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Compensation for launcher problems?


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Hello,  like many other players I was unable to log-in last week. From Friday 7th October to present, I was forced to trial your launcher and stuck on a ghost “play” button.


Ive followed all of your requests to submit error reports via email and had only copy paste reply’s from CS.


I’ve downloaded the repair tool, place it in my SWTOR folder and ran it, re-installed a 30G file and I’m left with the same issue.

I’ve phoned CS and be told to follow the same steps.


now I’m left wanting to know what you are going to do to compensate me for the time I lost in game last week? Everyday I tried to fix your problematic launcher, everyday I waited for a response from CS.


7 days, subbed and time lost, progress lost, events missed and potential currency progress lost.

it is extremely frustrating and completely unacceptable.


How will you be compensating me a  the hundreds of other players who were affected this way because of your forced beta testing?



Edited by -Ashton-
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20 minutes ago, -Ashton- said:

now I’m left wanting to know what you are going to do to compensate me for the time I lost in game last week? Everyday I tried to fix your problematic launcher, everyday I waited for a response from CS.

7 days, subbed and time lost, progress lost, events missed and potential currency progress lost.

How will you be compensating me a  the hundreds of other players who were affected this way because of your forced beta testing?

i feel for ya  -Ashton-  , i really do  ( i read ALL your posts in the main stickied Launcher thread )  but while i can totally see  BioWare  earnestly wanting to do good by you (and others who had similar issues)  ...well... let's just say i'll be pleasantly  surprised/shocked  if  EA  let's them. :ph_danger:

I hope i'm wrong and  imho a fair gesture might be something like 5k Cartel Coins + 5 days bonus $ub time.

Edited by Nee-Elder
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The chance of you getting a refund is more NONE than SLIM...

Read EA's TOS and BW's EULA. All Sales are FINAL. There are NO refunds.... EVER. If they are feeling magnanimous then they might give you some time, but that has NEVER happened in all the years I have had a subscription running and I really don't think it will happen now.

If you try to do an end around like a Charge Back. All that will accomplish is getting your account banned, your characters deleted and your subscription canceled. You Will Lose EVERYTHING.

My suggesting is to EAT IT and GET OVER IT. Anything you try to do will most likely go very badly for you and your account.


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7 hours ago, denavin said:

If you try to do an end around like a Charge Back. All that will accomplish is getting your account banned, your characters deleted and your subscription canceled. You Will Lose EVERYTHING.

To say nothing of the possibility of the ban covering *everything* the charger-backer had on the attached EA (Origin) account...

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Safer way to play the game is to subscribe with monthly payments. It's more expensive, but the risks of not being able to log in because of things like that are smaller. You can lose 30 days max.


They should definitely compensate this mess with free game time at least, give them a code people can activate once they've been able to fix the launcher issues. 


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