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Removing ranked was a travesty.


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There really is nothing else to say. Its possibly one of the biggest idiotic decisions i have seen. Fixing something by removing it. It was about the only reason one would even try to learn pvp in this game and it was replaced by yet another battle pass. I only occassionally played it but it was still fun and nowhere near as toxic as people make it out to be. It was still toxic but compared to some other games its flowers and rainbows. Ranked pvp needs to come back.

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It was toxic enough that the vast majority of people that tried it left and never returned. The population got so small that the developers nixed the game mode completely rather than invest in resources to keep ranked going.

It doesn't matter how toxic you felt ranked was, the developers saw that the population was too small to invest in. If ranked was less toxic and more people wanted to be part of the ranked community, maybe the devs would have seen Ranked PvP as something worth keeping around.

Edited by illgot
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And now arenas are even more toxic for veterans fly through the roof by undergeared noobs (or overconfident mediocre players), whereas new participants are squashed like bugs literally in seconds in a game mode that requires hundreds of warzones experienced and on overall knowledge of all classes. How is that not gonna end up driving people away from PVP?

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1 hour ago, varietasplus said:

And now arenas are even more toxic for veterans fly through the roof by undergeared noobs (or overconfident mediocre players), whereas new participants are squashed like bugs literally in seconds in a game mode that requires hundreds of warzones experienced and on overall knowledge of all classes. How is that not gonna end up driving people away from PVP?

Its going to drive people away from arenas.  After some amount of observing the effects of this change whats going to happen is arenas are going to be treated like an appendix and focus will end up on 8's where it should have been from season 1. 

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6 hours ago, illgot said:

It was toxic enough that the vast majority of people that tried it left and never returned. The population got so small that the developers nixed the game mode completely rather than invest in resources to keep ranked going.

It doesn't matter how toxic you felt ranked was, the developers saw that the population was too small to invest in. If ranked was less toxic and more people wanted to be part of the ranked community, maybe the devs would have seen Ranked PvP as something worth keeping around.

But they said that ranked wasn't removed because of toxicity but rather because of combat styles. Ranked was only toxic if someone was playing without a keyboard, like most people do, and at that point why queue ranked at all. Many many times have I seen someone new, valor 25 go into ranked, I told them that they should probably learn more first, then give ranked another try and then they are in the next game?! I do not want to play with or against this specific player. A 3v4 is not fun and if reasoning doesn't work to gethim out... well then they get flamed until they leave. If someone really is SO BAD that not even the enemy team wants them to keep queueing then why even play ranked. They can't know in their first game, but if I told them and they keep queueing... it's their own fault honestly.

Edited by ZUHFB
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1 hour ago, ZUHFB said:

But they said that ranked wasn't removed because of toxicity but rather because of combat styles. Ranked was only toxic if someone was playing without a keyboard, like most people do, and at that point why queue ranked at all. Many many times have I seen someone new, valor 25 go into ranked, I told them that they should probably learn more first, then give ranked another try and then they are in the next game?! I do not want to play with or against this specific player. A 3v4 is not fun and if reasoning doesn't work to gethim out... well then they get flamed until they leave. If someone really is SO BAD that not even the enemy team wants them to keep queueing then why even play ranked. They can't know in their first game, but if I told them and they keep queueing... it's their own fault honestly.

You and I both know how toxic the players in ranked were and how that level of toxicity was a badge of honor to some. The fact that they could drive players away from Ranked PvP permanently gave them a sense of power they thoroughly enjoyed. Which is fine. Congrats, the toxic players achieved their goal of driving anyone they considered below them away.

And as a result the population of Ranked PvP fell so low Bioware decided to kill the game mode rather than invest more time and money programming it to work with the new combat system.

You yourself admitted to being toxic because "it's how you show you care". Don't act shocked that being toxic drove players away.

Edited by illgot
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4 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

But they said that ranked wasn't removed because of toxicity but rather because of combat styles. Ranked was only toxic if someone was playing without a keyboard, like most people do, and at that point why queue ranked at all. Many many times have I seen someone new, valor 25 go into ranked, I told them that they should probably learn more first, then give ranked another try and then they are in the next game?! I do not want to play with or against this specific player. A 3v4 is not fun and if reasoning doesn't work to gethim out... well then they get flamed until they leave. If someone really is SO BAD that not even the enemy team wants them to keep queueing then why even play ranked. They can't know in their first game, but if I told them and they keep queueing... it's their own fault honestly.

Agreed. They shot themselves in the foot with combat styles, didn't know how to fix the problem they created, and just removed the game mode instead. 

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7 hours ago, illgot said:

You and I both know how toxic the players in ranked were and how that level of toxicity was a badge of honor to some. The fact that they could drive players away from Ranked PvP permanently gave them a sense of power they thoroughly enjoyed. Which is fine. Congrats, the toxic players achieved their goal of driving anyone they considered below them away.

I know how toxic ranked was, Prum knows how toxic ranked was... but do you? I have no idea. Doesn't seem like it.

Yes, driving players away that shouldn't have been able to queue or be in the games was the point. But usually what happens is they ignore advice and once they get flamed they but the player on ignore and keep getting farmed for two more hours just to never return again, not because they got flamed, but because they got destroyed for 2h straight, first target every single round and being dead 90% of the time. I can very much see how thats not enjoyable, but as I said, I told them that would happen - they never listen.

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1 hour ago, ZUHFB said:

first target every single round and being dead 90% of the time. I can very much see how thats not enjoyable

You correctly identify the issue. Why do Ranked players like to target new players? Are they too scared to go after other Ranked players? Or is it that the only way they can show their superiority is by targeting weak and frail people who aren't as skilled. That's toxic behavior which creates a negative environment. Good that Ranked was removed.

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You don't have to play a single ranked game to understand what ranked players are like. After all, all premades x5-8 are they. And they don't call it griefing, they call it a smart way to win. One could also assume that they saw toxicity and vote kick as a smart way to keep the bads/casusals away, and wintrade and synq as a smart way to guarantee top rewards.

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8 hours ago, Mycroft-Tarkin said:

You correctly identify the issue. Why do Ranked players like to target new players? Are they too scared to go after other Ranked players? Or is it that the only way they can show their superiority is by targeting weak and frail people who aren't as skilled. That's toxic behavior which creates a negative environment. Good that Ranked was removed.

lol @ the second reason. if i see a 350k sorce/sage etc ofc they're the first target .

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8 hours ago, Mycroft-Tarkin said:

You correctly identify the issue. Why do Ranked players like to target new players?

Because.... it's a free win? It's ranked I don't go around donating elo, is it not more toxic to say nothing to a person like this and just watch them dying over and over and over again, then thinking its the class or the gear

like I said, if they aren't ready they aren't ready. If they disagree with that they get farmed, I can see why people dislike that, but they are doing it to themselves what can I say.

And yes, going the weak part of the team is in 90% of cases correct. The only other time you would go a competent player is if they are alone because the assumption is that his value is more than that of the other three teamates because you essentially leave them freecasting, but they are bad so who cares, they aren't killing anybody anyway. That is way more disrespectful if you ask me, it's literally saying "you're so bad, you're not even worth dying because it literally doesn't matter if you're alive or dead", so going on the new players is respecting them enough to be a target.

Ranked was ranked, I don't go around explaining things bots would understand. There is no point. I don't teach sm raiders strats because respectfully, it would be like talking to a wall. And if that sm raider is in my NiM raid, yes they are getting booted? Of course! Like I don't understand this, why would anybody expect a good experience in their first ranked games? obviously you'd have a lot to learn like strats how to and metas, any ranked game has this! So what, we can't bully them out of the queue but we can't global them for 2h either? Are we supposed to lose on purpose? What is the alternative? Not like any of that is any different in regs tho.


And the reason ranked players queue together is that they had/have a community and regs do not. Thats just the truth. We have friends that want to play with us and the average regstar doesn't. End of story.

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7 hours ago, slowdude said:

One could also assume that they saw toxicity and vote kick as a smart way to keep the bads/casusals away, and wintrade and synq as a smart way to guarantee top rewards.

You're half right. Vote kick was the easiest option. Imagine getting vote kicked by your entire team, there has to be a reason? Ever thought of that?

First of all its q-sync not synq and it works differently then you think, it's not a tool that was used to gain elo but to keep other players from doing so, let me explain so people finally learn what is going on:

#1. I have a juggernaut 1720 rated with 160w currently the 3rd Top3 slot

#2. Another ranked player, lets just say figlak, comes on a new jug 1620 rated with 100w -> going for the 3rd top3 slot

#3 I can now create a new juggernaut with that I queue sync that specific character from figlak, because its new my elo is 1200 - if we assume we have the same real elo (which we don't fig is better than me, but it won't matter) I get a way better team, most likely he gets 3 bots while I get players with a name

#4 Figlak is now essentially in a 2.5 vs. 3.5 which gives me the higher winrate even though he is better

That is, what q-sync is - not please stop talking about things you kniw nothing about. Also nevermind this only impacts players able to get to 1500+ anyway and at that point they know whats going on and will avoid qing into the sync. This only works for tank or heals btw.

Ranked players giving each other rewards does not work. What does happen is e.g. I see Aqrius juggernaut on #1 but his guardian isn't at 160w yet, I can now go ask Aqrius if he is going to finish these wins and based on the answer I can go try for this spot because I cannot apply q-sync and he is better than me, so I would not try for the spot if he would. I've also heard lyala begging cliff for one of the merc top3 spots but I could not confirm that, only cliff knows for sure - either way lyala didn't get that one.

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17 hours ago, RikuvonDrake said:

seems to be a great decision, unranked is popping much more regurarly, game quality is same/better and it doesnt seem like many players left the game over the change, all in all a win/win for bioware

Well removing ranked does very little effect on reg pops. When you make another fill the bar progression with some reward on it many people would like to get it. When you make weekly requirement over 100 matches it will give you faster pops. Regs used to be really bad so it cant get any worse so I can agree it is same quality. But i doubt this new pvp changes wont bring any new players and will cause many ranked players leaving the game and all of ranked players subscribers so i dont see a win for BW here.

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1 hour ago, ZUHFB said:

Because.... it's a free win? It's ranked I don't go around donating elo, is it not more toxic to say nothing to a person like this and just watch them dying over and over and over again, then thinking its the class or the gear

like I said, if they aren't ready they aren't ready. If they disagree with that they get farmed, I can see why people dislike that, but they are doing it to themselves what can I say.

And yes, going the weak part of the team is in 90% of cases correct. The only other time you would go a competent player is if they are alone because the assumption is that his value is more than that of the other three teamates because you essentially leave them freecasting, but they are bad so who cares, they aren't killing anybody anyway. That is way more disrespectful if you ask me, it's literally saying "you're so bad, you're not even worth dying because it literally doesn't matter if you're alive or dead", so going on the new players is respecting them enough to be a target.

Ranked was ranked, I don't go around explaining things bots would understand. There is no point. I don't teach sm raiders strats because respectfully, it would be like talking to a wall. And if that sm raider is in my NiM raid, yes they are getting booted? Of course! Like I don't understand this, why would anybody expect a good experience in their first ranked games? obviously you'd have a lot to learn like strats how to and metas, any ranked game has this! So what, we can't bully them out of the queue but we can't global them for 2h either? Are we supposed to lose on purpose? What is the alternative? Not like any of that is any different in regs tho.


And the reason ranked players queue together is that they had/have a community and regs do not. Thats just the truth. We have friends that want to play with us and the average regstar doesn't. End of story.

But how can they get that experience and learn if they are booted before the match starts? Nobody would know how to do a Nim raid without actually being in the raid to learn. It's not like you can go into the raid yourself and learn the strat to defeat Brontes. So how can you learn something if there's no one willing to teach you? You just expect everyone to know how to do it automatically?

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9 minutes ago, Bigfallenstar said:

But how can they get that experience and learn if they are booted before the match starts? Nobody would know how to do a Nim raid without actually being in the raid to learn.

Because the things cannot be learned without a foundation. I would teach someone with keybinds and HM experience a NiM raid but I would just boot the SM progress clicker. Often times the people I'm talking about had 7k achievement point, just hit valor 25 and thought they check out ranked, something I can understand, but I do not get why they kept and kept queueing just to get farmed and make any team of theirs lose.

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8 hours ago, slowdude said:

You don't have to play a single ranked game to understand what ranked players are like. After all, all premades x5-8 are they. And they don't call it griefing, they call it a smart way to win. One could also assume that they saw toxicity and vote kick as a smart way to keep the bads/casusals away, and wintrade and synq as a smart way to guarantee top rewards.

Ranked was so toxic and dead, literally no one played Ranked. Also, both arenas and warzones regs are filled with Ranked players running full premades. I am very smart.

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On 12/29/2022 at 12:29 PM, ZUHFB said:

Because the things cannot be learned without a foundation. I would teach someone with keybinds and HM experience a NiM raid but I would just boot the SM progress clicker. Often times the people I'm talking about had 7k achievement point, just hit valor 25 and thought they check out ranked, something I can understand, but I do not get why they kept and kept queueing just to get farmed and make any team of theirs lose.

the toxic players who drove others away, for any reason, are to blame for ranked PvP dying. It doesn't matter why you told players to go kill themselves, why you told them to stop wasting your time, why you told them to never come back, or why you told them simply to "F*** OFF you are trash...". If you were toxic to new players in ranked PvP, you are the reason ranked PvP's population fell so low the devs scrapped it.

I still find it ironic we constantly heard people begging for others to queue up for ranked PvP then those same players immediately harassed anyone new that dared try to play ranked.

Edited by illgot
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2 hours ago, illgot said:

the toxic players who drove others away, for any reason, are to blame for ranked PvP dying. It doesn't matter why you told players to go kill themselves, why you told them to stop wasting your time, why you told them to never come back, or whoy you told them simply to "F*** OFF you are trash...". If you were toxic to new players in ranked PvP, you are the reason ranked PvP's population fell so low the devs scrapped it.

the population increased from s11 to s14 though, but how would people WHO NEVER PLAYED IT KNOW HUH

I don't get it, how can removing a gamemode be a good sign for anybody and how can people be happy about a game that rarely gets content even losing content now! Sure you can say "I'm not sad ranked is gone" but you shouldn't be happy about it either.

Regs are more toxic than ranked. In 2.5k games last season I saw kys once. Stop queueing however, everytime someone was not ready for ranked. If I say nothing they get farmed even longer, doubt they would come back then ngl.

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On 12/28/2022 at 9:00 AM, Spasi said:

There really is nothing else to say. Its possibly one of the biggest idiotic decisions i have seen. Fixing something by removing it. It was about the only reason one would even try to learn pvp in this game and it was replaced by yet another battle pass. I only occassionally played it but it was still fun and nowhere near as toxic as people make it out to be. It was still toxic but compared to some other games its flowers and rainbows. Ranked pvp needs to come back.

My observation / based on everything had read on the forums I think It Was a Great Idea to remove rank.  The purpose of any game is for all subscribers to have fun.  Why should a hand full of players get to have all the fun just by cheating.  Didn't make any sense to the rest of the subscribers.  Now they need to invest on the quality of rewards. 

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35 minutes ago, ZUHFB said:

the population increased from s11 to s14 though, but how would people WHO NEVER PLAYED IT KNOW HUH

I don't get it, how can removing a gamemode be a good sign for anybody and how can people be happy about a game that rarely gets content even losing content now! Sure you can say "I'm not sad ranked is gone" but you shouldn't be happy about it either.

Regs are more toxic than ranked. In 2.5k games last season I say kys once. Stop queueing however, everytime someone was not ready for ranked. If I say nothing they get farmed even longer, doubt they would come back then ngl.

Telling a player to go kill themselves at all is once too many times.

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2 hours ago, Mycroft-Tarkin said:

Also, both arenas and warzones regs are filled with Ranked players running full premades

It only takes 8-12 online premade lovers to ruin the queue. This is even a little less than there were fans of the ranked. It turns out that some really left, while others play solo (what fools!). By the way, your mask fell off)))

3 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

then thinking its the class or the gear

Tell us about the class balance or the fact that the gear does not matter when almost any pvp player (not just ranked) will try to get the best gear they can. And yes, golden augments give a boost, as well as 340 gear. So it will help the beginner not to stand out with a low item rating and hp.

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40 minutes ago, Mycroft-Tarkin said:

You just lost all your credibility there. It is not okay to tell someone to kill themselves, even "once". 

AH, IT'S A TYPO 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I'm meant to write saw lmfao

like actually, read the sentence with saw instead of say and it makes more sense to

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