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Star Forge Server Down


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Blame me. I had just finished my one repeatable mission (courtesy of Rakghoul Resurgence) I needed to get 100K CQ points for one of my toons this week, then teleported back to fleet while also having 4 crew skill missions about to become due. I take full responsibility for this mess.


On the bright side, at least I now can finish the "upgrades" to the car I just bought.

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4 minutes ago, TheRealKingCrazy said:

Blame me. I had just finished my one repeatable mission (courtesy of Rakghoul Resurgence) I needed to get 100K CQ points for one of my toons this week, then teleported back to fleet while also having 4 crew skill missions about to become due. I take full responsibility for this mess.


On the bright side, at least I now can finish the "upgrades" to the car I just bought.

I was also trying to go to fleet.

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All of the "it crashed for me too when I was transporting!" reports are funny to me, because that tells me it *didn't* crash then.  It feels like some process on the server knew something was up, and is kicking people off as they transport so as to bring the # of logged in down to 0.   For example, I was in a Vet Esseles FP and we had a *huge* lag spike for a good minute or so where the game was unresponsive.  It eventually recovered and we finished the the remaining bosses in the flashpoint, but as soon as I left the flashpoint to load to fleet, crash.  Makes me think we were doomed as soon as that lag spike happened.

I don't have any experience in servers, programming MMOs, etc. but that seems more likely than everyone just happening to have a crash when they QT somewhere...

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1 minute ago, JackieKo said:

Minor update. We will be restarting both the Star Forge and Satele Shan servers within the next 30 minutes. So if you are currently in either of those servers, your game time will be momentarily disrupted. 

wrapped up objective meridian solo, logged out once i got the infinite load screen while trying to go to fleet


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The server was down hours ago. It would go straight to server choice. It gave the error message that it was down. I couldn't even login. I checked the server status and it said it was up and running. It's only been updated for maybe an hour now. It sounds like most of y'all were ingame. I was not. It's been down a while.

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Just now, TabrnBbhos said:

The server was down hours ago. It would go straight to server choice. It gave the error message that it was down. I couldn't even login. I checked the server status and it said it was up and running. It's only been updated for maybe an hour now. It sounds like most of y'all were ingame. I was not. It's been down a while.

Incorrect.  What you experienced was the  LOGIN server being down.

All  players who were already  online  remained as such, unless/until  they tried to  port or load somewhere.

Then, thankfully, BioWare noticed the problems and began their remote work to fix whatever the cause was.

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Just now, TabrnBbhos said:

The server was down hours ago. It would go straight to server choice. It gave the error message that it was down. I couldn't even login. I checked the server status and it said it was up and running. It's only been updated for maybe an hour now. It sounds like most of y'all were ingame. I was not. It's been down a while.

"the server" All the servers were up

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Ok, I misspoke or misunderstand how it all works. How many servers are there that one must go through to be ingame? I had stated the "it" (the website server status page) said the servers were up, hence my confusion as to why I couldn't login to Star Forge. I was simply acknowledging my experience, as it seemed so many were different than my own. I thought maybe it could give another perspective other than those that were ingame.

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