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I almost did not buy this game because of...


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you joined 4 days ago, seriously is BW/EA that desperate? Are there not enough real fan-bois that they need to be manufactured?



Give me back my $60 and I'll go away!


I say you are out of luck, and they have a right to keep your $60.00.

Because you clicked yes on the agreement.


Consider it a lesson learned.


Maybe next time you won't part with your $60.00 so easily and actually read those agreements you so readily click on and do some research prior to buying.

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My posting privelages aren't limited only to threads that I agree with


Since, according to your signature, you hit level 50 eight days ago, of course you have nothing better to do than troll on the forums. You obviously space-barred through all of the story, spent sleepless nights grinding out mobs, and now are bored with the "lack" of content.


Sit back, re-roll, and enjoy the story you skipped. And, if you already watched and enjoyed the story in beta, realize that not everybody had that opportunity.

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Some people are more easily amused than others, others are more easily impressed than others, and others are both


I'm not easy to please, and this game does not please me enough to pay 15 dollars a month for it in it's current state


I hope they can turn that around before the free 30 days is up, I really do; because it won't be just me quitting, it'll be a pretty good chunk of people, and more will start to follow as time goes on


Can your 30 days be up already?

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To be nice about it, yeah. This post is very true. The fanbois already put on their blindfolds though.:(


Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


Because we don't agree with you we are blind?

Fine, then don't make it your personal crusade to save us.


Let us drown in our own denial.

We didn't ask for a savior.

And if we did, you surely wouldn't be it. ;)

Edited by Fraxture
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Some people are more easily amused than others, others are more easily impressed than others, and others are both


I'm not easy to please, and this game does not please me enough to pay 15 dollars a month for it in it's current state


I hope they can turn that around before the free 30 days is up, I really do; because it won't be just me quitting, it'll be a pretty good chunk of people, and more will start to follow as time goes on


so you're verifying you're going to be gone jan 21 right? sweet

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Game is great. I agree with OP.


If I didn't like the game I would just leave and stop posting on the forums and play a game I did enjoy.. Life is too short.


That would be too intelligent and just plain logical.

I guess that is the tell right there... :D

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I'm trying to help BioWare fix the game


I used to be a high-end Raider, and PvPer in World of Warcraft; over the years, I've seen plenty of people come and go


There's a lot of people leaving WoW now, more so than are joining; but this isn't only because WoW is getting worse, it's because the market opened up to a lot of casuals — who don't stay interested in anything for long


BioWare can't do anything to stop these people from leaving, they leave every MMO; they won't be here in 6 months, no matter what


The bigger issue is that a lot of people that aren't like this will also be leaving because TOR feels old


Please point out where the constructive points are in your post so we can let Bioware know.

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Some people are more easily amused than others, others are more easily impressed than others, and others are both


I'm not easy to please, and this game does not please me enough to pay 15 dollars a month for it in it's current state


I hope they can turn that around before the free 30 days is up, I really do; because it won't be just me quitting, it'll be a pretty good chunk of people, and more will start to follow as time goes on


The odds of there being ANY /major/ changes or improvements within 30 days of launch is zero. Might as well quit now and come back and resub for 30 days in six months or a year, which is a more reasonable timeframe to expect wholesale improvements.


These first few months will be more about ironing out bugs and adding very minor tweaks and UI features.

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funny thing is the only place i see ppl complaining about the game is on the forums. In game everyone is saying how much they enjoy it, and how much fun they are having. Personally I can't wait for the free month to be over so all the haters who wont subscribe can no longer post crap. :D
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funny thing is the only place i see ppl complaining about the game is on the forums. In game everyone is saying how much they enjoy it, and how much fun they are having. Personally I can't wait for the free month to be over so all the haters who wont subscribe can no longer post crap. :D


The problem is that the people who remain that post negative will be the ones with the Entitlement Plague.

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I'm trying to help BioWare fix the game


They don't need your help; if Bioware followed your vision of what a MMO should be 90% of the population would quit.


And you really aren't trying to help; you are trying to spread as much negativity and discontent as you can before you are banned or your 30 days runs out. If any mod would audit your posting history they would see that.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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I think the biggest thing that should of been a conern is that it has an EA logo.


Good point, I actuallyhave not bought an EA game for years on PC because of DRM and now Origin. In the end I decided to do it because I got a digitalcopy, have firewall and antivirus set to protect my PC from it regarding privacy conserns and also if they violate it they violate EU law and several states and countries laws and will be viable for lawsuits and embargo etc. So unless they wanna only have a US player base they will stay in line, also it is more thanlegal forme to monitor origin on myPC, remember that. Oh and the EULA whatever has to apply to our laws so if anything in it goes against actual laws, then it is void.

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There is a ton of QQ on these forums but its the same for any game really. Did you ever read the oblivion or skyrim forums? It was the same thing people saying the game was a piece of crap and endless crying about bugs and things.


To each his own, I have learned in life to take others opinions / 'reviews' with a grain of salt. There are many games that even professional game reviewing sites have given low scores that I have enjoyed immensely.


The same goes for movies. I find a lot of people just read into things too much and pull at the threads to unravel what is in front of them instead of just taking it for what it is an enjoying it. I can never understand how some of those people can possibly enjoy movies or games when all they do is complain about how it could have been better.


If you go through with a pessimistic magnifying glass you will find nothing but disappointment and sadness. In the end you reap what you sew.


So true, so true,I logged 150hours in Skyrim Ilove that game yet half the forums say it is crap, garbage and refuse toplay because of combat animations and lackof HD textures without mods...


And Skyrim to me is one of the best single player RPG's I have ever played.

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Why do you show up in every positive thread with this sort of drivel.


It's really annoying.


Why don't you stick to negative threads for your negative input.




A better question is why do people keep quoting this troll? You know there is an ignore feature and many of us use it so we don't have to read shady's junk.


When you quote him, you just feed him.

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Great positive thread.... Its breath of fresh air from all the negative threads.... I agree w/ op on everything.... Want to add swgs bounty system was great... Hope to have it implemented here soon...


Not sure howit wouldwork though? Since Jedi class system is different. Maybe a BH system for bountieson people who got a lot of PVP kills, then have a unique game system for other classes that are repeatable. Smugglers, smuggle run, troopers do ehm something, jedi target sith and vice versa. Would be nice with something, true.

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funny thing is the only place i see ppl complaining about the game is on the forums. In game everyone is saying how much they enjoy it, and how much fun they are having. Personally I can't wait for the free month to be over so all the haters who wont subscribe can no longer post crap. :D


Sotrue, I come here to enjoy offtime with game lovers and learn stuff I did not know, instead I comet o this terrible run forum full with trolls and flames, they turned the forum into a tolkien saga. In the game I have yet to meet any haters. I guess haters already quit and wanna whine more since nothing else is better to play or they are fanboys who never tried the game. Because in the game, we all love it!


Except the hot air balloon on tatoine!!

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