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GSF Vote Kick need to be fixed


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This is the second time this week that I'm actively playing GSF, making kills and assists, enjoying the game, and then getting kicked b/c the system calls me "inactive." Tired of it, it's not right.

Edited by Aghasett
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6 hours ago, illgot said:

This is very annoying when you are the only pilot guarding a satellite and no one is attacking it.

If your guarding a sat, you can't get kicked, unless your not actually on the sat.


Any player that is on top of or under the sat in close proximity is marked as contributing to the match, since your getting objective points.

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9 hours ago, Aghasett said:

This is the second time this week that I'm actively playing GSF, making kills and assists, enjoying the game, and then getting kicked b/c the system calls me "inactive." Tired of it, it's not right.

If your getting kills, and assists you can't get kicked out of a match. Every time you do damage your marked as contributing by the system. The only way you could possibly get vote kicked is if you stop doing Damage (or getting objective points in Dom matches) for a certain lengthy amount of time.

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7 hours ago, Toraak said:

If your guarding a sat, you can't get kicked, unless your not actually on the sat.


Any player that is on top of or under the sat in close proximity is marked as contributing to the match, since your getting objective points.

looks like I have to be closer to the satellite then.

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13 minutes ago, illgot said:

looks like I have to be closer to the satellite then.

It's more the people you are playing with. If you are getting an inactivity warning and getting immediately vote kicked, that is just a knee jerk reaction by some of the more toxic elements in GSF (like all game modes, there are people like this). Most players won't vote kick for inactivity unless you are far away from an objective. There is a difference between the inactivity kick, which is automatic, and a vote kick which is initiated by another player (technically, you don't need any reason to vote kick some one, just enough votes to do it)

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Yeaaaa... nice try.

1. If you're hitting anything, taking damage, or even click "Start" you're contributing. It's a very long time before it puts you in AFK status.

2. If you're on a satellite, you're contributing, You can literally go afk, eat lunch, and as long as that satellite is still yours and you don't die, you're contributing. If you're playing bomber on a deathmatch, and not hitting anything, you're not contributing. Move your repair drones to the fight or shoot something.

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3 hours ago, iiezl said:

Yeaaaa... nice try.

1. If you're hitting anything, taking damage, or even click "Start" you're contributing. It's a very long time before it puts you in AFK status.

2. If you're on a satellite, you're contributing, You can literally go afk, eat lunch, and as long as that satellite is still yours and you don't die, you're contributing. If you're playing bomber on a deathmatch, and not hitting anything, you're not contributing. Move your repair drones to the fight or shoot something.

It only happens in Deathmatch, which I will no longer participate in. It's when - yes, I've made kills, I've made assists - but at some point I'm dogfighting, perhaps not hitting my target, and at some point unknown to me it says I'm inactive, at which point someone kicks me, even though I'm actively trying to make kills. It's happened twice this week. So you can be as snarky as you want, but it's clearly against the principle of the gameplay.

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Just got vote kicked from a deathmatch in which I was on a bomber setting up a heal/reload nest and leaving mines around. It was the start of the match. That should count as participation in my book. The person who initiated the kick was in chat advocating that the group fly in to the enemy formation and die just to get the match over quickly. While I see that you can't do this support activity on a bomber any more, the vote kick feature is being abused by people who are just trying to cycle matches as fast as they can....that is it's own form of abusing the system. I have the screenshot of the person calling for suicide deaths to "just get it over with". This is where we are now in the rotating saga of funneling people into content they don't want to do.

I feel like systems like Galactic Seasons is not encouraging people to actually engage with things like GSF and pvp but more incentivizing them to just get through it in various ways not intended...and...are a disservice to those actively trying to do the content.

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strange I didn't get warning, probably because I couldn't turn quick enough to damage back. but some bich vote kick me out, if they were paying attention to the fight, and saw what was going on, they would had seen. They probably just bad player, and just griefing when they can, because that was a direct grief move,  trying to get back into pvp, but now we're dealing with hemorrhoids abusing the kick button.

if I knew who did that, I would report them for griefing

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just happened to me today. I use a bomber with repair/railgun sentry drone and sentry mines. I set up a little nest, drone are healing/damaging people left and right, and I recieved a message that I was vote kicked. I had a warning that I was not contributing, my drones were damaging other players, I was absolutely contributing. I then zone out of the match and had a message that I was vote kicked.

Edited by eldefail
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On 12/12/2022 at 9:01 AM, waisting said:

The only fix GSF vote kicking needs is for self destructing to not count as "contributing." 

It's not hard to contribute - shoot something. Go to a satellite. Get engaged in the match in literally any capacity. 

I got kicked for not contributing while my repair drone were actively healing teammates and my railgun sentry drones/seeker mines were damaging enemies. It doesn't matter if you're contributing, people are abusing it or there's a bug not counting drones as contributing.

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1 hour ago, eldefail said:

I got kicked for not contributing while my repair drone were actively healing teammates and my railgun sentry drones/seeker mines were damaging enemies. It doesn't matter if you're contributing, people are abusing it or there's a bug not counting drones as contributing.

You can't get Vote kicked if your doing damage. So this means your mines and drones were set to far back from the fighting, and thus were doing 0 damage.

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2 hours ago, Toraak said:

You can't get Vote kicked if your doing damage. So this means your mines and drones were set to far back from the fighting, and thus were doing 0 damage.

I will return to my original question that I directed at OP:

On 12/12/2022 at 9:17 AM, SteveTheCynic said:

Are you asking for the vote kick (see thread title) or inactivity kick (see original post) to be fixed?  (And what's specifically wrong with the vote kick system if that's what needs to be fixed?)

How can you not get vote kicked if you're doing damage?  What stops people launching a vote kick?

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2 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

I will return to my original question that I directed at OP:

How can you not get vote kicked if you're doing damage?  What stops people launching a vote kick?

The only time someone can even start a vote kick is if the person they are trying to kick already has the non contributing Symbol. Yellow circle with a slash through it. If someone is doing damage they do not have this symbol next to your character name. The only time someone gets that symbol is if they are not doing damage in tdm's or near a sat in Dom matches for a certain amount of time. Both damage, and being on a sat count you as contributing, so nobody would be able to initiate a vote to kick.

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10 hours ago, Toraak said:

The only time someone can even start a vote kick is if the person they are trying to kick already has the non contributing Symbol. Yellow circle with a slash through it. If someone is doing damage they do not have this symbol next to your character name. The only time someone gets that symbol is if they are not doing damage in tdm's or near a sat in Dom matches for a certain amount of time. Both damage, and being on a sat count you as contributing, so nobody would be able to initiate a vote to kick.

Ah, OK.  Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had this problem today, was having a really good game. Bomber heal/ repair/sentry second match, get a warning and got kicked by vote. We was winning and I was attempting to move my repair/heal/ sentry forward to the battle. Bio-ware please start recognising repair as activity I was contributing, a team with good fighter and support wins. My only other choice was to run my ship into a rock and contribute again on death match by giving the enemy a point. So here's where I stand, I have to wait minutes for a game to be kicked for not contributing to the team, when I'm playing to support my team and this would have been second victory for my weekly. Bio-ware why should I bother playing GSF because I have a choice if you can't provide a game environment where I can play bomber I choose not to, so when there no-one left who plays bomber that heals/repair/sentry then who re-loads and repairs the team. 

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3 hours ago, Lohisen said:

I had this problem today, was having a really good game. Bomber heal/ repair/sentry second match, get a warning and got kicked by vote. We was winning and I was attempting to move my repair/heal/ sentry forward to the battle. Bio-ware please start recognising repair as activity I was contributing, a team with good fighter and support wins. My only other choice was to run my ship into a rock and contribute again on death match by giving the enemy a point. So here's where I stand, I have to wait minutes for a game to be kicked for not contributing to the team, when I'm playing to support my team and this would have been second victory for my weekly. Bio-ware why should I bother playing GSF because I have a choice if you can't provide a game environment where I can play bomber I choose not to, so when there no-one left who plays bomber that heals/repair/sentry then who re-loads and repairs the team. 

If you got kicked for inactivity, then it means you had your nest to far back away from the battle, If your nest was in the proper place, then your sentry drone would have done damage, and you could not have been marked Noncontributing.


This is L2P issue, Join a guild that does GSF training (there are some out there), and they can teach you how to place your mines better.

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same player in 3 games has zero damage, zero assist, zero defense, just self destructs over and over.

Self Destructing in GSF should not reset the kick command. And if you have zero stats it should not count that game for dailies or weeklies. Even new players can tag a ship once in a while for a few hundred damage.

Funny part is that player is actively trolling people in chat. I noticed him self destructing in a TDM and mentioned we are only behind because someone is self destructing. That person responded "we should report that them!".

Edited by illgot
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sadly, vote kick is completely useless.  It only applies to ships who are static for several moments away from objectives, not building certain stats like damage, objectives, assists, etc.

Repairs should absolutely count.  But it looks like they don't.  

Bombers that embed and act as repair nests for their teams do indeed contribute.  The fact they're punished with an inactivity warning despite contributing infinitely more to their team than a feeder ever will, tells me devs are punishing players and rewarding the feeding NPCs that throw matches and cause losses.  It's sickening.


And in my experience in video games, telling your team to vote kick someone does literally nothing.


The feeders spawn and self destruct.  Their "rotation" if you will, allows them to bypass the "you are no longer contributing" mechanic.  


Just build an algorithm that identifies key behaviors and stats on players (and their legacies) that are consistent with feeders that spawn and die over and over again.

If no damage, +1 to kick counter

If no objectives, +1 to kick counter

If no shots fired, +1 to kick counter

If player self destructs seconds after spawn, +1 to kick counter

If player self destructs multiple times in a row, +1 to kick counter


If the game scans these and adds them up and reaches maybe 3-4 marks, then the player is automatically booted.

Obviously this could be improved upon or optimized.

These are all common behaviors I see in feeders.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

First thing almost all the matches are so unbalanced there has to a way to balance team using the players stats. When you have a team 50-0 something is severely broken. 

I am on a landline internet only thing available to me so lag is alittle worst then most. In gsf  I missile target and someone else does they kill and mine did not , and happens a couple times I get vote kicked.    GSF is terrible. This has only happened since the updates to game. I never used to get vote kicked until about the last 6 months.  I have 20 characters to get conquest every week put the regular PVP to 4 matches and conquest like gfs.   GSF SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adding my voice to this.

In deathmatch - trying to repair and stay alive and avoid dying is not "not contributing".  If I smack into a wall and die I am "contributing again".

Tired of waiting out 15 mins for this type of nonsense.  My leisure time is limited - if I'm kicked for 15 mins I'm not sitting around sucking my thumb I'm going to log out for the night and go and do something else entirely.

I'm a long time subber who is getting tired of you guys fixing things that are not broken and failing to address issues like this that need attention.  Get it together please.😠

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