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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will we get any new SH during 7.0?


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Great... so since you can tell us it's 7.1.1 can you tell us anything ELSE about the "season"?


When are we getting more story, for example?


Remember when you guys said you'd be more transparent and would share roadmaps of what you're working on? That.


They clearly have no idea. Not just Jackie, all of them. This is just a guess, but it explains a lot: when they rolled out 7.0 in February, they had to write and design 7.1 from scratch. Since they released 7.1, they'll have been working on GS3 and getting it out. Since we're not getting a new SH in the next season, which would take work they haven't done, it's safe to say next season won't be offering anything too new. That's why they can't roll seasons consecutively, because they have to make themed rewards for each season even when they're completely underwhelming, like a reputation track without a vendor lmao :rolleyes:. Once they have us on that GS3 hamster wheel, THEN they can start building the story content and actual gameplay for the next iteration.


tl;dr: They could make a roadmap, but it would be mostly guesswork for what they'd like to do, and the deadlines would either be unrealistic and complete fictions that they'll blow right through (7.0), or realistic and outrageously long, i.e next summer for 7.2.


My sub ends shortly, and I'm not gonna waste my time waiting in vain for BW to do anything at all. Try Tyranny, a more immersive version of the Sith Empire, made by Obsidian, the studio that improved on Knights of the Old Republic, or Control, sort of like a Jedi padawan survivor horror game.

Edited by Ardrossan
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Hey there,


Ah yes, new Stronghold! So, this is something we have been chatting about recently as well so I can speak a bit to what is and isn't planned. First off, you should not expect a new Stronghold this year. I know there was another thread a couple of weeks asking about a possible new SH with Galactic Season 3, we will be talking in the coming weeks about the GS3 rewards but a new SH is not one of them.


That said, we are tentatively looking to add a new SH with GS4 next year. Take that statement with dump trucks of salt as we are still early in reward planning for GS4 and a lot can change between now and then. There has also been some chatter about a new non-GS Stronghold but nothing concrete on the schedule right now. I know you will be very curious regarding possible locations but since this all early days and tentative I am not gonna speak to that now.


Thanks all.




Ossus, my friend. The decorative winds blow towards Ossus. Burnt sienna dust, ashen granite, brilliant snow against azure skies. Lodged deep within the rockface, many hidden chambers, stalagmites, stalactites, fiery pits and spelunking pools!

Edited by Aghasett
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Ye, there are few possibilities I'd love to see. Like;

1. Dread Palace/Fortress though it'd be too big for me.

2. Zakuul Spire with palace and maybe Penthouse travelled by taxi?

3. Iokath something. I love this planet.

4. Odessen.

5. Vandin with Gilded Star - like ship as Stronghold

6. Space Station like from traitor arc (Abandomet Listening Post) with hangar or two.

7. Terminus/Thranta/Eternal Warship or preferably Eternal Flagship SH.


Those are my golden wishes. But, ye if you have other in mind, why not. Though for example planets like Hoth or Onderon are meh for me.

Edited by LanceDefender
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I'd like to second the previously mentioned idea of having class ship strongholds. It would take less effort than making a brand new stronghold from scratch, so is a more achievable short-term goal, whilst offering quite substantial possibilities for personalisation and creativity (depending on how much sense the hook layouts make). It would be even better if you could still use the ship (for travelling between planets, and story cutscenes, etc) whilst it is decorated, but that might be asking too much.


Personally I'm a big fan of the smaller strongholds. I don't particularly like the huge strongholds that have loads of massive centrepiece/starship hooks everywhere. They tend to offer less creative freedom (due to the hook placements/limitations and the decoration limits) in my opinion and end up causing framerate drops for me when actually fully decorated.


This might be quite a niche idea (primarily for RP purposes) and therefore something few people have any interest in, but I would love to see an Imperial assault shuttle interior as a stronghold. Like in the cutscene from the alliance story where you are on the shuttle with Acina. Just a small sized shuttle interior stronghold, with a dense arrangement of small/medium narrow/medium hooks. An equivalent could be made for one of the republic shuttle designs. It could have a cockpit, a passenger area behind that, and perhaps an engine room at the back. Since that shuttle interior model already exists from that story cutscene, again, in theory it should be less work than making something from scratch.



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No, no personal class ship SH or shuttle SH lol

Neither of them are strongholds. Shuttle is even to small. Few chaires, one table and full.

Class ship as well. Bigger, but it has its own use already. Also, BioWare I think stated long ago class ships cannot be done into strongholds.


So don't get your hopes up.

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If I had to have a SH on an ice world please let it be Illum with a warm Jedi Temple vibe, not frozen metal base vibe.


Ilum really needs to be a SH.


I would say add Ilum for a Republic-leaning SH, and Oricon for an Imperial-leaning SH.


Both locations would also work well with existing decorations.

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I'd love an Echo Base-style Hoth SH, personally.


I know, I know, "BUT IT'S SO BRIGHT!", but I love Hoth and the Ice planet feel in general.


Ilum would also work for a bunch of snow and ice, but I think Hoth has a better Lore-friendly feel to it since both Pubside and Imps are there.


We shall see - overall there aren't any Strongholds I actively *dislike*, so I know I'll have some fun with whatever they end up putting in.

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I would like a house on Voss with the Voss style so much. It's my favorite planet and I wait a stronghold on this planet for so long. Add a garden, a small cave and a very small Shrine of Healing and it will be perfect.


Or a stronghold on Dantooine. A area with three or four farms/houses, one barn and a big field to cultivate. I always wanted to get this since I saw this area on Dantooine:



with this kind of view when we are in our stronghold (it remembers me KotOR so much)


It will be a pretty nice stronghold for sure. I like this planet so much.


(I'm not against a second area on Dantooine with a small/medium jedi academy, its small garden and its small crystal cave with the area agricultural too. But, at least, if we can get the first area with the farms/houses, the barn, the big field and the "KotOR view", I will be happy)


But I'm fine with a house on Makeb. I like the houses on Makeb with the Makeb style (mesa) and their little garden.

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Okay, no new stronghold but can you add some underwater parts to Manaan and a starship hook on ground level. There are some nice decorations from Manaan dailies and that shark interactive decoration needs to be on ground level where we can get to it. Thank you.


+1 It's a really good idea to add a starship hook area (underwater corridor?) & more hooks to Manaan StraongHold - it's the most difficult SH to fully decorate, despite its size. Not enough hooks & a very high hook limit, given the size of that SH.


+1 Ilum StrongHold, pretty please with sprinkles on top. Really need a solid nighttime SH for us night time guilds that are so tired of daytime SH's. Ilum's skyline is the most divine in the game, looks like an astronomer's dream - & the comets in the sky are spectacular <3 <3 <3

Edited by BlackSilverDawn
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Ye, addition to Manaan SH would be great. Especially those mentioned before. More underwater sections and new Starship hook, but one when you can actually go.


As for nightime SH. They can always take planet when is daylight, but make SH at nightime.

In that case I'd take Iokath, Zakuul, Ziost or Odessen.


Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of nightime planets. I love DK for that.


Also, another suggestion. I gave the suggestion of station like Abandoned Listening Post.

So, this is similiar but the view out of windor could be a instead of just space, a Black Hole or a Star similiar to a Illusive Man Cronos Station from Mass Effect. It'd be perfect even more if in case of Star (but in general) on such station would be a location/room similiar to Illusive Man room.


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Super. So, what can we expect this year, aside from the usual vague hints? Say, a roadmap? :rak_02: Any chance y'all plan to actually make good on your promise that the anniversary year will be epic? :rolleyes:


Perhaps the 10th anniversary 'celebrations' were just a small :mon_rolleyes:dress rehearsal for the 11th anniversary celebrations.

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Hey there,


Ah yes, new Stronghold! So, this is something we have been chatting about recently as well so I can speak a bit to what is and isn't planned. First off, you should not expect a new Stronghold this year. I know there was another thread a couple of weeks asking about a possible new SH with Galactic Season 3, we will be talking in the coming weeks about the GS3 rewards but a new SH is not one of them.


That said, we are tentatively looking to add a new SH with GS4 next year. Take that statement with dump trucks of salt as we are still early in reward planning for GS4 and a lot can change between now and then. There has also been some chatter about a new non-GS Stronghold but nothing concrete on the schedule right now. I know you will be very curious regarding possible locations but since this all early days and tentative I am not gonna speak to that now.


Thanks all.



Dear Sir

May I suggest DANTOOINE as the location in a similar layout/size to the Nar Shaddaa SH. I have a stash of money waiting.


Mad Stronghold Lover.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would like a house on Voss with the Voss style so much. It's my favorite planet and I wait a stronghold on this planet for so long. Add a garden, a small cave and a very small Shrine of Healing and it will be perfect.


Or a stronghold on Dantooine. A area with three or four farms/houses, one barn and a big field to cultivate. I always wanted to get this since I saw this area on Dantooine:



with this kind of view when we are in our stronghold (it remembers me KotOR so much)


It will be a pretty nice stronghold for sure. I like this planet so much.


(I'm not against a second area on Dantooine with a small/medium jedi academy, its small garden and its small crystal cave with the area agricultural too. But, at least, if we can get the first area with the farms/houses, the barn, the big field and the "KotOR view", I will be happy)


But I'm fine with a house on Makeb. I like the houses on Makeb with the Makeb style (mesa) and their little garden.


(I complete my previous post with that)


Maybe we could get two strongholds: a small stronghold (Kaliyo's Apartment for example) for a new Galactic Season and another medium or big stronghold (Voss or Dantooine please :t_smile:) coming with the other one but like we got the other strongholds (Alderaan, Rishii, Nar Shaddaa, Yavin 4, etc).

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I would imagine that there are as many different opinions on this as there are personalities. BTW... It should be noted that this is not necessarily a bad thing.


A few years ago, a number of players wanted and apartment (on planets like Onderon) for example. Another group was hoping for a really nice space station. What we got .... a small apartment ON a space station!




UGH! ... not the same thing. (It should also be noted that I do have the apartment on the Republic station).


I personally am not looking for another "site of ruins" ... or a farm stead nor something compact.


** Expanding Manaan SH would be really nice (in addition to other SH ideas)

** A nice ski chalet (complete with breath taking view and a functional ski lift)

** And YES ... I'd personally love to see that space station ... multiple floors .. neatly tucked away on the outer rim in a an asteroid belt with a defensive perimeter in said asteroids ... . ( see multiple comments I've made on this subject thus far.)

** For those who still like apartments ... one on Onderon.


These come to my mind!

Edited by OlBuzzard
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While we're talking about strongholds, would it be possible to get strongholds based on the class ships? Some of the ships aren't the roomiest but it would definitely be something different. =)

That Might Really Be Fun!! Decorating Our Class Ships, I Really Like That Idea!!!!!!

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While we're talking about strongholds, would it be possible to get strongholds based on the class ships? Some of the ships aren't the roomiest but it would definitely be something different. =)

oh I wouldn't mind moving some things already there, if that was included, I'd be happy

Edited by Achnaattwo
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I'd adore having a stronghold that's the town segment of Copero. I think it would be fun to have all the little buildings to decorate. I love the ton part of that FP. Copero itself is gorgeous. I've wanted an SH there since the Traitor Among the Chiss FP dropped.


I also would not mind having a version of Odessen and the Alliance base that I could decorate.

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