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Question about Suggestion Forum


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I have a question about the suggestion forum, do Bioware respond to the suggestion and put them in future expansions or do they not respond to suggestions? Because I would like to know because I suggested a new origin story that could have some potential. If you want to see more, check out the suggestion box I would like to hear some ideas.
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Also note that they have a policy of not responding to suggestions, as noted in this post by EricMusco:

It is actually by design that we respond rarely/if ever in the Suggestion Box forum. I can tell you that the team definitely reads that forum often to see what players would like to see. The challenge is that if we respond to specific threads or ideas, it will set an expectation that the idea is "confirmed going into the game" or could make other people feel like their ideas are getting less attention.


It is that sensitivity that keeps us from not posting in there. We do read it though, so keep the suggestions coming!




PS - I should move this to the suggestion box since it is a suggestion, but then I wouldn't respond :rak_03:

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Also note that they have a policy of not responding to suggestions, as noted in this post by EricMusco:


Oh thanks, SteveTheCynic.




Also, I hope they implement my new origin story suggestion into the game because that might be fun to play.

Edited by kyledll
Adding to what is on here
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Also note that they have a policy of not responding to suggestions, as noted in this post by EricMusco:


That's like their philosophy for communicating in general lmao. "oops we better not respond to players otherwise there will be an expectation that we intend to regularly communicate in the future."

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eric has not been around for years now. things change.


Eric may no longer be Community lead, but he is still around as a producer. There is no reason to think that because someone has moved on to a different job that a previous post is no longer valid. There has not been any increase in response to suggestion threads...

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That's like their philosophy for communicating in general lmao. "oops we better not respond to players otherwise there will be an expectation that we intend to regularly communicate in the future."
In the early years of WoW, the developers used to regularly come to the forums and discuss future ideas for the game.


After a little while, they realized what a horrible mistake they had made when any suggestion of a possible feature was treated as a 'sacred promise' that it would be included in the next patch and players began demanding features that had only been mentioned as something they might look into in the future...


Seriously, it got bad really fast, and the developers were basically ordered to never publicly visit the forums again.


And this was in a game with a generally much more satisfied playerbase than SWTOR, so you can probably imagine how well developers would do on these forums...

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In the early years of WoW, the developers used to regularly come to the forums and discuss future ideas for the game.


After a little while, they realized what a horrible mistake they had made when any suggestion of a possible feature was treated as a 'sacred promise' that it would be included in the next patch and players began demanding features that had only been mentioned as something they might look into in the future...


Seriously, it got bad really fast, and the developers were basically ordered to never publicly visit the forums again.


And this was in a game with a generally much more satisfied playerbase than SWTOR, so you can probably imagine how well developers would do on these forums...


I've heard this. I also think it has something to do with the doxxing they got on twitter after RotHC dropped many years ago. There was definitely a communication chilling after that.


But I refuse to allow people in power to blame players for why they're so bad at their jobs, and I don't mean game designers or writers, I mean the CMs. Their job is to communicate so they need to find a way to do it, and in my opinion they have repeatedly failed to do that. They have always had many excuses for why they can't be straightforward, why they take forever to make any posts, why they ignore large sections of the forum, and I'm tired of it, it's pure arrogance.

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