects the eyes, to be really cool-looking but afterwards it kind of spins out of control cosmetically. I can disable it completely but I still want my character to look kind of evil.




I like the way this person thinks. I'm supporting this version. I hate arenas with a passion. Warhammer style pvp in open-world is fun for me. If they can improve open world that would be great. Why don't they take a poll and see how many subscribers would be happy with more and better pvp.


Adding one. Not sure how many people have problems with this. The mission tracker gets toggled on constantly. You can deselect missions to not be seen but those get reselected somehow.

Edited by bradadad
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