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Changes regarding the Shadow Syndicate reputation track


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I was so close to the achievement but then I ended hospitalized due to corona issues and lost a few tokens away from max rep. :( I had the tokens from previous weeks but was capped at weekly cap when i was admitted into the ER. Got to love real life.:rolleyes: Well at least I can say corona did not kill me....


Since GS3 is not starting for a while why not toggle the achievement back on ? ;)


They kept weekly cap low for same reason as "do 100 weeklies" is another achievement, to encourage people logging in every week, and not just completing track in first 4 weeks, and then forgetting the game. The WHOLE point of season tracks is to create FOMO (fear of missing out) effect and encourage people logging in. To be frank, as someone who didn't start seasons until couple months in, and was still able to finish it (on 2 servers) there was enough slack build in, BUT they didn't could've done WAY better job communicating how this season was going to work since this was DIFFERENT from season 1, and while achievements themselves stated "complete during season" I do not think it was explicit or clear enough.


Having juicy 40K CQ priise attached to getting rep created the current issues of people who tried to gamble the CQ system by intentionally using rep rewards SLOOOOWLY and not capping out their reps.

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Having juicy 40K CQ priise attached to getting rep created the current issues of people who tried to gamble the CQ system by intentionally using rep rewards SLOOOOWLY and not capping out their reps.

Pretty much. But I now realise I could've waited to do this with the upcoming Manaan rep instead. I didn't actually need to eke out my Shadow Syndicate rep (though doing so has provided my only way to keep getting rep conquest points before the Manaan rep is released). I'd like if BW made it possible to complete the Shadow Syndicate rep achievement outside GS, but at the end of the day it's just an outfit for one companion (and doesn't count towards 100% achievement fulfilment). Overall, choosing some regular easy conquest points over a companion outfit is pretty much a no-brainer.

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Overall, choosing some regular easy conquest points over a companion outfit is pretty much a no-brainer.


I made exaclty the same decision. The achievment was very clear. "During the Event" but I will take unlimited conquest points over this (nice but still) outfit

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What I'd still like to see, as someone who completed the goals, got Fen's outfit, etc. -

is more season tokens.

I collected all of Fen's customizations but 1 (I'm 1 season token short).

I play on all servers and now have all the fleet strongholds.


I have customizations on different servers for Ranos - but it is bugged and I can't get it from legacy for main server I play on. I'd like to see this fixed, please.

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Hiya players!...


Please note this change will not apply to the Galactic Season 2 Achievement “One With the Shadows”. We do see the feedback regarding how to improve Galactic Seasons achievements and are working towards solutions for this.


As always, we appreciate your efforts and feedback.

Catch you across the Galaxy!


Here is some feedback. If you are going to add time-sensitive, earnable only doing the season achievements, let players know about it ahead of time, instead of just putting the achievements in the game, and hoping word of mouth spreads the info that the achievements are time-sensitive. I looked at the past blog posts related to GS2, and there was not a single mention that the achievements were time-senstive.


2. IF you are going to add a new reputation track, make it worthwhile for us to earn rep outside the event (Legacy-wide titles don't really cut it). For the Shadow Syndicate, There is no vendor (Like every other Reputation track), the weekly cap is way too low (lower than every other reputation track), and since GS2 is over, any Reputation items that you consume now don't count towards the "One with the Shadows" achievement, which is really the only reason to increase one's reputation with the Shadow Syndicate. I try to not complain much... but, this just doesn't make sense.


I've said it already, but I'm going to say it again, Since we have no idea when GS3 is going to start, please, either extend GS2, or let us be able to earn the "One with the Shadows" and "The Shadow of the Underworld" achievements. At least make it somewhat useful! Sure, some players will complain, but... I get the feeling that the players who would be happy about this outweigh the ones who would complain.

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Hiya players!


With the end of Galactic Season 2 we’ve seen confusion around the Shadow Syndicate reputation track. This Shadow Syndicate was a time limited reputation track released to expand the offerings of Galactic Season 2. When Galactic Season 2 ended the Syndicate Plans used to progress the reputation track were no longer available, though Qi’us Dnar remains available on Nar Shaddaa. We understand that players expected to be able to continue progressing this track even after the season ended and used the new reputation track to help progress Conquest. We’ll be making some adjustments with patch 7.1 to allow progress towards this reputation track to continue.


Syndicate Plan drops

With patch 7.1, Syndicate Plans will continue to drop from mobs across the Galaxy for players who have not completed the reputation track. Jawa Intel will also remain available from Brrazz on the Fleet to increase the chance to obtain Syndicate Plans. With this change players can continue to progress the Shadow Syndicate reputation and earn the Legacy titles “Shadow Initiate”, “Master of Shadows”, and “The Shadow’s Veil”.


This availability will last until the start of Galactic Season 3. While we do not have the exact date of season 3 to share at this time, we will make sure to give players plenty of notice to ensure they can complete their progress and earn the titles. To be clear, Galactic Seasons 3 is NOT coming in 7.1.


Please note this change will not apply to the Galactic Season 2 Achievement “One With the Shadows”. We do see the feedback regarding how to improve Galactic Seasons achievements and are working towards solutions for this.


As always, we appreciate your efforts and feedback.

Catch you across the Galaxy!


In fact, GS2 weeklies continue to be available. They are listed now under Conquest Objectives. When you complete one you earn both GS points and Underworld Syndicate Plans. I've received close to 200 Plans in the past two weeks. A few weeks ago, I spent 9 Billion in-game credits and 8000 cartel coins to send alts to two servers, buy out the entire GS2 track, and return to my home server with the winnings, which included another 200 Plans. So, I have enough Plans to complete the Legend status on the Syndicate Reputation. At a cost of over $100USD equivalent. Denying any player reaching Legend the "One with the Shadows" Achievement (which is still listed in the achievements UI) would constitute a grave violation of the Jedi Code, which Skywalker restated in part "A Jedi's promise must be the most serious, the deepest of his or her life."


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Grant the achievement to everyone who reached legendary before 7.1 and communicate it right, so it would be an accommodating process towards your customers.


And in my opinion, this achievement was not so clear as some in the thread claim.


True, it is mentioned while the season... But I think everyone who earned enough tokens did this so "while the season" was running. Just because they did not remove the limit in the last week some people who played while the season could not reach their goal :rak_01:


Another point is if you just tagged on the tracker for the achievement, there was no indication for "while the season" it did just show your current reputation points plus the total points necessary for completion. Maybe an additional information in bracers like "(counts just in season)" would have cleared up a few things and we all would not have been so clueless the whole season.


Additional add an add up option for the achievement if you don't want to grant it for people in an accommodating manner for customers who did the season on multiple servers and have enough points collected there when they decide to pay for a server transfer. I mean at least this should definitely count as "while the season is running" :rak_03:

Edited by maxionderon
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This entire thing is so stupid, so you care enough to post about it on the forums but you didn't care enough to look into the GS2 achievements just once the entire season? Please give me a break, it was communicated just like any other achievement in the game.


"Oh what! They didn't tell me the new operation has a timegated achievement like gods has" why don't we see this complain? Anybody that cared saw it in the legacy, you never cared until it was too late and it's nobodys fault but your that you didn't spend 35s looking at the new achievements.

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This entire thing is so stupid, so you care enough to post about it on the forums but you didn't care enough to look into the GS2 achievements just once the entire season? Please give me a break, it was communicated just like any other achievement in the game.


"Oh what! They didn't tell me the new operation has a timegated achievement like gods has" why don't we see this complain? Anybody that cared saw it in the legacy, you never cared until it was too late and it's nobodys fault but your that you didn't spend 35s looking at the new achievements.


^ +1 O M G, ikr - no sympathy for the victim-card pseudo victims who were too lazy to just take a few seconds to look at the achievement reqs and those who admittedly ignored & blew off the event & its reqs in favor of conquest, etc. and have gone back on their own poor choices & disclaimed accountability, feigning victimhood. Nothing should be extended, despite apparently they feel entitled to everything that the rest of us grinded hard consistently for 5 solid months.

+1: don't bring back anything

+1: absolutely no Cad Bane for them, which was the #1/ hardest thing we grinded for

+1: no titles, (I mean, come on - no no no)

their zero personal accountability + whining is utter horse pucky that shouldn't be rewarded!


-1 to extending anything for the entitled complainers who have truly & honestly nothing to complain about - they don't deserve it:mad:

Edited by Willjb
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This availability will last until the start of Galactic Season 3. While we do not have the exact date of season 3 to share at this time, we will make sure to give players plenty of notice to ensure they can complete their progress and earn the titles. To be clear, Galactic Seasons 3 is NOT coming in 7.1.


-> meaning that syndicate plans will stop dropping - or meaning that plans will stop dropping and titles wont be available at all after season 3 starts? i have plenty of reputation items from syndicate plans but i like to use them for conquest objective, its my only available reputation track i can use atm. would hate to be forced to burn all plans before gs3 comes.

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I just looked and I have 13 GS tokens


Would someone please remind me what I can do with those?


While I understand there will be a certain natural temptation to reply with something like "stick 'em where the sun don't shine", I would be more appreciative of actual helpful suggestions :)



Also, isn't it weird that the GS objectives are still appearing in the Conquest Objectives list? They're clearly not conquest objectives, they have no reward points to the right, and they have that sun-in-circle symbol at the left.

This week I am seeing -

Clashing in the Stars

Dealings in Hutt Space

Decorated Combatant

Legacies of Revan

Quelling the Uprising

Serenity or Passion

Still Got It

Syndicate Infighting

Wild Space Daily Sweep

Influencing the Galaxy

March Across the Galaxy


Why are those still shown?

Edited by ElZaguero
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^ +1 O M G, ikr - no sympathy for the victim-card pseudo victims who were too lazy to just take a few seconds to look at the achievement reqs and those who admittedly ignored & blew off the event & its reqs in favor of conquest, etc. and have gone back on their own poor choices & disclaimed accountability, feigning victimhood. Nothing should be extended, despite apparently they feel entitled to everything that the rest of us grinded hard consistently for 5 solid months.

+1: don't bring back anything

+1: absolutely no Cad Bane for them, which was the #1/ hardest thing we grinded for

+1: no titles, (I mean, come on - no no no)

their zero personal accountability + whining is utter horse pucky that shouldn't be rewarded!


-1 to extending anything for the entitled complainers who have truly & honestly nothing to complain about - they don't deserve it:mad:


Says the guy who’s started multiple threads about re-releasing times/sub rewards.

Edited by CrazyScruffy
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I will admit as much that I goofed when it came to GS2. I didn't understand it and didn't research it until it was half way done, then got into a rush to complete it on time. Managed to do this, but somehow I missed a reputation achievement.


I thought I was done with the event once I got the max shadow reputation rank, but it turns out you needed to complete 100 GS objectives to technically 100% it, which I failed to do. When I finally realized that there was such a requirement, it was too late. You could only complete 7 GS objectives each week, and I had only 1 week left.


Its disappointing I probably can't fix my mistake, but for the next GS, I could do better maybe. I completely missed out on GS1 because I was "living under a rock" with regards to it. Was busy getting into SWTOR in general. Arrived late to the game itself. Which I enjoy enough despite its imperfections and problems. I wish I found the game sooner, like when 5.0 came out.

Edited by Talcu
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I thought I was done with the event once I got the max shadow reputation rank, but it turns out you needed to complete 100 GS objectives to technically 100% it, which I failed to do. When I finally realized that there was such a requirement, it was too late. You could only complete 7 GS objectives each week, and I had only 1 week left.


This was my problem too. I could have finished the reputation stuff but didn't realize I also needed 100 objectives completed also. And of all places on the achievement page, it was under Legacy and not under events.


The instructions were pretty clear about the rep needed, it was the objectives that wasn't made clear. Oh, well. Next time I'll check all the obscure places to be sure, not just take a Dev post as gospel.

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Says the guy who’s started multiple threads about re-releasing times/sub rewards.


^ Red herring & lies - Stop spreading blatant lies when I have all the sub rewards<--reread, since you're yet again a perfect example of the difference between reading and comprehension. Your poor red herring is a sad attempt to divert the topic:rolleyes: - and trolling me across threads just means you like harassing people. Shouldn't expect much coming from someone with crazy in their name, who even doesn't have the attention span to stay on topic, makes delusional claims off-topic, & acts like their childish emoji that shows how much credibility you lack. The only reason you're here is because you want to undermine Seasons while diverting the actual topic because you have nothing to say on it, nor anything that justifies extending Seasons.

Edited by Willjb
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^ +1 O M G, ikr - no sympathy for the victim-card pseudo victims who were too lazy to just take a few seconds to look at the achievement reqs and those who admittedly ignored & blew off the event & its reqs in favor of conquest, etc. and have gone back on their own poor choices & disclaimed accountability, feigning victimhood. Nothing should be extended, despite apparently they feel entitled to everything that the rest of us grinded hard consistently for 5 solid months.

+1: don't bring back anything

+1: absolutely no Cad Bane for them, which was the #1/ hardest thing we grinded for

+1: no titles, (I mean, come on - no no no)

their zero personal accountability + whining is utter horse pucky that shouldn't be rewarded!


-1 to extending anything for the entitled complainers who have truly & honestly nothing to complain about - they don't deserve it:mad:

^ Red herring & lies - Stop spreading blatant lies when I have all the sub rewards<--reread, since you're yet again a perfect example of the difference between reading and comprehension. Your poor red herring is a sad attempt to divert the topic:rolleyes: - and trolling me across threads just means you like harassing people. Shouldn't expect much coming from someone with crazy in their name, who even doesn't have the attention span to stay on topic, makes delusional claims off-topic, & acts like their childish emoji that shows how much credibility you lack. The only reason you're here is because you want to undermine Seasons while diverting the actual topic because you have nothing to say on it, nor anything that justifies extending Seasons.


Not spreading any lies and certainly don't time to "troll" you across threads and I certainly have not done that. But here's some links to Threads you've started. As you can see I never claim something without facts behind the statement. And you can see I've clearly stayed on topic. And I've never claimed you didn't have the sub rewards, as that doesn't change the FACT that you have requested they bring items back





So why all of a sudden, due to confusion and poor marketing, shouldn't these titles/achievements not be available to players, especially new players? And available literally weeks after the window closed, again because of a bad execution on BWs part? So +1 "don't bring anything back" while at the same time ask for them to do that.

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