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10 Year Celebration??? It's almost end of October and almost end of 2022 -- WHERE IS IT???


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On 10/26/2022 at 11:49 AM, Nee-Elder said:

'They' now have me to thank, since  it's up to  *17 going on 18 likes* now. :cool:

Anyways, i don't know how to say this without sounding condescending ( in typed words without tone ) but:  As a former dev (QA & coder) on another SW MMO, i'm a bit more familiar with general costs (both in monetary budget and in tertiary coding)  and i can assure you 'They' were indeed NOT correct in their original listed 4 points.  In fact  it's just the opposite.

The very reason BioWare is unable to provide the level of real expansion  in the truest sense of the word (see ESO in contrast) as they did with say KOTET/KOTFE , for example,  is because of their lack of budget & staff currently.

Consequently, look at what they (BioWare) focuses on instead: 

  • Re-skins (Cartel Market redundancy) ,
  • Retreads ( Galactic Seasons hamster-wheel of existing content repeating) ,
  • Re-grinds (changing  'gearing'  & stats  again....and again...and again)  ,
  • QoL adjustments ( outfitter tab ) ,
  • and last but certainly least in their budget book is: STORY ( minimal, at best, even if you count 'R-4 op' , Manaan daily area, & new FP ) .

No GSF.  No EVENTS like DvL.  No PUBLIC promotions.  No SW brand TV tie-ins.  Hence why  "10th Anniversary" feels so practically non-existent.  Regardless, none of those ^ 5 things i listed cost extravagant amounts of  $$$ money to be allocuted extra.

It's actually  understandable and sorta admirable tbqh , considering  the way EA treats  SWTOR ,  at how much BioWare has done with so little.

What's  truly baffling though, imo,  is how many players  have blinders on. ( case-in-point: 17+ "likes" for incorrect assessment )

There is nothing wrong with recognizing the harsh reality of SWTOR being on it's last budgetary legs,  yet still enjoying it for what it is....AND wishing it could be more....whilst accepting what else it won't ever be again.   After all,  'acceptance' is one of the 1st steps to saying goodbye and to quote the late great HAN SOLO: i have a baaaaadd feeling about 2023-2024 year when EA's license expires. :csw_falcon:

I hope i'm wrong though, cuz i sure don't see  SWG-2 anywhere on the horizon. :sy_galaxy:

I appreciate your input. However, I think that you could possibly be overlooking the fact that (to some degree) we are in agreement!  (Yeah ..  I know.  That sounds almost contradictory.)  BUT if you will simply stop and perhaps see another side of this:  regardless of exactly HOW the money WAS spent the direction that was taken seemed to be aimed at something totally removed from a celebration.  Regardless of WHAT they spent on those four points you seem to be focused on ... it was NOT what folks were hoping/looking for as a general rule.

I agree with you 100% that the budget (regardless of what exact amount) was spent just exactly how you have outlined!  At the BOTTOM of the list:

** R-4 (and if you read some threads even that was a let-down to some folks)

** Story advancement

** Additional FP's or (just about anything else for that matter).

Then we have GS-3 ... the return of hamster wheel (to use your accurate description).


It should be noted that there are several of us that "Have a baaaad feeling about this" to quote both Han and Leia.  (Again ...  you are correct)

IN the end I really do hope the best for the team.  They deserve a LOT more help and $$$$ support than what they are getting.

Edited by OlBuzzard
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I'm glad you enjoy it. But to be honest...  I've never quite understood the appeal, making a Jedi and than playing like a Sith. Why do this, if you can play a Sith right from the start? 

For 2 of my Jedi, it is a matter of RP. One of them went completely Dark Side, so "learning" how to fight like a Sith was sort of a Darth Vader-fallen Jedi type thing. She went completely dark, both styles she uses are Sith. The other is a light sider, but is romanced to Scourge, and believes in learning all types of combat, as the Jedi Battlemaster of the order. She also was heavily influenced by her time on Voss, and by the Green Jedi. "What matters is the decisions you make, not on how you hold your lightsaber. " So she switches back and forth between styles as the situation requires.    Also, I have a Light sided Sith who retained his style of fighting even tho he had the option to change. "I prefer shooting lightning out of my fingertips to throwing rocks around".   

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On 10/25/2022 at 6:41 AM, Xhuuyaa said:



I'm glad you enjoy it. But to be honest...  I've never quite understood the appeal, making a Jedi and than playing like a Sith. Why do this, if you can play a Sith right from the start? Sure, you can say: Its for the role play, my Jedi is a bad mf. But doesnt this break the immersion even more, since nowadys most of the Sages on Tython are Sorcs from the get go? I think its a bit silly, but yeah, thats just my opinion. 

But to swap a Jedi/Sith character to the mirror class animation/skillset was never such hard thing to do. They could have done such animation swap for years and without coming up with „combat styles“.  There were other skills in your skillbar that get replaced if you reach some level. So if you reach dark/light V –  your skills get replaced by the dark/light side mirror, no big deal. 



* Class Changes 
The whole „ability pruning“ to make things more simple for players is... a bit misleading. If you look  what they have done, you'll see: they merged abilities (often with strange choices). So you have now abilities where the discription reads longer than Jar Jars Memoirs. They „pruned“ mostly defs and stuns, some aggro reduces – ironically mostly skills new players understand and used first.  And even worse: Many old regular skills are now choices. More experienced players can switch them, if some content requieres it. New players won't do this, because they are lacking knowledge about content. 

So why was it done anyway? To make it easier for the Devs to balance new PvE content. But since this boils down to one Ops and maybe one FP a year, it would have been far better to do the balancing with the old classes for 2 PvE things, than making all 8 classes new and than rebalancing them over the next years. 


* Second Combat Style
sure, its a nice to have. But most players who played a year or more, already had every class. So the second combat style effectivly „doubled“ the classes they already had or making half of their chars obsolete. Since log out/in to another class wasn't such a hard thing to do – what exactly made it worth all the time  making this? 


* Gear Changes
I can't really recall anyone who wanted a setback to some kind of convoluted messed up 1.0 gearing. Gearing now is unnecessary complicated, not very accessable, grindy and dull (Nefra farming).  And yes, It's not so hard to see, that the Devs feared the damage would be to high at Level 80. 
But instead creating new weak gear, there would have been other options: reduce overall damage, reduce armor, increase def cds, drop class buffs. All this would have done the job much better and faster than a complete new gearing system. They could come up for lvl 80 with nothing else than a new generation of augments. 
And even if you disagree here –  you have to explain why it was neccessary/better to create again a whole new gearing system instead of using the already existing. 


* Character Creator & Trailer
To be honest; I like both... BUT... how often did I see the new Trailer? 5 times? 10 times? If so, its about an hour. And the Character Creator? If I would have made 40 new chars since 7.0 and would take for each of them 15 minutes time to create, it would have spent about 10 hours there... not so much time, don't you think? And for the record: the new character creator looks really good, but your character ingame will not live up to this. Long story short: Both features are nice eye candy, but the average player spent really less time there – so its highly questionable how much time and ressources should have been put on both. 


I dont see how any of this "overhauls" were really needed or making the game experience a better one. The two best looking ones (trailer/chracter creator) were features, where players rush usually through in ten minutes.





So let me rephrase;

Prior to 7.0 announcing I've seen nobody here on this forum asking for 
- a new character creator
- whole new gearing system again
- a new trailer
- a complete class redesign (in the form they have done it)

If you have seen such demands, or see  players opting for that as a high priority for 7.0, I would be glad to know where I can  find it...  maybe I will  understand some things done with 7.0 better. 

Second combat style sucks because it didn't hold true to Star Wars canon. Anybody who has seen a star wars movie knows Jedi can use blasters and non jedi can use lightsabers. Han sliced open a dead tauntaun in ESB and general grevious used ones he stole from jedi he killed. Even in the new Kenobi series by Disney Obi-wan used a blaster. Welcome to why Disney has lost faith in EA & BW.

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1 hour ago, starbuckone said:

Second combat style sucks because it didn't hold true to Star Wars canon. Anybody who has seen a star wars movie knows Jedi can use blasters and non jedi can use lightsabers. Han sliced open a dead tauntaun in ESB and general grevious used ones he stole from jedi he killed. Even in the new Kenobi series by Disney Obi-wan used a blaster. Welcome to why Disney has lost faith in EA & BW.

And in SW: TOR Nadia Grell uses a blaster pistol in a cutscene, Guss Tuno uses one (then he switches to a lightsaber in KOTET). 

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On the other hand it would (should) have been 10 times easier to simply ADD a new weapon / accessibility as opposed to where we are now.  I don't plan on using any of the new styles.  If I'm playing a JK .. then it's a JK.  If that JK has turned to the dark side, then he is no longer a JK but rather a follower of the SITH and their philosophy.  

A Smuggler could (should) easily have access to a sniper rifle by simply adding another weapon (slot) and using that weapon at the click of a button.  This might change the access to the second weapon (blaster pistol) BUT that would also be true under normal circumstance and still be true to the Star Wars genre (as far as I can tell).  IMO it should have also been just about as easy to change on the fly (meaning mid-stream battle).  Although I can also see (sticking to the smuggler) where some might suggest that you select your weapons for a particular battle and stick with it until that particular engagement is completed.  Still... changing a weapon should not be nearly as complicated as it is now. (Just my own opinion).  I also believe that this is what a lot of players were hoping to see:  an additional slot to have access to another weapon (for example).  This was partially the result of the Disney series "The Mandalorian".

Sith / JK ...  both throw stuff .. BOTH should be able to "force leap" ...  I'm not so sure about the lightening or choaking thing.   IMO that seems to have always been more of a dark side characteristic!  There again you are either a Jedi or a Sith.  Swapping weapons really shouldn't be that big of a deal (IMO).  In the end ... just because a JK picks up a blaster (since that is all he has available to defend himself) does not mean he has turned to the dark side! Although from a production standpoint of view that character probably wouldn't have a saber in one hand and a blaster in the other (I hope that makes sense).

IMO all of this depends on how someone looks at the game and how THEY want to play it!  AND since none of these changes initiate any new conversations / dialogue / or choices in dialogue ... etc.   I simply just don't see any real benefit to changing an entire style or approach to such things.  Keep it simple.  Add a weapons slot (or maybe ability such as "Force Leap") and allow the character to select which one they want to use (without overhauling everything else).  Don't over think it!  Simplicity often has its benefits.

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On 10/25/2022 at 7:41 AM, Xhuuyaa said:



I'm glad you enjoy it. But to be honest...  I've never quite understood the appeal, making a Jedi and than playing like a Sith. Why do this, if you can play a Sith right from the start? Sure, you can say: Its for the role play, my Jedi is a bad mf. But doesnt this break the immersion even more, since nowadys most of the Sages on Tython are Sorcs from the get go? I think its a bit silly, but yeah, thats just my opinion.



My reason for making a Jedi and then using the Sith skills is that I am not a fan of the empire side and most of my guild plays republic.  I already have some sith characters but I rarely play that side for assorted reasons, so I made a Jedi with Sith skills.








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On 10/26/2022 at 11:49 AM, Nee-Elder said:

'They' now have me to thank, since  it's up to  *17 going on 18 likes* now. :cool:

Anyways, i don't know how to say this without sounding condescending ( in typed words without tone ) but:  As a former dev (QA & coder) on another SW MMO, i'm a bit more familiar with general costs (both in monetary budget and in tertiary coding)  and i can assure you 'They' were indeed NOT correct in their original listed 4 points.  In fact  it's just the opposite.

The very reason BioWare is unable to provide the level of real expansion  in the truest sense of the word (see ESO in contrast) as they did with say KOTET/KOTFE , for example,  is because of their lack of budget & staff currently.

Consequently, look at what they (BioWare) focuses on instead: 

  • Re-skins (Cartel Market redundancy) ,
  • Retreads ( Galactic Seasons hamster-wheel of existing content repeating) ,
  • Re-grinds (changing  'gearing'  & stats  again....and again...and again)  ,
  • QoL adjustments ( outfitter tab ) ,
  • and last but certainly least in their budget book is: STORY ( minimal, at best, even if you count 'R-4 op' , Manaan daily area, & new FP ) .

No GSF.  No EVENTS like DvL.  No PUBLIC promotions.  No SW brand TV tie-ins.  Hence why  "10th Anniversary" feels so practically non-existent.  Regardless, none of those ^ 5 things i listed cost extravagant amounts of  $$$ money to be allocuted extra.

It's actually  understandable and sorta admirable tbqh , considering  the way EA treats  SWTOR ,  at how much BioWare has done with so little.

What's  truly baffling though, imo,  is how many players  have blinders on. ( case-in-point: 17+ "likes" for incorrect assessment )

There is nothing wrong with recognizing the harsh reality of SWTOR being on it's last budgetary legs,  yet still enjoying it for what it is....AND wishing it could be more....whilst accepting what else it won't ever be again.   After all,  'acceptance' is one of the 1st steps to saying goodbye and to quote the late great HAN SOLO: i have a baaaaadd feeling about 2023-2024 year when EA's license expires. :csw_falcon:

I hope i'm wrong though, cuz i sure don't see  SWG-2 anywhere on the horizon. :sy_galaxy:

This makes me laugh, because you are probably very correct.  

I can imagine the scenario, EA execs, get to work at 10am, eat breakfast, meet for an hr, go to yoga, break for lunch, have a meditation session for an hr or two, feel trapped because they have been in an office setting for a few hrs, and call it quits.  Work for an hr and get paid 6-7 figures.  Gotta love the USA!!!!

You see, these types have no idea how to unlock the full potential of what they have sitting right in front of them because they are too concerned about themselves and are seriously out of touch.  These people are not gamers. 

They obviously have no clue.  Give them a budget and have expectations, simple.  There are a $hit ton more Star Wars fans than the yoga/meditators...... 

In the words of Ricky Bobby :  "if you ain't first, your last"   

They are working hard to be last!

Edit:  Not sure how it works in the gaming world, but in my world, you have about an hr to present to the powers that be who determine your budget.  If they think that MORE ZOMBIE CRAP OR ANOTHER YEAR OF THAT DEAD ASS GAME MADDEN, is the way the industry is trending.......you F'd.   

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I am highly skeptical of the argument that a bunch of high-powered EA executives in Armani (maybe Prada or Brooks Brothers) outfits in Redwood City, CA are to blame for the current problems SWTOR faces.

I don't believe for one second that an executive at EA called up Bioware Austin and said...

Let's redo all classes, which requires rebalancing the entire PvE side of the game to reduce the Time to Kill ratio in PvP.

I don't believe for one second that an executive at EA called up Bioware Austin and said...

Let's go back to 2005 and adopt a convoluted, annoying, time-gating gearing system. 

I know it's fashionable and trendy to bash EA for the problems SWTOR is facing. But from my vantage point, the calls are coming from inside the house. We saw that with Anthem. We saw that with Mass Effect: Andromeda. 

Bottom line: Bioware bit off way more than they could chew with Legacy of the Sith. Whatever budget they had, they misallocated resources and made some terrible game design choices. That's on Bioware -- not highly paid executives in Northern California.


Edited by Jdast
Stupid typos!
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I think the execs look purely at the return on investment. That's what they're required to do for their job. They invest money in a project and see what the return is. If the return isn't good or they think they can make a better return investing that money in a different project, they reduce or eliminate funding to the project. In SWTOR's case, EA invested 200 million for the initial release and didn't get the return they were expecting (despite what they said publicly). The second time EA invested some unknown amount for what was to be the Valkorion trilogy. Fallen Empire came out as planned, but player backlash and low subscriber retention forced them to cut Eternal Throne shorter. The money for the third expansion was used to make Onslaught. EA gave Bioware two chances, but the returns weren't there. SWTOR can survive for a while on its own income, but I don't see it getting any more investment from EA. This doesn't mean that EA is innocent. We all know how many problems the Hero engine has caused. If EA went the cheap route by buying the Hero engine rather than investing in a new MMO engine built from scratch, EA could have a lot to do with the game's struggles.

Edited by ThanderSnB
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3 hours ago, Jdast said:

I am highly skeptical of the argument that a bunch of high-powered EA executives in Armani (maybe Prada or Brooks Brothers) outfits in Redwood City, CA are to blame for the current problems SWTOR faces.

I don't believe for one second that an executive at EA called up Bioware Austin and said...

Let's redo all classes, which requires rebalancing the entire PvE side of the game to reduce the Time to Kill ratio in PvP.

I don't believe for one second that an executive at EA called up Bioware Austin and said...

Let's go back to 2005 and adopt a convoluted, annoying, time-gating gearing system. 

I know it's fashionable and trendy to bash EA for the problems SWTOR is facing. But from my vantage point, the calls are coming from inside the house. We saw that with Anthem. We saw that with Mass Effect: Andromeda. 

Bottom line: Bioware bit off way more than they could chew with Legacy of the Sith. Whatever budget they had, they misallocated resources and made some terrible game design choices. That's on Bioware -- not highly paid executives in Northern California.


To a degree you have a valid point particularly with the budget!  IMO that comes from EA.  I have it on good authority that several of their games (EA) will no longer be supported and will be closed out!  NO SWTOR is NOT one of them (not even close).   Most of us (if not all) will never know the exact reasons those games are being closed out.  That said:  EA decides what is spent on SWTOR.  After that (as you and I have both stated) ...  HOW the budget was spent is on BW.

I do agree that someone inside of BW made some really bad choices on what direction to take the game.   This is consistent with my posts thus far.  As for the idea of a 10th celebration.  YES .. there were some changes introduced.  I don't think we need to beat that dead horse anymore.  There was even a little more of the story added.  Overall, 7.0 fizzled!  There was no "celebration" (as such).  That opportunity is gone!   Time to move on and hope someone can not only clean up the confusion BUT get back to the business of having some fun with SWTOR!

YES, SWTOR is hurting right now!  That does not mean it's dead.  It DOES mean that someone needs to face reality, get control of things and learn from past experiences with this game those things that work...  and the stuff that doesn't.  IMO there is an entire community that is still hopeful that the team will come through and get things going again.  It's not an impossible task.  Doesn't mean it will be easy either.  BUT IMO it's very doable!!

[/shrugs] ... oh well!  Several of us have been saying this for several months now!  I guess time will tell!

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35 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

To a degree you have a valid point particularly with the budget!  IMO that comes from EA.  I have it on good authority that several of their games (EA) will no longer be supported and will be closed out!  NO SWTOR is NOT one of them (not even close).   Most of us (if not all) will never know the exact reasons those games are being closed out.  That said:  EA decides what is spent on SWTOR.  After that (as you and I have both stated) ...  HOW the budget was spent is on BW.

I do agree that someone inside of BW made some really bad choices on what direction to take the game.   This is consistent with my posts thus far.  As for the idea of a 10th celebration.  YES .. there were some changes introduced.  I don't think we need to beat that dead horse anymore.  There was even a little more of the story added.  Overall, 7.0 fizzled!  There was no "celebration" (as such).  That opportunity is gone!   Time to move on and hope someone can not only clean up the confusion BUT get back to the business of having some fun with SWTOR!

YES, SWTOR is hurting right now!  That does not mean it's dead.  It DOES mean that someone needs to face reality, get control of things and learn from past experiences with this game those things that work...  and the stuff that doesn't.  IMO there is an entire community that is still hopeful that the team will come through and get things going again.  It's not an impossible task.  Doesn't mean it will be easy either.  BUT IMO it's very doable!!

[/shrugs] ... oh well!  Several of us have been saying this for several months now!  I guess time will tell!

On the bright side, I can laugh at this 10th anniversary for the next decade and brought it up in the 20th anniversary... who knows, maybe it will be the weird game that lives on despite everything.

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3 hours ago, eabevella said:

On the bright side, I can laugh at this 10th anniversary for the next decade and brought it up in the 20th anniversary... who knows, maybe it will be the weird game that lives on despite everything.

I can easily imagine the topics in 10 years from now: " Help! My mission to recruit SCORPIO-like droid no. 12456 doesn't work! " or " This is a love thread for - insert generic mob given as a companion during season 40 - haters make your own"  🤣

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On 10/24/2022 at 6:05 PM, StormForceDax said:

Actually, various players did ask for everything on this list.

Please just stop pretending you represent and speak for everybody.


On 10/24/2022 at 6:10 PM, StormForceDax said:

So flawed, not accurate in any way as Stream players do not count everyone, only players who play on that platform. While I agree numbers are declining there, which is not surpriseing at all. Given the number of games available on Stream, it more of a shock the number are still so high.

Steam is a fair enough proxy. And nobody doesn't literally mean "nobody." Your "arguments" are little more than blowing smoke by nitpicking, sperginess and pedantry to try and suggest that because surrogate data isn't perfect that it isn't "good enough." You've done absolutely nothing to suggest that it isn't good enough to draw good conclusions from, though, just gotten your panties in a twist because it wasn't literally perfect. 

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Note attempting to be a downer on someone's previous post ... but foe me I'm really not laughing that much at the "celebration".   IMO it's one of the saddest commentaries on SWTOR in the 10 years it's been around.  There will never be another 10th anniversary.  It's gone!   IMO that is a VERY sobering thought!  As a general rule I prefer not to laugh at the struggles others are having.

Something I was taught since I was a child was to NEVER laugh at: another person's house, the clothes that they are wearing or the car they drive.  When someone is having trouble:  don't rub their nose in it.  

I wish there was a more direct way I could offer a helping hand to those that need it right now at SWTOR.  BUT to be perfectly candid about I'm not so sure that it would be that well received!  IMO that is also a part of the matter at hand.  Someone inside of the SWTOR team needs a good heart to heart, sit down and get focused!  All of us could use some positive vibes right now!

So!!  Put on a fresh pot of coffee!  Grab a slice of "Danish" !  Gather you thoughts  ...  Time to get down to it!

Best Regards!


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On 10/28/2022 at 1:21 AM, eabevella said:

On the bright side, I can laugh at this 10th anniversary for the next decade and brought it up in the 20th anniversary... who knows, maybe it will be the weird game that lives on despite everything.

It'd be pretty consistent with how the game has gone, living despite not being the WoW killer EA wanted it to be. We'll see in 10 years I guess.

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On 10/28/2022 at 11:14 PM, OlBuzzard said:

Note attempting to be a downer on someone's previous post ... but foe me I'm really not laughing that much at the "celebration".   IMO it's one of the saddest commentaries on SWTOR in the 10 years it's been around.  There will never be another 10th anniversary.  It's gone!   IMO that is a VERY sobering thought!  As a general rule I prefer not to laugh at the struggles others are having.

Something I was taught since I was a child was to NEVER laugh at: another person's house, the clothes that they are wearing or the car they drive.  When someone is having trouble:  don't rub their nose in it.  

I wish there was a more direct way I could offer a helping hand to those that need it right now at SWTOR.  BUT to be perfectly candid about I'm not so sure that it would be that well received!  IMO that is also a part of the matter at hand.  Someone inside of the SWTOR team needs a good heart to heart, sit down and get focused!  All of us could use some positive vibes right now!

So!!  Put on a fresh pot of coffee!  Grab a slice of "Danish" !  Gather you thoughts  ...  Time to get down to it!

Best Regards!


I understand your sentiment. I don't laugh at people, but Bioware is a company that made terrible decisions, most of which were pointed out multiple times before 7.0 was released. PTS players tried to give their honest opinions because they loved the game enough to bother with public testing it. That's the "help" those players were able and willing to offer, but Bioware ignored the "feedback" with complete silence and their general attitude of "play it my way or high way" even after the complete failure of 7.0.

Guess what? People picked the high way and I have no sympathy for the company.

That said, with the leaving of some company head, I do think Bioware is attempting to do slightly better after 7.1. At least they made some amends to the worst part of 7.0 (mods and outfitter are on the top 2 of my most hated thing in 7.0) and there seems to be more communication... until the sudden announcement of GS3 literally 3 days (iirc... definitely less than a week) before its release because they knew there will be outcry regarding the halved CCs rewards. Intentionally or not (personally I don't buy it's unintentional) That's a bad move in my book. Not enough to piss me off like 7.0, but still bad.

Bioware need to be better because they are not some charity group who profits from people's sympathy. That's for their (and people who do like aspects of this game) own good. The class stories in SWTOR are my fav game stories and I don't want to see it dead because of some bad company policy. I do want to see the 20th or 15th anniversary. If so, joking about the 10th anniversary then would be like joking about some dumb s*** you did as a high school student, embarrassing when it happened but funny 10 or 20 years later.

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2 hours ago, eabevella said:

I understand your sentiment. I don't laugh at people, but Bioware is a company that made terrible decisions, most of which were pointed out multiple times before 7.0 was released. PTS players tried to give their honest opinions because they loved the game enough to bother with public testing it. That's the "help" those players were able and willing to offer, but Bioware ignored the "feedback" with complete silence and their general attitude of "play it my way or high way" even after the complete failure of 7.0.

Guess what? People picked the high way and I have no sympathy for the company.

That said, with the leaving of some company head, I do think Bioware is attempting to do slightly better after 7.1. At least they made some amends to the worst part of 7.0 (mods and outfitter are on the top 2 of my most hated thing in 7.0) and there seems to be more communication... until the sudden announcement of GS3 literally 3 days (iirc... definitely less than a week) before its release because they knew there will be outcry regarding the halved CCs rewards. Intentionally or not (personally I don't buy it's unintentional) That's a bad move in my book. Not enough to piss me off like 7.0, but still bad.

Bioware need to be better because they are not some charity group who profits from people's sympathy. That's for their (and people who do like aspects of this game) own good. The class stories in SWTOR are my fav game stories and I don't want to see it dead because of some bad company policy. I do want to see the 20th or 15th anniversary. If so, joking about the 10th anniversary then would be like joking about some dumb s*** you did as a high school student, embarrassing when it happened but funny 10 or 20 years later.

Please believe me when I tell you that I REALLY do understand your frustrations.  I also TOTALLY get it that BW / EA is not a not-for-profit organization.  AS such their success and failures depend largely upon customer satisfaction.

Early warning signs???  In a way I think there was.

** Constantly ignoring player input off of the PTS.  It didn't make much difference whether it was a smaller request: a changed view on a particular SH that several asked for (just for example) or some of the major items (the list is too long to elaborate on this one) ...  all of which was simply pushed aside!  If I didn't know better I'd guess the REAL thing that they were looking for was IF the system crashed when it was used.  Even BUG reports were ignored!! 😲

** Threads from individuals asking for a "few of their favorite things" ...  Yeah I get this one ...  Almost no one gets what we want (when offering suggestions).  BUT that's not to say there wasn't the idea of an actual "celebration" in the air.

** What in the name of common sense just happened???  (Kind of what I've been asking myself for a while now).  Since just prior to 7.0 with the drop of SoV that left a lot of folks scratching their heads asking pretty much the same thing.  I for one like the way it was initially released. BUT NOT the BUGS !!!  And IIRC there were a couple.  And the cutscene BUG is there (You have to use a work around to get past it).

** Less and less actual content.  IMO this is another reason why so many are concerned to see what we have actually received in roughly a year now!  This tells me that the entire matter has been in the works for much longer.  It seems to me that under NORMAL circumstances it takes several months (or longer) to get any SIGNIFICANT amount of material from story board (or design concept) to the point of finished goods ..  material actually released.    The finished product today seems a bit rushed or perhaps "unpolished" (so to speak). 


People are getting frustrated.  This is showing up in different ways as they are expressing that frustration.  And to a large degree I can't fault them for that.  

I just hope things get sorted out ASAP !!

Heck .. we need a good old fashion block party (for about a week or so) ...  maybe on three different planets and both space stations (Republic and Empire) !!

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The "10 YEAR CELEBRATION" is here, cant you see it?

Its not in the game, tho :D

Its on the movie screen - we got "The Mandalorian" , "Kenobi" , "Andor" , "Ahsoka" soon , and alot more SW animated series.


Just enjoy our 10th anniversary!

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10 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:


** Threads from individuals asking for a "few of their favorite things" ...  Yeah I get this one ...  Almost no one gets what we want (when offering suggestions).  BUT that's not to say there wasn't the idea of an actual "celebration" in the air.


I am constantly asking for the RD-31A armor set, I'm willing to pay CC or tech fragments for it and I'm not the only one. I have characters on all 3 English-speaking servers, all of them in very big guilds with a lot of Discord activity.

For the past two years, I've noticed an avalanche of threads (on Discord) about the RD-31A upper armor piece, but no one seems to know how to obtain it. Bottom line: is not "that crazy old Mando" aka yours truly asking for that armor set, there are a lot of other people with the same wish.  

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On 10/26/2022 at 11:49 AM, Nee-Elder said:

'They' now have me to thank, since  it's up to  *17 going on 18 likes* now. :cool:

Anyways, i don't know how to say this without sounding condescending ( in typed words without tone ) but:  As a former dev (QA & coder) on another SW MMO, i'm a bit more familiar with general costs (both in monetary budget and in tertiary coding)  and i can assure you 'They' were indeed NOT correct in their original listed 4 points.  In fact  it's just the opposite.

The very reason BioWare is unable to provide the level of real expansion  in the truest sense of the word (see ESO in contrast) as they did with say KOTET/KOTFE , for example,  is because of their lack of budget & staff currently.

Consequently, look at what they (BioWare) focuses on instead: 

  • Re-skins (Cartel Market redundancy) ,
  • Retreads ( Galactic Seasons hamster-wheel of existing content repeating) ,
  • Re-grinds (changing  'gearing'  & stats  again....and again...and again)  ,
  • QoL adjustments ( outfitter tab ) ,
  • and last but certainly least in their budget book is: STORY ( minimal, at best, even if you count 'R-4 op' , Manaan daily area, & new FP ) .

No GSF.  No EVENTS like DvL.  No PUBLIC promotions.  No SW brand TV tie-ins.  Hence why  "10th Anniversary" feels so practically non-existent.  Regardless, none of those ^ 5 things i listed cost extravagant amounts of  $$$ money to be allocuted extra.

It's actually  understandable and sorta admirable tbqh , considering  the way EA treats  SWTOR ,  at how much BioWare has done with so little.

What's  truly baffling though, imo,  is how many players  have blinders on. ( case-in-point: 17+ "likes" for incorrect assessment )

There is nothing wrong with recognizing the harsh reality of SWTOR being on it's last budgetary legs,  yet still enjoying it for what it is....AND wishing it could be more....whilst accepting what else it won't ever be again.   After all,  'acceptance' is one of the 1st steps to saying goodbye and to quote the late great HAN SOLO: i have a baaaaadd feeling about 2023-2024 year when EA's license expires. :csw_falcon:

I hope i'm wrong though, cuz i sure don't see  SWG-2 anywhere on the horizon. :sy_galaxy:

Regarding the license, all that's happening AFAIK is the exclusive arrangement is ending and other developers can develop games. That's it. Now regarding this game imo while I want more content faster I'm content with what we are getting as I still enjoy leveling. The game is still fun for the majority of us.

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3 hours ago, lukeisjedi said:

Regarding the license, all that's happening AFAIK is the exclusive arrangement is ending and other developers can develop games. That's it. Now regarding this game imo while I want more content faster I'm content with what we are getting as I still enjoy leveling. The game is still fun for the majority of us.

It's fun while leveling, true. But once leveling is done, SWTOR becomes a horrible, and utterly boring grind and that's a problem.

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