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Spawn Camping


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It is high time that all naturalized spawn points ,not hyper beacons placed by players, in all maps and types of game plays for GSF have death dealing capital ships with a range that is balanced enough to keep enemy aircraft from any attempt to swarm unguarded space points. This especially applies to death match arenas. Spawn camping should not be allowed in any fashion what so ever and is a known method of cowardly game play in all games ever created. All the bases anywhere in ground combat zones have champions guarding them the same should apply to GSF flagship spwn points.... there is no excuse to continue to allow this practice of game play....
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It is high time that all naturalized spawn points ,not hyper beacons placed by players, in all maps and types of game plays for GSF have death dealing capital ships with a range that is balanced enough to keep enemy aircraft from any attempt to swarm unguarded space points. This especially applies to death match arenas. Spawn camping should not be allowed in any fashion what so ever and is a known method of cowardly game play in all games ever created. All the bases anywhere in ground combat zones have champions guarding them the same should apply to GSF flagship spwn points.... there is no excuse to continue to allow this practice of game play....


This isn't a good idea. TDM's used to have capital ships that had turrets that could fire on enemies that got to close. What this caused was when a team got a 1 or 2 point lead the entire team would then go back and hide near the capital ship, so they could then win the match by making the other team come to them, and have the capital ship or that teams Gunships kill for them. This was very bad for TDM's as a playstyle, and the devs decided to remove the capital ship turrets for TDM's.

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This issue has been discussed many times before, so let's take the short answers:


In domination, there are already capital ships protecting spawn points.


In deathmatch, protection from capital ships allows for a tactic that is much more destructive than spawn camping: score a few early kills to get a small lead and then retreat back to your spawn point and wait for the win.


It should also be noted that in deatchmatch there are always three spawn points---if one is swarmed by enemies then go to one of the others. Moreover, the main reasons that there are plenty of enemies at a spawn point is that one team is that much stronger than the other, not a deliberate tactic.

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In deathmatch, protection from capital ships allows for a tactic that is much more destructive than spawn camping: score a few early kills to get a small lead and then retreat back to your spawn point and wait for the win.


Ah then you have to form a Caterpillar line, and hearing in a monotone voice " stay on target, Stay on Target " and the pilot up front, " I'm breaking up I'm Breaki . . . ."

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This isn't a good idea. TDM's used to have capital ships that had turrets that could fire on enemies that got to close. What this caused was when a team got a 1 or 2 point lead the entire team would then go back and hide near the capital ship, so they could then win the match by making the other team come to them, and have the capital ship or that teams Gunships kill for them. This was very bad for TDM's as a playstyle, and the devs decided to remove the capital ship turrets for TDM's.


then make it an exhaustion zone... where slow damage occurs over time... and a time limit for people to leave the base... time limit for allies team...


But allowing a team to shoot a direct spwn hole as teams come out is nonsense...


or even maybe make a short time of invinvibility to attacks that spawn


there are many other solutions than allowing spawn camping!

Edited by Amunra-amunray
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then make it an exhaustion zone... where slow damage occurs over time... and a time limit for people to leave the base... time limit for allies team...


But allowing a team to shoot a direct spwn hole as teams come out is nonsense...


or even maybe make a short time of invinvibility to attacks that spawn


there are many other solutions than allowing spawn camping!


As other people have posted.


1) Every TDM has 3 Spawn points. Look at your map before you launch. If the enemy is focused on one spawn point, Spawn at a different one.


2) If you have a match that has either team spawn camping, then the match is simply not balanced, and the team that is being camped is massively overmatched and will get slaughtered regardless of anywhere on the map they are.


3) Most teams that are spawn camping are doing it because the entire enemy team is already sitting at the spawn point. Whether they all got killed about the same time, or are just turtling there. In either case See number 2.


4) your idea of having a slow DoT for those in the area of a spawn point, this won't work. In matches that are blowouts people will just go into Gunships and continue to spawn camp from 15k out. You can't have an area that large for the DoT or you take away to much of the map.


5) your idea of a temporary invulnerability as you launch is ok, but again if your team is that overmatched, you'll just get crushed regardless of where you are.

Edited by Toraak
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I concur with 'exhaustion zone', but for both teams. When you spawn, you have to leave it within 10 seconds.

Also, making more spawn points would help a little. Though if enemy teams is capable of spawncamping, then the enemy team must have a huge advantage, so it's a loss anyway.

Basically, the only problem is vulnerability on spawn (while the hyperspace exit animation is played, enemies can target you).

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4) your idea of having a slow DoT for those in the area of a spawn point, this won't work. In matches that are blowouts people will just go into Gunships and continue to spawn camp from 15k out. You can't have an area that large for the DoT or you take away to much of the map.

I'm a big proponent of not wasting the developers' time, and I do understand that gunships could sit outside the hypothetical exhaustion zone and pick off people who spawn. But an exhaustion zone around cap ships, in both TDM and DOM, might help another unrelated problem: AFK'ers. Remember that the AFK'ers are lazy by inference, and going along with that is the slow drift away from the spawn point aimlessly until they notice they are getting vote kicked and move/shoot at something/self destruct. I doubt the exhaustion zone would completely stop AFK'ers/Self-destructors or other forms of griefing the match, but if it might dissuade some people from doing that, and might dissuade some spawn camping, doesn't it seem like its worth a try?

Edited by phalczen
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I'm a big proponent of not wasting the developers' time, and I do understand that gunships could sit outside the hypothetical exhaustion zone and pick off people who spawn. But an exhaustion zone around cap ships, in both TDM and DOM, might help another unrelated problem: AFK'ers. Remember that the AFK'ers are lazy by inference, and going along with that is the slow drift away from the spawn point aimlessly until they notice they are getting vote kicked and move/shoot at something/self destruct. I doubt the exhaustion zone would completely stop AFK'ers/Self-destructors or other forms of griefing the match, but if it might dissuade some people from doing that, and might dissuade some spawn camping, doesn't it seem like its worth a try?


wouldn't that just encourage them to let the DoT kill them, so they can respawn and not get vote kicked?


to me that would be the new Self Destruct then. Let the DoT kill me so I can respawn and do it all over again.

Edited by Toraak
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wouldn't that just encourage them to let the DoT kill them, so they can respawn and not get vote kicked?


to me that would be the new Self Destruct then. Let the DoT kill me so I can respawn and do it all over again.


A fair point, though it would be far easier in that scenario to set a "limit" on deaths by cap ship exhaustion zone DoT or you are automatically kicked from the match. I have an easier time believing a new pilot repeatedly self destructs accidentally, than a pilot who sits in the cap ship exhaustion zone and dies repeatedly. The latter scenarios is much more likely to be deliberate.


But that's why I want to throw the idea out there for discussion, it's clearly not a perfect solution. I want others to find the holes in the idea, so that maybe by brainstorming someone will think of a better solution, instead of just assuming the status quo is the best we can do.

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In being spawn camped, you can have a little fun by doing the following


Take a beacon bomber, and fly it from a spawn not being camped. Or at least try to sneak by


Fly your beacon bomber to one of the side spawn points for the enemy, and drop your beacon.


Try to get your teammates to spawn on your beacon, gather as many as you can there


then the enemy team is going to be like, where did they all go?


then bring your team full force from behind them and go that route


it adds a bit of fun to a very bad match and you can laugh about it afterwards


did this once, and it didnt help us at all for a win, but it was funny the enemy reaction to it


and the team mates laughed about it giving some sort of levity out of it all

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