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My thoughts about the new PVP changes


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25 minutes ago, alasamaya said:

Removing endgame content, instead of fix it, is a good step for you?

They aren't  "removing"  it though.  They are  merging & morphing it.

Dislike the change all you want, but at least be accurate in your critique.

25 minutes ago, alasamaya said:

. Lets remove fleet [chat] is too toxic too.

Now THAT ^ i can agree with! :D

25 minutes ago, alasamaya said:

 Oh, lets remove NiM raids, too toxic as well.

Every  NiM  raid-team  i've  guested in (as healer)  over the years has been super supportive and very helpful toward me.  Of course, i also join with humility, focus, and a willingness to learn. ;)

25 minutes ago, alasamaya said:

, I got hundred of hate whispers for playing regs. Literally for just playing the game.

Me too and i find it endlessly entertaining. :ph_lol:

25 minutes ago, alasamaya said:

 So delete content is the solution for it?

Again, they aren't  "deleting"  content.  They are  continuing their mandate of  pruning.

Let's just hope they like my idea about  re-designing the  Leaderboards as a  'terminal'  on Fleet , similar to how the Strongholds (public listings) terminal  works with 'prestige'.

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: BioWare would do well by at least engaging with PVP community here soon.
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9 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

They aren't  "removing"  it though.  They are  merging & morphing it.

Dislike the change all you want, but at least be accurate in your critique.

Please tell me how this isn't a removal. Nothing that makes ranked "ranked" is being retained.

Now, people can argue all they like about whether or not ranked 'deserved' to be removed, and whether it's a good or a bad thing, but let's not pretend that ranked is being "merged" with unranked. A merger would require some kind of leaderboard and/or rating system to be retained. None such exists. It's gone. By definition, there is nothing on PTS that can be described as a "ranked" mode.

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5 minutes ago, Crystal_Mind said:

Please tell me how this isn't a removal. Nothing that makes ranked "ranked" is being retained.

We're sort of playing semantics here, but np. ;)

8 minutes ago, Crystal_Mind said:

 but let's not pretend that ranked is being "merged" with unranked.

There's no "pretending" .  BioWare literally said it's a merge between  Ranked & Regs.

9 minutes ago, Crystal_Mind said:

 A merger would require some kind of leaderboard and/or rating system to be retained. None such exists.

First, didn't  XamXam  make a post stating there is indeed some new version of  'leaderboard' ?

Secondly, what do you think of my idea i mentioned above ^^ ...?  (re:  copy  SH's terminal concept)

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What they said, to my memory was "there is no distinction between the modes," which is true since... there's no rating system, and therefore no ranking system, so by definition there is no "ranked pvp." All the pretty words in the world don't change that.

6 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

First, didn't  XamXam  make a post stating there is indeed some new version of  'leaderboard' ?

Secondly, what do you think of my idea i mentioned above ^^ ...?  (re:  copy  SH's terminal concept)

XamXam was talking about an end of game scoreboard, not a leaderboard tracking player rating/ranking. The former is present on PTS, the latter has been removed.

For the second: I don't think we need another terminal on fleet, no, and I find your constant self-promotion slightly gauche.

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31 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

They aren't  "removing"  it though.  They are  merging & morphing it.

Dislike the change all you want, but at least be accurate in your critique.

Now THAT ^ i can agree with! :D

Every  NiM  raid-team  i've  guested in (as healer)  over the years has been super supportive and very helpful toward me.  Of course, i also join with humility, focus, and a willingness to learn. ;)

Me too and i find it endlessly entertaining. :ph_lol:

Again, they aren't  "deleting"  content.  They are  continuing their mandate of  pruning.

Let's just hope they like my idea about  re-designing the  Leaderboards as a  'terminal'  on Fleet , similar to how the Strongholds (public listings) terminal  works with 'prestige'.

Again, IT IS a delete of content. Ranked, if you didnt read the initial post, fixed some kind of unbalance on the matchmaking. In solo ranked both team had the same composition of roles, so unless there was a bug, it was always "balanced" in terms of roles. There wasnt such thing as you queue solo and you face a premade with different composition as your team. Same thing in group ranked, mode that I was never fan of: There was 2 premades versus each other. That content, and balance, is gone. If you queue now solo arena, you can go versus 7 guys that are by their own, if you are lucky. If not, you can face a premade - with a different composition that your team, therefore, unfair. Now tell me thats not a removal of content, even if you like it or not. 

You seem to have a lot of hate about ranked, and did you actually played it? If the answer is no, why do you even care?

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1 hour ago, Crystal_Mind said:

XamXam was talking about an end of game scoreboard, not a leaderboard tracking player rating/ranking. The former is present on PTS, the latter has been removed.

For the second: I don't think we need another terminal on fleet, no, and I find your constant self-promotion slightly gauche.

Well, hopefully BioWare will take the collective feedback  and find some type of compromise.

As to your 2nd sentence i quoted:  "gauche", huh?  Now that's a word i've not often seen used on these forums.  Sorta feel flattered now.  :D  Anyways, i can understand how my posts can come off that way but i assure you i have no reason to "self" promote, since a) my 'Dev' career is long over  and  b) my numerous  ideas/solutions are strictly from a place of earnest help for the Community as a whole.

I see plenty of  ranting & whining  here on these forums, but i rarely see players offering up realistic or innovative solutions to accompany their criticisms.   I'm far from perfect, but i strive to always include both equally whenever i can.

However, i have full awareness that most of my ideas are considered "radical" or just simply ignored.

Big whoop.

1 hour ago, alasamaya said:

You seem to have a lot of hate about ranked, and did you actually played it? If the answer is no, why do you even care?

I have no  "hate"  lol  check my post-history (in this section)  and you'll see i have indeed played (and enjoyed) Ranked PVP.   In fact, i not only ran a PVP server Event a couple years ago but i also even proposed/begged  BioWare to add  minimal  Ranked 'points'  for open-world kills  too , since i been playing within  PVP servers & instances  99% of my time since 2012  and i prefer open-world to that dreck called 'arenas'. :(

I love PVP , when i'm in the mood to focus.  Heck i even played ESO 'Cyrodiil' 24/7 sometimes in the past to achieve *Emperor* status twice.   And i really do have great respect & admiration toward hardcore PVPer's.

I just think some of u guys are  going a bit overboard  with emotional melodrama (sorta like how i reacted to Collector's Edition vendor being unlocked for everyone who didn't actually collect lol ) about this  evolution.   And after 14 seasons, i welcome  7.2 with an open mind.

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: there must be a way to have some type of NEW 'leaderboard' to satisfy Rankers
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2 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Well, hopefully BioWare will take the collective feedback  and find some type of compromise.

As to your 2nd sentence i quoted:  i can understand how my posts can come off that way but i assure you i have no reason to "self" promote, since a) my 'Dev' career is long over  and  b) my numerous  ideas/solutions are strictly from a place of earnest help for the COMMUNITY.

I see plenty of  ranting & whining  here on these forums, but i rarely see players offering up realistic or innovative solutions to accompany their criticisms.   I'm far from perfect, but i strive to always include both equally whenever i can.

However, i have full awareness that most of my ideas are considered "radical" or just simply ignored.

Big whoop.

I have no  "hate"  lol  check my post-history (in this section)  and you'll see i have indeed played (and enjoyed) Ranked PVP.   In fact, i not only ran a PVP server Event a couple years ago but i also even proposed/begged  BioWare to add  minimal  Ranked 'points'  for open-world kills  too , since i been playing within  PVP servers & instances  99% of my time since 2012  and i prefer open-world to that dreck called 'arenas'. :(

I love PVP , when i'm in the mood to focus.  And i have great respect & admiration to hardcore PVPer's.

I just think some of u guys are  going a bit overboard  with melodrama about this  merge.   And after 14 seasons, i welcome  7.2 with an open mind.

Again, you keep calling it "merge" when I have explained you three times this is a removal of content with arguments...If you have just one minute, you could read what I posted above explaining that the content called ranked -doesnt matter if you want to call it ranked anymore, we can call it simply "balanced arenas" or "same role ones"- are going to be REMOVED. No such thing of matchmaking balance in regular arenas anymore. And explain to me how is that a "merge".

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Just now, alasamaya said:

Again, you keep calling it "merge" when I have explained you three times this is a removal of content with arguments...If you have just one minute, you could read what I posted above explaining that the content called ranked -

i read your post and i also EDITED  my post above.

i hear you loud & clear , but i just disagree with your assessment.

Time will tell of course, once  the final version of  7.2  launches on LIVE servers.

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18 hours ago, Samcuu said:

Hmm 32 ppl in queue for ranked isn't a lot of ppl. That's like half of one instance of ppl doing story on DK. 

You misunderstood me.


That's just 32 people at one time. During the beginning of the season, ranked queues would pop 24 hours straight through the night and into the morning. That's literally better than regs which sometimes won't pop at random hours of the night.

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4 hours ago, septru said:

 ranked queues would pop 24 hours straight through the night and into the morning.

That's literally better than regs which sometimes won't pop at random hours of the night.

Fair point i suppose,  but who's to say  after 7.2  (when both  communities are merged into one giant 'queue' ) that  we won't see  more pops  more often  more evenly?

GSF  seems to be doing just fine  without separating  best pilots from worst newbs.  I'm guessing that was one of BioWare  rationalizations or considerations, no?

Plus,  they have this  basic  hamster-wheel called  Galactic Seasons ... which sorta  conflicts with the whole  Ranked "Season"  phrase. (especially for newer players)

Regardless, i just wanna clarify a couple things here before i  *vote kick* myself out of this thread and let u guys have at it....

  1.  While i'm in favor of  7.2 changes , and even requested/campaigned for them in years past , i still  AGREE with the notion of having some  type of new  'Leaderboard'  display on Fleet or wherever.  (And i've been doing everything i can to convince BioWare of the same, in my usual "gauche" way :cool: )
  2.  i totally understand how the hardcore  Ranked players must feel,  to possibly have their only reason for playing (and paying) be potentially removed from the game.  ( sorta similar to when SWG went from Pre-cu to CU to dreaded NGE )  --  However, i also feel like those same peeps are jumping to emotional conclusions  before  BioWare completely decides what this final version will be on LIVE servers.  Maybe just maybe  PTS feedback will yield a fair compormise?
  3.  i'm just really excited about the return of  8v8's , since i personally find  'arenas'  to be boring & limiting.

.... See ya in the next thread!  :ph_cheers:

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: BioWare READS all threads ( trust me i know ) ,but it def. might help things if they posted intel a bit more often here.
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8 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

They aren't  "removing"  it though.  They are  merging & morphing it.

Yes. They are removing ranked. Regs are a joke, that is why players lacking basics did get flamed in ranked to begin with, because they made the gamemode just like regs.

Reality is most people don't aren't a threat to any ranked players and the ones that are are known by name.

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9 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

 Regs are a joke, that is why players lacking basics did get flamed in ranked to begin with,

And therein ^ lies the problem and the "toxic" perception.

How come GSF pilot PVP'ers , who are just as skilled & competitive as ground Rankers ,  don't treat newbs  with that ^ same venomous vitriol ?   The only types GSF'ers  throw hate  at is  AFK'ers. ;)

Perhaps this  umm  removal-->merge-->morph-->7.2 evolution  will encourage the hardcore uber Rankers to start  being more  helpful  than hurtful.   Start being less elitist & exclusive  and instead be more elevating & illuminating. (especially within the warzone chat itself , after losing 'Round 1'  for example)

Rankers can choose to motivate newbs to "git gud"  without also making them feel like they aren't worthy of  breathing in the same queue and  /spitting them out of competing alltogether.  (hardcore Rankers never understand they are essentially cutting off their own snobby nose to spite their special fun)

Again , i urge you to look at GSF pilots, generally, as a shining example of how to be uber competitive without also being super crass.

Then maybe the "PVP Community" can really begin to grow again,  rather than just being some fringe aspect.  It is  'Star WARS' after all. :csw_guard:

9 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

Reality is most people aren't a threat to any ranked players and the ones that are are known by name.

Exactly.  Thankyou for reinforcing my point about  PVP cream always rises to the top, even if the Top can't be seen anymore. (re: 'Leaderboards'  --- Which again, i agree should still be implemented in some new SH's similar fleet terminal with possible OPT-IN form , like  septru has already suggested.  )

*And NOW i'm outta this thread! :csw_jabbapet:

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10 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

How come GSF pilot PVP'ers , who are just as skilled & competitive as ground Rankers ,  don't treat newbs  with that ^ same venomous vitriol ?   The only types GSF'ers  throw hate  at is  AFK'ers. ;)

What. GSF is way worse, I do not respect anybody in that gamemode, 1v5 1v4? Sure why not they probably don't know how to target anyway much less hit me.


11 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Perhaps this  umm  removal-->merge-->morph-->7.2 evolution  will encourage the hardcore uber Rankers to start  being more  helpful  than hurtful

Hurtful? What are we supposed to say? "Start using your abilities. That will help you survive?", "Start trying to not die without using any cooldowns?" what exactly am I supposed to help a player with that doesn't know that? What is he going to get out of an advice like "try to use shield first, medpac maybe but try to have trauma regulators heal you up without using reflect or kolto, then use both, ideally not with any movement and root breaks if any, cleanse stuff like poison granade slow and then you'll take 1.4 to 1.5mil nearly every time instead of 360k". Oh wait, we did that! But only to players who show they want to improve by having basics! Dying on marauder without using gravity vortex is just not acceptable (just to name one example), no tip, no advice will ever cover the basic lack of knowledge needed to perform against players who have that knowledge. It's just not possible. When I say "open with force crush" I will be called a noob for not knowing marauders need rage to use that ability and at that point I just shake my head and give up, am I their personal coach? What is going on? Why do I need to tell someone the first 3 GCDs of any fight for fury in R A N K E D. 

It's not meant as hate at all, but in a ranked mode I expect my fellow teammates to have enough the decency to learn their basics. In NiM raiding a player like that wouldn't even get a trial raid, is that toxic too? How did not knowing the basics get to be an OK thing in the highest form of content? It's in every guide, it can be learned anywhere and it's not hard to not get flamed, but how would anybody know this that didn't play the gamemode. Now it's being removed for being "toxic" and a bunch of people who never played ranked agree with it, for literally no reason on no basis and with not facts. Then they insult us, call us toxic without knowing anything and I am supposed to just... take it? I will defend myself. 

19 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Start being less elitist & exclusive  and instead be more elevating & illuminating. (especially within the warzone chat itself , after losing 'Round 1'  for example)

it depends how round 1 was lost, if the player shows no understanding of their own class or just pvp basics there is no point, that player will not understand me or anybody for that matter and it's just waste of time, I've seen it and tried it time and time again. Did. not. work. once.

21 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Rankers can choose to motivate newbs to "git gud"  without also making them feel like they aren't worthy of  breathing in the same queue and  /spitting them out of competing alltogether.  (hardcore Rankers never understand they are essentially cutting off their own snobby nose to spite their special fun)

We understand it, that is exactly why it's happening. This only happens to players they want to stop queueing alltogether which is the only course of action they can take since votekick got removed, which was removed because it was toxic. It probably is more toxic now since when people would be able to votekick they got rid of their emotions without flaming. Being votekicked is not toxic, it's meant to be a wakeup call. That is how I would understand it. 

23 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Again , i urge you to look at GSF pilots, generally, as a shining example of how to be uber competitive without also being super crass.

Yah, I did GSF achievements. When I did them nobody was able to pilot a ship and most games were essentially a 1v1 or a 1v2, the others are just... kinda there.

25 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

'Star WARS' after all

Star standing at objectives doing nothing more likely

Like obviously people can't know everything when starting out in ranked, but at least please at least have gear and know to break on white bar not earlier. Mark Biggs has great guides on all of this and it would take any person maybe a week of gearing + maybe 2h of guides maximum to reach a level on which they wouldn't get flamed anymore. Not only that but there are only streams of ranked regularly and why not just go ask there? It really takes no effort not to get flamed anymore, and if the minimum amount of time has not been put in how can anybody be surprised they get flamed... How was this not obvious. 

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11 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

Yes. They are removing ranked. Regs are a joke, that is why players lacking basics did get flamed in ranked to begin with, because they made the gamemode just like regs.

Reality is most people don't aren't a threat to any ranked players and the ones that are are known by name.

Most casual reg players are there for the objective aspect in my experience. Anyone who's interested in death match has most likely already been in ranked. I really doubt you'll see all these "threats" to ranked players ever queue 4s now that it's an option. You'll get the reg star premades MAYBE and that's about it. So I really don't see how it's going to be that big of an issue, if the ranked crowd hangs around nobody from 8s is going to even queue 4s considering most of the casuals have asked to be allowed to filter out the 4v4 queues for a long time now. Biggest thing to salvage any type of ranked system now is a leaderboard and I don't think you'll see too much of a difference between ranked and the new system. There will be issues here and there but there were already issues before. 

We are kinda talking in circles. There needs to be a natural progression for players, and there needs to be more ppl to progress. We are putting the cart in front of the horse. You need to attract more players, there needs to be large scale pvp, wpvp ect. Once u have a strong pvp player base then pvp guilds pop up. Pvp guilds teach players how to be effective. Then when you've got a big population maybe u can reinstate ranked pvp. 

These new changes are probably being made out of desperation. Do I think there's a plan in place to accomplish this, probably not. However as you've pointed out new players to ranked usually doesn't work out very well and it's not a good place for players to learn. They don't learn in 8v8s either so there's got to be some way to help newer players. Having a small community just for "end game" pvp as it's been referred to is only keeping a minority group of players happy. Game is dying either they take big swings to improve things or just pack it up and let it die. 

Edited by Samcuu
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34 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

if the ranked crowd hangs around nobody from 8s is going to even queue 4s considering most of the casuals have asked to be allowed to filter out the 4v4 queues for a long time now

that's not how it works, everybody will queue what ever pops quicker. Every warzone can also be a death match...

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3 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

And therein ^ lies the problem and the "toxic" perception.

How come GSF pilot PVP'ers , who are just as skilled & competitive as ground Rankers ,  don't treat newbs  with that ^ same venomous vitriol ?   The only types GSF'ers  throw hate  at is  AFK'ers. ;)


Because gsf has an extremely effective vote kick system in place. 

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On 11/13/2022 at 11:05 PM, mfourcustom said:

Regardless of how people feel about ranked pvp removing content from a game that is already lacking content in all facets is not a good sign at all. I think that is all that needs to be said. 

BANSKY! I dropped $15 just to give you a shout! BW did something to make you finally post something. ha! /cheers

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9 hours ago, KumbayaGOD said:

why we arguing the past? bioware will remove rank no matter you like it or not and life go on, they wont give you rat's behind about it anymore 

so either you accept or quit game.  most of you will stay even rank is gone 


so...I only ever started to PvP in any mmorpg in SWTOR, and I did this because there was literally nothing to do in the game. I had three or four raid geared toons. the origin servers were operating about 25% player capacity. only two or three guilds on the server even bothered to raid anymore, and the only thing to do was HB (I forget why, but only HB would pop...I think it's b/c you could play against the same faction).

there's no end game in this game. BW has systematically clipped away end game content. ranked was high end game content. one of the only two remaining. NiM is on life support as well. it has to be. new content is few and far between for raiding. my point is that if you play high end game stuff (not GS participation dailies or space barbie), then the death of ranked probably is the final nail in the coffin.

SWTOR has struggled to provide end game content since its inception. I don't think that's even opinion at this point.

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1 hour ago, krackcommando said:

SWTOR has struggled to provide end game content since its inception.

Totally agree , and this is one of the pitfalls of having practically ZERO  'sandbox' type elements  mixed into  this theme-park MMO.

Player imaginations & appetites (for content) will always trump any paltry amount of whatever developers can create & offer.

This is why, for many years in my "gouche" way , i've been trying to get BioWare  to implement less Cartel Market re-skin bait for the $heep  and instead copy ESO by doing more expansive things like: 

  • revamping Crafting , to be more immersive, interesting, & interactive ....which btw could also potentially help with current out-of-control  inflationary "economy" too
  • expanding  Open-World PVP , either by using Outlaw's Den or by just introducing an entirely separate planet/battlezone (like ESO does with 'Cyrodiil' and 'Imperial City' areas )
  • allow for more horizontal type progressions , like for example: Rather than boring  re-skinned  mounts & mini-pets that are merely cosmetic clones, let endgamers pursue modifications for those things to have greater functionality ( so a mount w/ a turret  could actually be used in PVP Open-world battlezones .... or a mini-pet droid could actually be augmented for extra storage ... etc. etc. )

But oh well, onto the next gear-grind  until everyone's  iRating becomes what like 500, for 306 tuned Ops? :rolleyes:

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: my ideas are too "radical" ? Hmm ok but gosh the status-quo is just going oh so well lol
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4 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Totally agree , and this is one of the pitfalls of having practically ZERO  'sandbox' type elements  mixed into  this theme-park MMO.

Player imaginations & appetites (for content) will always trump any paltry amount of whatever developers can create & offer.

This is why, for many years in my "gouche" way , i've been trying to get BioWare  to implement less Cartel Market re-skin bait for the $heep  and instead copy ESO by doing more expansive things like: 

  • revamping Crafting , to be more immersive, interesting, & interactive ....which btw could also potentially help with current out-of-control  inflationary "economy" too
  • expanding  Open-World PVP , either by using Outlaw's Den or by just introducing an entirely separate planet/battlezone (like ESO does with 'Cyrodiil' and 'Imperial City' areas )
  • allow for more horizontal type progressions , like for example: Rather than boring  re-skinned  mounts & mini-pets that are merely cosmetic clones, let endgamers pursue modifications for those things to have greater functionality ( so a mount w/ a turret  could actually be used in PVP Open-world battlezones .... or a mini-pet droid could actually be augmented for extra storage ... etc. etc. )

But oh well, onto the next gear-grind  until everyone's  iRating becomes what like 500, for 306 tuned Ops? :rolleyes:

The problem is that the game is run by EA who refuses to admit that there's any profit outside of loot crates. Every game they've put out for the last decade has died the second the loot crates are no longer amusing and this game is no exception. They refuse to add content to any game at all because they don't see the immediate gambling payout oppertunity. 

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Thanks for unlocking this thread again. I couldnt comment some of the messages.

Through some gears people have complained here in forums how the matchmaking doesnt work propperly. You can be queing for pvp solo and face a premade in an arena match. Or the other team could have one healer and one tank, meanwhile your team doesnt have any. These issues were one of the reasons I personally got into ranked, appart of the will to learn and improve. 

These issues were kinda  solved in ranked. If you want to queue solo, you can totally do it against seven others with the same composition of roles. If you queue groupped, normally they had one tank one heal and two dps.

That content wont be possible to find in any aspect of the new pvp system, according to the information released so far, and that can make people tired of it.  

I think we all here want the best for the game, not because you disagree with me means you are the bad guy. But if you dont played that content before, there is no reason for you to ask for the removal of it. 

For the people that think only a few players did ranked, I suggest to check on the leaderboards how many people participated of it during the season. It wasnt just a "few". And like I said, that content is now gone. There are less reasons for the people to stay and try to improve, if you can get the same rewards doing nothing and yet getting the same rewards that people hard trying.

We have complained for years that we want more endgame content. Ranked was endgame content. NiM Ops are endgame content. It just doesnt make sense to remove that kind of content, and replace it for a grindy system that forces you to repeat some activities to get rewarded for. That isnt new content, and I think the playerbase deserves better than that.

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Another thing that is in my mind: 

There were many conquest guild organizing events to "farm ranked tokens" or "farm conquest" by doing group ranked. They just made two teams, went against each other all the time, taking "turns" on losing. Some of them just /stuck. Others, who were worried of being banned doing that, decided to take their gear off, inside the arenas. This behavior, which was some time ago banned -against the rules because of wintrade- will be now allowed. With the removal of ranked, it wont such thing as "ooooh big guilds wintrading in regs", therefore this behavior will be now "legal". Is it healthy to validate it? Those big guilds not even didnt get banned, but now all what they did, which was against the rules, is allowed. "Did you guys get a pop?"  "No" "Oh lets leave queue". Lets queue again. I dont see how this new system will do anything good to PVP. You guys dont see how much damage you are doing to the PVP community with these changes. 

Edited by alasamaya
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3 hours ago, alasamaya said:

For the people that think only a few players did ranked, I suggest to check on the leaderboards how many people participated of it during the season. It wasnt just a "few". And like I said, that content is now gone. There are less reasons for the people to stay and try to improve, if you can get the same rewards doing nothing and yet getting the same rewards that people hard trying.


I think s12 was the last time I played ranked, but I did play it 1-12, give or take one or two seasons. there's no way you can convince me that the population wasn't minuscule (compared to regs). I specifically remember begging players to queue and jumping into streams and discords to let ranked players know that there was enough to queue, etc.

as clueless as these people praising the removal of ranked are, they are not wrong to say the ranked population was tiny.

there were always blips on the radar where the population spiked (beginning and end of seasons, server mergers, mixed factions), but those were blips in my experience. i mean...literally jumping into players' twitch streams and scanning arena populations to figure out if ranked was popping. that ain't a healthy population.

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14 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

I think s12 was the last time I played ranked, but I did play it 1-12, give or take one or two seasons. there's no way you can convince me that the population wasn't minuscule (compared to regs). I specifically remember begging players to queue and jumping into streams and discords to let ranked players know that there was enough to queue, etc.

as clueless as these people praising the removal of ranked are, they are not wrong to say the ranked population was tiny.

there were always blips on the radar where the population spiked (beginning and end of seasons, server mergers, mixed factions), but those were blips in my experience. i mean...literally jumping into players' twitch streams and scanning arena populations to figure out if ranked was popping. that ain't a healthy population.

I mean every ranked mode in every mmo is miniscule compared to the casual modes. Take WoW for example. It's the exact same way as it is in this game. Everyone there knows the top 5 players like here and it's waaayyy smaller in comparison to regs simply because it's harder to get into. When I played guild wars 2 it was the exact same as well. It's to be expected.

What you don't do is push those people who are paying customers out of the game because you don't know how to balance it.

Edited by Prapcaster
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