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11 Years in and SWTOR still has the WOAT Customer Service for any subscription service game I've ever played.....


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I'll skip all the ridiculousness I've dealt with over the last decade plus (Founder title player, been here since launch 90% of the time minus a few breaks when content was dry).  But I will highlight 2 tickets in the last few weeks I put in and the abysmal customer service I received.

1) Broken launcher.  I use the native SWTOR launcher.  Since the last patch, every single day I load the game up, it fully downloads all 37 gigs like its installing the game from scratch.  Then after it finishes, I log in and it tells me I have the wrong patch version.  I can ignore the message and play, but it pops up anytime i change characters.  If I click okay or x out the box, it closes the game.  After running it again, it will then download the latest patch and everything is "fine".  But then it happens again. And again.  And again.  I've put in multiple tickets about this over the past few weeks and the best 2 answers out of the host of just awful ones were "try using steam" and "you will just have to wait until we deploy another patch, maybe that will fix it".  So my options as a paying customer are to use a 3rd party service I don't want to use to play your game that I pay to subscribe too, or just deal with it until you roll out another patch?  Cool.  The only saving grace is I have a 1 gig connection so the full download only takes 1 min each time, but very very frustrating. (Note: I have fully uninstalled the game and deleted the folders and done a clean install multiple times, with and without bitraider, to no avail).

2) Put in a ticket to ask for a character I deleted to be restored.  Exchanged several emails with the same agent telling me the character was long since removed and gone and there's no way to recover it.  I asked for the ticket to be escalated and was told no, and that a supervisor would tell me the exact same thing.  I waited 3 days and put in another ticket, got a different agent, and they easily found and restored the character I requested without issue.  Not only was this agent wrong, but loud wrong, and a jerk on top of it.

This has been the running trend for well over a decade anytime I needed to put in a ticket for anything.  As someone who has worked both in the Software industry, and in Customer Service before that, this wouldn't fly any place I've worked.  But at SWTOR/EA support, that's just the culture.  And to add insult to injury, anytime you put in a ticket in game now, even after getting said awful service above, you get a follow up email (which I assume is automated) from the EA support site from the agent saying "Hi do you still need help? Reply in the EA forum instead."  Great, so you couldn't help me the regular way, now I need to go to the distributors website to ask for more help I won't receive?  It's like watching a dog play the piano......

Edited by DarthNillard
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2 hours ago, DarthNillard said:

1) Broken launcher. 

Have you provided the host.developer.log file C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic Launcher\ on Windows to the support team? We have been encouraging anyone who is experiencing issues with the new launcher to follow that support step so we can see what's happening with your launcher. This also sounds like a very unique situation, so I recommend sending that file to support@swtor.com. Be sure to include your account name and title the email "Issue with new launcher" or something similar. 

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4 hours ago, DarthNillard said:

it fully downloads all 37 gigs like its installing the game from scratch

Have you looked in Task Manager to see if it is *really* downloading?  I ask this because the launcher *says* it is downloading when in fact it is just verifying the files.  If it finds an actually damaged file, then (and only then) will it download actual game data.

@JackieKo Please, please, please, please (with several hundred cherries on top), give this feedback to the people responsible for the launcher: if the launcher is just verifying files, it should not say that it is downloading files.  When it finds a broken file and wants to replace it with a fresh download, then (and only then) it should say that it is downloading, until it has finished fixing the broken file(s), at which point it should switch back to saying that it is verifying.

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2 hours ago, JackieKo said:

Have you provided the host.developer.log file C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic Launcher\ on Windows to the support team? We have been encouraging anyone who is experiencing issues with the new launcher to follow that support step so we can see what's happening with your launcher. This also sounds like a very unique situation, so I recommend sending that file to support@swtor.com. Be sure to include your account name and title the email "Issue with new launcher" or something similar. 

Support didn't request that I sent any files.  They asked me to uninstall/reinstall the game (which I had already done, but also did again to no avail), and then to try steam, before telling me to just wait until there's a new patch.  I would be happy to provide them files if requested.

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55 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

Have you looked in Task Manager to see if it is *really* downloading?  I ask this because the launcher *says* it is downloading when in fact it is just verifying the files.  If it finds an actually damaged file, then (and only then) will it download actual game data.

@JackieKo Please, please, please, please (with several hundred cherries on top), give this feedback to the people responsible for the launcher: if the launcher is just verifying files, it should not say that it is downloading files.  When it finds a broken file and wants to replace it with a fresh download, then (and only then) it should say that it is downloading, until it has finished fixing the broken file(s), at which point it should switch back to saying that it is verifying.

I have, and it is.  Also the 1 time this happened to me when I wasn't plugged into my ethernet and on a misc wifi at a friends house, it was taking forever going a few mb's a second.

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  • Dev Post
18 minutes ago, DarthNillard said:

Support didn't request that I sent any files.  They asked me to uninstall/reinstall the game (which I had already done, but also did again to no avail), and then to try steam, before telling me to just wait until there's a new patch.  I would be happy to provide them files if requested.

Consider me reaching out the request from the team to send the file. We will need that in order to determine what is causing your issue. 


1 hour ago, SteveTheCynic said:

Have you looked in Task Manager to see if it is *really* downloading?  I ask this because the launcher *says* it is downloading when in fact it is just verifying the files.  If it finds an actually damaged file, then (and only then) will it download actual game data.

@JackieKo Please, please, please, please (with several hundred cherries on top), give this feedback to the people responsible for the launcher: if the launcher is just verifying files, it should not say that it is downloading files.  When it finds a broken file and wants to replace it with a fresh download, then (and only then) it should say that it is downloading, until it has finished fixing the broken file(s), at which point it should switch back to saying that it is verifying.

It's been passed along and is on their radar. :)  

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Preach OP, preach!

I've had nothing but horrible responses from CS tickets (and to a stretch, bug reports) over issues i've had on my account.

1. My main has HK-51 as a companion, but the HK-51 companion deco remains at 0/0. Need i say this has happened for years. 

2. I've had items stuck in the 'Mission items' bay of both my Imp and Pub mains with zero way of getting rid of them. 

In regards to my Imp he has almost a full row plus a few extra HK Weapons Protocols (False Emperor drop) because even though i have the quest done, anyone on the quest can loot HK-47 and i get a copy of the Weapons Protocol. He also has a battery from the Theoretika and a Seeker Droid... But that means he has two of them. One ability SD (for GSI dailies and treasure digs) and a SD as part of the long since completed questline.

My main on Pub has a few extra HK Weapons Protocols.

Can't delete all these items that are from LONG since completed quests.

I've asked CS to fix it, they can't.

I ask for it to be moved to a supervisor or dev, no dice.

Make bug reports, they go nowhere.

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10 hours ago, WraithAssassin said:

Preach OP, preach!

I've had nothing but horrible responses from CS tickets (and to a stretch, bug reports) over issues i've had on my account.

1. My main has HK-51 as a companion, but the HK-51 companion deco remains at 0/0. Need i say this has happened for years. 

2. I've had items stuck in the 'Mission items' bay of both my Imp and Pub mains with zero way of getting rid of them. 

In regards to my Imp he has almost a full row plus a few extra HK Weapons Protocols (False Emperor drop) because even though i have the quest done, anyone on the quest can loot HK-47 and i get a copy of the Weapons Protocol. He also has a battery from the Theoretika and a Seeker Droid... But that means he has two of them. One ability SD (for GSI dailies and treasure digs) and a SD as part of the long since completed questline.

My main on Pub has a few extra HK Weapons Protocols.

Can't delete all these items that are from LONG since completed quests.

I've asked CS to fix it, they can't.

I ask for it to be moved to a supervisor or dev, no dice.

Make bug reports, they go nowhere.

Bug reports are the worst tech thing every invented.  Feels like you are throwing a rock into a bottomless well.  "Thanks for letting us know, we will never even tell you if we read this much less probably won't fix it. But thank you - the paying customer - for spending your free time sending this in when you could otherwise be playing the buggy game"....

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Easiest fix you'll ever have for the old wonky and broken swtor launcher....is just switching to steam. I as probably many others periodically had issues pop up with the swtor launcher. I moved to steam about two years ago and haven't had one issue since. 



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5 hours ago, Samcuu said:

Easiest fix you'll ever have for the old wonky and broken swtor launcher....is just switching to steam. I as probably many others periodically had issues pop up with the swtor launcher. I moved to steam about two years ago and haven't had one issue since. 



If the launcher from the developer is worse than a 3rd party vendor, free or not, then they should shutter Bioware Austin on Monday.  Just think about what you are saying (true or not) lol.

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8 hours ago, DarthNillard said:

If the launcher from the developer is worse than a 3rd party vendor, free or not, then they should shutter Bioware Austin on Monday.

Not saying this is incorrect, but just as an FYI: if I'm not mistaken the launcher is (for a big part) also based on a solution from a third party vendor. Although that still doesn't absolve BW of course.

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17 hours ago, DarthNillard said:

If the launcher from the developer is worse than a 3rd party vendor, free or not, then they should shutter Bioware Austin on Monday.  Just think about what you are saying (true or not) lol.

Why does it matter exactly? It allows you gain access to the gain simple and easy. Just swap and start playing the game again lol.

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12 hours ago, sGroggy said:

Not saying this is incorrect, but just as an FYI: if I'm not mistaken the launcher is (for a big part) also based on a solution from a third party vendor. Although that still doesn't absolve BW of course.

The launcher for Steam is mostly the same code.  The key part that's missing is updating the game, which was transferred from one of two third-party solutions (SSN or Bitraider) to Steam doing it, but you *must* remember that:

  • BioWare worked with Valve to make it so that the Steam client does the updating.
  • BioWare bought in the SSN and Bitraider solutions.  (Both of these suck in some way or another, although SSN is far less awful than Bitraider.)
  • The non-Steam problems are very, very far from universal.
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je suis très fan de star Wars Old République depuis des années , depuis la 7.0 de très belle choses on été faites et donne moins. j'en nais marre des sorts qu'on apprécie sois son enlever ou nerf voir supprimer. les truc qui fonctionne en générale sois enlever pour mettre des choses qui fonctionne pas du tout qui laisse en jeux. comme par exemple le sort de rez du mercenaire dps et sorcier dps on été enlever alors que c'était utile bref. des bug corriger après un certain temp et je comprend la complexité des bug. et quand j'ai vu le PTS 7.2.1 il font payer les voyages rapide 100credit allant a 5000 crédit max selon la distance on va ou comme ca , je veut bien mettre la main a la poche, tout même moi j'ai payer le voyage rapide tout en pièces de cartel et faut encore repayer en crédit . la je dit non je suis pas d'accord au lieu de taxer les voyage rapide , voyage des fortoresse  je suis pas d'accord , les tp des héroïques 2 ok  je comprend. Pourquoi il font pas des restriction sur le Marcher Galactique vu les prix ou certain vendeur maximise les prix a 3B = 3 Bi Milliard , même moi après pas mal d'années je peut pas sortie une telle somme de crédit. si cette maj 7.2.1 sorte de tout façon c'est clair je vais clôture mon compte et je remais plus les pieds sur swtor marre de subire les choix des dev qui sont sur certaines choses nul. et j'irais vers des mmo gratuit et qui prendre plus soins de leur mmo que Bioware le fait avec swtor.


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Just opened a ticket regarding a deleted item I had. Response came in less than 24 hours, the customer support guy not only restored my item but he unlocked the set in my collection as well. I wish I could open a ticket just to thank the guy for his expedience and professionalism. From my personal experience, I have never had a problem a representative wasn't able to fix, through a phone call or ticket. 

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On 2/28/2023 at 10:00 AM, felleto said:

Just opened a ticket regarding a deleted item I had. Response came in less than 24 hours, the customer support guy not only restored my item but he unlocked the set in my collection as well. I wish I could open a ticket just to thank the guy for his expedience and professionalism. From my personal experience, I have never had a problem a representative wasn't able to fix, through a phone call or ticket. 

I wish I had your luck friend.  There's been at least 10 instances where I was told in a ticket something can't be done, only for me to put in another ticket and have it done without issue by someone else.  I guess that's the nature of customer service....they can't all be winners.

The DL thing is the worst though.  Instead of it being fixed with the new patch that just dropped, I now how to do download TWO patches after every full install, so its worse now.

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A former guild mate had his account stolen by someone who wanted revenge on him. The thief did "something" and the account was banned. My guild mate found the thief and asked him to send an e-mail to community support and admit what he did, he sent. Still, no answer after a week and the account is still banned. He ( the person who had his account stolen) is asking us on guild Discord what to do, but we have no idea what to tell him. Perhaps someone can offer an advice here? 

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9 hours ago, Hrafnhildur said:

A former guild mate had his account stolen by someone who wanted revenge on him. The thief did "something" and the account was banned. My guild mate found the thief and asked him to send an e-mail to community support and admit what he did, he sent. Still, no answer after a week and the account is still banned. 

From a legal point of view - your guildmate "says" he found the thief, and the 'thief' "says" he admits it, but what is the proof that it's not just a scam?

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Think Jedi Quaker has a point there. 


If you think about it from the CS point of view. Someone did something to get their account banned. Soon someone else is sending them e-mail admitting of hijacking another person's account, and explaining the account owner is not responsible for whatever happened to get banned. Doesn't sound plausible. Also having  the "thief" who wanted revenge on the account owner to admit what they did and write to CS to return the account doesn't sound any better. Why have revenge in the first place if they are so willingly helping to sort it out?  

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