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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Farming Underworld Syndicate Plans after GS2 - where?


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I've been trying to farm syndicate plans from mobs on the planets suggested by the hand-in npc without much success. In 2 hours I got only 13 plans and yes I was using the drop boost you get from the Jawa & all the rep boosts. I need just under 9k rep to reach legendary. Since 7.1.1 with GS3 is likely reasonably soon, I'm trying to max my rep before then.


What is the best way to get these plans now? Anyone any ideas? Does anyone know if doing FPs gets any plans? If so, do solo FPs mobs or rewards give any plans or does it have to be vet group fps via the finder?


I'm farming on an Empire character.


(Re-posting in gen as I originally and accidentally posted in response to a newbie thread which was never going to get seen)

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I don't know if it's the same now, but when I was farming these plans, I went to Black Sun territory on Coruscant and just mowed over all the weak groups of 4. When you get to the end, quick travel back to the beginning and start again. Maybe they have changed the drop rate, but I remember getting a lot from that. I did this at the end of each week to make sure I was at 200. Usually, I had 150+ from season objectives and random drops and only had to farm 50 or less to get to the weekly cap.


Empire side you can go to Tatooine. There are two heroics that spawn you at the location, another place with weak groups of 4 to easily mow down. This place is west of empire Outpost Rennar. You can do a loop around it and never have to wait for respawns.


I do think they drop from flashpoint bosses. I don't remember how many I got from that, but I see them often when looting bosses in groups (I can see them tagged to other players that haven't maxed their rep yet). I wouldn't be surprised if you get 1 per boss or something, but I never farmed them this way because flashpoints weren't worth during 7.0.

Edited by ThanderSnB
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Empire side you can go to Tatooine. There are two heroics that spawn you at the location, another place with weak groups of 4 to easily mow down. This place is west of empire Outpost Rennar. You can do a loop around it and never have to wait for respawns.

This is exactly where I was farming on my main and got just 13 in 2 hours of farming with the Jawa boosts. During GS2, I got significantly more than that in the same place. I'm guessing the drop rates have been significantly reduced.

The previous week I got a few from vet FPs whilst I was doing them for gear to disintegrate for the new augment quest, but I don't know if I got the plans from rewards or from mobs.

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starer worlds are a good one. Just go around with a ranged character and use the auto-ranged attack + companion set on Damage. Keep running around one shooting things. I did this looking for a BOL belt that drops at 80 and left behind something like 20 of these things (picked up about that many Emperor Tokens as well). I did this waiting on PvP to pop.
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