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Remove the ability to transfer credits through in-game mail and trade sessions


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I wish there was a way to have multiple legacies tied to one account. Because it's the gold sellers who have multiple accounts to do the gold selling/transfers.


This way, if a legacy is involved in gold selling, BIOWARE would know which account it was and terminate all of the legacies by terminating the one account.


The way to get rid of gold sellers is easy: charge everyone a subscription and stop selling time cards. That way, everyone needs to supply a payment instrument such as a credit or debit card. How many bank accounts is a gold seller willing to open or kiss good-bye every time EA bans the card from its system for said practice of being a gold seller? Suddenly changes the math and puts a new hurdle up. People like me could use, like I am using now, one card for all of my accounts, but a gold seller who gets banned would lose access to all of their accounts at once if tied to the same card.


People currently FTP would subscribe for $2.50 a month, less than the cost of a large container of cottage cheese, but it would force an additional hurdle, and I'll hazard not many gold sellers would want to expose their personal finances that way.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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So, my opinion is going to be one that you all disagree with. Inflation is only an issue if money is hard to come by. If the rich are rich and you can’t obtain that thru in game means. This is not the case. Over the last two weeks I ran my credits down to 70 million. Then ran them back up to 2.5 billion in less than a two week period playing fairly casually. Mainly on weekends. When you can early 500 million credits in roughly an hour. 🤷*♂️ Are credit farmers annoying ? Yes, if you don’t use them are they actually hurting you ? No,


Sales runs may be against what you believe in. They are not against the tos. It’s essentially a group helping another player with terms. Why are you against that help ? I just don’t see the problem. I’ve done multiple mail transactions with friends where I will tip them for crafting me something. This would eliminate that completely.


I don’t think the economy needs reset I don’t think prices have gone up like you think they have based on the time it takes to get said credits ow vs a year ago. It’s actually easier now than it used to be. My two cents.



I disagree with the sale runs part, they should be eliminated from the game because some sellers are selling their credits to gold sellers, and others will buy credits from them, and both are against ToS. They are not "helping" anyone. They are getting paid for carrying someone through an operation and with the new gearing system they are selling BiS gear. Those same people moaned about everyone getting BiS gear without being "worthy" of it, are now selling BiS gear, which is just hypocritical. Their elitist attitude is not the best one either, this game would have a healthier community without them.


But I agree with what you said about credit transfers. I also send or trade credits to friends when they need it, we sell augments stims and so on to each other or trade them for mats. Credits is faster than finding those mats from the list and pulling them out. However I wouldn't mind having tax added to mail/trade credit transfers. That would be fair. Disabling trading and mailing creds would affect too many people who are not exploiting the system in any way. We want to get rid of gold sellers and inflation, not the playerbase.

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I disagree with the sale runs part, they should be eliminated from the game because some sellers are selling their credits to gold sellers, and others will buy credits from them, and both are against ToS. They are not "helping" anyone. They are getting paid for carrying someone through an operation and with the new gearing system they are selling BiS gear. Those same people moaned about everyone getting BiS gear without being "worthy" of it, are now selling BiS gear, which is just hypocritical. Their elitist attitude is not the best one either, this game would have a healthier community without them.


You cant blame an entire community off something one person said they do. Not everyone that does or has done sale runs sells credits to farmers. Some people do it to make credits because they only raid. You are going to have elitist in every aspect of the game. it is up to the devs to decide how to run. Clearly the devs don't listen to them as much as you think. They are nerfing R4 already. We all new it was coming.


I am sure you would think I am elitist because I believe the best gear should be challenging to obtain. At least at first. They should do like they used to which is give a buff for modes. When its new its harder and after a few months they drop the buff so everyone can have it. I think it was mentioned in another thread that so many SM tokens should be able to convert to a HM token. I am good with that. But they need to leave purples behind the HM bosses. I do agree some of the bosses needed to be balanced. I think the watchdog and kanoth are balanced good they just require you to do mechanics which i think is how it should be. Make it worth something to kill.

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You cant blame an entire community off something one person said they do. Not everyone that does or has done sale runs sells credits to farmers. Some people do it to make credits because they only raid. You are going to have elitist in every aspect of the game. it is up to the devs to decide how to run. Clearly the devs don't listen to them as much as you think. They are nerfing R4 already. We all new it was coming.


I am sure you would think I am elitist because I believe the best gear should be challenging to obtain. At least at first. They should do like they used to which is give a buff for modes. When its new its harder and after a few months they drop the buff so everyone can have it. I think it was mentioned in another thread that so many SM tokens should be able to convert to a HM token. I am good with that. But they need to leave purples behind the HM bosses. I do agree some of the bosses needed to be balanced. I think the watchdog and kanoth are balanced good they just require you to do mechanics which i think is how it should be. Make it worth something to kill.


Nevermind sale runs DO NOT violate the terms of service. Credit selling/buying does, but they do not have to be the same.

Edited by ZUHFB
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I disagree with the sale runs part, they should be eliminated from the game because some sellers are selling their credits to gold sellers, and others will buy credits from them, and both are against ToS. They are not "helping" anyone. They are getting paid for carrying someone through an operation and with the new gearing system they are selling BiS gear. Those same people moaned about everyone getting BiS gear without being "worthy" of it, are now selling BiS gear, which is just hypocritical. Their elitist attitude is not the best one either, this game would have a healthier community without them.


But I agree with what you said about credit transfers. I also send or trade credits to friends when they need it, we sell augments stims and so on to each other or trade them for mats. Credits is faster than finding those mats from the list and pulling them out. However I wouldn't mind having tax added to mail/trade credit transfers. That would be fair. Disabling trading and mailing creds would affect too many people who are not exploiting the system in any way. We want to get rid of gold sellers and inflation, not the playerbase.


Yeah, they pay for it? If you pay for gear, which you shouldn't its really really bad, and you get it. This isn't really an issue and it has been done for years and will always be done. It is not possible to remove the 'elitists' from the game because when someone is good, they will find a way of letting people know that, it is a part of an MMORPG its like driving your lambo through the city. People that don't have it do not spot the difference between a nice car, and a REALLY nice car. They just see it, they want to flex on the people flexing - that is the true goal of any MMO, the difference is that the starting point is the same for everybody in MMOs and it isn't in IRL.


Elitist don't want to flex on the level 65 that just killed revan, they want to flex on the people that try to flex by keeping raids like DF HM locked behind link ach.

Edited by ZUHFB
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You cant blame an entire community off something one person said they do. Not everyone that does or has done sale runs sells credits to farmers. Some people do it to make credits because they only raid. You are going to have elitist in every aspect of the game. it is up to the devs to decide how to run. Clearly the devs don't listen to them as much as you think. They are nerfing R4 already. We all new it was coming.


I am sure you would think I am elitist because I believe the best gear should be challenging to obtain. At least at first. They should do like they used to which is give a buff for modes. When its new its harder and after a few months they drop the buff so everyone can have it. I think it was mentioned in another thread that so many SM tokens should be able to convert to a HM token. I am good with that. But they need to leave purples behind the HM bosses. I do agree some of the bosses needed to be balanced. I think the watchdog and kanoth are balanced good they just require you to do mechanics which i think is how it should be. Make it worth something to kill.


R-4 is getting nerfed because they are bleeding subs. It has nothing to do with who they listen. It's a shame they didn't tune it properly in the first place and keep those subs, maybe even get a few more.


And no, I don't think you are elitist. When I use the word elitist, I mean the people who are openly toxic to everyone "beneath" them. I don't find your post toxic at all, even though we don't agree on everything.


I even agree with getting the best gear from challenging content, but what they have done now is not challenging. It's an insult. It's an insult to make an operation for only a handful of people (who then leech credits from the community by selling gearing runs), when we all pay the same sub. BiS gear should drop from all legacy nims. There are still some challenging bosses in them and no-one can say the gear was easy to obtain. When the gear drops from R-4 HM bosses, everyone in the group should get a purple token, not just two. And yes, SM tokens should be convertible to HM tokens. It's not an easy operation even in SM and people should get something for their time and effort. Now they are getting SM tokens that are basically worthless. And a repair bill.





Yeah, they pay for it? If you pay for gear, which you shouldn't its really really bad, and you get it. This isn't really an issue and it has been done for years and will always be done. It is not possible to remove the 'elitists' from the game because when someone is good, they will find a way of letting people know that, it is a part of an MMORPG its like driving your lambo through the city. People that don't have it do not spot the difference between a nice car, and a REALLY nice car. They just see it, they want to flex on the people flexing - that is the true goal of any MMO, the difference is that the starting point is the same for everybody in MMOs and it isn't in IRL.


Elitist don't want to flex on the level 65 that just killed revan, they want to flex on the people that try to flex by keeping raids like DF HM locked behind link ach.


You missed the point. I said the sale runners moaned about people getting BiS gear too easily and now they are selling the same gear. I said it's hypocritical to moan about "wrong" people getting BiS gear and then keep selling the same gear to them. They only wanted to have the gear hard to get so that they could keep selling and making money. The flexing value is also gone when some people are selling the gear and I'm surprised you don't understand that, considering how important flexing is for you. But that is the sad state of the game. It's not healthy but people who do sale runs don't care about healthy. They care about credits.

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I am too much of a noob to understand a lot of the ways people are abusing the game mechanics now, but clearly the discussion shows there is abuse.


From a UI perspective, completely removing the ability to send/cod credits may not be the best option, but clearly setting a maximum transfer amount (say 50% of max preferred account cap), and also, as in GTN sales for the seller - add some time needed to wait before credits are available.


I know I have been helped by being able to receive credits (as a noob), and that certainly bought a lo of good will with a new alliance :)


Key point: there seems to be consensus that there are players/accounts that abuse "the rest of us" . I believe it is the responsibility of the developers to reduce abuse. And I believe the original post gives food for thought on how "abuse" could be lessened. Of course i cannot be removed. "They" will find other ways (or leave, and maybe that is better for the game as well).



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I am too much of a noob to understand a lot of the ways people are abusing the game mechanics now, but clearly the discussion shows there is abuse.


From a UI perspective, completely removing the ability to send/cod credits may not be the best option, but clearly setting a maximum transfer amount (say 50% of max preferred account cap), and also, as in GTN sales for the seller - add some time needed to wait before credits are available.


I know I have been helped by being able to receive credits (as a noob), and that certainly bought a lo of good will with a new alliance :)


Key point: there seems to be consensus that there are players/accounts that abuse "the rest of us" . I believe it is the responsibility of the developers to reduce abuse. And I believe the original post gives food for thought on how "abuse" could be lessened. Of course i cannot be removed. "They" will find other ways (or leave, and maybe that is better for the game as well).




You have pretty much nailed it down, and at this point, people are talking past each other in this thread and it's just wandering in circles.

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