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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The casino has consumed my time and my bank account!


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The Casino is a really fun update I love it! however, I've defintiely spent tons of money towards it the past few days and I am DRAINED haha was wanting to know how everyone elses casino event experience is going? :)


That’s what casinos are supposed to do.


I can’t decide how I feel about the event, to be honest. Some of the Kingpin weapons are cool. The blaster looks like Han’s DL-44 with a laser sight. The blaster rifle is probably the best because it looks like a Star Wars Tommy Gun. The High Roller Rifle and Sniper Rifle look more like a Lewis Gun, not my taste, but it is unique. Odds of winning those are also very low. There isn’t a lot of substance to the event, honestly. The quests are short and mundane except for the Mek Sha one, which is capable of getting you killed when it makes you fight like a dozen trash mobs at once. None of the quests are very interesting. You can pound away for hours on the various machines, and you’ll end up with half a dozen Vector Wraiths and maybe a couple other mounts/pets or that Rodian companion. But the odds of winning are way too low for the time spent. I had hoped the max bet machines would cut down on that, but they actually end up giving you less chances to win for no better odds. I haven’t done the math, but at least with the max bet Kingpin machines, it seems like a worse bet to use the max bet chips.


Honestly, the best thing you can do is just play other content, take the random Emperor’s chip drops and hope you win enough gold certificates to buy yourself a rancor mount and some of the cool-looking weapons. The Smuggler’s Luck machines are only good for giving you the “lucky” buff to use on the Emperor’s machine. Far as I can tell, the Kingpin machines are mostly pointless unless you want your 900th Vector Wraith. You can win Emperor’s chips, but the odds are awful. Not worth the time spent.

Edited by SoonerJBD
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I've been there once as I get bored just standing there. (That's why I have never visited a cantina in r/life)


Exactly how I feel. it took me all of 15 minutes to conclude it was a waste of time. I too have never been in a casino in my life, and I don't even understand the fascination they have for some people. Gambling just seems so futile; the odds always favor the house.


I have a ton of chips I have accumulated from loot and whatnot, but I CBA to go back and use them.

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Exactly how I feel. it took me all of 15 minutes to conclude it was a waste of time. I too have never been in a casino in my life, and I don't even understand the fascination they have for some people. Gambling just seems so futile; the odds always favor the house.


I have a ton of chips I have accumulated from loot and whatnot, but I CBA to go back and use them.


The problem for me is not that the odds favor the house. I mean, that's basic to gambling. it's that you get so many chips as prizes to give you the illusion that the odds are more even, but all it amounts to is more time standing there. it's a time sink, not a credit sink (for most players).

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A few years ago i played to get 100% completion on the event and got regular jackpots from kingpins. Lots of repeats, but doable with minor invest on smugler chips. Sinking some credits saved you time.


3 Years later, the things to purchase with golden certs are almost the same. Every jackpot excluse is still only obtainable from jackpots and not moved to vendors (as they used to) so they compete with new aditions. The odds for jackpots are lower than before. Saturday there was a lot of people and you know when someone gets a jackpot but still they were few and scarse.


So i can waste a couple hours going from one set of machines to the other and get 90% useless golden certs + 10% cartel cert and still no jackpot (even for old repeats)


Too much of a time sink and from what i read from others, max bet is not even worth it as a time saver.

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love the change with the max bet tokens, a bit of a credit sink and makes it so much quicker to get all rewards


what are max bet tokens, and how are they obtained?


This question highlights another problem with the event. The whole thing is poorly explained, and the vendors don't even show up as vendor icons on the minimap. It's a Charlie Foxtrot all around.

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what are max bet tokens, and how are they obtained?


This question highlights another problem with the event. The whole thing is poorly explained, and the vendors don't even show up as vendor icons on the minimap. It's a Charlie Foxtrot all around.


VIP lounge in on Fleet. The venders near the elevators tend to bug out so use the ones on the top of the stairs.


There is a Max Bet Smuggler, Kingpin, and Emperor Token. Each are worth 20 of their named tokens and have increased chances to win + more rewards.


I have only tried the Max Bet Kingpin 3 times and it wasn't worth it but the Max Bet Smuggler and Kingpin were because I already had thousands of normal tokens from the year previous.

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I go by the same thing they tell you if you go to Atlantic City or Vegas, etc.

Only gamble what you can afford to lose.

For me, that means I only use the tokens I "win" by doing activities, or "house money" for new additions to my "family", whether it is dancing like a lunatic or sneaking past mobs on Mek-Sha. :D


I do not hear nearly the number of "jackpots" I heard last year or the year before. just standing around on Nar Shaddaa. On the other hand, I am spending far less time at the event than in the past because of the increased conquest requirements per character. I like having various locales available - however, I haven't found the prize vendors aren't on the fleet (VIP Lounge, only a few of my chars have the wristband), and I don't see an Emperor's token machine on Mek-Sha.

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It's probably cheaper to buy the weapons from GTN than buy emperor tokens hoping to get them. There's a lot of these selling right now, so you can find good deals. I've seen some of them as low as 300 million.


Anyways, I have not spent any credits on the event except the occasional smuggler token to fix my currency from disappearing. I've just spent what I got from doing conquest on all my alts, mostly daily areas, heroics, and flashpoints. So far, I've gotten Shimmering Ginx pet, Replica Droid pet, High Roller Shades, Kingpin Predator mount, High Roller Lightstaff (dualsaber) weapon, 2x Rodian companion, and of course a bunch of the Vectrons and certificates.


I go through each alt, spend their emperor tokens first if they have any, then spend kingpin tokens. After going through all the kingpin tokens, if I get any more emperor tokens while spending kingpin tokens, I go back to emperor machines. There can be some back and forth at the end if I keep getting tokens for the other machines, but eventually I get 0 kingpin and 0 emperor tokens. Switch alts and repeat. My mains have a lot of kingpins from 2020 (I skipped SWTOR most of 2021), but I haven't touched casino with them. I've focused on doing conquest on alts for tech fragments and then just spend whatever they get at the end of each day.


The ideal for me would be two of each pet, mount, and single lightsaber (one for main on each side), but it's mostly just a bonus because I'm pretty happy with my outfits and pets. I'm okay if I don't get everything.

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Yeah, don’t spend credits. Not worth it. But the Emperor’s chips are worth spending since they always give you something and often give you prizes or the “golden certificates” you can use to purchase the Kingpin prizes. Some of the Kingpin weapons look amazing, and who doesn’t want to ride a Rancor? Plus, you can get a free new companion out of it.


My advice... only use the Smuggler’s Luck machines to gain the “lucky” buff. You will get a message on screen saying you feel lucky and a buff appears over your character bar that looks like a holoportrait of a Hutt. This gives you higher odds to win a big prize. Once you get the lucky buff, spend those purple chips on the Emperor’s machines. You’ll either end up with golden certificates to spend on the casino prizes, cartel certificates to spend at the cartel bazaar, lots of Kingpin chips or win a prize outright. I convert all my Kingpin chips to max bet chips because it isn’t worth standing at the machines for hours even though I think you would end up with more loot if you did so. I just keep cycling back to the Smuggler’s Lick machines to get the lucky buff (it goes away when you win something good, so you have to reapply), then to the Kingpin max bet machines. They will often give you more Emperor’s chips, which are what you really want.


This is my first year participating in the event. I always seek to be taking a break when they run it. I only spend 15 minutes on it here or there and have won loads of stuff. Today I got the High Roller Sniper Rifle, which looks pretty neat. Like a WWI Lewis Gun. I’ve got like half a dozen of the Wraith speeders, two contracts for the Rodman companion, a couple of pair of the freaky rave glasses, a couple other mounts and pets, plus I bought several copies of the Kingpin’s weapons and a Rancor Mount with the golden certificates I accumulated. It@/ actually one of the better events for getting stuff easily, but doing the single bet Kingpin machines is an absolute time sink. Go to fleet and do the max bet ones and save yourself the trouble.

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